class AggregateManager:

    ''' SFA AM Class for VM_Manager'''

    def __init__ (self, config=None):
	self.driver = VTSfaDriver(None)

    def ListSlices(self, api, creds, options):
	raise Exception("External authorities do not have permissions to list OCF slices") 

    def ListResources(self, options):
        slice_xrn = options.get('geni_slice_urn', None)
        if slice_xrn:
            xrn = Xrn(slice_xrn,'slice')
            slice_leaf = xrn.get_leaf()
            options['slice'] = slice_leaf
        rspec = self.driver.list_resources(options)
        if options.has_key('geni_compressed') and options['geni_compressed'] == True:
            rspec = zlib.compress(rspec).encode('base64')
        return rspec

    def SliverStatus (self, xrn, options):
        xrn = Xrn(xrn,'slice')
	slice_leaf = xrn.get_leaf()
	authority = xrn.get_authority_hrn()
	return self.driver.sliver_status(slice_leaf,authority,options)

    def CreateSliver(self,xrn,rspec_string,users,creds,options):
        xrn = Xrn(xrn, 'slice')
        slice_leaf = xrn.get_leaf()
        slice_hrn = xrn.get_hrn()
        authority = xrn.get_authority_hrn()
        expiration_date = self.driver.get_expiration(creds, slice_hrn)
        return self.driver.create_sliver (slice_leaf,authority,rspec_string, users, options, expiration_date)

    def DeleteSliver(self, xrn, options):
	#TODO: Check the options or xrn to get a single vm.
        xrn = Xrn(xrn)
        slice_leaf = xrn.get_leaf()
	authority = xrn.get_authority_hrn()
        return self.driver.crud_slice(slice_leaf,authority,action='delete_slice')

    def RenewSliver(self, xrn, expiration_time, options):
	return True

    def start_slice(self,xrn):
        xrn = Xrn(xrn)
	slice_leaf = xrn.get_leaf()
	authority = xrn.get_authority_hrn()
        return self.driver.crud_slice(slice_leaf,authority,action='start_slice')

    def stop_slice(self,xrn):
        xrn = Xrn(xrn)
	slice_leaf = xrn.get_leaf()
	authority = xrn.get_authority_hrn()
        return self.driver.crud_slice (slice_leaf,authority,action='stop_slice')

    def reset_slice(self,xrn):
        xrn = Xrn(xrn)
	slice_leaf = xrn.get_leaf()
	authority = xrn.get_authority_hrn()
        return self.driver.crud_slice (slice_leaf,authority,action='reset_slice')

    def GetTicket(self, api, xrn, creds, rspec, users, options):
	# ticket is dead.

        raise SfaNotImplemented('Method GetTicket was deprecated.') 
    def processResponse(rspec):
        logging.debug("PROCESSING RESPONSE processResponse() STARTED...")
        for action in rspec.response.provisioning.action:
                actionModel = ActionController.getAction(action.id)
            except Exception as e:
                logging.error("No action in DB with the incoming uuid\n%s", e)

			If the response is for an action only in QUEUED or ONGOING status, SUCCESS or FAILED actions are finished
            # if str(actionModel.callBackUrl) == str(SfaCommunicator.SFAUrl): #Avoiding unicodes
            # 	event = pull(str(action.id))
            # 	event.send('continue')
            # 	return

            if actionModel.getStatus() is Action.QUEUED_STATUS or Action.ONGOING_STATUS:
                    "The incoming response has id: %s and NEW status: %s" % (actionModel.uuid, actionModel.status)
                was_creating = False
                was_created = False
                actionModel.status = action.status
                actionModel.description = action.description
                # Complete information required for the Plugin: action type and VM
                ActionController.completeActionRspec(action, actionModel)

                # XXX:Implement this method or some other doing this job
                vm = VTDriver.getVMbyUUID(actionModel.getObjectUUID())
                if vm.state == "creating...":
                    was_creating = True
                elif vm.state == "starting...":
                    was_created = True
                controller = VTDriver.getDriver(vm.Server.get().getVirtTech())
                failedOnCreate = 0
                # Update VM model with new status from OXAD
                if actionModel.getStatus() == Action.SUCCESS_STATUS:
                    ProvisioningResponseDispatcher.__updateVMafterSUCCESS(actionModel, vm)
                elif actionModel.getStatus() == Action.ONGOING_STATUS:
                    ProvisioningResponseDispatcher.__updateVMafterONGOING(actionModel, vm)
                elif actionModel.getStatus() == Action.FAILED_STATUS:
                    failedOnCreate = ProvisioningResponseDispatcher.__updateVMafterFAILED(actionModel, vm)
                    created = False
                    vm_started = False
                    if vm.state == "created (stopped)":
                        created = True
                    elif vm.state == "running":
                        vm_started = True
                    logging.debug("Sending response to plug-in in sendAsync")
                    if str(vm.callBackURL) == "SFA.OCF.VTM":
                        logging.debug("callback: %s" % vm.callBackURL)
                        print "-------------->PRD: Created:", created, "Was_creating:", was_creating, "vm_started:", vm_started
                        print "-------------->PRD Action:", action, action.server.__dict__
                        # Start VM just after creating sliver/VM
                        if created and was_creating:
                            from vt_manager_kvm.communication.sfa.drivers.VTSfaDriver import VTSfaDriver

                            driver = VTSfaDriver(None)
                            driver.crud_slice(vm.sliceName, vm.projectName, "start_slice")
                            # if was_created and vm_started:
                        if vm_started:
                            ifaces = vm.getNetworkInterfaces()
                            for iface in ifaces:
                                if iface.isMgmt:
                                    ip = iface.ip4s.all()[0].ip
                                    # Contextualize VMs
                            ProvisioningResponseDispatcher.__contextualize_vm(vm, ip)
                            # Cleaning up reservation objects
                    XmlRpcClient.callRPCMethod(vm.getCallBackURL(), "sendAsync", XmlHelper.craftXmlClass(rspec))
                    if failedOnCreate == 1:
                        # Keep actions table up-to-date after each deletion
                except Exception as e:
                    logging.error("Could not connect to Plugin in sendAsync\n%s", e)

                # If response is for a finished action
                    # XXX: What should be done if this happen?
                    logging.error("Received response for an action in wrong state\n")
                            Action.FAILED_STATUS, action, "Received response for an action in wrong state"
                except Exception as e: