def _make_action_space(self) -> CompactSet:
     return CompactSet({
         (self.min_w, self.max_w),  # rotational velocity
         (-self.B, self.A),  # translational acceleration
 def _make_action_space(self) -> Space:
     return vsrl.spaces.continuous.CompactSet(
             vexpr.Variable("w"): (self.min_w, self.max_w),  # rotational velocity
             vexpr.Variable("a"): (-self.B, self.A),  # translational acceleration
 def _make_action_space(self) -> Space:
     if self.continuous_action_space:
         return CompactSet({vexpr.Variable("acc"): (-self.B, self.A)})
         accel_action = np.array([self.A])
         decel_action = np.array([-self.B])
         return FiniteSpace([accel_action, decel_action],
 def _make_oracle_space(self) -> Space:
     return CompactSet(
             vexpr.Variable("follower_pos"): (0, self._width),
             vexpr.Variable("rvel"): (-100, 100),
             vexpr.Variable("leader_pos"): (0, self._width),
    def test_grouping(self):
        for n_str in self.numbers:
            assert vexpr.Number(float(n_str)) == parser.parse("(" + n_str +

        for v in self.variables:
            assert vexpr.Variable(v) == parser.parse("(" + v + ")")
 def state_constants(self):
     return {
         vexpr.Variable("A"): vexpr.Number(self.A),
         vexpr.Variable("B"): vexpr.Number(self.B),
         vexpr.Variable("T"): vexpr.Number(self.T),
         vexpr.Variable("safe_sep"): vexpr.Number(self._safe_sep),
         vexpr.Variable("min_w"): vexpr.Number(self.min_w),
         vexpr.Variable("max_w"): vexpr.Number(self.max_w),
         vexpr.Variable("num_obstacles"): vexpr.Number(self.num_obstacles),
 def _make_oracle_space(self) -> Space:
     """Contains an entry for the ego, the charger, every obstacle, initial pointmesses, and `self.num_pointmesses_on_collision` pointmesses per obstacle"""
     ranges: Dict[vexpr.Variable, Tuple[float, float]] = {
         vexpr.Variable("ego_x"): (
             0 + self.map_buffer,
             self._width - self.map_buffer,
         vexpr.Variable("ego_y"): (
             0 + self.map_buffer,
             self._width - self.map_buffer,
         vexpr.Variable("charger_x"): (
             0 + self.map_buffer,
             self._width - self.map_buffer,
         vexpr.Variable("charger_y"): (
             0 + self.map_buffer,
             self._width - self.map_buffer,
         vexpr.Variable("theta"): (-2 * pi, 2 * pi),
         vexpr.Variable("v"): (0, self.max_v),
         vexpr.Variable("w"): (self.min_w, self.max_w),
     # Add obstacles to the oracle space.
     for i in range(1, self.num_obstacles + 1):
         ranges[vexpr.Variable(f"obs{i}_x")] = (
             0 + self.map_buffer,
             self._width - self.map_buffer,
         ranges[vexpr.Variable(f"obs{i}_y")] = (
             0 + self.map_buffer,
             self._height - self.map_buffer,
     for i in range(
         + self.num_pointmesses_on_collision * self.num_obstacles
         + 1,
         ranges[vexpr.Variable(f"pointmess{i}_x")] = (
             0 + self.map_buffer,
             self._width - self.map_buffer,
         ranges[vexpr.Variable(f"pointmess{i}_y")] = (
             0 + self.map_buffer,
             self._height - self.map_buffer,
     return CompactSet(ranges)
 def _make_oracle_space(self) -> CompactSet:
     # make sure this stays in sync with the indices into the state array defined
     # in init
     ranges: Dict[vexpr.Variable, Tuple[float, float]] = {
         vexpr.Variable("ego_x"): (
             0 + self.map_buffer,
             self._width - self.map_buffer,
         vexpr.Variable("ego_y"): (
             0 + self.map_buffer,
             self._height - self.map_buffer,
         vexpr.Variable("goal_x"): (
             0 + self.map_buffer,
             self._width - self.map_buffer,
         vexpr.Variable("goal_y"): (
             0 + self.map_buffer,
             self._height - self.map_buffer,
         vexpr.Variable("theta"): (-2 * pi, 2 * pi),
         vexpr.Variable("sin_theta"): (-1, 1),
         vexpr.Variable("cos_theta"): (-1, 1),
         vexpr.Variable("v"): (0, self.max_v),
         vexpr.Variable("w"): (self.min_w, self.max_w),
     # Add obstacles to the oracle space.
     for i in range(1, self.num_obstacles + 1):
         ranges[vexpr.Variable(f"obs{i}_x")] = (
             0 + self.map_buffer,
             self._width - self.map_buffer,
         ranges[vexpr.Variable(f"obs{i}_y")] = (
             0 + self.map_buffer,
             self._height - self.map_buffer,
     return CompactSet(ranges)
 def test_neg(self):
     for v in self.variables:
         neg_variable = parser.parse("-" + v)
         assert isinstance(neg_variable, vexpr.Neg)
         assert vexpr.Variable(v) == neg_variable.child
     assert isinstance(parser.parse("-x^(-x)"), vexpr.Neg)
 def test_variables(self):
     for v in self.variables:
         assert vexpr.Variable(v) == parser.parse(v)
def _convert(ast: parsimonious.nodes.Node) -> vexpr.Expression:
    if ast.expr_name == "term":
        assert len(ast.children) == 3
        return _convert(ast.children[1])
    elif ast.expr_name == "formula":
        assert len(ast.children) == 3
        return _convert(ast.children[1])
    elif ast.expr_name == "program":
        assert len(ast.children) == 3
        return _convert(ast.children[1])
    if ast.expr_name == "number":
        return vexpr.Number(float(ast.text))
    elif ast.expr_name == "variable":
        return vexpr.Variable(ast.text)
    elif ast.expr_name == "neg":
        assert len(ast.children) == 2
        return vexpr.Neg(_convert(ast.children[1]))
    elif (ast.expr_name == "term_group" or ast.expr_name == "formula_group"
          or ast.expr_name == "program_group"):
        assert len(ast.children) == 3
        return _convert(ast.children[1])
    elif ast.expr_name == "power":
        return functools.reduce(vexpr.Power, _collect_right_assoc(ast))
    elif ast.expr_name == "mult":
        return functools.reduce(vexpr.Times, _collect_right_assoc(ast))
    elif ast.expr_name == "divide":
        return functools.reduce(vexpr.Divide, _collect_right_assoc(ast))
    elif ast.expr_name == "plus":
        return functools.reduce(vexpr.Plus, _collect_right_assoc(ast))
    elif ast.expr_name == "minus":
        return functools.reduce(vexpr.Minus, _collect_right_assoc(ast))
    elif ast.expr_name == "true":
        return vexpr.TrueF()
    elif ast.expr_name == "false":
        return vexpr.FalseF()
    elif ast.expr_name == "not":
        return vexpr.Not(_convert(ast.children[1]))
    elif ast.expr_name == "less":
        left = _convert(ast.children[0])
        right = _convert(ast.children[2])
        return vexpr.Less(left, right)
    elif ast.expr_name == "lesseq":
        left = _convert(ast.children[0])
        right = _convert(ast.children[2])
        return vexpr.LessEq(left, right)
    elif ast.expr_name == "greater":
        left = _convert(ast.children[0])
        right = _convert(ast.children[2])
        return vexpr.Greater(left, right)
    elif ast.expr_name == "greatereq":
        left = _convert(ast.children[0])
        right = _convert(ast.children[2])
        return vexpr.GreaterEq(left, right)
    elif ast.expr_name == "equal":
        left = _convert(ast.children[0])
        right = _convert(ast.children[2])
        return vexpr.Eq(left, right)
    elif ast.expr_name == "and":
        return functools.reduce(vexpr.And, _collect_right_assoc(ast))
    elif ast.expr_name == "or":
        return functools.reduce(vexpr.Or, _collect_right_assoc(ast))
    elif ast.expr_name == "imply":
        return functools.reduce(vexpr.Imply, _collect_right_assoc(ast))
    elif ast.expr_name == "equiv":
        return functools.reduce(vexpr.Equiv, _collect_right_assoc(ast))
    elif ast.expr_name == "box":
        return vexpr.Box(_convert(ast.children[1]), _convert(ast.children[3]))
    elif ast.expr_name == "variable_list":
        # variable_list = variable / (("{" ~"\s*")? variable+ (~"\s*" "}")?)
        if len(ast.children) == 1:
            return [_convert(ast.children[0])]
            vs = []
            for c in ast.children[0].children[1]:
            return vs
    elif ast.expr_name == "forall":
        vs = _convert(ast.children[1])
        f = _convert(ast.children[3])
        return vexpr.Forall(set(vs), f)
    elif ast.expr_name == "exists":
        vs = _convert(ast.children[1])
        f = _convert(ast.children[3])
        return vexpr.Forall(set(vs), f)
    elif ast.expr_name == "assignment":
        return vexpr.Assign(_convert(ast.children[0]),
    elif ast.expr_name == "test":
        return vexpr.Test(_convert(ast.children[1]))
    elif ast.expr_name == "star":
        return vexpr.Loop(_convert(ast.children[1]))
    elif ast.expr_name == "choice":
        return functools.reduce(vexpr.Choice, _collect_right_assoc(ast))
    elif ast.expr_name == "seqcomp":
        return functools.reduce(vexpr.SequentialCompose,
    elif ast.expr_name == "assignment":
        return vexpr.Box(_convert(ast.children[0]), _convert(ast.children[2]))
    elif ast.expr_name == "atomic_ode":
        return vexpr.AtomicODE(_convert(ast.children[1]),
    elif ast.expr_name == "diff_product":
        return functools.reduce(vexpr.DiffPair, _collect_right_assoc(ast))
    elif ast.expr_name == "ode_system":
        f = _convert(ast.children[3])
        ode = ast.children[1]
        assert len(ode.children) == 1
        ode = ode.children[0]
        assert ode.expr_name == "diff_product" or ode.expr_name == "atomic_ode"
        return vexpr.ODESystem(_convert(ode), f)
    elif ast.expr_name == "ode_system_no_evdom":
        ode = ast.children[1]
        assert len(ode.children) == 1
        ode = ode.children[0]
        assert ode.expr_name == "diff_product" or ode.expr_name == "atomic_ode"
        return vexpr.ODESystem(_convert(ode), vexpr.TrueF())
        if len(ast.children) != 1:
            raise ParserException(
                f"Successfully parsed into a parsimonious library node, but "
                f"_convert does not know how to handle expr_name: {ast.expr_name}"
            return _convert(ast.children[0])