class ParserCache(object):
    This class is a document parser cache.

    :author: Andres Riancho ([email protected])
    LRU_LENGTH = 40
    MAX_CACHEABLE_BODY_LEN = 1024 * 1024
    PARSER_TIMEOUT = 60 # in seconds
    DEBUG = False
    MAX_WORKERS = 2 if is_running_on_ci() else (multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 2) or 1

    def __init__(self):
        self._cache = SynchronizedLRUDict(self.LRU_LENGTH)
        self._pool = None
        self._processes = None
        self._parser_finished_events = {}
        self._start_lock = threading.RLock()

        # These are here for debugging:
        self._archive = set()
        self._from_LRU = 0.0
        self._calculated_more_than_once = 0.0
        self._total = 0.0

    def start_workers(self):
        Start the pool and workers
        :return: The pool instance
        with self._start_lock:
            if self._pool is None:
                # Keep track of which pid is processing which http response
                # pylint: disable=E1101
                self._processes = manager.dict()
                # pylint: enable=E1101

                # The pool
                log_queue = om.manager.get_in_queue()
                self._pool = ProcessPool(self.MAX_WORKERS,

        return self._pool

    def stop_workers(self):
        Stop the pool workers
        :return: None
        if self._pool is not None:
            self._pool = None
            self._processes = None

        # We don't need this data anymore

        if self.DEBUG:
            re_calc_rate = (self._calculated_more_than_once / self._total)
            print('parser_cache LRU rate: %s' % (self._from_LRU / self._total))
            print('parser_cache re-calculation rate: %s' % re_calc_rate)
            print('parser_cache size: %s' % self.LRU_LENGTH)

    def get_cache_key(self, http_response):
        Before I used md5, but I realized that it was unnecessary. I
        experimented a little bit with python's hash functions and the builtin
        hash was the fastest.

        At first I thought that the built-in hash wasn't good enough, as it
        could create collisions... but... given that the LRU has only 40
        positions, the real probability of a collision is too low.

        :return: The key to be used in the cache for storing this http_response
        # @see: test_bug_13_Dec_2012 to understand why we concat the uri to the
        #       body before hashing
        uri_str = http_response.get_uri().url_string.encode('utf-8')

        body_str = http_response.body
        if isinstance(body_str, unicode):
            body_str = body_str.encode('utf-8', 'replace')

        _to_hash = body_str + uri_str

        # Added adler32 after finding some hash() collisions in builds
        hash_string = str(hash(_to_hash))
        hash_string += str(zlib.adler32(_to_hash))
        return hash_string

    def should_cache(self, http_response):
        Defines if this http_response parser should be cached or not

        :param http_response: The http response instance
        :return: True if we should cache the parser for this response
        return len(http_response.get_body()) < self.MAX_CACHEABLE_BODY_LEN

    def _test_parse_http_response(self, http_response, *args):
        Left here for testing!
        return DocumentParser(http_response)

    def _parse_http_response_in_worker(self, http_response, hash_string):
        This parses the http_response in a pool worker. This has two features:
            * We can kill the worker if the parser is taking too long
            * We can have different parsers

        :return: The DocumentParser instance
        event = multiprocessing.Event()
        self._parser_finished_events[hash_string] = event

        # Start the worker processes if needed

        apply_args = (ProcessDocumentParser,

        # Push the task to the workers
        result = self._pool.apply_async(apply_with_return_error, (apply_args,))

            parser_output = result.get(timeout=self.PARSER_TIMEOUT)
        except multiprocessing.TimeoutError:
            # Near the timeout error, so we make sure that the pid is still
            # running our "buggy" input
            pid = self._processes.pop(hash_string, None)
            if pid is not None:
                    os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
                except OSError, ose:
                    msg = 'An error occurred while killing the parser' \
                          ' process: "%s"'
                    om.out.debug(msg % ose)

            msg = '[timeout] The parser took more than %s seconds'\
                  ' to complete parsing of "%s", killed it!'

            om.out.debug(msg % (self.PARSER_TIMEOUT,

            # Act just like when there is no parser
            msg = 'There is no parser for "%s".' % http_response.get_url()
            raise BaseFrameworkException(msg)
class ParserCache(object):
    This class is a document parser cache.

    :author: Andres Riancho ([email protected])
    LRU_LENGTH = 40
    MAX_CACHEABLE_BODY_LEN = 1024 * 1024
    PARSER_TIMEOUT = 60  # in seconds
    DEBUG = False
    MAX_WORKERS = 2 if is_running_on_ci() else (multiprocessing.cpu_count() /
                                                2) or 1

    def __init__(self):
        self._cache = SynchronizedLRUDict(self.LRU_LENGTH)
        self._pool = None
        self._processes = None
        self._parser_finished_events = {}
        self._start_lock = threading.RLock()

        # These are here for debugging:
        self._archive = set()
        self._from_LRU = 0.0
        self._calculated_more_than_once = 0.0
        self._total = 0.0

    def start_workers(self):
        Start the pool and workers
        :return: The pool instance
        with self._start_lock:
            if self._pool is None:
                # Keep track of which pid is processing which http response
                # pylint: disable=E1101
                self._processes = manager.dict()
                # pylint: enable=E1101

                # The pool
                log_queue = om.manager.get_in_queue()
                self._pool = ProcessPool(self.MAX_WORKERS,
                                         initargs=(log_queue, ))

        return self._pool

    def stop_workers(self):
        Stop the pool workers
        :return: None
        if self._pool is not None:
            self._pool = None
            self._processes = None

        # We don't need this data anymore

        if self.DEBUG:
            re_calc_rate = (self._calculated_more_than_once / self._total)
            print('parser_cache LRU rate: %s' % (self._from_LRU / self._total))
            print('parser_cache re-calculation rate: %s' % re_calc_rate)
            print('parser_cache size: %s' % self.LRU_LENGTH)

    def get_cache_key(self, http_response):
        Before I used md5, but I realized that it was unnecessary. I
        experimented a little bit with python's hash functions and the builtin
        hash was the fastest.

        At first I thought that the built-in hash wasn't good enough, as it
        could create collisions... but... given that the LRU has only 40
        positions, the real probability of a collision is too low.

        :return: The key to be used in the cache for storing this http_response
        # @see: test_bug_13_Dec_2012 to understand why we concat the uri to the
        #       body before hashing
        uri_str = http_response.get_uri().url_string.encode('utf-8')

        body_str = http_response.body
        if isinstance(body_str, unicode):
            body_str = body_str.encode('utf-8', 'replace')

        _to_hash = body_str + uri_str

        # Added adler32 after finding some hash() collisions in builds
        hash_string = str(hash(_to_hash))
        hash_string += str(zlib.adler32(_to_hash))
        return hash_string

    def should_cache(self, http_response):
        Defines if this http_response parser should be cached or not

        :param http_response: The http response instance
        :return: True if we should cache the parser for this response
        return len(http_response.get_body()) < self.MAX_CACHEABLE_BODY_LEN

    def _test_parse_http_response(self, http_response, *args):
        Left here for testing!
        return DocumentParser(http_response)

    def _parse_http_response_in_worker(self, http_response, hash_string):
        This parses the http_response in a pool worker. This has two features:
            * We can kill the worker if the parser is taking too long
            * We can have different parsers

        :return: The DocumentParser instance
        event = multiprocessing.Event()
        self._parser_finished_events[hash_string] = event

        # Start the worker processes if needed

        apply_args = (ProcessDocumentParser, http_response, self._processes,

        # Push the task to the workers
        result = self._pool.apply_async(apply_with_return_error,
                                        (apply_args, ))

            parser_output = result.get(timeout=self.PARSER_TIMEOUT)
        except multiprocessing.TimeoutError:
            # Near the timeout error, so we make sure that the pid is still
            # running our "buggy" input
            pid = self._processes.pop(hash_string, None)
            if pid is not None:
                    os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
                except OSError, ose:
                    msg = 'An error occurred while killing the parser' \
                          ' process: "%s"'
                    om.out.debug(msg % ose)

            msg = '[timeout] The parser took more than %s seconds'\
                  ' to complete parsing of "%s", killed it!'

            om.out.debug(msg % (self.PARSER_TIMEOUT, http_response.get_url()))

            # Act just like when there is no parser
            msg = 'There is no parser for "%s".' % http_response.get_url()
            raise BaseFrameworkException(msg)