def createPeers(self): for p in self._dynamicPeers: p.destroy(remove=True) self._dynamicPeers = [] observer = for dct in self._peers: name = dct['name'] if name is None or name == "None": continue args = {} if 'config' in dct: args = dct['config'] if not args: try: obj = observer.peer(name, self._name) except Exception as e: FX.crit("Exception while creating instance of", name) import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) elif isinstance(args, dict): lst = () obj = observer.peer(name, self._name, *lst, **args) if not obj: FX.crit("Error creating peer", name, "for room", self._name, "with options", args) else:"Successfully created peer", name, "for room", self._name) self._dynamicPeers.append(obj)
def __dequeue(self): calls = [] statefullCnt = 0 for pillow in self._statefullQueue: if pillow not in self._statefullPillows: continue for ident, (args, ka) in self._statefullPillows[pillow].items(): statefullCnt += len(self._statefullQueue[pillow]) for catcher, passThrower in self._statefullQueue[pillow]: if passThrower and 'me' in ka: call = (catcher, args, {"thrower":ka['me']}) else: call = (catcher, args, {}) calls.append(call) self._statefullQueue = {} for call in self._normalQueue: calls.append(call) # print "[", self._name, "] Queue sizes:", statefullCnt, len(self._normalQueue) self._normalQueue = [] for catcher, args, ka in calls: try: catcher(*args, **ka) except Exception as e: FX.crit("Exception while throwing pillow") import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) self._dequeueCall = None if len(self._statefullQueue) + len(self._normalQueue) > 0: self.__dequeueRequest()
def __init__(self, appName = 'example', checkRoom = None, suggest = False, options=None): splash = None = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)"wallaby - " + appName) for s in ['16', '32', '64', '128', '256']:':/icons/images/wallaby_logo_' + s + '.png'))) pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(":/images/images/wallaby_splash.png") splash = QtGui.QSplashScreen(pixmap) splash.raise_() if USES_PYSIDE or FXUI.qt4reactor: print "Install qt4reactor. USES_PYSIDE =", USES_PYSIDE import wallaby.frontends.qt.reactor.qt4reactor as qtreactor qtreactor.install() else: threadedselect.install() from twisted.internet import reactor ii = Interleaver() reactor.interleave(ii.toInterleave) reactor.suggestThreadPoolSize(50) FXUI.mineIcon = QtGui.QIcon(':/icons/images/mine.png') FXUI.theirsIcon = QtGui.QIcon(':/icons/images/theirs.png') tapp = twisted.application.service.Application("gui") service = FXLogger('wallaby.log') service.setServiceParent(tapp) service.startService() FX.appModule = 'wallaby.apps.' + appName try: from twisted.plugin import getCache pkg = __import__(FX.appModule, globals(), locals(), ["*"], 0) if pkg is not None and len(pkg.__path__) > 0 and os.path.exists(pkg.__path__[0]): FX.appPath = pkg.__path__[0] else: FX.appPath = os.path.join(".", "wallaby", "apps", appName) except: FX.appPath = os.path.join(".", "wallaby", "apps", appName) FXUI.css = None try: print "importing", options.module, "from", FX.appModule if options.module == "WallabyApp2" and os.path.exists(os.path.join(FX.appPath, "")): mod = FX.imp(FX.appModule + '.mainWindow', False) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(FX.appPath, "mainWindow.css")): FXUI.css = open(os.path.join(FX.appPath, "mainWindow.css")).read() else: module = options.module module = module[0].lower() + module[1:] mod = FX.imp(FX.appModule + '.' + module, False) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(FX.appPath, module + ".css")): FXUI.css = open(os.path.join(FX.appPath, module + ".css")).read() except: mod = None if mod == None: FX.crit('Module', FX.appModule, 'not found') reactor.callWhenRunning(self.myQuit) if USES_PYSIDE or FXUI.qt4reactor: reactor.runReturn() return try: FXUI.mainWindow = mod.MainWindow(self.myQuit, options) if FXUI.css is not None:"plastique") FXUI.mainWindow.setStyleSheet(FXUI.css) except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) from twisted.internet import reactor reactor.callWhenRunning(self.myQuit) if USES_PYSIDE or FXUI.qt4reactor: reactor.runReturn() return FXUI.mainWindow.setSplash(splash) from twisted.internet import reactor reactor.callWhenRunning(, mod, options, checkRoom) FXUI.mainWindow.enabled = False FXUI.mainWindow.configure() FXUI.mainWindow.raise_() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigint_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigint_handler) # self.gc = GarbageCollector(FXUI.mainWindow, True) if USES_PYSIDE or FXUI.qt4reactor: reactor.runReturn()
def _throw(self, pillow, feathers="", **ka): try: wcPeers = None normalPeers = None singlePeers = None if pillow == None: # print "WARNING - skipping none pillow" return # decode json feathers if feathers != None and isinstance(feathers, (str, unicode)) and feathers.startswith('json:'): jsonString = '{"object":' + feathers.replace('json:', '', 1) + '}' try: import json feathers = json.loads(jsonString) feathers = feathers["object"] except Exception as e: print "Error while parsing json", jsonString, e feathers = None # save statefull pillow for resending if pillow.endswith("!"): identifier = "__any__" try: identifier = feathers.identifier() except: pass if pillow not in self._statefullPillows: self._statefullPillows[pillow] = {} self._statefullPillows[pillow][identifier] = ((pillow, feathers), ka) self._statefullQueue[pillow] = [] # create copies of peers to avoid race conditions # FIXME: this can result in calls of unallocated QObject methods!!! if "*" in self._pillows: wcPeers = copy.copy(self._pillows["*"]) if pillow in self._pillows: normalPeers = copy.copy(self._pillows[pillow]) if pillow in self._singlePillows: singlePeers = copy.copy(self._singlePillows[pillow]) del self._singlePillows[pillow] for peers in (wcPeers, normalPeers, singlePeers): if peers != None and pillow != Room.Out.NoHandlerFound: for (catcher, passThrower) in peers: if passThrower and 'me' in ka: self.__enqueue(catcher, pillow, feathers, passThrower=passThrower, thrower=ka['me']) else: self.__enqueue(catcher, pillow, feathers, passThrower=passThrower) # Send a "NoHandlerFound" pillow if not already handled if normalPeers == None and singlePeers == None and pillow != Room.Out.NoHandlerFound: self._throw(Room.Out.NoHandlerFound, pillow, thrower=self) except Exception as e: FX.crit("Exception while throwing pillow", pillow) import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) self.__dequeueRequest()