def test_tsne_viz(df): vsm.tsne_viz(df)
# * You can begin to get a feel for what your matrix is like by poking around with `vsm.neighbors` to see who is close to or far from whom. # # * It's very useful to complement this with the more holistic view one can get from looking at a visualization of the entire vector space. # # * Of course, any visualization will have to be much, much lower dimension than our actual VSM, so we need to proceed cautiously, balancing the high-level view with more fine-grained exploration. # # * We won't have time this term to cover VSM visualization in detail. scikit-learn has a bunch of functions for doing this in [sklearn.manifold](, and the [user guide]( for that package is detailed. # # * It's also worth checking out the online TensorFlow [Embedding Projector tool](, which includes a fast implementation of t-SNE. # # * In addition, `vsm.tsne_viz` is a wrapper around [sklearn.manifold.TSNE]( that handles the basic preprocessing and layout for you. t-SNE stands for [t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding](, a powerful method for visualizing high-dimensional vector spaces in 2d. See also [Multiple Maps t-SNE]( # In[43]: vsm.tsne_viz(imdb20_pmi, random_state=42) # ## Exploratory exercises # # These are largely meant to give you a feel for the material, but some of them could lead to projects and help you with future work for the course. These are not for credit. # # 1. Recall that there are two versions each of the IMDB and Gigaword matrices: one with window size 5 and counts scaled as $1/d$ where $d$ is the distance from the target word; and one with a window size of 20 and no scaling of the values. Using `vsm.neighbors` to explore, how would you describe the impact of these different designs? # # 1. IMDB and Gigaword are very different domains. Using `vsm.neighbors`, can you find cases where the dominant sense of a word is clearly different in the two domains in a way that is reflected by vector-space proximity? # # 1. We saw that euclidean distance favors raw frequencies. Find words in the matrix `imdb20` that help make this point: a pair that are semantically unrelated but close according to `vsm.euclidean`, and a pair that are semantically related by far apart according to `vsm.euclidean`. # # 1. Run # # ```amod = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(DATA_HOME, 'gigawordnyt-advmod-matrix.csv.gz'), index_col=0)```