    # Page align
    baseaddr = baseaddr & 0xfffff000
    maxaddr = baseaddr + 4096

    map = vdb.trace.getMemoryMap(baseaddr)
    if map == None:
        raise Exception("Invalid memory map address 0x%.8x" % map)

    if domap:
        baseaddr = map[0]
        maxaddr = baseaddr + map[1]

    bpcode = "trace.getMeta('pagewatch').append((eip,trace.platformGetMemFault()));trace.runAgain()"
    vdb.trace.setMeta("pagewatch", [])
    while baseaddr < maxaddr:
        wp = vtrace.PageWatchpoint(baseaddr, size=4096, perms="w")
        wpid = vdb.trace.addBreakpoint(wp)
        vdb.trace.setBreakpointCode(wpid, bpcode)
        baseaddr += 4096

def stealth(vdb, line):
    Enable basic debugger stealth.  This has the following effects:

    Change PEB to show BeingDebugged == 0
    Special breakpoint on CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent

    break/sendBreak() behave VERY strange with this because the
    kernel aparently doesn't think he needs to post the exception
def pagewatch(vdb, line):
    Enable write access watching on a given memory page.  This works
    by setting the page to read-only and then specially handling the
    access violations as though they were hardware Watchpoints.

    Usage: pagewatch [options] [<addr_expression>]
    -C - Clear the current pagewatch log
    -F - Toggle auto-continue behavior (run and record vs. stop on hit)
    -L - List the current hits from the pagewatch log
    -M - Add page watches to the entire memory map from addr_expression
    -R - Use to enable *read* watching while adding a page watch
    -S <addr> - Show touches to the specified address
    -P <addr> - Show memory touched by specifed program counter (eip)
    -u - When listing, show only *unique* entries
    argv = e_cli.splitargs(line)
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "CFLMP:RS:u")
    except Exception:
        return vdb.do_help('pagewatch')

    if vdb.trace.getMeta('pagewatch') is None:
        vdb.trace.setMeta('pagewatch', [])

    if vdb.trace.getMeta('pagerun') is None:
        vdb.trace.setMeta('pagerun', False)

    domap = False
    unique = False
    watchread = False
    for opt, optarg in opts:

        if opt == "-C":
            vdb.trace.setMeta("pagewatch", [])
            vdb.vprint("Pagewatch log cleared")

        elif opt == '-F':
            pr = vdb.trace.getMeta('pagerun', False)
            pr = not pr
            vdb.trace.setMeta('pagerun', pr)
            vdb.vprint('Pagewatch Auto Continue: %s' % pr)

        elif opt == "-L":
            hits = vdb.trace.getMeta('pagewatch', [])
            _printPageHits(vdb, hits, unique=unique)

        elif opt == "-M":
            domap = True

        elif opt == '-R':
            watchread = True

        elif opt == "-S":
            saddr = vdb.trace.parseExpression(optarg)
            hits = vdb.trace.getMeta("pagewatch")
            if hits is None:
                vdb.vprint("No pagewatch log!")
            hits = [h for h in hits if h[1] == saddr]
            _printPageHits(vdb, hits, unique=unique)

        elif opt == "-P":
            saddr = vdb.trace.parseExpression(optarg)
            hits = vdb.trace.getMeta("pagewatch")
            if hits is None:
                vdb.vprint("No pagewatch log!")

            hits = [h for h in hits if h[0] == saddr]
            _printPageHits(vdb, hits, unique=unique)

        elif opt == '-u':
            unique = True

    if len(args) == 0:
        return vdb.do_help('pagewatch')

    baseaddr = vdb.trace.parseExpression(args[0])
    # Page align
    baseaddr = baseaddr & 0xfffff000
    maxaddr = baseaddr + 4096

    mmap = vdb.trace.getMemoryMap(baseaddr)
    if mmap is None:
        raise Exception("Invalid memory map address 0x%.8x" % baseaddr)

    if domap:
        baseaddr = mmap[0]
        maxaddr = baseaddr + mmap[1]

    bpset = vdb.trace.breakpoints
    while baseaddr < maxaddr:
        # Skip ones that are already there!
        if not bpset.get(baseaddr):
            wp = vtrace.PageWatchpoint(baseaddr,
            wpid = vdb.trace.addBreakpoint(wp)
        baseaddr += 4096
    maxaddr = baseaddr + 4096

    mmap = vdb.trace.getMemoryMap(baseaddr)
    if mmap == None:
        raise Exception("Invalid memory map address 0x%.8x" % baseaddr)

    if domap:
        baseaddr = mmap[0]
        maxaddr = baseaddr + mmap[1]

    bpset = vdb.trace.breakpoints
    while baseaddr < maxaddr:
        # Skip ones that are already there!
        if not bpset.get(baseaddr):
            wp = vtrace.PageWatchpoint(baseaddr,
            wpid = vdb.trace.addBreakpoint(wp)
        baseaddr += 4096

def stealth(vdb, line):
    Enable debugger stealth. See options -l.

    stealth <on/off> <options>

    peb - enable/disable static peb + heap offset patching
    ZwQueryInformationProcess - patch ZwQueryInformationProcess parameter
    CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent - patch CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent