def _to_pod(cfg_point, value):
    if is_pod(value):
        return value
    if hasattr(cfg_point.kind, 'to_pod'):
        return value.to_pod()
    msg = '{} value "{}" is not serializable'
    raise ValueError(msg.format(cfg_point.name, value))
def _to_pod(cfg_point, value):
    if is_pod(value):
        return value
    if hasattr(cfg_point.kind, 'to_pod'):
        return value.to_pod()
    msg = '{} value "{}" is not serializable'
    raise ValueError(msg.format(cfg_point.name, value))
    def __init__(self, name,
        Create a new Parameter object.

        :param name: The name of the parameter. This will become an instance
                     member of the plugin object to which the parameter is
                     applied, so it must be a valid python  identifier. This
                     is the only mandatory parameter.
        :param kind: The type of parameter this is. This must be a callable
                     that takes an arbitrary object and converts it to the
                     expected type, or raised ``ValueError`` if such conversion
                     is not possible. Most Python standard types -- ``str``,
                     ``int``, ``bool``, etc. -- can be used here. This
                     defaults to ``str`` if not specified.
        :param mandatory: If set to ``True``, then a non-``None`` value for
                          this parameter *must* be provided on plugin
                          object construction, otherwise ``ConfigError``
                          will be raised.
        :param default: The default value for this parameter. If no value
                        is specified on plugin construction, this value
                        will be used instead. (Note: if this is specified
                        and is not ``None``, then ``mandatory`` parameter
                        will be ignored).
        :param override: A ``bool`` that specifies whether a parameter of
                         the same name further up the hierarchy should
                         be overridden. If this is ``False`` (the
                         default), an exception will be raised by the
                         ``AttributeCollection`` instead.
        :param allowed_values: This should be the complete list of allowed
                               values for this parameter.  Note: ``None``
                               value will always be allowed, even if it is
                               not in this list.  If you want to disallow
                               ``None``, set ``mandatory`` to ``True``.
        :param constraint: If specified, this must be a callable that takes
                           the parameter value as an argument and return a
                           boolean indicating whether the constraint has been
                           satisfied. Alternatively, can be a two-tuple with
                           said callable as the first element and a string
                           describing the constraint as the second.
        :param merge: The default behaviour when setting a value on an object
                      that already has that attribute is to overrided with
                      the new value. If this is set to ``True`` then the two
                      values will be merged instead. The rules by which the
                      values are merged will be determined by the types of
                      the existing and new values -- see
                      ``merge_config_values`` documentation for details.
        :param aliases: Alternative names for the same configuration point.
                        These are largely for backwards compatibility.
        :param global_alias: An alias for this parameter that can be specified at
                            the global level. A global_alias can map onto many
        :param deprecated: Specify that this parameter is deprecated and its
                           config should be ignored. If supplied WA will display
                           a warning to the user however will continue execution.
        self.name = identifier(name)
        kind = KIND_MAP.get(kind, kind)
        if kind is not None and not callable(kind):
            raise ValueError('Kind must be callable.')
        self.kind = kind
        self.mandatory = mandatory
        if not is_pod(default):
            msg = "The default for '{}' must be a Plain Old Data type, but it is of type '{}' instead."
            raise TypeError(msg.format(self.name, type(default)))
        self.default = default
        self.override = override
        self.allowed_values = allowed_values
        self.description = description
        if self.kind is None and not self.override:
            self.kind = str
        if constraint is not None and not callable(constraint) and not isinstance(constraint, tuple):
            raise ValueError('Constraint must be callable or a (callable, str) tuple.')
        self.constraint = constraint
        self.merge = merge
        self.aliases = aliases or []
        self.global_alias = global_alias
        self.deprecated = deprecated

        if self.default is not None:
                self.validate_value("init", self.default)
            except ConfigError:
                raise ValueError('Default value "{}" is not valid'.format(self.default))
    def __init__(self, name,
        Create a new Parameter object.

        :param name: The name of the parameter. This will become an instance
                     member of the plugin object to which the parameter is
                     applied, so it must be a valid python  identifier. This
                     is the only mandatory parameter.
        :param kind: The type of parameter this is. This must be a callable
                     that takes an arbitrary object and converts it to the
                     expected type, or raised ``ValueError`` if such conversion
                     is not possible. Most Python standard types -- ``str``,
                     ``int``, ``bool``, etc. -- can be used here. This
                     defaults to ``str`` if not specified.
        :param mandatory: If set to ``True``, then a non-``None`` value for
                          this parameter *must* be provided on plugin
                          object construction, otherwise ``ConfigError``
                          will be raised.
        :param default: The default value for this parameter. If no value
                        is specified on plugin construction, this value
                        will be used instead. (Note: if this is specified
                        and is not ``None``, then ``mandatory`` parameter
                        will be ignored).
        :param override: A ``bool`` that specifies whether a parameter of
                         the same name further up the hierarchy should
                         be overridden. If this is ``False`` (the
                         default), an exception will be raised by the
                         ``AttributeCollection`` instead.
        :param allowed_values: This should be the complete list of allowed
                               values for this parameter.  Note: ``None``
                               value will always be allowed, even if it is
                               not in this list.  If you want to disallow
                               ``None``, set ``mandatory`` to ``True``.
        :param constraint: If specified, this must be a callable that takes
                           the parameter value as an argument and return a
                           boolean indicating whether the constraint has been
                           satisfied. Alternatively, can be a two-tuple with
                           said callable as the first element and a string
                           describing the constraint as the second.
        :param merge: The default behaviour when setting a value on an object
                      that already has that attribute is to overrided with
                      the new value. If this is set to ``True`` then the two
                      values will be merged instead. The rules by which the
                      values are merged will be determined by the types of
                      the existing and new values -- see
                      ``merge_config_values`` documentation for details.
        :param aliases: Alternative names for the same configuration point.
                        These are largely for backwards compatibility.
        :param global_alias: An alias for this parameter that can be specified at
                            the global level. A global_alias can map onto many
        self.name = identifier(name)
        if kind in KIND_MAP:
            kind = KIND_MAP[kind]
        if kind is not None and not callable(kind):
            raise ValueError('Kind must be callable.')
        self.kind = kind
        self.mandatory = mandatory
        if not is_pod(default):
            msg = "The default for '{}' must be a Plain Old Data type, but it is of type '{}' instead."
            raise TypeError(msg.format(self.name, type(default)))
        self.default = default
        self.override = override
        self.allowed_values = allowed_values
        self.description = description
        if self.kind is None and not self.override:
            self.kind = str
        if constraint is not None and not callable(constraint) and not isinstance(constraint, tuple):
            raise ValueError('Constraint must be callable or a (callable, str) tuple.')
        self.constraint = constraint
        self.merge = merge
        self.aliases = aliases or []
        self.global_alias = global_alias

        if self.default is not None:
                self.validate_value("init", self.default)
            except ConfigError:
                raise ValueError('Default value "{}" is not valid'.format(self.default))