def avatar_url(user, size=50):
    A template tag that receives a user and size and return
    the appropiate avatar url for that user.
    Example usage: {% avatar_url request.user 50 %}

    if hasattr(user, 'wagtail_userprofile') and user.wagtail_userprofile.avatar:
        return user.wagtail_userprofile.avatar.url

    if hasattr(user, 'email'):
        gravatar_url = get_gravatar_url(user.email, size=size)
        if gravatar_url is not None:
            return gravatar_url

    return versioned_static_func('wagtailadmin/images/default-user-avatar.png')
def avatar_url(user, size=50, gravatar_only=False):
    A template tag that receives a user and size and return
    the appropriate avatar url for that user.
    Example usage: {% avatar_url request.user 50 %}

    if (not gravatar_only and hasattr(user, "wagtail_userprofile")
            and user.wagtail_userprofile.avatar):
        return user.wagtail_userprofile.avatar.url

    if hasattr(user, "email"):
        gravatar_url = get_gravatar_url(user.email, size=size)
        if gravatar_url is not None:
            return gravatar_url

    return versioned_static_func("wagtailadmin/images/default-user-avatar.png")
def versioned_static(path):
    Wrapper for Django's static file finder to append a cache-busting query parameter
    that updates on each Wagtail version
    return versioned_static_func(path)