def vendordetect(self, url, findall=False): if self.cache.has_key(url): wafw00f = self.cache[url] else: r = oururlparse(url) if r is None: return [''] (hostname, port, path, query, ssl) = r wafw00f = WafW00F(target=hostname, port=port, path=path, ssl=ssl, extraheaders=extraheaders) self.cache[url] = wafw00f return wafw00f.identwaf(findall=findall)
def genericdetect(self, url): if self.cache.has_key(url): wafw00f = self.cache[url] else: r = oururlparse(url) if r is None: return {} (hostname, port, path, query, ssl) = r wafw00f = WafW00F(target=hostname, port=port, path=path, ssl=ssl, extraheaders=extraheaders) self.cache[url] = wafw00f wafw00f.genericdetect() return wafw00f.knowledge['generic']
def alltests(self, url, findall=False): if self.cache.has_key(url): wafw00f = self.cache[url] else: r = oururlparse(url) if r is None: return {} (hostname, port, path, query, ssl) = r wafw00f = WafW00F(target=hostname, port=port, path=path, ssl=ssl, extraheaders=extraheaders) self.cache[url] = wafw00f wafw00f.identwaf(findall=findall) if (len(wafw00f.knowledge['wafname']) == 0) or (findall): wafw00f.genericdetect() return wafw00f.knowledge
def main(): print(lackofart) parser = OptionParser(usage='%prog url1 [url2 [url3 ... ]]\r\nexample: %prog') parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='count', dest='verbose', default=0, help='enable verbosity - multiple -v options increase verbosity') parser.add_option('-a', '--findall', action='store_true', dest='findall', default=False, help='Find all WAFs, do not stop testing on the first one') parser.add_option('-r', '--disableredirect', action='store_false', dest='followredirect', default=True, help='Do not follow redirections given by 3xx responses') parser.add_option('-t', '--test', dest='test', help='Test for one specific WAF') parser.add_option('-l', '--list', dest='list', action='store_true', default=False, help='List all WAFs that we are able to detect') parser.add_option('-p', '--proxy', dest='proxy', default=False, help='Use an HTTP proxy to perform requests, example: http://hostname:8080, socks5://hostname:1080') parser.add_option('--version', '-V', dest='version', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print out the version') parser.add_option('--headersfile', '-H', dest='headersfile', action='store', default=None, help='Pass custom headers, for example to overwrite the default User-Agent string') options, args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(level=calclogginglevel(options.verbose)) log = logging.getLogger() if options.list: print('Can test for these WAFs:\r\n') attacker = WafW00F(None) print('\r\n'.join(attacker.wafdetections.keys())) return if options.version: print('WAFW00F version %s' % __version__) return extraheaders = {} if options.headersfile:'Getting extra headers from %s' % options.headersfile) extraheaders = getheaders(options.headersfile) if extraheaders is None: parser.error('Please provide a headers file with colon delimited header names and values') if len(args) == 0: parser.error('we need a target site') targets = args for target in targets: if not (target.startswith('http://') or target.startswith('https://')):'The url %s should start with http:// or https:// .. fixing (might make this unusable)' % target) target = 'http://' + target print('Checking %s' % target) pret = oururlparse(target) if pret is None: log.critical('The url %s is not well formed' % target) sys.exit(1) (hostname, port, path, query, ssl) = pret'starting wafw00f on %s' % target) attacker = WafW00F(hostname, port=port, ssl=ssl, debuglevel=options.verbose, path=path, followredirect=options.followredirect, extraheaders=extraheaders, proxy=options.proxy) if attacker.normalrequest() is None: log.error('Site %s appears to be down' % target) sys.exit(1) if options.test: if options.test in attacker.wafdetections: waf = attacker.wafdetections[options.test](attacker) if waf: print('The site %s is behind a %s' % (target, options.test)) else: print('WAF %s was not detected on %s' % (options.test, target)) else: print( 'WAF %s was not found in our list\r\nUse the --list option to see what is available' % options.test) return waf = attacker.identwaf(options.findall)'Ident WAF: %s' % waf) if len(waf) > 0: print('The site %s is behind a %s' % (target, ' and/or '.join(waf))) if (options.findall) or len(waf) == 0: print('Generic Detection results:') if attacker.genericdetect():'Generic Detection: %s' % attacker.knowledge['generic']['reason']) print('The site %s seems to be behind a WAF or some sort of security solution' % target) print('Reason: %s' % attacker.knowledge['generic']['reason']) else: print('No WAF detected by the generic detection') print('Number of requests: %s' % attacker.requestnumber)
def main(): print(lackofart) parser = OptionParser(usage='%prog url1 [url2 [url3 ... ]]\r\nexample: %prog') parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='count', dest='verbose', default=0, help='enable verbosity - multiple -v options increase verbosity') parser.add_option('-a', '--findall', action='store_true', dest='findall', default=False, help='Find all WAFs, do not stop testing on the first one') parser.add_option('-r', '--disableredirect', action='store_false', dest='followredirect', default=True, help='Do not follow redirections given by 3xx responses') parser.add_option('-t', '--test', dest='test', help='Test for one specific WAF') parser.add_option('-l', '--list', dest='list', action='store_true', default=False, help='List all WAFs that we are able to detect') parser.add_option('--xmlrpc', dest='xmlrpc', action='store_true', default=False, help='Switch on the XML-RPC interface instead of CUI') parser.add_option('--xmlrpcport', dest='xmlrpcport', type='int', default=8001, help='Specify an alternative port to listen on, default 8001') parser.add_option('--version', '-V', dest='version', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print out the version') options, args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(level=calclogginglevel(options.verbose)) log = logging.getLogger() if options.list: print('Can test for these WAFs:\r\n') attacker = WafW00F(None) print('\r\n'.join(attacker.wafdetectionsprio)) return if options.version: print('WAFW00F version %s' % __version__) return elif options.xmlrpc: print('Starting XML-RPC interface') xmlrpc_interface(bindaddr=('localhost', options.xmlrpcport)) return if len(args) == 0: parser.error('we need a target site') targets = args for target in targets: if not (target.startswith('http://') or target.startswith('https://')):'The url %s should start with http:// or https:// .. fixing (might make this unusable)' % target) target = 'http://' + target print('Checking %s' % target) pret = oururlparse(target) if pret is None: log.critical('The url %s is not well formed' % target) sys.exit(1) (hostname, port, path, query, ssl) = pret'starting wafw00f on %s' % target) attacker = WafW00F(hostname, port=port, ssl=ssl, debuglevel=options.verbose, path=path, followredirect=options.followredirect) if attacker.normalrequest() is None: log.error('Site %s appears to be down' % target) sys.exit(1) if options.test: if attacker.wafdetections.has_key(options.test): waf = attacker.wafdetections[options.test](attacker) if waf: print('The site %s is behind a %s' % (target, options.test)) else: print('WAF %s was not detected on %s' % (options.test, target)) else: print( 'WAF %s was not found in our list\r\nUse the --list option to see what is available' % options.test) return waf = attacker.identwaf(options.findall)'Ident WAF: %s' % waf) if len(waf) > 0: print('The site %s is behind a %s' % (target, ' and/or '.join(waf))) if (options.findall) or len(waf) == 0: print('Generic Detection results:') if attacker.genericdetect():'Generic Detection: %s' % attacker.knowledge['generic']['reason']) print('The site %s seems to be behind a WAF or some sort of security solution' % target) print('Reason: %s' % attacker.knowledge['generic']['reason']) else: print('No WAF detected by the generic detection') print('Number of requests: %s' % attacker.requestnumber)
def main(): print(woof) parser = OptionParser(usage='%prog url1 [url2 [url3 ... ]]\r\nexample: %prog') parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='count', dest='verbose', default=0, help='enable verbosity - multiple -v options increase verbosity') parser.add_option('-a', '--findall', action='store_true', dest='findall', default=False, help='Find all WAFs, do not stop testing on the first one') parser.add_option('-r', '--disableredirect', action='store_false', dest='followredirect', default=True, help='Do not follow redirections given by 3xx responses') parser.add_option('-t', '--test', dest='test', help='Test for one specific WAF') parser.add_option('-l', '--list', dest='list', action='store_true', default=False, help='List all WAFs that we are able to detect') parser.add_option('-p', '--proxy', dest='proxy', default=False, help='Use an HTTP proxy to perform requests, example: http://hostname:8080, socks5://hostname:1080') parser.add_option('--version', '-V', dest='version', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print out the version') parser.add_option('--headersfile', '-H', dest='headersfile', action='store', default=None, help='Pass custom headers, for example to overwrite the default User-Agent string') options, args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(level=calclogginglevel(options.verbose)) log = logging.getLogger() if options.list: print('Can test for these WAFs:\r\n') attacker = WafW00F(None) print('\r\n'.join(attacker.wafdetections.keys())) return if options.version: print('WAFW00F version %s' % __version__) return extraheaders = {} if options.headersfile:'Getting extra headers from %s' % options.headersfile) extraheaders = getheaders(options.headersfile) if extraheaders is None: parser.error('Please provide a headers file with colon delimited header names and values') if len(args) == 0: parser.error('we need a target site') targets = args for target in targets: if not (target.startswith('http://') or target.startswith('https://')):'The url %s should start with http:// or https:// .. fixing (might make this unusable)' % target) target = 'http://' + target print('Checking %s' % target) pret = oururlparse(target) if pret is None: log.critical('The url %s is not well formed' % target) sys.exit(1) (hostname, port, path, _, ssl) = pret'starting wafw00f on %s' % target) attacker = WafW00F(hostname, port=port, ssl=ssl, debuglevel=options.verbose, path=path, followredirect=options.followredirect, extraheaders=extraheaders, proxy=options.proxy) if attacker.normalrequest() is None: log.error('Site %s appears to be down' % target) continue if options.test: if options.test in attacker.wafdetections: waf = attacker.wafdetections[options.test](attacker) if waf: print('The site %s is behind %s WAF.' % (target, options.test)) else: print('WAF %s was not detected on %s' % (options.test, target)) else: print( 'WAF %s was not found in our list\r\nUse the --list option to see what is available' % options.test) return waf = attacker.identwaf(options.findall)'Ident WAF: %s' % waf) if len(waf) > 0: print('The site %s is behind %s WAF.' % (target, ' and/or '.join(waf))) if (options.findall) or len(waf) == 0: print('Generic Detection results:') if attacker.genericdetect():'Generic Detection: %s' % attacker.knowledge['generic']['reason']) print('The site %s seems to be behind a WAF or some sort of security solution' % target) print('Reason: %s' % attacker.knowledge['generic']['reason']) else: print('No WAF detected by the generic detection') print('Number of requests: %s' % attacker.requestnumber)