class MessageStore(object): """Vumi message store. Message batches, inbound messages, outbound messages, events and information about which batch a tag is currently associated with is stored in Riak. A small amount of information about the state of a batch (i.e. number of messages in the batch, messages sent, acknowledgements and delivery reports received) is stored in Redis. """ # The Python Riak client defaults to max_results=1000 in places. DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS = 1000 def __init__(self, manager, redis): self.manager = manager self.batches = manager.proxy(Batch) self.outbound_messages = manager.proxy(OutboundMessage) = manager.proxy(Event) self.inbound_messages = manager.proxy(InboundMessage) self.current_tags = manager.proxy(CurrentTag) self.cache = MessageStoreCache(redis) @Manager.calls_manager def needs_reconciliation(self, batch_id, delta=0.01): """ Check if a batch_id's cache values need to be reconciled with what's stored in the MessageStore. :param float delta: What an acceptable delta is for the cached values. Defaults to 0.01 If the cached values are off by the delta then this returns True. """ inbound = float((yield self.batch_inbound_count(batch_id))) cached_inbound = yield self.cache.count_inbound_message_keys(batch_id) if inbound and (abs(cached_inbound - inbound) / inbound) > delta: returnValue(True) outbound = float((yield self.batch_outbound_count(batch_id))) cached_outbound = yield self.cache.count_outbound_message_keys( batch_id) if outbound and (abs(cached_outbound - outbound) / outbound) > delta: returnValue(True) returnValue(False) @Manager.calls_manager def reconcile_cache(self, batch_id, start_timestamp=None): """ Rebuild the cache for the given batch. The ``start_timestamp`` parameter is used for testing only. """ if start_timestamp is None: start_timestamp = format_vumi_date(datetime.utcnow()) yield self.cache.clear_batch(batch_id) yield self.cache.batch_start(batch_id) yield self.reconcile_outbound_cache(batch_id, start_timestamp) yield self.reconcile_inbound_cache(batch_id, start_timestamp) @Manager.calls_manager def reconcile_inbound_cache(self, batch_id, start_timestamp): """ Rebuild the inbound message cache. """ key_manager = ReconKeyManager(start_timestamp, self.cache.TRUNCATE_MESSAGE_KEY_COUNT_AT) key_count = 0 index_page = yield self.batch_inbound_keys_with_addresses(batch_id) while index_page is not None: for key, timestamp, addr in index_page: yield self.cache.add_from_addr(batch_id, addr) old_key = key_manager.add_key(key, timestamp) if old_key is not None: key_count += 1 index_page = yield index_page.next_page() yield self.cache.add_inbound_message_count(batch_id, key_count) for key, timestamp in key_manager: try: yield self.cache.add_inbound_message_key( batch_id, key, self.cache.get_timestamp(timestamp)) except: log.err() @Manager.calls_manager def reconcile_outbound_cache(self, batch_id, start_timestamp): """ Rebuild the outbound message cache. """ key_manager = ReconKeyManager(start_timestamp, self.cache.TRUNCATE_MESSAGE_KEY_COUNT_AT) key_count = 0 status_counts = defaultdict(int) index_page = yield self.batch_outbound_keys_with_addresses(batch_id) while index_page is not None: for key, timestamp, addr in index_page: yield self.cache.add_to_addr(batch_id, addr) old_key = key_manager.add_key(key, timestamp) if old_key is not None: key_count += 1 sc = yield self.get_event_counts(old_key[0]) for status, count in sc.iteritems(): status_counts[status] += count index_page = yield index_page.next_page() yield self.cache.add_outbound_message_count(batch_id, key_count) for status, count in status_counts.iteritems(): yield self.cache.add_event_count(batch_id, status, count) for key, timestamp in key_manager: try: yield self.cache.add_outbound_message_key( batch_id, key, self.cache.get_timestamp(timestamp)) yield self.reconcile_event_cache(batch_id, key) except: log.err() @Manager.calls_manager def get_event_counts(self, message_id): """ Get event counts for a particular message. This is used for old messages that we want to bulk-update. """ status_counts = defaultdict(int) index_page = yield self.message_event_keys_with_statuses(message_id) while index_page is not None: for key, _timestamp, status in index_page: status_counts[status] += 1 if status.startswith("delivery_report."): status_counts["delivery_report"] += 1 index_page = yield index_page.next_page() returnValue(status_counts) @Manager.calls_manager def reconcile_event_cache(self, batch_id, message_id): """ Update the event cache for a particular message. """ event_keys = yield self.message_event_keys(message_id) for event_key in event_keys: event = yield self.get_event(event_key) yield self.cache.add_event(batch_id, event) @Manager.calls_manager def batch_start(self, tags=(), **metadata): batch_id = uuid4().get_hex() batch = self.batches(batch_id) batch.tags.extend(tags) for key, value in metadata.iteritems(): batch.metadata[key] = value yield for tag in tags: tag_record = yield self.current_tags.load(tag) if tag_record is None: tag_record = self.current_tags(tag) tag_record.current_batch.set(batch) yield yield self.cache.batch_start(batch_id) returnValue(batch_id) @Manager.calls_manager def batch_done(self, batch_id): batch = yield self.batches.load(batch_id) tag_keys = yield batch.backlinks.currenttags() for tags_bunch in self.manager.load_all_bunches(CurrentTag, tag_keys): for tag in (yield tags_bunch): tag.current_batch.set(None) yield @Manager.calls_manager def add_outbound_message(self, msg, tag=None, batch_id=None, batch_ids=()): msg_id = msg['message_id'] msg_record = yield self.outbound_messages.load(msg_id) if msg_record is None: msg_record = self.outbound_messages(msg_id, msg=msg) else: msg_record.msg = msg if batch_id is None and tag is not None: tag_record = yield self.current_tags.load(tag) if tag_record is not None: batch_id = tag_record.current_batch.key batch_ids = list(batch_ids) if batch_id is not None: batch_ids.append(batch_id) for batch_id in batch_ids: msg_record.batches.add_key(batch_id) yield self.cache.add_outbound_message(batch_id, msg) yield @Manager.calls_manager def get_outbound_message(self, msg_id): msg = yield self.outbound_messages.load(msg_id) returnValue(msg.msg if msg is not None else None) @Manager.calls_manager def _get_batches_from_outbound(self, msg_id): msg_record = yield self.outbound_messages.load(msg_id) if msg_record is not None: batch_ids = msg_record.batches.keys() else: batch_ids = [] returnValue(batch_ids) @Manager.calls_manager def add_event(self, event, batch_ids=None): event_id = event['event_id'] msg_id = event['user_message_id'] event_record = yield if event_record is None: event_record =, event=event, message=msg_id) if batch_ids is None: # If we aren't given batch_ids, get them from the outbound # message. batch_ids = yield self._get_batches_from_outbound(msg_id) else: event_record.event = event if batch_ids is not None: for batch_id in batch_ids: event_record.batches.add_key(batch_id) yield self.cache.add_event(batch_id, event) yield @Manager.calls_manager def get_event(self, event_id): event = yield returnValue(event.event if event is not None else None) @Manager.calls_manager def get_events_for_message(self, message_id): events = [] event_keys = yield self.message_event_keys(message_id) for event_id in event_keys: event = yield self.get_event(event_id) events.append(event) returnValue(events) @Manager.calls_manager def add_inbound_message(self, msg, tag=None, batch_id=None, batch_ids=()): msg_id = msg['message_id'] msg_record = yield self.inbound_messages.load(msg_id) if msg_record is None: msg_record = self.inbound_messages(msg_id, msg=msg) else: msg_record.msg = msg if batch_id is None and tag is not None: tag_record = yield self.current_tags.load(tag) if tag_record is not None: batch_id = tag_record.current_batch.key batch_ids = list(batch_ids) if batch_id is not None: batch_ids.append(batch_id) for batch_id in batch_ids: msg_record.batches.add_key(batch_id) yield self.cache.add_inbound_message(batch_id, msg) yield @Manager.calls_manager def get_inbound_message(self, msg_id): msg = yield self.inbound_messages.load(msg_id) returnValue(msg.msg if msg is not None else None) def get_batch(self, batch_id): return self.batches.load(batch_id) @Manager.calls_manager def get_tag_info(self, tag): tagmdl = yield self.current_tags.load(tag) if tagmdl is None: tagmdl = yield self.current_tags(tag) returnValue(tagmdl) def batch_status(self, batch_id): return self.cache.get_event_status(batch_id) def batch_outbound_keys(self, batch_id): return self.outbound_messages.index_keys('batches', batch_id) def batch_outbound_keys_page(self, batch_id, max_results=None, continuation=None): if max_results is None: max_results = self.DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS return self.outbound_messages.index_keys_page( 'batches', batch_id, max_results=max_results, continuation=continuation) def batch_outbound_keys_matching(self, batch_id, query): mr = self.outbound_messages.index_match(query, 'batches', batch_id) return mr.get_keys() def batch_inbound_keys(self, batch_id): return self.inbound_messages.index_keys('batches', batch_id) def batch_inbound_keys_page(self, batch_id, max_results=None, continuation=None): if max_results is None: max_results = self.DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS return self.inbound_messages.index_keys_page('batches', batch_id, max_results=max_results, continuation=continuation) def batch_inbound_keys_matching(self, batch_id, query): mr = self.inbound_messages.index_match(query, 'batches', batch_id) return mr.get_keys() def message_event_keys(self, msg_id): return'message', msg_id) @Manager.calls_manager def batch_inbound_count(self, batch_id): keys = yield self.batch_inbound_keys(batch_id) returnValue(len(keys)) @Manager.calls_manager def batch_outbound_count(self, batch_id): keys = yield self.batch_outbound_keys(batch_id) returnValue(len(keys)) @Manager.calls_manager def find_inbound_keys_matching(self, batch_id, query, ttl=None, wait=False): """ Has the message search issue a `batch_inbound_keys_matching()` query and stores the resulting keys in the cache ordered by descending timestamp. :param str batch_id: The batch to search across :param list query: The list of dictionaries with query information. :param int ttl: How long to store the results for. :param bool wait: Only return the token after the matching, storing & ordering of keys has completed. Useful for testing. Returns a token with which the results can be fetched. NOTE: This function can only be called from inside Twisted as it assumes that the result of `batch_inbound_keys_matching` is a Deferred. """ assert isinstance( self.manager, TxRiakManager), ("manager is not an instance of TxRiakManager") token = yield self.cache.start_query(batch_id, 'inbound', query) deferred = self.batch_inbound_keys_matching(batch_id, query) deferred.addCallback(lambda keys: self.cache.store_query_results( batch_id, token, keys, 'inbound', ttl)) if wait: yield deferred returnValue(token) @Manager.calls_manager def find_outbound_keys_matching(self, batch_id, query, ttl=None, wait=False): """ Has the message search issue a `batch_outbound_keys_matching()` query and stores the resulting keys in the cache ordered by descending timestamp. :param str batch_id: The batch to search across :param list query: The list of dictionaries with query information. :param int ttl: How long to store the results for. :param bool wait: Only return the token after the matching, storing & ordering of keys has completed. Useful for testing. Returns a token with which the results can be fetched. NOTE: This function can only be called from inside Twisted as it depends on Deferreds being fired that aren't returned by the function itself. """ token = yield self.cache.start_query(batch_id, 'outbound', query) deferred = self.batch_outbound_keys_matching(batch_id, query) deferred.addCallback(lambda keys: self.cache.store_query_results( batch_id, token, keys, 'outbound', ttl)) if wait: yield deferred returnValue(token) def get_keys_for_token(self, batch_id, token, start=0, stop=-1, asc=False): """ Returns the resulting keys of a search. :param str token: The token returned by `find_inbound_keys_matching()` """ return self.cache.get_query_results(batch_id, token, start, stop, asc) def count_keys_for_token(self, batch_id, token): """ Count the number of keys in the token's result set. """ return self.cache.count_query_results(batch_id, token) def is_query_in_progress(self, batch_id, token): """ Return True or False depending on whether or not the query is still running """ return self.cache.is_query_in_progress(batch_id, token) def get_inbound_message_keys(self, batch_id, start=0, stop=-1, with_timestamp=False): warnings.warn( "get_inbound_message_keys() is deprecated. Use " "get_cached_inbound_message_keys().", category=DeprecationWarning) return self.get_cached_inbound_message_keys(batch_id, start, stop, with_timestamp) def get_cached_inbound_message_keys(self, batch_id, start=0, stop=-1, with_timestamp=False): """ Return the keys ordered by descending timestamp. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for :param int start: Where to start from, defaults to 0 which is the first key. :param int stop: How many to fetch, defaults to -1 which is the last key. :param bool with_timestamp: Whether or not to return a list of (key, timestamp) tuples instead of only the list of keys. """ return self.cache.get_inbound_message_keys( batch_id, start, stop, with_timestamp=with_timestamp) def get_outbound_message_keys(self, batch_id, start=0, stop=-1, with_timestamp=False): warnings.warn( "get_outbound_message_keys() is deprecated. Use " "get_cached_outbound_message_keys().", category=DeprecationWarning) return self.get_cached_outbound_message_keys(batch_id, start, stop, with_timestamp) def get_cached_outbound_message_keys(self, batch_id, start=0, stop=-1, with_timestamp=False): """ Return the keys ordered by descending timestamp. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for :param int start: Where to start from, defaults to 0 which is the first key. :param int stop: How many to fetch, defaults to -1 which is the last key. :param bool with_timestamp: Whether or not to return a list of (key, timestamp) tuples instead of only the list of keys. """ return self.cache.get_outbound_message_keys( batch_id, start, stop, with_timestamp=with_timestamp) def _start_end_values(self, batch_id, start, end): if start is not None: start_value = "%s$%s" % (batch_id, start) else: start_value = "%s%s" % (batch_id, "#") # chr(ord('$') - 1) if end is not None: # We append the "%" to this because we may have another field after # the timestamp and we want to include that in range. end_value = "%s$%s%s" % (batch_id, end, "%") # chr(ord('$') + 1) else: end_value = "%s%s" % (batch_id, "%") # chr(ord('$') + 1) return start_value, end_value @Manager.calls_manager def _query_batch_index(self, model_proxy, batch_id, index, max_results, start, end, formatter): if max_results is None: max_results = self.DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS start_value, end_value = self._start_end_values(batch_id, start, end) results = yield model_proxy.index_keys_page(index, start_value, end_value, max_results=max_results, return_terms=(formatter is not None)) if formatter is not None: results = IndexPageWrapper(formatter, self, batch_id, results) returnValue(results) def batch_inbound_keys_with_timestamps(self, batch_id, max_results=None, start=None, end=None, with_timestamps=True): """ Return all inbound message keys with (and ordered by) timestamps. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for. :param int max_results: Number of results per page. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS :param str start: Optional start timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param str end: Optional end timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param bool with_timestamps: If set to ``False``, only the keys will be returned. The results will still be ordered by timestamp, however. This method performs a Riak index query. """ formatter = key_with_ts_only_formatter if with_timestamps else None return self._query_batch_index(self.inbound_messages, batch_id, 'batches_with_addresses', max_results, start, end, formatter) def batch_outbound_keys_with_timestamps(self, batch_id, max_results=None, start=None, end=None, with_timestamps=True): """ Return all outbound message keys with (and ordered by) timestamps. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for. :param int max_results: Number of results per page. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS :param str start: Optional start timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param str end: Optional end timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param bool with_timestamps: If set to ``False``, only the keys will be returned. The results will still be ordered by timestamp, however. This method performs a Riak index query. """ formatter = key_with_ts_only_formatter if with_timestamps else None return self._query_batch_index(self.outbound_messages, batch_id, 'batches_with_addresses', max_results, start, end, formatter) def batch_inbound_keys_with_addresses(self, batch_id, max_results=None, start=None, end=None): """ Return all inbound message keys with (and ordered by) timestamps and addresses. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for. :param int max_results: Number of results per page. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS :param str start: Optional start timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param str end: Optional end timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. This method performs a Riak index query. """ return self._query_batch_index(self.inbound_messages, batch_id, 'batches_with_addresses', max_results, start, end, key_with_ts_and_value_formatter) def batch_outbound_keys_with_addresses(self, batch_id, max_results=None, start=None, end=None): """ Return all outbound message keys with (and ordered by) timestamps and addresses. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for. :param int max_results: Number of results per page. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS :param str start: Optional start timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param str end: Optional end timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. This method performs a Riak index query. """ return self._query_batch_index(self.outbound_messages, batch_id, 'batches_with_addresses', max_results, start, end, key_with_ts_and_value_formatter) def batch_inbound_keys_with_addresses_reverse(self, batch_id, max_results=None, start=None, end=None): """ Return all inbound message keys with timestamps and addresses. Results are ordered from newest to oldest. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for. :param int max_results: Number of results per page. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS :param str start: Optional start timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param str end: Optional end timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. This method performs a Riak index query. """ # We're using reverse timestamps, so swap start and end and convert to # reverse timestamps. if start is not None: start = to_reverse_timestamp(start) if end is not None: end = to_reverse_timestamp(end) start, end = end, start return self._query_batch_index(self.inbound_messages, batch_id, 'batches_with_addresses_reverse', max_results, start, end, key_with_rts_and_value_formatter) def batch_outbound_keys_with_addresses_reverse(self, batch_id, max_results=None, start=None, end=None): """ Return all outbound message keys with timestamps and addresses. Results are ordered from newest to oldest. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for. :param int max_results: Number of results per page. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS :param str start: Optional start timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param str end: Optional end timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. This method performs a Riak index query. """ # We're using reverse timestamps, so swap start and end and convert to # reverse timestamps. if start is not None: start = to_reverse_timestamp(start) if end is not None: end = to_reverse_timestamp(end) start, end = end, start return self._query_batch_index(self.outbound_messages, batch_id, 'batches_with_addresses_reverse', max_results, start, end, key_with_rts_and_value_formatter) @Manager.calls_manager def message_event_keys_with_statuses(self, msg_id, max_results=None): """ Return all event keys with (and ordered by) timestamps and statuses. :param str msg_id: The message_id to fetch event keys for. :param int max_results: Number of results per page. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS This method performs a Riak index query. Unlike similar message key methods, start and end values are not supported as the number of events per message is expected to be small. """ if max_results is None: max_results = self.DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS start_value, end_value = self._start_end_values(msg_id, None, None) results = yield'message_with_status', start_value, end_value, return_terms=True, max_results=max_results) returnValue( IndexPageWrapper(key_with_ts_and_value_formatter, self, msg_id, results)) @Manager.calls_manager def batch_inbound_stats(self, batch_id, max_results=None, start=None, end=None): """ Return inbound message stats for the specified time range. Currently, message stats include total message count and unique address count. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for. :param int max_results: Number of results per page. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS. :param str start: Optional start timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param str end: Optional end timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :returns: ``dict`` containing 'total' and 'unique_addresses' entries. This method performs multiple Riak index queries. """ total = 0 unique_addresses = set() start_value, end_value = self._start_end_values(batch_id, start, end) if max_results is None: max_results = self.DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS raw_page = yield self.inbound_messages.index_keys_page( 'batches_with_addresses', start_value, end_value, return_terms=True, max_results=max_results) page = IndexPageWrapper(key_with_ts_and_value_formatter, self, batch_id, raw_page) while page is not None: results = list(page) total += len(results) unique_addresses.update(addr for key, timestamp, addr in results) page = yield page.next_page() returnValue({ "total": total, "unique_addresses": len(unique_addresses), }) @Manager.calls_manager def batch_outbound_stats(self, batch_id, max_results=None, start=None, end=None): """ Return outbound message stats for the specified time range. Currently, message stats include total message count and unique address count. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for. :param int max_results: Number of results per page. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS. :param str start: Optional start timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param str end: Optional end timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :returns: ``dict`` containing 'total' and 'unique_addresses' entries. This method performs multiple Riak index queries. """ total = 0 unique_addresses = set() start_value, end_value = self._start_end_values(batch_id, start, end) if max_results is None: max_results = self.DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS raw_page = yield self.outbound_messages.index_keys_page( 'batches_with_addresses', start_value, end_value, return_terms=True, max_results=max_results) page = IndexPageWrapper(key_with_ts_and_value_formatter, self, batch_id, raw_page) while page is not None: results = list(page) total += len(results) unique_addresses.update(addr for key, timestamp, addr in results) page = yield page.next_page() returnValue({ "total": total, "unique_addresses": len(unique_addresses), })
class MessageStore(object): """Vumi message store. Message batches, inbound messages, outbound messages, events and information about which batch a tag is currently associated with is stored in Riak. A small amount of information about the state of a batch (i.e. number of messages in the batch, messages sent, acknowledgements and delivery reports received) is stored in Redis. """ # The Python Riak client defaults to max_results=1000 in places. DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS = 1000 def __init__(self, manager, redis): self.manager = manager self.batches = manager.proxy(Batch) self.outbound_messages = manager.proxy(OutboundMessage) = manager.proxy(Event) self.inbound_messages = manager.proxy(InboundMessage) self.current_tags = manager.proxy(CurrentTag) self.cache = MessageStoreCache(redis) @Manager.calls_manager def needs_reconciliation(self, batch_id, delta=0.01): """ Check if a batch_id's cache values need to be reconciled with what's stored in the MessageStore. :param float delta: What an acceptable delta is for the cached values. Defaults to 0.01 If the cached values are off by the delta then this returns True. """ inbound = float((yield self.batch_inbound_count(batch_id))) cached_inbound = yield self.cache.count_inbound_message_keys( batch_id) if inbound and (abs(cached_inbound - inbound) / inbound) > delta: returnValue(True) outbound = float((yield self.batch_outbound_count(batch_id))) cached_outbound = yield self.cache.count_outbound_message_keys( batch_id) if outbound and (abs(cached_outbound - outbound) / outbound) > delta: returnValue(True) returnValue(False) @Manager.calls_manager def reconcile_cache(self, batch_id): yield self.cache.clear_batch(batch_id) yield self.cache.batch_start(batch_id) yield self.reconcile_outbound_cache(batch_id) yield self.reconcile_inbound_cache(batch_id) @Manager.calls_manager def reconcile_inbound_cache(self, batch_id): inbound_keys = yield self.batch_inbound_keys(batch_id) for key in inbound_keys: try: msg = yield self.get_inbound_message(key) yield self.cache.add_inbound_message(batch_id, msg) except Exception: log.err() @Manager.calls_manager def reconcile_outbound_cache(self, batch_id): outbound_keys = yield self.batch_outbound_keys(batch_id) for key in outbound_keys: try: msg = yield self.get_outbound_message(key) yield self.cache.add_outbound_message(batch_id, msg) yield self.reconcile_event_cache(batch_id, key) except Exception: log.err() @Manager.calls_manager def reconcile_event_cache(self, batch_id, message_id): event_keys = yield self.message_event_keys(message_id) for event_key in event_keys: event = yield self.get_event(event_key) yield self.cache.add_event(batch_id, event) @Manager.calls_manager def batch_start(self, tags=(), **metadata): batch_id = uuid4().get_hex() batch = self.batches(batch_id) batch.tags.extend(tags) for key, value in metadata.iteritems(): batch.metadata[key] = value yield for tag in tags: tag_record = yield self.current_tags.load(tag) if tag_record is None: tag_record = self.current_tags(tag) tag_record.current_batch.set(batch) yield yield self.cache.batch_start(batch_id) returnValue(batch_id) @Manager.calls_manager def batch_done(self, batch_id): batch = yield self.batches.load(batch_id) tag_keys = yield batch.backlinks.currenttags() for tags_bunch in self.manager.load_all_bunches(CurrentTag, tag_keys): for tag in (yield tags_bunch): tag.current_batch.set(None) yield @Manager.calls_manager def add_outbound_message(self, msg, tag=None, batch_id=None, batch_ids=()): msg_id = msg['message_id'] msg_record = yield self.outbound_messages.load(msg_id) if msg_record is None: msg_record = self.outbound_messages(msg_id, msg=msg) else: msg_record.msg = msg if batch_id is None and tag is not None: tag_record = yield self.current_tags.load(tag) if tag_record is not None: batch_id = tag_record.current_batch.key batch_ids = list(batch_ids) if batch_id is not None: batch_ids.append(batch_id) for batch_id in batch_ids: msg_record.batches.add_key(batch_id) yield self.cache.add_outbound_message(batch_id, msg) yield @Manager.calls_manager def get_outbound_message(self, msg_id): msg = yield self.outbound_messages.load(msg_id) returnValue(msg.msg if msg is not None else None) @Manager.calls_manager def add_event(self, event): event_id = event['event_id'] msg_id = event['user_message_id'] event_record = yield if event_record is None: event_record =, event=event, message=msg_id) else: event_record.event = event yield msg_record = yield self.outbound_messages.load(msg_id) if msg_record is not None: for batch_id in msg_record.batches.keys(): yield self.cache.add_event(batch_id, event) @Manager.calls_manager def get_event(self, event_id): event = yield returnValue(event.event if event is not None else None) @Manager.calls_manager def get_events_for_message(self, message_id): events = [] event_keys = yield self.message_event_keys(message_id) for event_id in event_keys: event = yield self.get_event(event_id) events.append(event) returnValue(events) @Manager.calls_manager def add_inbound_message(self, msg, tag=None, batch_id=None, batch_ids=()): msg_id = msg['message_id'] msg_record = yield self.inbound_messages.load(msg_id) if msg_record is None: msg_record = self.inbound_messages(msg_id, msg=msg) else: msg_record.msg = msg if batch_id is None and tag is not None: tag_record = yield self.current_tags.load(tag) if tag_record is not None: batch_id = tag_record.current_batch.key batch_ids = list(batch_ids) if batch_id is not None: batch_ids.append(batch_id) for batch_id in batch_ids: msg_record.batches.add_key(batch_id) yield self.cache.add_inbound_message(batch_id, msg) yield @Manager.calls_manager def get_inbound_message(self, msg_id): msg = yield self.inbound_messages.load(msg_id) returnValue(msg.msg if msg is not None else None) def get_batch(self, batch_id): return self.batches.load(batch_id) @Manager.calls_manager def get_tag_info(self, tag): tagmdl = yield self.current_tags.load(tag) if tagmdl is None: tagmdl = yield self.current_tags(tag) returnValue(tagmdl) def batch_status(self, batch_id): return self.cache.get_event_status(batch_id) def batch_outbound_keys(self, batch_id): return self.outbound_messages.index_keys('batches', batch_id) def batch_outbound_keys_page(self, batch_id, max_results=None, continuation=None): if max_results is None: max_results = self.DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS return self.outbound_messages.index_keys_page( 'batches', batch_id, max_results=max_results, continuation=continuation) def batch_outbound_keys_matching(self, batch_id, query): mr = self.outbound_messages.index_match(query, 'batches', batch_id) return mr.get_keys() def batch_inbound_keys(self, batch_id): return self.inbound_messages.index_keys('batches', batch_id) def batch_inbound_keys_page(self, batch_id, max_results=None, continuation=None): if max_results is None: max_results = self.DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS return self.inbound_messages.index_keys_page( 'batches', batch_id, max_results=max_results, continuation=continuation) def batch_inbound_keys_matching(self, batch_id, query): mr = self.inbound_messages.index_match(query, 'batches', batch_id) return mr.get_keys() def message_event_keys(self, msg_id): return'message', msg_id) @Manager.calls_manager def batch_inbound_count(self, batch_id): keys = yield self.batch_inbound_keys(batch_id) returnValue(len(keys)) @Manager.calls_manager def batch_outbound_count(self, batch_id): keys = yield self.batch_outbound_keys(batch_id) returnValue(len(keys)) @inlineCallbacks def find_inbound_keys_matching(self, batch_id, query, ttl=None, wait=False): """ Has the message search issue a `batch_inbound_keys_matching()` query and stores the resulting keys in the cache ordered by descending timestamp. :param str batch_id: The batch to search across :param list query: The list of dictionaries with query information. :param int ttl: How long to store the results for. :param bool wait: Only return the token after the matching, storing & ordering of keys has completed. Useful for testing. Returns a token with which the results can be fetched. NOTE: This function can only be called from inside Twisted as it assumes that the result of `batch_inbound_keys_matching` is a Deferred. """ assert isinstance(self.manager, TxRiakManager), ( "manager is not an instance of TxRiakManager") token = yield self.cache.start_query(batch_id, 'inbound', query) deferred = self.batch_inbound_keys_matching(batch_id, query) deferred.addCallback( lambda keys: self.cache.store_query_results(batch_id, token, keys, 'inbound', ttl)) if wait: yield deferred returnValue(token) @inlineCallbacks def find_outbound_keys_matching(self, batch_id, query, ttl=None, wait=False): """ Has the message search issue a `batch_outbound_keys_matching()` query and stores the resulting keys in the cache ordered by descending timestamp. :param str batch_id: The batch to search across :param list query: The list of dictionaries with query information. :param int ttl: How long to store the results for. :param bool wait: Only return the token after the matching, storing & ordering of keys has completed. Useful for testing. Returns a token with which the results can be fetched. NOTE: This function can only be called from inside Twisted as it depends on Deferreds being fired that aren't returned by the function itself. """ token = yield self.cache.start_query(batch_id, 'outbound', query) deferred = self.batch_outbound_keys_matching(batch_id, query) deferred.addCallback( lambda keys: self.cache.store_query_results(batch_id, token, keys, 'outbound', ttl)) if wait: yield deferred returnValue(token) def get_keys_for_token(self, batch_id, token, start=0, stop=-1, asc=False): """ Returns the resulting keys of a search. :param str token: The token returned by `find_inbound_keys_matching()` """ return self.cache.get_query_results(batch_id, token, start, stop, asc) def count_keys_for_token(self, batch_id, token): """ Count the number of keys in the token's result set. """ return self.cache.count_query_results(batch_id, token) def is_query_in_progress(self, batch_id, token): """ Return True or False depending on whether or not the query is still running """ return self.cache.is_query_in_progress(batch_id, token) def get_inbound_message_keys(self, batch_id, start=0, stop=-1, with_timestamp=False): warnings.warn("get_inbound_message_keys() is deprecated. Use " "get_cached_inbound_message_keys().", category=DeprecationWarning) return self.get_cached_inbound_message_keys(batch_id, start, stop, with_timestamp) def get_cached_inbound_message_keys(self, batch_id, start=0, stop=-1, with_timestamp=False): """ Return the keys ordered by descending timestamp. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for :param int start: Where to start from, defaults to 0 which is the first key. :param int stop: How many to fetch, defaults to -1 which is the last key. :param bool with_timestamp: Whether or not to return a list of (key, timestamp) tuples instead of only the list of keys. """ return self.cache.get_inbound_message_keys( batch_id, start, stop, with_timestamp=with_timestamp) def get_outbound_message_keys(self, batch_id, start=0, stop=-1, with_timestamp=False): warnings.warn("get_outbound_message_keys() is deprecated. Use " "get_cached_outbound_message_keys().", category=DeprecationWarning) return self.get_cached_outbound_message_keys(batch_id, start, stop, with_timestamp) def get_cached_outbound_message_keys(self, batch_id, start=0, stop=-1, with_timestamp=False): """ Return the keys ordered by descending timestamp. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for :param int start: Where to start from, defaults to 0 which is the first key. :param int stop: How many to fetch, defaults to -1 which is the last key. :param bool with_timestamp: Whether or not to return a list of (key, timestamp) tuples instead of only the list of keys. """ return self.cache.get_outbound_message_keys( batch_id, start, stop, with_timestamp=with_timestamp)
class MessageStore(object): """Vumi message store. Message batches, inbound messages, outbound messages, events and information about which batch a tag is currently associated with is stored in Riak. A small amount of information about the state of a batch (i.e. number of messages in the batch, messages sent, acknowledgements and delivery reports received) is stored in Redis. """ # The Python Riak client defaults to max_results=1000 in places. DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS = 1000 def __init__(self, manager, redis): self.manager = manager self.batches = manager.proxy(Batch) self.outbound_messages = manager.proxy(OutboundMessage) = manager.proxy(Event) self.inbound_messages = manager.proxy(InboundMessage) self.current_tags = manager.proxy(CurrentTag) self.cache = MessageStoreCache(redis) @Manager.calls_manager def needs_reconciliation(self, batch_id, delta=0.01): """ Check if a batch_id's cache values need to be reconciled with what's stored in the MessageStore. :param float delta: What an acceptable delta is for the cached values. Defaults to 0.01 If the cached values are off by the delta then this returns True. """ inbound = float((yield self.batch_inbound_count(batch_id))) cached_inbound = yield self.cache.count_inbound_message_keys(batch_id) if inbound and (abs(cached_inbound - inbound) / inbound) > delta: returnValue(True) outbound = float((yield self.batch_outbound_count(batch_id))) cached_outbound = yield self.cache.count_outbound_message_keys( batch_id) if outbound and (abs(cached_outbound - outbound) / outbound) > delta: returnValue(True) returnValue(False) @Manager.calls_manager def reconcile_cache(self, batch_id): yield self.cache.clear_batch(batch_id) yield self.cache.batch_start(batch_id) yield self.reconcile_outbound_cache(batch_id) yield self.reconcile_inbound_cache(batch_id) @Manager.calls_manager def reconcile_inbound_cache(self, batch_id): inbound_keys = yield self.batch_inbound_keys(batch_id) for key in inbound_keys: try: msg = yield self.get_inbound_message(key) yield self.cache.add_inbound_message(batch_id, msg) except Exception: log.err() @Manager.calls_manager def reconcile_outbound_cache(self, batch_id): outbound_keys = yield self.batch_outbound_keys(batch_id) for key in outbound_keys: try: msg = yield self.get_outbound_message(key) yield self.cache.add_outbound_message(batch_id, msg) yield self.reconcile_event_cache(batch_id, key) except Exception: log.err() @Manager.calls_manager def reconcile_event_cache(self, batch_id, message_id): event_keys = yield self.message_event_keys(message_id) for event_key in event_keys: event = yield self.get_event(event_key) yield self.cache.add_event(batch_id, event) @Manager.calls_manager def batch_start(self, tags=(), **metadata): batch_id = uuid4().get_hex() batch = self.batches(batch_id) batch.tags.extend(tags) for key, value in metadata.iteritems(): batch.metadata[key] = value yield for tag in tags: tag_record = yield self.current_tags.load(tag) if tag_record is None: tag_record = self.current_tags(tag) tag_record.current_batch.set(batch) yield yield self.cache.batch_start(batch_id) returnValue(batch_id) @Manager.calls_manager def batch_done(self, batch_id): batch = yield self.batches.load(batch_id) tag_keys = yield batch.backlinks.currenttags() for tags_bunch in self.manager.load_all_bunches(CurrentTag, tag_keys): for tag in (yield tags_bunch): tag.current_batch.set(None) yield @Manager.calls_manager def add_outbound_message(self, msg, tag=None, batch_id=None, batch_ids=()): msg_id = msg['message_id'] msg_record = yield self.outbound_messages.load(msg_id) if msg_record is None: msg_record = self.outbound_messages(msg_id, msg=msg) else: msg_record.msg = msg if batch_id is None and tag is not None: tag_record = yield self.current_tags.load(tag) if tag_record is not None: batch_id = tag_record.current_batch.key batch_ids = list(batch_ids) if batch_id is not None: batch_ids.append(batch_id) for batch_id in batch_ids: msg_record.batches.add_key(batch_id) yield self.cache.add_outbound_message(batch_id, msg) yield @Manager.calls_manager def get_outbound_message(self, msg_id): msg = yield self.outbound_messages.load(msg_id) returnValue(msg.msg if msg is not None else None) @Manager.calls_manager def add_event(self, event): event_id = event['event_id'] msg_id = event['user_message_id'] event_record = yield if event_record is None: event_record =, event=event, message=msg_id) else: event_record.event = event yield msg_record = yield self.outbound_messages.load(msg_id) if msg_record is not None: for batch_id in msg_record.batches.keys(): yield self.cache.add_event(batch_id, event) @Manager.calls_manager def get_event(self, event_id): event = yield returnValue(event.event if event is not None else None) @Manager.calls_manager def get_events_for_message(self, message_id): events = [] event_keys = yield self.message_event_keys(message_id) for event_id in event_keys: event = yield self.get_event(event_id) events.append(event) returnValue(events) @Manager.calls_manager def add_inbound_message(self, msg, tag=None, batch_id=None, batch_ids=()): msg_id = msg['message_id'] msg_record = yield self.inbound_messages.load(msg_id) if msg_record is None: msg_record = self.inbound_messages(msg_id, msg=msg) else: msg_record.msg = msg if batch_id is None and tag is not None: tag_record = yield self.current_tags.load(tag) if tag_record is not None: batch_id = tag_record.current_batch.key batch_ids = list(batch_ids) if batch_id is not None: batch_ids.append(batch_id) for batch_id in batch_ids: msg_record.batches.add_key(batch_id) yield self.cache.add_inbound_message(batch_id, msg) yield @Manager.calls_manager def get_inbound_message(self, msg_id): msg = yield self.inbound_messages.load(msg_id) returnValue(msg.msg if msg is not None else None) def get_batch(self, batch_id): return self.batches.load(batch_id) @Manager.calls_manager def get_tag_info(self, tag): tagmdl = yield self.current_tags.load(tag) if tagmdl is None: tagmdl = yield self.current_tags(tag) returnValue(tagmdl) def batch_status(self, batch_id): return self.cache.get_event_status(batch_id) def batch_outbound_keys(self, batch_id): return self.outbound_messages.index_keys('batches', batch_id) def batch_outbound_keys_page(self, batch_id, max_results=None, continuation=None): if max_results is None: max_results = self.DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS return self.outbound_messages.index_keys_page( 'batches', batch_id, max_results=max_results, continuation=continuation) def batch_outbound_keys_matching(self, batch_id, query): mr = self.outbound_messages.index_match(query, 'batches', batch_id) return mr.get_keys() def batch_inbound_keys(self, batch_id): return self.inbound_messages.index_keys('batches', batch_id) def batch_inbound_keys_page(self, batch_id, max_results=None, continuation=None): if max_results is None: max_results = self.DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS return self.inbound_messages.index_keys_page('batches', batch_id, max_results=max_results, continuation=continuation) def batch_inbound_keys_matching(self, batch_id, query): mr = self.inbound_messages.index_match(query, 'batches', batch_id) return mr.get_keys() def message_event_keys(self, msg_id): return'message', msg_id) @Manager.calls_manager def batch_inbound_count(self, batch_id): keys = yield self.batch_inbound_keys(batch_id) returnValue(len(keys)) @Manager.calls_manager def batch_outbound_count(self, batch_id): keys = yield self.batch_outbound_keys(batch_id) returnValue(len(keys)) @inlineCallbacks def find_inbound_keys_matching(self, batch_id, query, ttl=None, wait=False): """ Has the message search issue a `batch_inbound_keys_matching()` query and stores the resulting keys in the cache ordered by descending timestamp. :param str batch_id: The batch to search across :param list query: The list of dictionaries with query information. :param int ttl: How long to store the results for. :param bool wait: Only return the token after the matching, storing & ordering of keys has completed. Useful for testing. Returns a token with which the results can be fetched. NOTE: This function can only be called from inside Twisted as it assumes that the result of `batch_inbound_keys_matching` is a Deferred. """ assert isinstance( self.manager, TxRiakManager), ("manager is not an instance of TxRiakManager") token = yield self.cache.start_query(batch_id, 'inbound', query) deferred = self.batch_inbound_keys_matching(batch_id, query) deferred.addCallback(lambda keys: self.cache.store_query_results( batch_id, token, keys, 'inbound', ttl)) if wait: yield deferred returnValue(token) @inlineCallbacks def find_outbound_keys_matching(self, batch_id, query, ttl=None, wait=False): """ Has the message search issue a `batch_outbound_keys_matching()` query and stores the resulting keys in the cache ordered by descending timestamp. :param str batch_id: The batch to search across :param list query: The list of dictionaries with query information. :param int ttl: How long to store the results for. :param bool wait: Only return the token after the matching, storing & ordering of keys has completed. Useful for testing. Returns a token with which the results can be fetched. NOTE: This function can only be called from inside Twisted as it depends on Deferreds being fired that aren't returned by the function itself. """ token = yield self.cache.start_query(batch_id, 'outbound', query) deferred = self.batch_outbound_keys_matching(batch_id, query) deferred.addCallback(lambda keys: self.cache.store_query_results( batch_id, token, keys, 'outbound', ttl)) if wait: yield deferred returnValue(token) def get_keys_for_token(self, batch_id, token, start=0, stop=-1, asc=False): """ Returns the resulting keys of a search. :param str token: The token returned by `find_inbound_keys_matching()` """ return self.cache.get_query_results(batch_id, token, start, stop, asc) def count_keys_for_token(self, batch_id, token): """ Count the number of keys in the token's result set. """ return self.cache.count_query_results(batch_id, token) def is_query_in_progress(self, batch_id, token): """ Return True or False depending on whether or not the query is still running """ return self.cache.is_query_in_progress(batch_id, token) def get_inbound_message_keys(self, batch_id, start=0, stop=-1, with_timestamp=False): warnings.warn( "get_inbound_message_keys() is deprecated. Use " "get_cached_inbound_message_keys().", category=DeprecationWarning) return self.get_cached_inbound_message_keys(batch_id, start, stop, with_timestamp) def get_cached_inbound_message_keys(self, batch_id, start=0, stop=-1, with_timestamp=False): """ Return the keys ordered by descending timestamp. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for :param int start: Where to start from, defaults to 0 which is the first key. :param int stop: How many to fetch, defaults to -1 which is the last key. :param bool with_timestamp: Whether or not to return a list of (key, timestamp) tuples instead of only the list of keys. """ return self.cache.get_inbound_message_keys( batch_id, start, stop, with_timestamp=with_timestamp) def get_outbound_message_keys(self, batch_id, start=0, stop=-1, with_timestamp=False): warnings.warn( "get_outbound_message_keys() is deprecated. Use " "get_cached_outbound_message_keys().", category=DeprecationWarning) return self.get_cached_outbound_message_keys(batch_id, start, stop, with_timestamp) def get_cached_outbound_message_keys(self, batch_id, start=0, stop=-1, with_timestamp=False): """ Return the keys ordered by descending timestamp. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for :param int start: Where to start from, defaults to 0 which is the first key. :param int stop: How many to fetch, defaults to -1 which is the last key. :param bool with_timestamp: Whether or not to return a list of (key, timestamp) tuples instead of only the list of keys. """ return self.cache.get_outbound_message_keys( batch_id, start, stop, with_timestamp=with_timestamp)
class MessageStore(object): """Vumi message store. Message batches, inbound messages, outbound messages, events and information about which batch a tag is currently associated with is stored in Riak. A small amount of information about the state of a batch (i.e. number of messages in the batch, messages sent, acknowledgements and delivery reports received) is stored in Redis. """ # The Python Riak client defaults to max_results=1000 in places. DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS = 1000 def __init__(self, manager, redis): self.manager = manager self.batches = manager.proxy(Batch) self.outbound_messages = manager.proxy(OutboundMessage) = manager.proxy(Event) self.inbound_messages = manager.proxy(InboundMessage) self.current_tags = manager.proxy(CurrentTag) self.cache = MessageStoreCache(redis) @Manager.calls_manager def needs_reconciliation(self, batch_id, delta=0.01): """ Check if a batch_id's cache values need to be reconciled with what's stored in the MessageStore. :param float delta: What an acceptable delta is for the cached values. Defaults to 0.01 If the cached values are off by the delta then this returns True. """ inbound = float((yield self.batch_inbound_count(batch_id))) cached_inbound = yield self.cache.count_inbound_message_keys( batch_id) if inbound and (abs(cached_inbound - inbound) / inbound) > delta: returnValue(True) outbound = float((yield self.batch_outbound_count(batch_id))) cached_outbound = yield self.cache.count_outbound_message_keys( batch_id) if outbound and (abs(cached_outbound - outbound) / outbound) > delta: returnValue(True) returnValue(False) @Manager.calls_manager def reconcile_cache(self, batch_id, start_timestamp=None): """ Rebuild the cache for the given batch. The ``start_timestamp`` parameter is used for testing only. """ if start_timestamp is None: start_timestamp = format_vumi_date(datetime.utcnow()) yield self.cache.clear_batch(batch_id) yield self.cache.batch_start(batch_id) yield self.reconcile_outbound_cache(batch_id, start_timestamp) yield self.reconcile_inbound_cache(batch_id, start_timestamp) @Manager.calls_manager def reconcile_inbound_cache(self, batch_id, start_timestamp): """ Rebuild the inbound message cache. """ key_manager = ReconKeyManager( start_timestamp, self.cache.TRUNCATE_MESSAGE_KEY_COUNT_AT) key_count = 0 index_page = yield self.batch_inbound_keys_with_addresses(batch_id) while index_page is not None: for key, timestamp, addr in index_page: yield self.cache.add_from_addr(batch_id, addr) old_key = key_manager.add_key(key, timestamp) if old_key is not None: key_count += 1 index_page = yield index_page.next_page() yield self.cache.add_inbound_message_count(batch_id, key_count) for key, timestamp in key_manager: try: yield self.cache.add_inbound_message_key( batch_id, key, self.cache.get_timestamp(timestamp)) except: log.err() @Manager.calls_manager def reconcile_outbound_cache(self, batch_id, start_timestamp): """ Rebuild the outbound message cache. """ key_manager = ReconKeyManager( start_timestamp, self.cache.TRUNCATE_MESSAGE_KEY_COUNT_AT) key_count = 0 status_counts = defaultdict(int) index_page = yield self.batch_outbound_keys_with_addresses(batch_id) while index_page is not None: for key, timestamp, addr in index_page: yield self.cache.add_to_addr(batch_id, addr) old_key = key_manager.add_key(key, timestamp) if old_key is not None: key_count += 1 sc = yield self.get_event_counts(old_key[0]) for status, count in sc.iteritems(): status_counts[status] += count index_page = yield index_page.next_page() yield self.cache.add_outbound_message_count(batch_id, key_count) for status, count in status_counts.iteritems(): yield self.cache.add_event_count(batch_id, status, count) for key, timestamp in key_manager: try: yield self.cache.add_outbound_message_key( batch_id, key, self.cache.get_timestamp(timestamp)) yield self.reconcile_event_cache(batch_id, key) except: log.err() @Manager.calls_manager def get_event_counts(self, message_id): """ Get event counts for a particular message. This is used for old messages that we want to bulk-update. """ status_counts = defaultdict(int) index_page = yield self.message_event_keys_with_statuses(message_id) while index_page is not None: for key, _timestamp, status in index_page: status_counts[status] += 1 if status.startswith("delivery_report."): status_counts["delivery_report"] += 1 index_page = yield index_page.next_page() returnValue(status_counts) @Manager.calls_manager def reconcile_event_cache(self, batch_id, message_id): """ Update the event cache for a particular message. """ event_keys = yield self.message_event_keys(message_id) for event_key in event_keys: event = yield self.get_event(event_key) yield self.cache.add_event(batch_id, event) @Manager.calls_manager def batch_start(self, tags=(), **metadata): batch_id = uuid4().get_hex() batch = self.batches(batch_id) batch.tags.extend(tags) for key, value in metadata.iteritems(): batch.metadata[key] = value yield for tag in tags: tag_record = yield self.current_tags.load(tag) if tag_record is None: tag_record = self.current_tags(tag) tag_record.current_batch.set(batch) yield yield self.cache.batch_start(batch_id) returnValue(batch_id) @Manager.calls_manager def batch_done(self, batch_id): batch = yield self.batches.load(batch_id) tag_keys = yield batch.backlinks.currenttags() for tags_bunch in self.manager.load_all_bunches(CurrentTag, tag_keys): for tag in (yield tags_bunch): tag.current_batch.set(None) yield @Manager.calls_manager def add_outbound_message(self, msg, tag=None, batch_id=None, batch_ids=()): msg_id = msg['message_id'] msg_record = yield self.outbound_messages.load(msg_id) if msg_record is None: msg_record = self.outbound_messages(msg_id, msg=msg) else: msg_record.msg = msg if batch_id is None and tag is not None: tag_record = yield self.current_tags.load(tag) if tag_record is not None: batch_id = tag_record.current_batch.key batch_ids = list(batch_ids) if batch_id is not None: batch_ids.append(batch_id) for batch_id in batch_ids: msg_record.batches.add_key(batch_id) yield self.cache.add_outbound_message(batch_id, msg) yield @Manager.calls_manager def get_outbound_message(self, msg_id): msg = yield self.outbound_messages.load(msg_id) returnValue(msg.msg if msg is not None else None) @Manager.calls_manager def _get_batches_from_outbound(self, msg_id): msg_record = yield self.outbound_messages.load(msg_id) if msg_record is not None: batch_ids = msg_record.batches.keys() else: batch_ids = [] returnValue(batch_ids) @Manager.calls_manager def add_event(self, event, batch_ids=None): event_id = event['event_id'] msg_id = event['user_message_id'] event_record = yield if event_record is None: event_record =, event=event, message=msg_id) if batch_ids is None: # If we aren't given batch_ids, get them from the outbound # message. batch_ids = yield self._get_batches_from_outbound(msg_id) else: event_record.event = event if batch_ids is not None: for batch_id in batch_ids: event_record.batches.add_key(batch_id) yield self.cache.add_event(batch_id, event) yield @Manager.calls_manager def get_event(self, event_id): event = yield returnValue(event.event if event is not None else None) @Manager.calls_manager def get_events_for_message(self, message_id): events = [] event_keys = yield self.message_event_keys(message_id) for event_id in event_keys: event = yield self.get_event(event_id) events.append(event) returnValue(events) @Manager.calls_manager def add_inbound_message(self, msg, tag=None, batch_id=None, batch_ids=()): msg_id = msg['message_id'] msg_record = yield self.inbound_messages.load(msg_id) if msg_record is None: msg_record = self.inbound_messages(msg_id, msg=msg) else: msg_record.msg = msg if batch_id is None and tag is not None: tag_record = yield self.current_tags.load(tag) if tag_record is not None: batch_id = tag_record.current_batch.key batch_ids = list(batch_ids) if batch_id is not None: batch_ids.append(batch_id) for batch_id in batch_ids: msg_record.batches.add_key(batch_id) yield self.cache.add_inbound_message(batch_id, msg) yield @Manager.calls_manager def get_inbound_message(self, msg_id): msg = yield self.inbound_messages.load(msg_id) returnValue(msg.msg if msg is not None else None) def get_batch(self, batch_id): return self.batches.load(batch_id) @Manager.calls_manager def get_tag_info(self, tag): tagmdl = yield self.current_tags.load(tag) if tagmdl is None: tagmdl = yield self.current_tags(tag) returnValue(tagmdl) def batch_status(self, batch_id): return self.cache.get_event_status(batch_id) def batch_outbound_keys(self, batch_id): return self.outbound_messages.index_keys('batches', batch_id) def batch_outbound_keys_page(self, batch_id, max_results=None, continuation=None): if max_results is None: max_results = self.DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS return self.outbound_messages.index_keys_page( 'batches', batch_id, max_results=max_results, continuation=continuation) def batch_outbound_keys_matching(self, batch_id, query): mr = self.outbound_messages.index_match(query, 'batches', batch_id) return mr.get_keys() def batch_inbound_keys(self, batch_id): return self.inbound_messages.index_keys('batches', batch_id) def batch_inbound_keys_page(self, batch_id, max_results=None, continuation=None): if max_results is None: max_results = self.DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS return self.inbound_messages.index_keys_page( 'batches', batch_id, max_results=max_results, continuation=continuation) def batch_inbound_keys_matching(self, batch_id, query): mr = self.inbound_messages.index_match(query, 'batches', batch_id) return mr.get_keys() def batch_event_keys_page(self, batch_id, max_results=None, continuation=None): if max_results is None: max_results = self.DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS return 'batches', batch_id, max_results=max_results, continuation=continuation) def message_event_keys(self, msg_id): return'message', msg_id) @Manager.calls_manager def batch_inbound_count(self, batch_id): keys = yield self.batch_inbound_keys(batch_id) returnValue(len(keys)) @Manager.calls_manager def batch_outbound_count(self, batch_id): keys = yield self.batch_outbound_keys(batch_id) returnValue(len(keys)) @Manager.calls_manager def find_inbound_keys_matching(self, batch_id, query, ttl=None, wait=False): """ Has the message search issue a `batch_inbound_keys_matching()` query and stores the resulting keys in the cache ordered by descending timestamp. :param str batch_id: The batch to search across :param list query: The list of dictionaries with query information. :param int ttl: How long to store the results for. :param bool wait: Only return the token after the matching, storing & ordering of keys has completed. Useful for testing. Returns a token with which the results can be fetched. NOTE: This function can only be called from inside Twisted as it assumes that the result of `batch_inbound_keys_matching` is a Deferred. """ assert isinstance(self.manager, TxRiakManager), ( "manager is not an instance of TxRiakManager") token = yield self.cache.start_query(batch_id, 'inbound', query) deferred = self.batch_inbound_keys_matching(batch_id, query) deferred.addCallback( lambda keys: self.cache.store_query_results(batch_id, token, keys, 'inbound', ttl)) if wait: yield deferred returnValue(token) @Manager.calls_manager def find_outbound_keys_matching(self, batch_id, query, ttl=None, wait=False): """ Has the message search issue a `batch_outbound_keys_matching()` query and stores the resulting keys in the cache ordered by descending timestamp. :param str batch_id: The batch to search across :param list query: The list of dictionaries with query information. :param int ttl: How long to store the results for. :param bool wait: Only return the token after the matching, storing & ordering of keys has completed. Useful for testing. Returns a token with which the results can be fetched. NOTE: This function can only be called from inside Twisted as it depends on Deferreds being fired that aren't returned by the function itself. """ token = yield self.cache.start_query(batch_id, 'outbound', query) deferred = self.batch_outbound_keys_matching(batch_id, query) deferred.addCallback( lambda keys: self.cache.store_query_results(batch_id, token, keys, 'outbound', ttl)) if wait: yield deferred returnValue(token) def get_keys_for_token(self, batch_id, token, start=0, stop=-1, asc=False): """ Returns the resulting keys of a search. :param str token: The token returned by `find_inbound_keys_matching()` """ return self.cache.get_query_results(batch_id, token, start, stop, asc) def count_keys_for_token(self, batch_id, token): """ Count the number of keys in the token's result set. """ return self.cache.count_query_results(batch_id, token) def is_query_in_progress(self, batch_id, token): """ Return True or False depending on whether or not the query is still running """ return self.cache.is_query_in_progress(batch_id, token) def get_inbound_message_keys(self, batch_id, start=0, stop=-1, with_timestamp=False): warnings.warn("get_inbound_message_keys() is deprecated. Use " "get_cached_inbound_message_keys().", category=DeprecationWarning) return self.get_cached_inbound_message_keys(batch_id, start, stop, with_timestamp) def get_cached_inbound_message_keys(self, batch_id, start=0, stop=-1, with_timestamp=False): """ Return the keys ordered by descending timestamp. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for :param int start: Where to start from, defaults to 0 which is the first key. :param int stop: How many to fetch, defaults to -1 which is the last key. :param bool with_timestamp: Whether or not to return a list of (key, timestamp) tuples instead of only the list of keys. """ return self.cache.get_inbound_message_keys( batch_id, start, stop, with_timestamp=with_timestamp) def get_outbound_message_keys(self, batch_id, start=0, stop=-1, with_timestamp=False): warnings.warn("get_outbound_message_keys() is deprecated. Use " "get_cached_outbound_message_keys().", category=DeprecationWarning) return self.get_cached_outbound_message_keys(batch_id, start, stop, with_timestamp) def get_cached_outbound_message_keys(self, batch_id, start=0, stop=-1, with_timestamp=False): """ Return the keys ordered by descending timestamp. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for :param int start: Where to start from, defaults to 0 which is the first key. :param int stop: How many to fetch, defaults to -1 which is the last key. :param bool with_timestamp: Whether or not to return a list of (key, timestamp) tuples instead of only the list of keys. """ return self.cache.get_outbound_message_keys( batch_id, start, stop, with_timestamp=with_timestamp) def _start_end_values(self, batch_id, start, end): if start is not None: start_value = "%s$%s" % (batch_id, start) else: start_value = "%s%s" % (batch_id, "#") # chr(ord('$') - 1) if end is not None: # We append the "%" to this because we may have another field after # the timestamp and we want to include that in range. end_value = "%s$%s%s" % (batch_id, end, "%") # chr(ord('$') + 1) else: end_value = "%s%s" % (batch_id, "%") # chr(ord('$') + 1) return start_value, end_value @Manager.calls_manager def _query_batch_index(self, model_proxy, batch_id, index, max_results, start, end, formatter): if max_results is None: max_results = self.DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS start_value, end_value = self._start_end_values(batch_id, start, end) results = yield model_proxy.index_keys_page( index, start_value, end_value, max_results=max_results, return_terms=(formatter is not None)) if formatter is not None: results = IndexPageWrapper(formatter, self, batch_id, results) returnValue(results) def batch_inbound_keys_with_timestamps(self, batch_id, max_results=None, start=None, end=None, with_timestamps=True): """ Return all inbound message keys with (and ordered by) timestamps. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for. :param int max_results: Number of results per page. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS :param str start: Optional start timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param str end: Optional end timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param bool with_timestamps: If set to ``False``, only the keys will be returned. The results will still be ordered by timestamp, however. This method performs a Riak index query. """ formatter = key_with_ts_only_formatter if with_timestamps else None return self._query_batch_index( self.inbound_messages, batch_id, 'batches_with_addresses', max_results, start, end, formatter) def batch_outbound_keys_with_timestamps(self, batch_id, max_results=None, start=None, end=None, with_timestamps=True): """ Return all outbound message keys with (and ordered by) timestamps. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for. :param int max_results: Number of results per page. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS :param str start: Optional start timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param str end: Optional end timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param bool with_timestamps: If set to ``False``, only the keys will be returned. The results will still be ordered by timestamp, however. This method performs a Riak index query. """ formatter = key_with_ts_only_formatter if with_timestamps else None return self._query_batch_index( self.outbound_messages, batch_id, 'batches_with_addresses', max_results, start, end, formatter) def batch_inbound_keys_with_addresses(self, batch_id, max_results=None, start=None, end=None): """ Return all inbound message keys with (and ordered by) timestamps and addresses. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for. :param int max_results: Number of results per page. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS :param str start: Optional start timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param str end: Optional end timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. This method performs a Riak index query. """ return self._query_batch_index( self.inbound_messages, batch_id, 'batches_with_addresses', max_results, start, end, key_with_ts_and_value_formatter) def batch_outbound_keys_with_addresses(self, batch_id, max_results=None, start=None, end=None): """ Return all outbound message keys with (and ordered by) timestamps and addresses. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for. :param int max_results: Number of results per page. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS :param str start: Optional start timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param str end: Optional end timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. This method performs a Riak index query. """ return self._query_batch_index( self.outbound_messages, batch_id, 'batches_with_addresses', max_results, start, end, key_with_ts_and_value_formatter) def batch_inbound_keys_with_addresses_reverse(self, batch_id, max_results=None, start=None, end=None): """ Return all inbound message keys with timestamps and addresses. Results are ordered from newest to oldest. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for. :param int max_results: Number of results per page. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS :param str start: Optional start timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param str end: Optional end timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. This method performs a Riak index query. """ # We're using reverse timestamps, so swap start and end and convert to # reverse timestamps. if start is not None: start = to_reverse_timestamp(start) if end is not None: end = to_reverse_timestamp(end) start, end = end, start return self._query_batch_index( self.inbound_messages, batch_id, 'batches_with_addresses_reverse', max_results, start, end, key_with_rts_and_value_formatter) def batch_outbound_keys_with_addresses_reverse(self, batch_id, max_results=None, start=None, end=None): """ Return all outbound message keys with timestamps and addresses. Results are ordered from newest to oldest. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for. :param int max_results: Number of results per page. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS :param str start: Optional start timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param str end: Optional end timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. This method performs a Riak index query. """ # We're using reverse timestamps, so swap start and end and convert to # reverse timestamps. if start is not None: start = to_reverse_timestamp(start) if end is not None: end = to_reverse_timestamp(end) start, end = end, start return self._query_batch_index( self.outbound_messages, batch_id, 'batches_with_addresses_reverse', max_results, start, end, key_with_rts_and_value_formatter) def batch_event_keys_with_statuses_reverse(self, batch_id, max_results=None, start=None, end=None): """ Return all event keys with timestamps and statuses. Results are ordered from newest to oldest. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for. :param int max_results: Number of results per page. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS :param str start: Optional start timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param str end: Optional end timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. This method performs a Riak index query. """ # We're using reverse timestamps, so swap start and end and convert to # reverse timestamps. if start is not None: start = to_reverse_timestamp(start) if end is not None: end = to_reverse_timestamp(end) start, end = end, start return self._query_batch_index(, batch_id, 'batches_with_statuses_reverse', max_results, start, end, key_with_rts_and_value_formatter) @Manager.calls_manager def message_event_keys_with_statuses(self, msg_id, max_results=None): """ Return all event keys with (and ordered by) timestamps and statuses. :param str msg_id: The message_id to fetch event keys for. :param int max_results: Number of results per page. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS This method performs a Riak index query. Unlike similar message key methods, start and end values are not supported as the number of events per message is expected to be small. """ if max_results is None: max_results = self.DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS start_value, end_value = self._start_end_values(msg_id, None, None) results = yield 'message_with_status', start_value, end_value, return_terms=True, max_results=max_results) returnValue(IndexPageWrapper( key_with_ts_and_value_formatter, self, msg_id, results)) @Manager.calls_manager def batch_inbound_stats(self, batch_id, max_results=None, start=None, end=None): """ Return inbound message stats for the specified time range. Currently, message stats include total message count and unique address count. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for. :param int max_results: Number of results per page. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS. :param str start: Optional start timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param str end: Optional end timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :returns: ``dict`` containing 'total' and 'unique_addresses' entries. This method performs multiple Riak index queries. """ total = 0 unique_addresses = set() start_value, end_value = self._start_end_values(batch_id, start, end) if max_results is None: max_results = self.DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS raw_page = yield self.inbound_messages.index_keys_page( 'batches_with_addresses', start_value, end_value, return_terms=True, max_results=max_results) page = IndexPageWrapper( key_with_ts_and_value_formatter, self, batch_id, raw_page) while page is not None: results = list(page) total += len(results) unique_addresses.update(addr for key, timestamp, addr in results) page = yield page.next_page() returnValue({ "total": total, "unique_addresses": len(unique_addresses), }) @Manager.calls_manager def batch_outbound_stats(self, batch_id, max_results=None, start=None, end=None): """ Return outbound message stats for the specified time range. Currently, message stats include total message count and unique address count. :param str batch_id: The batch_id to fetch keys for. :param int max_results: Number of results per page. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS. :param str start: Optional start timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :param str end: Optional end timestamp string matching VUMI_DATE_FORMAT. :returns: ``dict`` containing 'total' and 'unique_addresses' entries. This method performs multiple Riak index queries. """ total = 0 unique_addresses = set() start_value, end_value = self._start_end_values(batch_id, start, end) if max_results is None: max_results = self.DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS raw_page = yield self.outbound_messages.index_keys_page( 'batches_with_addresses', start_value, end_value, return_terms=True, max_results=max_results) page = IndexPageWrapper( key_with_ts_and_value_formatter, self, batch_id, raw_page) while page is not None: results = list(page) total += len(results) unique_addresses.update(addr for key, timestamp, addr in results) page = yield page.next_page() returnValue({ "total": total, "unique_addresses": len(unique_addresses), })