def main(): io = Io() io.eval_args() args = sys.argv fail = False ret = {'ok': True} if '--ids' in args: idx_ids = args.index('--ids') + 1 try: ids = args[idx_ids].split('@') except: fail = True if not fail and len(ids) > 0: for id in ids: doc = io.get_doc_db(id) if 'Calibration' in doc and 'Analysis' in doc['Calibration']: cal = Cal(doc) analysis = doc['Calibration']['Analysis'] res = Analysis(doc, init_dict=analysis) chk = Analysis(doc) cal.check_analysis(res, chk) io.save_doc(chk.build_doc("Check")) else: ret = { "error": "doc {} contains no analysis to check".format(id) } else: ret = {"error": "no --ids found"} # print writes back to relay server by writing to std.out print(json.dumps(ret))
def main(): io = Io() io.eval_args() args = sys.argv fail = False ret = {'ok': True} if '--ids' in args: idx_ids = args.index('--ids') + 1 try: ids = args[idx_ids].split('@') except: fail = True if not fail and len(ids) > 0: for id in ids: doc = io.get_doc_db(id) analysis = doc.get('Calibration', {}).get('Analysis', {}) if 'Values' in analysis and 'Uncertainty' in analysis['Values']: analysis['Values']['Uncertainty'] = [] res = Analysis(doc, init_dict=analysis) u = Uncert(doc) u.define_model() u.gen_val_dict(res) u.gen_val_array(res) u.volume_start(res) u.volume_5(res) u.temperature_before(res) u.temperature_after(res) u.pressure_fill(res) io.save_doc(res.build_doc())
def main(): io = Io() io.eval_args() args = sys.argv fail = False ret = {'ok': True} unit = 'Pa' cmc = False if '--ids' in args: idx_ids = args.index('--ids') + 1 try: ids = args[idx_ids].split('@') except: fail = True if not fail and len(ids) > 0: for id in ids: doc = io.get_doc_db(id) date = "2019-07-10" #doc[""] pn_doc1 = io.get_pn_by_date(std="se2", date=date, cert="9911") pn_doc2 = io.get_pn_by_date(std="se2", date=date, cert="0118") disp = Display(doc) disp.SE2_CDG_error_plot().show() disp.SE2_CDG_offset_abs().show() disp.SE2_CDG_offset_rel().show() disp.SE2_CDG_error_reject().show() else: ret = {"error": "no --ids found"}
def main(): io = Io() io.eval_args() ret = {'ok': True} cmc = True base_doc = io.get_base_doc("ce3") for id in io.ids: id = id.replace("\"", "") doc = io.get_doc_db(id) if io.update: doc = io.update_cal_doc(doc, base_doc) ana = Analysis(doc) io.save_doc(ana.build_doc()) print(json.dumps(ret))
def main(): io = Io() io.eval_args() args = sys.argv fail = False ret = {'ok': True} if '--ids' in args: idx_ids = args.index('--ids') + 1 try: ids = args[idx_ids].split('@') except: fail = True if not fail and len(ids) > 0: for doc_id in ids: doc = io.get_doc_db(doc_id) T = Temperature(doc, quant='Analysis') p = Pressure(doc, quant='Analysis') e = Error(doc, quant='Analysis') u = Uncertainty(doc, quant='Analysis') p_ind, u_p_ind = p.get_value_and_unit('ind_corr') p_cal, u_p_cal = p.get_value_and_unit('cal') err = p_ind / p_cal - 1 u_err = "1" plt.subplot(111) x = p_cal y = err plt.plot(x, y, '.') plt.xscale('symlog', linthreshx=1e-12) plt.xlabel('pressure in {}'.format(u_p_cal)) plt.ylabel('error in {}'.format(u_err)) plt.title('calibration document {}'.format(doc_id)) for i, v in enumerate(x): plt.text(v, y[i], i, rotation=45.) plt.grid(True)
def main(): io = Io() io.eval_args() args = sys.argv fail = False ret = {'ok': True} if '--ids' in args: idx_ids = args.index('--ids') + 1 try: ids = args[idx_ids].split(';') except: fail = True if '-u' in args: update = True else: update = False if not fail and len(ids) > 0: base_doc = io.get_base_doc("frs5") for id in ids: doc = io.get_doc_db(id) if update: doc = io.update_cal_doc(doc, base_doc) cal = Cal(doc) res = Analysis(doc) uncert = Uncert(doc) cal.temperature(res) cal.pressure_res(res) cal.pressure_cal(res) uncert.total_standard(res) gas = cal.Aux.get_gas() devs = ( "1T_1", "1T_2", "1T_3", "5T_1", "10T_1", "10T_2", "10T_3", "50T_1", "100T_1", "100T_2", "100T_3", ) p_cal = res.pick("Pressure", "cal", cal.unit) for dev in devs: p_offset = cal.Pres.get_value('{}-offset'.format(dev), cal.unit) p_ind = cal.Pres.get_value('{}-ind'.format(dev), cal.unit) p_ind_corr = p_ind - p_offset"Pressure", '{}-offset'.format(dev), p_offset, cal.unit)"Pressure", '{}-ind'.format(dev), p_ind, cal.unit)"Pressure", '{}-ind_corr'.format(dev), p_ind_corr, cal.unit)'Error', '{}-ind'.format(dev), p_ind_corr / p_cal - 1, '1') print(dev) print("----------------------------") print(p_ind_corr / p_cal - 1) print("----------------------------") print("----------------------------") print(p_cal) io.save_doc(res.build_doc())
def numify(s): return "\\num{" + s + "}" f_info.write("\\begin{tabular}{ l l l l l }\n") for _, d in enumerate(devs): f_info.write("\\verb|{n}|&\\verb|{id}|&{fs}&{t}&{sn}\\\\\n".format( id=d["id"], n=d["Name"], sn=d["SN"], t=d["Type"], fs=d["FullScale"])) f_info.write("\\end{tabular}\n") f_info.close() f = open("script/group_normal/gn_result_table.tex".format(d["Name"]), "w+") for _, d in enumerate(devs): cob_doc = io.get_doc_db(d["id"]) interp_dict = cob_doc.get("CalibrationObject").get("Interpol") ind_arr = interp_dict[0].get("Value") e_arr = interp_dict[1].get("Value") f.write("\\begin{table}\\begin{tabular}{l l }\n\\toprule\n") f.write("$p$&$e$\\\\\n Pa & relativ \\\\\\midrule\n") for i, _ in enumerate(ind_arr): p = "{:.3E}".format(ind_arr[i]) e = "{:.2E}".format(e_arr[i]) f.write("{}&{}\\\\\n".format(numify(p), numify(e))) f.write("\\bottomrule\n\\end{tabular}\\caption{Ergebnisse " + d["Name"].replace("_", " ") + "}\\end{table}") f.close()
def main(): io = Io() io.eval_args() args = sys.argv fail = False ret = {'ok':True} if '--ids' in args: idx_ids = args.index('--ids') + 1 try: ids = args[idx_ids].split('@') except: fail = True if '--min_pressure' in args: min_i = args.index('--min_pressure') + 1 try: min_pressure = float(args[min_i]) except: fail = True if '--max_pressure' in args: max_i = args.index('--max_pressure') + 1 try: max_pressure = float(args[max_i]) except: fail = True if '--pressure_unit' in args: unit_i = args.index('--pressure_unit') + 1 try: pressure_unit = str(args[unit_i]) except: fail = True if not fail and len(ids) > 0: base_doc = io.get_base_doc("se3") for id in ids: doc = io.get_doc_db(id) todo = ToDo(doc) const = Constants(base_doc) conv = const.get_conv(from_unit=pressure_unit, to_unit=todo.pressure_unit) max_pressure = max_pressure * conv min_pressure = min_pressure * conv todo_dict, rest_dict = todo.shape_pressure(min_p=min_pressure, max_p=max_pressure, unit = todo.pressure_unit) doc["Calibration"]["ToDo"]["Values"]["Pressure"] = todo_dict io.save_doc(doc) if rest_dict: ## generate a new doc with issue+1 and rest todo rest_doc = copy.deepcopy(doc) id_arr = rest_doc["_id"].split("_") issue = str(int(id_arr[-1]) + 1 + 10000)[1:5] id_arr[1] = issue rest_doc["_id"] = "_".join(id_arr) rest_doc["Calibration"]["Issue"] = issue rest_doc["Calibration"]["ToDo"]["Values"]["Pressure"] = rest_dict del rest_doc["_rev"] io.save_doc(rest_doc) else: ret = {"error": "no --ids found"} print(json.dumps(ret))
def main(): io = Io() io.eval_args() doc = io.load_doc() unit = "Pa" if doc: ## save the doc in res = Analysis(doc, analysis_type='expansion') const = Constants(doc=doc) val = Values({}) ## ------------------------- ## SE3 ## ------------------------- base_doc_se3 = io.get_base_doc("se3") se3_doc = io.update_cal_doc(doc, base_doc_se3) se3_calc = Se3Calc(se3_doc) uncert_se3 = Se3Uncert(se3_doc) f_names = se3_calc.get_expansion_name() f_name = f_names[0] se3_calc.temperature_before(res) se3_calc.temperature_after(res) se3_calc.temperature_room(res) se3_calc.pressure_gn_corr(res) se3_calc.pressure_gn_mean(res) se3_calc.expansion(res) se3_calc.time_meas(res) se3_calc.real_gas_correction(res) rg = res.pick("Correction", "rg", "1") p_0 = res.pick("Pressure", "fill", "Pa") p_1 = res.pick("Pressure", "cal", "Pa") T_0 = res.pick("Temperature", "before", "K") T_1 = res.pick("Temperature", "after", "K") u_p_0 = uncert_se3.contrib_pressure_fill(p_0, unit, skip_type="A") u_T_1 = uncert_se3.contrib_temperature_vessel(T_1, "K", skip_type="A") u_T_0 = uncert_se3.contrib_temperature_volume_start(T_0, "K", f_names, skip_type="A")"Pressure", "fill", p_0, unit)"Uncertainty", "fill", u_p_0, unit)"Temperature", "before", T_0, "K")"Temperature", "after", T_1, "K")"Uncertainty", "before", u_T_0, "K")"Uncertainty", "after", u_T_1, "K")"Correction", "rg", rg, "1") ## old Standard section does not have delta_heigth ## values ## dh correction for f_s = 0.9999609272217588 dh = 0.9999609272217588"Correction", "delta_heigth", np.full(len(p_0), dh), "1") ## ------------------------- ## frs5 ## ------------------------- base_doc_frs5 = io.get_base_doc("frs5") frs_doc = io.update_cal_doc(doc, base_doc_frs5) cal_frs = FrsCalc(frs_doc) uncert = FrsUncert(frs_doc) cal_frs.temperature(res) cal_frs.pressure_res(res) cal_frs.pressure_cal(res) uncert.total_standard(res, no_type_a=True) p_1 = res.pick("Pressure", "cal", unit) u_p_1 = res.pick("Uncertainty", "standard", "1")"Pressure", "cal", p_1, unit)"Uncertainty", "cal", u_p_1 * p_1, unit) ## ------------------------- ## p_nd ## ------------------------- pres = Pressure(doc) auxval = AuxValues(doc) time = Time(doc) p_nd_offset_before = auxval.get_value("nd_offset_before", "mbar") p_nd_offset_after = auxval.get_value("nd_offset_after", "mbar") if p_nd_offset_after: p_nd_offset = (p_nd_offset_before + p_nd_offset_after) / 2 else: p_nd_offset = p_nd_offset_before p_nd_ind = pres.get_value("nd_ind", "mbar") conv = const.get_conv(from_unit="mbar", to_unit=unit) p_nd = (p_nd_ind - p_nd_offset) * conv CustomerDevice = Cdg(doc, io.get_doc_db("cob-cdg-nd_se3")) u_p_nd = CustomerDevice.get_total_uncert(p_nd_ind, unit, unit, skip_type="A")"Pressure", "nd_corr", p_nd, unit)"Uncertainty", "nd_corr", u_p_nd, unit) ## ------------------------- # Unsicherheit Ausgasung: ## ------------------------- p_rise_rate = 3e-8 #Pa/s gemessen: 2019-01-18 08:40:27 (s. state docs) t = time.get_rmt("amt_meas", "ms") conv = const.get_conv(from_unit="ms", to_unit="s") p_rise = p_rise_rate * t * conv u_p_rise = 0.2 # Druckanstieg 20% Unsicher"Pressure", "rise", p_rise, unit)"Uncertainty", "rise", p_rise * u_p_rise / p_1, "1") ## ------------------------- # f: ## ------------------------- p_a = p_1 - p_nd + p_rise p_b = p_0 * rg * dh n = len(p_a) x = np.full(n, 0.0) y = np.full(n, 0.0) for i in range(n): # y[i] = p_a[i]/p_b[i]*T_0[i]/T_1[i] ## okish if i == 0: y[i] = p_a[i] x[i] = p_b[i] * T_0[i] / T_1[i] else: #x[i] = p_a[i - 1]/T_1[i -1]*T_0[i]/p_0[i] ## okish y[i] = p_a[i] - p_a[i - 1] * T_1[i] / T_1[i - 1] x[i] = p_b[i] * T_1[i] / T_0[i] - p_a[i - 1] * T_1[i] / T_1[i - 1] f = y / x f = np.delete(f, f.argmin()) f = np.delete(f, f.argmax()) print(np.mean(f)) print(np.std(f) / np.mean(f)) ## ------------------------- # save ## ------------------------- io.save_doc(res.build_doc())
def main(): io = Io() io.eval_args() args = sys.argv fail = False ret = {'ok': True} unit = 'Pa' cmc = False if '--ids' in args: idx_ids = args.index('--ids') + 1 try: ids = args[idx_ids].split('@') except: fail = True if not fail and len(ids) > 0: for id in ids: doc = io.get_doc_db(id) customer_object = doc.get('Calibration').get('CustomerObject') if customer_object.get("Class") == "SRG": customer_device = Srg(doc, customer_object) if customer_object.get("Class") == "CDG": customer_device = Cdg(doc, customer_object) tdo = ToDo(doc) analysis = doc.get('Calibration').get('Analysis') if "Values" in analysis and "Uncertainty" in analysis["Values"]: del analysis["Values"]["Uncertainty"] ana = Analysis(doc, init_dict=analysis) se2_uncert = UncertSe2(doc) result_type = analysis.get("AnalysisType", "default") result_type = "se2_expansion_direct" res = Result(doc, result_type=result_type) p_cal = ana.pick('Pressure', 'cal', unit) p_ind_corr = ana.pick('Pressure', 'ind_corr', unit) p_off = ana.pick('Pressure', 'offset', unit) conv = res.Const.get_conv(from_unit=unit, to_unit=res.ToDo.pressure_unit) average_index = res.ToDo.make_average_index( p_cal * conv, res.ToDo.pressure_unit) print(average_index) average_index = ana.coarse_error_filtering( average_index=average_index) print(average_index) average_index, ref_mean, ref_std, loops = ana.fine_error_filtering( average_index=average_index) pressure_range_index = ana.make_pressure_range_index( ana, average_index) print(average_index) print(ref_mean) print(ref_std) print(loops) if result_type == "se2_expansion_direct" and tdo.type == "error": average_index, reject_index = ana.ask_for_reject( average_index=average_index) reject_index_offset = ana.ask_for_reject_offset( average_index=average_index) d = { "AverageIndex": average_index, "AverageIndexFlat": ana.flatten(average_index), "PressureRangeIndex": pressure_range_index, "RejectIndex": reject_index, "RejectIndexOffset": reject_index_offset } p_tdo, p_tdo_unit = tdo.Pres.get_value_and_unit("target") conv = res.Const.get_conv(from_unit=p_tdo_unit, to_unit="Pa") p_tdo = conv * p_tdo #assuming pascals, temperature correction only if more than 1 decade below 100 Pa p_tdo_evis = [ p_tdo[i] for i in range(len(p_tdo)) if p_tdo[i] < 9.5 ] if len(p_tdo_evis) > 1: e_vis, cf_vis, u_vis, vis_unit = ana.ask_for_evis() d["Evis"] = e_vis d["CFvis"] = cf_vis d["Uvis"] = u_vis d["VisUnit"] = vis_unit print(d) ana.store_dict(quant="AuxValues", d=d, dest=None, plain=True) res.store_dict(quant="AuxValues", d=d, dest=None, plain=True) if "Uncertainty" in customer_object: print("lll") u_dev = customer_device.get_total_uncert( meas_vec=p_ind_corr, meas_unit="Pa", return_unit="Pa", res=ana, skip_source="standard", prefix=False) se2_uncert.u_PTB_rel(ana) se2_uncert.make_offset_stability(ana) customer_device.repeat_uncert(ana) customer_device.device_uncert(ana) ana.total_uncert() u = ana.pick("Uncertainty", "total_rel", "1") print(customer_device.doc) print("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff") print(tdo.type) print(result_type) if result_type == "se2_expansion_direct" and tdo.type == "sigma": p_ind_corr = np.take(p_ind_corr, ana.flatten(average_index)) p_cal = np.take(p_cal, ana.flatten(average_index)) p_off = np.take(p_off, ana.flatten(average_index)) d = { "AverageIndex": average_index, "AverageIndexFlat": ana.flatten(average_index) } print(p_ind_corr) print(p_cal) #u = np.delete(u, skip) sigma_null, sigma_slope, sigma_std = customer_device.sigma_null( p_cal=p_cal, cal_unit=unit, p_ind=p_ind_corr, ind_unit=unit) d["SigmaNull"] = sigma_null d["SigmaCorrSlope"] = np.abs(sigma_slope / sigma_null) d["SigmaStd"] = sigma_std # aux_values_pres = Values(doc.get('Calibration').get('Measurement').get("AuxValues").get("Pressure")) # rd, rd_unit = aux_values_pres.get_value_and_unit(d_type="offset") # d["OffsetMean"] = np.nanmean(rd) # d["OffsetStd"] = np.nanstd(rd) # d["OffsetUnit"] = rd_unit ana.store_dict(quant="AuxValues", d=d, dest=None, plain=True) res.store_dict(quant="AuxValues", d=d, dest=None, plain=True) maesurement_date = cl.Counter( doc["Calibration"]["Measurement"]["Values"]["Date"] ["Value"]).most_common(1)[0][0] doc["Calibration"]["Measurement"]["Date"] = [{ "Type": "measurement", "Value": [maesurement_date] }] res.make_measurement_data_section(ana, result_type=result_type) if tdo.type == "error": # start build cert table p_ind, err, u = res.make_error_table(ana, pressure_unit=unit, error_unit='1') doc = ana.build_doc("Analysis", doc) doc = res.build_doc("Result", doc) io.save_doc(doc) else: ret = {"error": "no --ids found"}
def main(): io = Io() io.eval_args() args = sys.argv fail = False ret = {'ok': True} unit = "Pa" if '--ids' in args: idx_ids = args.index('--ids') + 1 try: ids = args[idx_ids] ids = ids.split('@') except: fail = True if not fail and len(ids) > 0: for id in ids: id = id.replace("\"", "") ## ------------------------- ## se3 ## ------------------------- base_doc_se3 = io.get_base_doc("se3") doc = io.get_doc_db(id) doc = io.update_cal_doc(doc, base_doc_se3) res = Analysis(doc, analysis_type="expansion") uncert_se3 = UncertSe3(doc) cal_se3 = CalSe3(doc) f_names = cal_se3.get_expansion_name() f_name = f_names[0] cal_se3.pressure_gn_corr(res) cal_se3.pressure_gn_mean(res) cal_se3.temperature_before(res) cal_se3.temperature_after(res) cal_se3.real_gas_correction(res) cal_se3.correction_delta_height(res) rg = res.pick("Correction", "rg", "1") dh = res.pick("Correction", "delta_heigth", "1") p_0 = res.pick("Pressure", "fill", unit) T_0 = res.pick("Temperature", "before", "K") T_1 = res.pick("Temperature", "after", "K") u_p_0 = uncert_se3.contrib_pressure_fill(p_0, unit, skip_type="A") u_T_1 = uncert_se3.contrib_temperature_vessel(T_1, "K", skip_type="A") u_T_0 = uncert_se3.contrib_temperature_volume_start(T_0, "K", f_names, skip_type="A") ## ------------------------- ## p_nd ## ------------------------- customer_device = doc['Calibration']['CustomerObject'] CustomerDevice = Cdg(doc, customer_device) temperature_dict = res.pick_dict('Temperature', 'before') gas = cal_se3.get_gas() ind_dict = cal_se3.Pres.get_dict('Type', 'nd_ind') offset_dict = cal_se3.Pres.get_dict('Type', 'nd_offset') ind = CustomerDevice.pressure(ind_dict, temperature_dict, unit=unit, gas=gas) offset = CustomerDevice.pressure(offset_dict, temperature_dict, unit=unit, gas=gas) p_nd = ind - offset u_p_nd = CustomerDevice.get_total_uncert(p_nd, unit, unit, skip_type="A") ## ------------------------- ## frs5 ## ------------------------- base_doc_frs5 = io.get_base_doc("frs5") doc = io.update_cal_doc(doc, base_doc_frs5) res = Analysis(doc, analysis_type="expansion") cal_frs = CalFrs(doc) res = Analysis(doc) uncert = UncertFrs(doc) cal_frs.temperature(res) cal_frs.pressure_res(res) cal_frs.pressure_cal(res) uncert.total_standard(res, no_type_a=True) p_1 = res.pick("Pressure", "cal", unit) u_p_1 = res.pick("Uncertainty", "standard", "1") * p_1 ## ------------------------- ## f ## ------------------------- corr_tem = T_0 / T_1 f = (p_1 - p_nd) / (p_0 * rg * dh) * corr_tem s_p_1 = 1 / p_0 * corr_tem s_p_0 = -(p_1 - p_nd) / (p_0**2) * corr_tem s_p_nd = 1 / p_0 * corr_tem s_T_0 = (p_1 - p_nd) / (p_0) / T_1 s_T_1 = -(p_1 - p_nd) / (p_0) * T_0 / T_1**2 uc_p_1 = (s_p_1 * u_p_1) uc_p_0 = (s_p_0 * u_p_0) uc_p_nd = (s_p_nd * u_p_nd) uc_T_1 = (s_T_1 * u_T_1) uc_T_0 = (s_T_0 * u_T_0) u = (uc_p_1**2 + uc_p_0**2 + uc_p_nd**2 + uc_T_1**2 + uc_T_0**2)**0.5"Expansion", f_name, f, "1")"Pressure", "nd_offset", offset, unit)"Pressure", "nd_corr", p_nd, unit)"Uncertainty", "nd_corr", u_p_nd, unit)"Pressure", "fill", p_0, unit)"Uncertainty", "fill", u_p_0, unit)"Pressure", "cal", p_1, unit)"Uncertainty", "cal", u_p_1 * p_1, unit)"Temperature", "before", T_0, "K")"Temperature", "after", T_1, "K")"Uncertainty", "before", u_T_0, "K")"Uncertainty", "after", u_T_1, "K")"Uncertainty", "total", u, "1")"Correction", "delta_heigth", dh, "1")"Correction", "rg", rg, "1")"Correction", "temperature", corr_tem, "1") doc = res.build_doc() doc["Calibration"]["Standard"] = [ base_doc_se3["Standard"], base_doc_frs5["Standard"] ] io.save_doc(doc) print("------------------- p_nd:") print(p_nd) print(ind_dict["SdValue"]) print(offset_dict["SdValue"]) print("-------------------u p_0:") print(u_p_0 / p_0) print("-------------------u p_1:") print(u_p_1) print("-------------------u p_nd:") print(u_p_nd) #f = np.delete(f, f.argmin()) #f = np.delete(f, f.argmax()) print("-------------------f:") print(f) print(np.mean(f)) print(np.std(f)) print(np.std(f) / np.mean(f)) print(np.std(f) / np.mean(f) / (len(f) - 1)**0.5) print("-------------------u:") print(u / f)
def main(): io = Io() io.eval_args() args = sys.argv fail = False ret = {'ok': True} # with open(".\script\se2\input.json") as input_json: # print(json.load(input_json)) if '--ids' in args: idx_ids = args.index('--ids') + 1 try: ids = args[idx_ids] ids = ids.split('@') except: fail = True if '-u' in args: # erzeugt Einträge für KOnstatne und Calibrierobjekte update = True else: update = False if not fail and len(ids) > 0: base_doc = io.get_base_doc("se2") for id in ids: id = id.replace("\"", "") doc = io.get_doc_db(id) if update: doc = io.update_cal_doc(doc, base_doc) ana = Analysis(doc, analysis_type="expansion") cal = Cal(doc) if 'CustomerObject' in doc['Calibration']: customer_device = doc['Calibration']['CustomerObject'] dev_class = customer_device.get('Class', "generic") if dev_class == 'SRG': CustomerDevice = Srg(doc, customer_device) if dev_class == 'CDG': CustomerDevice = Cdg(doc, customer_device) if dev_class == 'RSG': CustomerDevice = Rsg(doc, {}) cal.temperature_after(ana) cal.temperature_room(ana) cal.pressure_cal(ana) cal.pressure_ind(ana) cal.pressure_offset(ana) cal.pressure_indication_error(ana) #cal.measurement_time(ana) cal.faktor(ana) cal.range(ana) io.save_doc(ana.build_doc()) else: ret = {"error": "no --ids found"} # print writes back to relay server by writing to std.out print(json.dumps(ret))
def main(): io = Io() io.eval_args() if io.ids: doc = io.get_doc_db(io.ids[0]) cal = Cal(doc) t_arr = cal.Temp.get_array("ch_", channels, "_after", "C") cor_arr = cal.TDev.get_array("corr_ch_", channels, "", "K") if io.args.point: p = int(io.args.point[0]) else: p = -1 if io.n: doc = io.get_base_doc("se3") res ="url"), json=conf_dev_hub.get("dmm_task")) res = res.json() doc["Measurement"] = {"Values": {"Temperature": res.get("Result")}} cal = Cal(doc) t_arr = cal.Temp.get_array("ch_", channels, "_now", "C") cor_arr = cal.TDev.get_array("corr_ch_", channels, "", "K") p = 0 t = t_arr + cor_arr t_i = np.array([e[p] for e in t]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') x_arr = [] y_arr = [] z_arr = [] sl_arr = [] ## sensor labels cl_arr = [] ## chamber labels s = 0 for i, _ in enumerate(y_vec): alpha = gen_alpha(n_vec[i], o_vec[i], dir_vec[i]) x = gen_x(alpha, r_vec[i]) y = np.full(n_vec[i], y_vec[i]) z = gen_z(alpha, r_vec[i]) for j in range(0, n_vec[i]): if put_sensor(dist_vec[i], j): x_arr.append(x[j]) y_arr.append(y[j]) z_arr.append(z[j]) cl = "$C_{}{}{} D_{}{}{}$".format("{", i, "}", "{", j, "}") cl_arr.append(cl) sl = "$ch_{}{}{}$".format("{", channels[s], "}") sl_arr.append(sl) ax.text(x[j], y[j], z[j], sl) ## next sensor: s = s + 1 ## helper if i != 0 and i != 9: alpha = gen_alpha(n_h, 0) x = gen_x(alpha, rh_vec[i]) y = np.full(n_h, y_vec[i]) z = gen_z(alpha, rh_vec[i]) ax.plot(x, y, z, c="lightgray") fig.colorbar(ax.scatter(x_arr, y_arr, z_arr, c=t_i, cmap=conf_plot.get("color_map"), s=conf_plot.get("sphere_size"), alpha=0.5), ax=ax) ax.xaxis.pane.fill = False ax.yaxis.pane.fill = False ax.zaxis.pane.fill = False ax.xaxis.pane.set_edgecolor('w') ax.yaxis.pane.set_edgecolor('w') ax.zaxis.pane.set_edgecolor('w') ax.grid(False) ax.set_title(conf_plot.get("title").format(date=date)) ax.set_xlabel(conf_plot.get("xlab")) ax.set_zlabel(conf_plot.get("zlab")) ax.set_ylabel(conf_plot.get("ylab")) f = conf_plot.get("axis_enlarge") ax.set_xlim3d(-f * r_o, f * r_o) ax.set_ylim3d(-y_t, y_t) ax.set_zlim3d(-f * r_o, f * r_o)
def main(): io = Io() io.eval_args() ret = {'ok':True} cmc = True base_doc = io.get_base_doc("se3") for id in io.ids: id = id.replace("\"", "") doc = io.get_doc_db(id) if io.update: doc = io.update_cal_doc(doc, base_doc) cal = Cal(doc) if io.auxval: ## get new the AuxValues from related (meas_date) state measurement meas_date = cal.Date.first_measurement() state_doc = io.get_state_doc("se3", date=meas_date) ana = Analysis(doc, analysis_type="expansion") cal.insert_state_results(ana, state_doc) else: ## keep AuxValues from Calibration.Analysis.AuxValues auxvalues = doc.get('Calibration').get('Analysis', {}).get('AuxValues', {}) ana = Analysis(doc, insert_dict={'AuxValues': auxvalues}, analysis_type="expansion") cus_dev = init_customer_device(doc) uncert = Uncert(doc) cal.pressure_gn_corr(ana) cal.pressure_gn_mean(ana) cal.deviation_target_fill(ana) cal.temperature_before(ana) cal.temperature_after(ana) cal.temperature_room(ana) cal.temperature_gas_expansion(ana) cal.real_gas_correction(ana) cal.volume_add(ana) cal.volume_start(ana) cal.expansion(ana) cal.pressure_rise(ana) cal.correction_delta_height(ana) cal.correction_f_pressure(ana) cal.pressure_cal(ana) cal.error_pressure_rise(ana) cal.deviation_target_cal(ana) ## uncert. calculation if cmc: # bis update CMC Einträge --> vorh. CMC Einträge # cal uncertainty of standard uncert.cmc(ana) else: uncert.define_model() uncert.gen_val_dict(ana) uncert.gen_val_array(ana) uncert.volume_start(ana) uncert.volume_5(ana) uncert.pressure_fill(ana) uncert.temperature_after(ana) uncert.temperature_before(ana) uncert.expansion(ana) ## calculate customer indication gas = cal.Aux.get_gas() temperature_dict = ana.pick_dict('Temperature', 'after') offset_dict = cal.Pres.get_dict('Type', 'ind_offset' ) ind_dict = cal.Pres.get_dict('Type', 'ind' ) range_dict = cal.Range.get_dict('Type', 'ind' ) offset = cus_dev.pressure(offset_dict, temperature_dict, range_dict=range_dict, unit = cal.unit, gas=gas) ind = cus_dev.pressure(ind_dict, temperature_dict, range_dict=range_dict, unit = cal.unit, gas=gas)"Pressure", "offset", offset, cal.unit)"Pressure", "ind", ind, cal.unit)"Pressure", "ind_corr", ind - offset, cal.unit) p_ind = ana.pick("Pressure", "ind_corr", cal.unit) p_cal = ana.pick("Pressure", "cal" , cal.unit) if cal.ToDo.type == "error":'Error', 'ind', p_ind/p_cal-1, '1') cus_dev.range_trans(ana) if cal.ToDo.type == "sigma":'Error', 'ind', p_ind/p_cal-1, '1') ## used for check analysis'Sigma', 'eff', p_ind/p_cal, '1') io.save_doc(ana.build_doc()) print(json.dumps(ret))
def main(): io = Io() io.eval_args() args = sys.argv fail = False ret = {'ok': True} if '--ids' in args: idx_ids = args.index('--ids') + 1 try: ids = args[idx_ids].split(';') except: fail = True if '-u' in args: update = True else: update = False if not fail and len(ids) > 0: base_doc = io.get_base_doc("dkm_ppc4") for id in ids: doc = io.get_doc_db(id) if update: doc = io.update_cal_doc(doc, base_doc) cus_dev = init_customer_device(doc) res = Analysis(doc) uncert = Uncert(doc) cal = Cal(doc) cal.temperature(res) cal.temperature_correction(res) cal.pressure_res(res) cal.mass_total(res) cal.pressure_cal(res) # cal uncert of standard ## calculate customer indication gas = cal.Aux.get_gas() ## todo meas temp room, gas temperature_dict = {} offset_dict = cal.Pres.get_dict('Type', 'ind_offset') ind_dict = cal.Pres.get_dict('Type', 'ind') offset = cus_dev.pressure(offset_dict, temperature_dict, unit=cal.unit, gas=gas) ind = cus_dev.pressure(ind_dict, temperature_dict, unit=cal.unit, gas=gas) ind_corr = ind - offset"Pressure", "offset", offset, cal.unit)"Pressure", "ind", ind, cal.unit)"Pressure", "ind_corr", ind_corr, cal.unit) # error for rating procedures p_ind_corr = res.pick("Pressure", "ind_corr", cal.unit) p_cal = res.pick("Pressure", "cal", cal.unit)'Error', 'ind', p_ind_corr / p_cal - 1, '1') cus_dev.range_trans(res) print(p_ind_corr / p_cal - 1) io.save_doc(res.build_doc())
def main(): io = Io() io.eval_args() ret = {"ok": True} result_type = "sens" i_unit = "A" for id in io.ids: doc = io.get_doc_db(id) tdo = ToDo(doc) if tdo.type not in ["sens"]: sys.exit("wrong script") if tdo.type == "sens": result_type = "sens" display = Display(doc) cus_dev = init_customer_device(doc) analysis = doc.get("Calibration").get("Analysis") ## wrong type: del analysis["Values"]["Sensitivity"] ana = Analysis(doc, init_dict=analysis, analysis_type=result_type) res = Result(doc, result_type=result_type, skip=io.skip) ## conversion to ana.pressure_unit if necessary cal_dict = ana.pick_dict("Pressure", "cal") p_ind_corr = ana.pick("Pressure", "ind_corr", i_unit) p_ind = ana.pick("Pressure", "ind", i_unit) p_ind_offset = ana.pick("Pressure", "ind_offset", i_unit) if cal_dict.get("Unit") != ana.pressure_unit: p_cal = ana.pick("Pressure", "cal", tdo.pressure_unit) conv = ana.Const.get_conv(from_unit=tdo.pressure_unit, to_unit=ana.pressure_unit) p_cal = p_cal * conv else: p_cal = ana.pick("Pressure", "cal", ana.pressure_unit) T_gas = ana.pick("Temperature", "Tuhv", "K") T_room = ana.pick("Temperature", "Troom", "K") if T_room is None: T_room = T_gas u_std = ana.pick("Uncertainty", "uncertPcal_rel", "1") ## recal Sensitivity s = p_ind_corr / (cus_dev.emis_current(i_unit) * p_cal)"Pressure", "cal", p_cal, ana.pressure_unit)"Pressure", "offset", p_ind_offset, i_unit)"Sensitivity", "gauge", s, "1/{}".format(ana.pressure_unit))"Uncertainty", "standard", u_std, "1")"Temperature", "gas", T_gas, "K")"Temperature", "room", T_room, "K") conv = ana.Const.get_conv(from_unit=ana.pressure_unit, to_unit=tdo.pressure_unit) average_index = tdo.make_average_index(p_cal * conv, tdo.pressure_unit, max_dev=0.2) ## will be filled up with aux values: d = {} display.check_outlier_sens(ana) average_index, reject_index = ana.ask_for_reject( average_index=average_index) flat_average_index = ana.flatten(average_index) if result_type == "sens": T, Tu = ana.ask_for_bake_out_temperature() if T is not None: d["Bakeout"] = True d["BakeoutTemperature"] = float(T) d["BakeoutTemperatureUnit"] = Tu t, tu = ana.ask_for_bake_out_time() d["BakeoutTime"] = float(t) d["BakeoutTimeUnit"] = tu else: d["Bakeout"] = False p, pu, t, tu = ana.ask_for_sputter() if T is not None: d["Sputter"] = True d["SputterPressure"] = float(p) d["SputterPressureUnit"] = pu d["SputterTime"] = float(t) d["SputterTimeUnit"] = tu else: d["Sputter"] = False d["AverageIndex"] = average_index d["AverageIndexFlat"] = flat_average_index ana.store_dict(quant="AuxValues", d=d, dest=None) ## rm values p_cal = np.take(p_cal, flat_average_index) p_ind_corr = np.take(p_ind_corr, flat_average_index) s = np.take(s, flat_average_index) ## store reduced quant. for plot"Pressure", "red_ind_corr", p_ind_corr, i_unit, dest="AuxValues")"Pressure", "red_cal", p_cal, ana.pressure_unit, dest="AuxValues")"Sensitivity", "red_gauge", s, "1/{}".format(ana.pressure_unit), dest="AuxValues") ## offset contrib cus_dev.coll_uncert(ana, ind_unit=i_unit) ## default uncert. contrib. repeat cus_dev.repeat_uncert(ana, ind_unit=i_unit) cus_dev.digit_uncert(ana, ind_unit=i_unit) cus_dev.emis_uncert(ana, ind_unit=i_unit) cus_dev.device_uncert(ana) ## the uncertainty of the standard is # already calculated at analysis step ana.total_uncert() ## store red version for plot u_rep = ana.pick("Uncertainty", "repeat", "1") u_off = ana.pick("Uncertainty", "offset", "1") u_tot = ana.pick("Uncertainty", "total_rel", "1") u_dev = ana.pick("Uncertainty", "device", "1") u_std = ana.pick("Uncertainty", "standard", "1")"Uncertainty", "red_u_rep", np.take(u_rep, flat_average_index), "1", dest="AuxValues")"Uncertainty", "red_u_std", np.take(u_std, flat_average_index), "1", dest="AuxValues")"Uncertainty", "red_u_dev", np.take(u_dev, flat_average_index), "1", dest="AuxValues")"Uncertainty", "red_u_tot", np.take(u_tot, flat_average_index), "1", dest="AuxValues")"Uncertainty", "red_u_off", np.take(u_off, flat_average_index), "1", dest="AuxValues") display.plot_uncert(ana) # start making data sections res.make_measurement_data_section(ana, result_type=result_type) # start build cert table p_cal_mv, p_ind_mv, s_mv, u_mv = res.make_sens_table( ana, pressure_unit=ana.pressure_unit, sens_unit='1/Pa', uncert_unit="1", ind_unit="A")"Pressure", "ind_mean", p_ind_mv, i_unit, dest="AuxValues")"Pressure", "cal_mean", p_cal_mv, ana.pressure_unit, dest="AuxValues")"Sensitivity", "gauge_mean", s_mv, "1/{}".format(ana.pressure_unit), dest="AuxValues")"Uncertainty", "total_mean", u_mv, "1", dest="AuxValues") display.plot_mean(ana) doc = ana.build_doc("Analysis", doc) doc = res.build_doc("Result", doc) io.save_doc(doc)
def main(): io = Io() io.eval_args() ret = {'ok': True} cmc = False for id in io.ids: doc = io.get_doc_db(id) display = Display(doc) cus_dev = init_customer_device(doc) ana = result_analysis_init(doc) ## generate result instance with analysis res type res = Result(doc, result_type=ana.analysis_type, skip=io.skip) if res.ToDo.type != "sigma": sys.exit("wrong script") p_cal = ana.pick('Pressure', 'cal', ana.pressure_unit) p_ind_corr = ana.pick('Pressure', 'ind_corr', ana.pressure_unit) ## will be filled up with aux values: d = {} sigma = ana.pick("Sigma", "eff", "1") if sigma is None: sigma = p_ind_corr / p_cal"Sigma", "eff", sigma, "1") display.check_sigma(ana) all_index = cus_dev.make_sigma_index(p_cal, ana.pressure_unit) average_index, reject_index = ana.ask_for_reject( average_index=all_index) flat_average_index = ana.flatten(average_index) d["AverageIndex"] = average_index d["AverageIndexFlat"] = flat_average_index ana.store_dict(quant='AuxValues', d=d, dest=None) ## reduce p_cal = np.take(p_cal, flat_average_index) p_ind = np.take(p_ind_corr, flat_average_index) sigma = np.take(sigma, flat_average_index) ## store reduced quant. for plot"Pressure", "red_ind_corr", p_ind, ana.pressure_unit, dest="AuxValues")"Pressure", "red_cal", p_cal, ana.pressure_unit, dest="AuxValues")"Sigma", "red_eff", sigma, "1", dest="AuxValues") ## cal. sigma sigma_null, sigma_slope, sigma_std = cus_dev.sigma_null( p_cal, ana.pressure_unit, p_ind, ana.pressure_unit) d["SigmaNull"] = float(sigma_null) d["SigmaSlope"] = float(sigma_slope) d["SigmaCorrSlope"] = float(np.abs(sigma_slope / sigma_null)) d["SigmaStd"] = float(sigma_std) ana.store_dict(quant='AuxValues', d=d, dest=None) ## cal. offset and offset scatter aux_values_pres = Values( doc.get('Calibration').get('Measurement').get("AuxValues").get( "Pressure")) rd, rd_unit = aux_values_pres.get_value_and_unit(d_type="offset") d["OffsetMean"] = float(np.nanmean(rd)) d["OffsetStd"] = float(np.nanstd(rd)) d["OffsetUnit"] = rd_unit ana.store_dict(quant='AuxValues', d=d, dest=None) ## uncert contribs. cus_dev.uncert_sigma_eff(ana) cus_dev.uncert_ind(ana) cus_dev.uncert_temperature(ana) cus_dev.uncert_offset(ana) cus_dev.uncert_repeat(ana) cus_dev.device_uncert(ana) ## the uncertainty of the standard is # already calculated at analysis step ana.total_uncert() u_tot = ana.pick("Uncertainty", "total_rel", "1")"Uncertainty", "red_u_tot", np.take(u_tot, flat_average_index), "1", dest="AuxValues") # start making data sections res.make_measurement_data_section(ana, result_type=ana.analysis_type) display.plot_sigma(ana) doc = ana.build_doc("Analysis", doc) doc = res.build_doc("Result", doc) io.save_doc(doc)
def main(): io = Io() io.eval_args() ret = {'ok': True} cmc = False base_doc = io.get_base_doc("se3") for id in io.ids: doc = io.get_doc_db(id) if io.update: doc = io.update_cal_doc(doc, base_doc) cal = Cal(doc) ana = Analysis(doc, analysis_type="direct") cus_dev = init_customer_device(doc) cus_dev.range_trans(ana) cal.temperature_comp(ana) cal.temperature_gas_direct(ana) cal.pressure_gn_corr(ana) cal.pressure_gn_mean(ana) temperature_dict = ana.pick_dict('Temperature', 'compare') gas = cal.Aux.get_gas() ind_dict = cal.Pres.get_dict('Type', 'ind') offset_dict = cal.Pres.get_dict('Type', 'ind_offset') range_dict = cal.Range.get_dict('Type', 'ind') ind = cus_dev.pressure(ind_dict, temperature_dict, range_dict=range_dict, unit=ana.pressure_unit, gas=gas) offset = cus_dev.pressure(offset_dict, temperature_dict, range_dict=range_dict, unit=ana.pressure_unit, gas=gas)"Pressure", "ind", ind, ana.pressure_unit)"Pressure", "offset", offset, ana.pressure_unit)"Pressure", "ind_corr", ind - offset, ana.pressure_unit) # error for rating procedures p_ind = ana.pick("Pressure", "ind_corr", cal.unit) p_cal = ana.pick("Pressure", "cal", cal.unit)'Error', 'ind', p_ind / p_cal - 1.0, '1') ## uncert. calculation uncert = Uncert(doc) ## we have cmc entries for the FRS ## so we can use the GN uncertainty u = uncert.contrib_pressure_fill(p_cal, cal.unit)"Uncertainty", "standard", u / p_cal, "1") io.save_doc(ana.build_doc()) print(json.dumps(ret))
from vpy.values import Expansion, Temperature, Error, Uncertainty, Pressure font = { 'family': 'normal', #'weight' : 'bold', 'size': 12 } plt.rc('font', **font) io = Io() plt.subplot(111) s = -10 e = -1 f_n2_1 = Expansion( io.get_doc_db('cal-2019-se3|frs5-vg-1001_0001').get("Calibration").get( "Analysis")).get_value('f_s', '1')[s:e] p_n2_1 = Pressure( io.get_doc_db('cal-2019-se3|frs5-vg-1001_0001').get("Calibration").get( "Analysis")).get_value('cal', 'mbar')[s:e] f_n2_2 = Expansion( io.get_doc_db('cal-2019-se3|frs5-vg-1001_0003').get("Calibration").get( "Analysis")).get_value('f_s', '1')[s:e] p_n2_2 = Pressure( io.get_doc_db('cal-2019-se3|frs5-vg-1001_0003').get("Calibration").get( "Analysis")).get_value('cal', 'mbar')[s:e] f_he_1 = Expansion( io.get_doc_db('cal-2019-se3|frs5-vg-1001_0004').get("Calibration").get( "Analysis")).get_value('f_s', '1')[s:e] p_he_1 = Pressure(