def getEpisodeList(self, url): contentType,main_page = common.getData(url) episodes = re.compile('<div class="right item_small " style="">.*?<a href="(.*?)".*?</span><img src="(.*?)".*?<a.*?>(.*?)<').findall(main_page) for url, img, title in episodes: contentType,page = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + url + '/@@/video/flv_pl') titleMatches = re.compile('<title>(.*?)</title>(.*)<subtitle>(.*?)<').findall(page) if (len(titleMatches)) == 1: title = titleMatches[0][0] images = re.compile('<preview_pic>(.*?)</preview_pic>').findall(page) if (len(images)) >= 1: iconImage = images[0] details = re.compile('<synopsis>(.*?)</synopsis>').findall(page) if (len(details)) > 0: epiDetails = details[0] timeInSeconds = re.compile('<duration>(.*?)</duration>').findall(page) if not timeInSeconds == None and not len(timeInSeconds[0]) <= 0: time = int(timeInSeconds[0]) / 60 else: time = '00:00' url = 'rtmp:// app=vod/ swfvfy=true swfUrl= tcurl=rtmp:// pageurl= playpath=' + re.compile('<src>(.*?)</src>').findall(page)[0] common.addLink(contentType,title, url, iconImage, str(time), epiDetails) nextPage = re.compile('<a class="in_blk p_r".*?href="(.*?)"').findall(main_page) if (len(nextPage)) > 0: common.addDir('UTF-8',__language__(30001), __BASE_URL__ + nextPage[0], self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, 'DefaultFolder.png', __NAME__) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'episodes') xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode(500)")
def getGenere(self, url): params = common.getParams(url) selectedGenre = params["englishName"] categories = self.getMainJSON(); i = 0 for category in categories: #print "WALLA main category :" + str(category) categoryName = category["name"] genreEnglish = str(category["englishName"]) genres = category["genres"] for genre in genres: genreName = genre["name"] if (genreEnglish==selectedGenre): genreId = str(genre["id"]) amount = str(genre["amount"]) dirName = genreName + " (" + amount + ")" #iconImage = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(__PLUGIN_PATH__, 'cache', 'images', 'wallaBase', module + '.png')) '''8515= ADULTS id''' if adults or genreId != '8515': common.addDir('UTF-8', dirName, "genre=" + genreEnglish + "&genreId=" + genreId, self.MODES.GET_GENRE_ITEMS, elementId=__NAME__) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows')
def getSeriesList(self): ## get all the series base url contentType, baseUrl = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + '?w=/2227') urls = re.compile( '<div class="bottomBorder"><a href="(.*?)".*?><img src="(.+?)" alt="(.+?)"' ).findall(baseUrl) ## for each series we get the series page to parse all the info from for path, image, title in urls: if path.startswith("http://"): contentType, page = common.getData(path) url = path else: contentType, page = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + path) url = __BASE_URL__ + path iconImage = image fanartImage = re.compile( '</div><img src="(.+?)" width="940"').findall(page) if not fanartImage == None and len(fanartImage) > 0 and len( fanartImage[0]) > 0: fanart = fanartImage[0] else: fanart = '' common.addDir(contentType, title, url, self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, iconImage, __NAME__, '', fanart) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows')
def getSeriesList(self): ## get all the series base url contentType, urls = common.getMatches( __BASE_URL__, '<a id="opc".*?href="(.*?)">(.*?)<') ## for each series we get the series page to parse all the info from for path in urls: if path[0].startswith("http://"): contentType, page = common.getData(path[0]) else: contentType, page = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + path[0]) title = path[1] imageMatch = re.compile( 'class="stripe_title w7b white">(.*?)img\ssrc="(.*?)"' ).findall(page) details = re.compile('class="w3 nohvr">(.*?)<').findall(page) if (len(details)) > 0: summary = details[0] else: summary = '' if (len(imageMatch)) == 1: iconImage = common.getImage(imageMatch[0][1], __NAME__) urlMatch = re.compile( 'class="w6b fntclr2" href="(.*?)">').findall(page) if (len(urlMatch)) > 0: common.addDir(contentType, title, __BASE_URL__ + urlMatch[0], self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, iconImage, __NAME__, summary) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows')
def getSeriesList(self): ## get all the series base url contentType,baseUrl = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + '?w=/2245') urls = re.compile('<div class="bottomBorder"><a href="(.*?)".*?><img src="(.+?)"').findall(baseUrl) ## for each series we get the series page to parse all the info from for path, image in urls: if path.startswith("http://"): contentType,page = common.getData(path) else: contentType,page = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + path) details = re.compile('class="w3" style="margin-left:288px;">(\s.*)<div>(.*?)</div>(\s.*)<div>(.+?)<').findall(page) if (len(details)) > 0: summary = details[0][3] else: summary = '' iconImage = image fanartImage = re.compile('class="vbox720x330" src="(.+?)" alt="(.*?)"').findall(page) if not fanartImage == None: try: fanart = fanartImage[0][0] title = fanartImage[0][1] except: title = fanartImage urlMatch = re.compile('class="hd1 mrg_r1 none" style=""><a href="(.+?)"').findall(page) if (len(urlMatch)) > 0: common.addDir(contentType,title, __BASE_URL__ + urlMatch[0], self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, iconImage, __NAME__, summary, fanart) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows')
def getSeriesList(self): ## get all the series base url contentType,baseUrl = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + '?w=/2225') urls = re.compile('(<div class="img".*?</div>)').findall(baseUrl) for url in urls: items = re.compile('<a href="(.*?)".*?<img src="(.*?)".*?<span.*?>(.*?)<').findall(url) for path, image, title in items: if (path.find('2224') != -1): contentType,page = common.getData(path + '/@@/video/flv_pl') titleMatches = re.compile('<title>(.*?)</title>(.*)<subtitle>(.*?)<').findall(page) if (len(titleMatches)) == 1: title = titleMatches[0][0] details = re.compile('<synopsis>(.*?)</synopsis>').findall(page) if (len(details)) > 0: epiDetails = details[0] timeInSeconds = re.compile('<duration>(.*?)</duration>').findall(page) if not timeInSeconds == None and not len(timeInSeconds[0]) <= 0: time = int(timeInSeconds[0]) / 60 else: time = '00:00' url = 'rtmp:// app=vod/ swfvfy=true swfUrl= pageUrl=' + path + ' playpath=' + re.compile('<src>(.*?)</src>').findall(page)[1] common.addLink(contentType,title, url, image, str(time), epiDetails) else: if not path.startswith("http://"): path = __BASE_URL__ + path common.addDir(contentType,title, path, self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, image, __NAME__) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows') xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode(500)")
def getEpisodeList(self, url): contentType, page = common.getData(url) if url.find('page') == -1: featured = re.compile( '<a class="thumblink" href="(.+?)".*?src="(.+?)".*?alt="(.+?)"' ).findall(page) for url, image, title in featured: title = title.replace('<br/>', ' - ') title = title.replace('|', ' - ') common.addVideoLink(contentType, title, url, self.MODES.PLAY_ITEM, image, __NAME__) items = re.compile( '<div class="entry-content-inside">.*?<a href="(.+?)" title="(.*?)".*?src="(.+?)"' ).findall(page) for url, title, image in items: if url.find('article') == -1: title = title.replace('<br/>', ' - ') title = title.replace('|', ' - ') common.addVideoLink(contentType, title, url, self.MODES.PLAY_ITEM, image, __NAME__) hasNext = re.compile( 'class=\'next page-numbers\' href=\'(.+?)\'').findall(page) if not hasNext == None and len(hasNext) > 0: # there is a next page url = hasNext[0] common.addDir('UTF-8', common.__language__(30001), url, self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, 'DefaultFolder.png', __NAME__)
def getVod(self, url): contentType,page = common.getData(url) features = re.findall('<div class="topNav">(.*?)</div><span class="wcflow"', page) if features and len(features) > 0: menu = re.findall('href="(.*?)">(.*?)<', features[0]) for href, name in menu: common.addDir(contentType,name, __BASE_URL__ + href, self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, "DefaultFolder.png", __NAME__)
def getCategories(self): categories = [ ['/news/new-music/', 40001, self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST], ['/music/mtv-playlist/', 40002, self.MODES.GET_SERIES_LIST], ['/charts/', 40003, self.MODES.GET_SERIES_LIST], ['/shows/browse/', 40004, self.MODES.GET_SERIES_LIST], ['/music/live-session/', 40005, self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST] ] for item in categories: title = common.__language__(item[1]) url = item[0] mode = item[2] iconImage = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join(__PLUGIN_PATH__, 'resources', 'images', 'icon_' + str(item[1]) + '.png')) if not os.path.exists(iconImage): iconImage = 'DefaultFolder.png' fanart = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join(__PLUGIN_PATH__, 'resources', 'bg', 'fanart_' + str(item[1]) + '.png')) if not os.path.exists(fanart): fanart = 'DefaultFolder.png' common.addDir('UTF-8', title, __BASE_URL__ + url, mode, iconImage, __NAME__, '', fanart) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows')
def getSeriesList(self, url): ## get all the series base url contentType,baseUrl = common.getData(url) seriesBloc = re.compile('<ul class="fc sequence"(.*?)</ul>').findall(baseUrl) i = 1 for item in seriesBloc: urls = re.compile('<li.*?data-json="{"tooltipTitle":"(.*?)".*?:"(.*?)&.*?<a.*?href="(.*?)".*?class="img" src="(.*?)"').findall(item) for title, desc, url, img in urls: if i == 1: common.addDir('UTF-8', title, __BASE_URL__ + url, self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, img, __NAME__, desc) if i == 2: episodeNum = re.compile('/(\d.*)').findall(url)[0] contentType, page = common.getData('' + episodeNum + '/@@/video/flv_pl') titleMatches = re.compile('<title>(.*?)</title>(.*)<subtitle>(.*?)<').findall(page) if (len(titleMatches)) == 1: title = titleMatches[0][0] images = re.compile('<preview_pic>(.*?)</preview_pic>').findall(page) if (len(images)) >= 1: iconImage = images[0] details = re.compile('<synopsis>(.*?)</synopsis>').findall(page) if (len(details)) > 0: epiDetails = details[0] timeInSeconds = re.compile('<duration>(.*?)</duration>').findall(page) if not timeInSeconds == None and not len(timeInSeconds[0]) <= 0: time = int(timeInSeconds[0]) / 60 else: time = '00:00' playPath = re.compile('<src>(.*?)</src>').findall(page) length = len(playPath) #url = 'rtmp:// app=vod/ swfvfy=true swfUrl= tcurl=rtmp:// pageurl=' + url + ' playpath=' + playPath[length -1] url='rtmp:// playpath' + playPath[length -1]+' swfUrl= pageUrl==' + url i=i+1 xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows') xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode(500)")
def getSeasons(self, url): print "walla getSeasons url:" + str(url) params = common.getParams(url) seriesId = str(params["seriesId"]) contentType, page = common.getData( "" + seriesId + "&page=1&limit=10&sort=newest") if common.__DEBUG__ == True: print "WALLA tvshow API " print page tvshow = json.loads(page) seasons = tvshow["episodesContainer"] for season in seasons: title = season["title"] seasonId = str(season["id"]) common.addDir('UTF-8', title, "seasonId=" + seasonId, self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, elementId=__NAME__)
def getSeriesList(self, url): ## get all the series base url contentType,baseUrl = common.getData(url) seriesBloc = re.compile('<ul class="fc sequence"(.*?)</ul>').findall(baseUrl) urls = re.compile('<li.*?data-json="{"tooltipTitle":"(.*?)".*?:"(.*?)&.*?<a.*?href="(.*?)".*?class="img" src="(.*?)"').findall(baseUrl) for title, desc, url, img in urls: common.addDir(contentType, title, __BASE_URL__ + url, self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, img, __NAME__, desc) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows') xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode(500)")
def getEpisodes(self, url): params = common.getParams(url) seasonId = str(params["seasonId"]) limit = 100 if params.has_key("page"): page = int(params["page"]) else: page = 1 contentType, pageContent = common.getData( "" + seasonId + "&page=" + str(page) + "&limit=" + str(limit) + "&sort=newest") if common.__DEBUG__ == True: print "WALLA episodes API " print pageContent resultJSON = json.loads(pageContent) episodes = resultJSON["episodes"] # if we have 100 we might have another page - this is assumption there is not total items so we can't check for sure. if len(episodes) == 100: common.addDir('UTF-8', "לדף הבא.....", "page=" + str(page + 1) + "&seasonId=" + seasonId, self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, elementId=__NAME__) i = 1 for episode in episodes: episodeId = str(episode["id"]) title = "[COLOR yellow]" + str( (page * limit) - limit + i) + ". [/COLOR]" + episode["title"] media = episode["media"] imageTypes = media["types"] image = imageTypes["type_29"] summary = "" if episode.has_key("abstract"): summary = episode["abstract"] elif episode.has_key("about"): summary = episode["about"] iconImage = __IMAGES_BASE__ + image["file"] common.addVideoLink("UTF-8", title, "item_id=" + episodeId, self.MODES.PLAY_MODE, iconImage, elementId=__NAME__, sum=summary) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'episodes') xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode(500)") i = i + 1
def getSeriesList(self): ## get all the series base url contentType,baseUrl = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + '?w=/2166') urls = re.compile('(<div class="img".*?</div>)').findall(baseUrl) for url in urls: items = re.compile('<a href="(.*?)".*?<img src="(.*?)".*?<span.*?>(.*?)<').findall(url) for path, image, title in items: if not path.startswith("http://"): path = __BASE_URL__ + path common.addDir(contentType,title, path, self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, image, __NAME__) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows') xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode(500)")
def getGenere(self, url): ## get all the series base url contentType, page = common.getData(url) genreBloc = re.compile('<nav class="sideNav".*?</nav>').findall(page) genres = re.compile('<li.*?href="(.*?)".*?"text">(.*?)<').findall(genreBloc[0]) i = 1 for url, title in genres: if i > 1: common.addDir('UTF-8', title, __BASE_URL__ + url, self.MODES.GET_SERIES_LIST, 'DefaultFolder.png', __NAME__) i = i + 1 xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows') xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode(503)")
def getSeriesList(self): ## get all the series base url contentType,baseUrl = common.getData(__BASE_URL__) urls = re.compile('class="opc".*?href="(.*?)".*?w3b">(.*?)<.*?src="(.*?)"').findall(baseUrl) ## for each series we get the series page to parse all the info from for path, title, img in urls: if path.startswith("http://"): url = path else: url = __BASE_URL__ + path common.addDir(contentType, title, url, self.MODES.GET_CHAPTERS, img, __NAME__) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows')
def getSeriesList(self): try: ## get all the series base url contentType,urls = common.getMatches(__BASE_URL__,'<a id="opc" href="(.*?)"') ## for each series we get the series page to parse all the info from for path in urls: contentType,page = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + path) titleMatches = re.compile('class="stripe_title w7b white">\s*(.*?)\s*</h1>\s*<img src="(.*?)"').findall(page) if len(titleMatches) == 0: # try a different possibility titleMatches = re.compile('class="stripe_title w7b white">.*?>(.*?)<.*?src="(.*?)"').findall(page) details = re.compile('class="w3 nohvr" style="line-height:17px;">(.*?)<').findall(page) if (len(details)) > 0: summary = details[0] else: summary = '' if (len(titleMatches)) == 1: title = titleMatches[0][0] iconImage = common.getImage(titleMatches[0][1],__NAME__) urlMatch = re.compile('class="w6b" href="(.*?)">').findall(page) if (len(urlMatch)) > 0: common.addDir(contentType,title, __BASE_URL__ + urlMatch[0], self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, iconImage, __NAME__, summary) common.addDir('UTF-8',"ספיישל דייגו בספארי לבקשת הורי הפורום", __BASE_URL__ +'?w=//2562538', self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, "", __NAME__, summary) common.addDir('UTF-8',"דייגו מציל את חיות הים --מיוחד לאבות מסורים", __BASE_URL__ +'?w=//2545366', self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, "", __NAME__, summary) common.addDir('UTF-8',"הרפתקאות דורה ודייגו", __BASE_URL__ +'?w=//2505725', self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, "", __NAME__, summary) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows') except Exception as e: print "WALLA exception in getSeriesList" raise
def getEpisodeList(self, url): contentType,main_page = common.getData(url) # check for seasons seasonsList = re.compile('<div class="drop".*?</div>').findall(main_page) if len(seasonsList) > 0: # we have seasons seasons = re.compile('<li>.*?href="(.*?)".*?</li>').findall(seasonsList[0]) i = 1 for season in seasons: common.addDir('UTF-8', __language__(30011) + ' ' + str(i), __BASE_URL__ + season, self.MODES.SHOW_EPISODES, '', __NAME__) i = i + 1 else: # we don't go directly to episodes self.showEpisodes(url)
def getSeriesList(self): ## get all the series base url contentType, baseUrl = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + '?w=/2161') urls = re.compile('(<div class="img".*?</div>)').findall(baseUrl) for url in urls: items = re.compile( '<a href="(.*?)".*?<img src="(.*?)".*?<span.*?>(.*?)<' ).findall(url) for path, image, title in items: if not path.startswith("http://"): path = __BASE_URL__ + path common.addDir(contentType, title, path, self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, image, __NAME__) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows') xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode(500)")
def getSeriesList(self): ## get all the series base url contentType, baseUrl = common.getData(__BASE_URL__) urls = re.compile( 'class="opc".*?href="(.*?)".*?w3b">(.*?)<.*?src="(.*?)"').findall( baseUrl) ## for each series we get the series page to parse all the info from for path, title, img in urls: if path.startswith("http://"): url = path else: url = __BASE_URL__ + path common.addDir(contentType, title, url, self.MODES.GET_CHAPTERS, img, __NAME__) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows')
def getGenereItems(self, url): print "walla getSeriesList url:" + str(url) params = common.getParams(url) genreId = params["genreId"] genre = params["genre"] if params.has_key("page"): page = int(params["page"]) else : page = 1 contentType, jsonString = common.getData(''+ genre + "?id=" + genreId + "&page=" + str(page) + "&limit=50&sort=newest") if common.__DEBUG__ == True: print "WALLA genre API " print jsonString resultJSON = json.loads(jsonString) genreItems = resultJSON["events"] totalResults = resultJSON["genre"]["amount"] if totalResults> (50*page): page = page +1 common.addDir('UTF-8', "לדף הבא.....", "page=" + str(page) + "&genre=" + genre + "&genreId=" + genreId, self.MODES.GET_GENRE_ITEMS, elementId=__NAME__) for item in genreItems: itemName = item["title"] if item.has_key("media"): media=item["media"] itemId = str(item["id"]) typeName = item["typeName"] about = item["about"] if item.has_key("duration"): duration = str(item["duration"]) else: duration = '0' if media["types"].has_key("type_29"): iconImage = __IMAGES_BASE__ + media["types"]["type_29"]["file"] else: iconImage = 'DefaultFolder.png' if typeName == "movie": common.addVideoLink("UTF-8",itemName, "item_id="+ itemId ,self.MODES.PLAY_MODE, iconImage,elementId=__NAME__, sum=about,duration=duration) else: common.addDir('UTF-8', itemName, "seriesId=" + itemId , self.MODES.GET_SEASONS_LIST, iconImage, elementId=__NAME__)
def getSeriesList(self): images=ReadList(images_file) contentType,block = common.getMatches(__BASE_URL__,'padding: 10px(.*?)folder2_game') page = re.compile('<a href="(.*?)".*?">(.*?)<').findall(block[0]) for path in page: summary = '' iconImage='' url=__BASE_URL__ + path[0] if not url in images: iconImage=common.getImageNick(url) images[url]=iconImage iconImage=images[url] title=path[1] common.addDir(contentType,title, __BASE_URL__ + path[0], self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, iconImage, __NAME__, summary) WriteList(images_file, images) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows')
def getSeriesList(self): try: ## get all the series base url #block=re.compile('<div style="padding: 10px(.*?)folder2_game') contentType, block = common.getMatches( __BASE_URL__, 'padding: 10px(.*?)folder2_game') page = re.compile('<a href="(.*?)".*?0px;">(.*?)<').findall( block[0]) #contentType,urls = common.getMatches(__BASE_URL__,'margin-left: 0px;">(.*?)</a><a href="(.*?)"') ## for each series we get the series page to parse all the info from idx = 1 for path in page: print path #contentType,page = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + path[0]) #page = re.compile(__BASE_URL__ + path[0]) #titleMatches = re.compile('class="stripe_title w7b white">\s*(.*?)\s*</h1>\s*<img src="(.*?)"').findall(page) #if len(titleMatches) == 0: # try a different possibility #titleMatches = re.compile('class="stripe_title w7b white">.*?>(.*?)<.*?src="(.*?)"').findall(page) #details = re.compile('class="w3 nohvr" style="line-height:17px;">(.*?)<').findall(page) #if (len(details)) > 0: #summary = details[0] #else: summary = '' title = path[1] '''if (len(titleMatches)) == 1: title = titleMatches[0][0]''' iconImage = common.getImageNick(idx, 'nickjr', __BASE_URL__ + path[0]) print iconImage idx = idx + 1 '''urlMatch = re.compile('class="w6b" href="(.*?)">').findall(page) print urlMatch if (len(urlMatch)) > 0:''' common.addDir(contentType, title, __BASE_URL__ + path[0], self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, iconImage, __NAME__, summary) common.addDir('UTF-8', "ספיישל דייגו בספארי לבקשת הורי הפורום", __BASE_URL__ + '?w=//2562538', self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, "", __NAME__, summary) common.addDir('UTF-8', "דייגו מציל את חיות הים --מיוחד לאבות מסורים", __BASE_URL__ + '?w=//2545366', self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, "", __NAME__, summary) common.addDir('UTF-8', "הרפתקאות דורה ודייגו", __BASE_URL__ + '?w=//2505725', self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, "", __NAME__, summary) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows') except Exception as e: print "WALLA exception in getSeriesList" raise
def getCategories(self): categories = [['/news/new-music/',40001,self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST], ['/music/mtv-playlist/',40002,self.MODES.GET_SERIES_LIST], ['/charts/',40003,self.MODES.GET_SERIES_LIST], ['/shows/browse/',40004,self.MODES.GET_SERIES_LIST], ['/music/live-session/',40005,self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST]] for item in categories: title = common.__language__(item[1]) url = item[0] mode = item[2] iconImage = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(__PLUGIN_PATH__, 'resources', 'images', 'icon_' + str(item[1]) + '.png')) if not os.path.exists(iconImage): iconImage = 'DefaultFolder.png' fanart = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(__PLUGIN_PATH__, 'resources', 'bg', 'fanart_' + str(item[1]) + '.png')) if not os.path.exists(fanart): fanart = 'DefaultFolder.png' common.addDir('UTF-8',title, __BASE_URL__ + url, mode, iconImage, __NAME__, '', fanart) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows')
def getEpisodes(self, url): params = common.getParams(url) seasonId = str(params["seasonId"]) limit = 100 if params.has_key("page"): page = int(params["page"]) else : page = 1 contentType, pageContent = common.getData("" + seasonId + "&page=" + str(page) + "&limit=" + str(limit) + "&sort=newest") if common.__DEBUG__ == True: print "WALLA episodes API " print pageContent resultJSON = json.loads(pageContent) episodes = resultJSON["episodes"] # if we have 100 we might have another page - this is assumption there is not total items so we can't check for sure. if len(episodes) == 100 : common.addDir('UTF-8', "לדף הבא.....", "page=" + str(page+1) + "&seasonId=" + seasonId , self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, elementId=__NAME__) i=1 for episode in episodes: episodeId = str(episode["id"]) title = "[COLOR yellow]" + str((page*limit)-limit+i) + ". [/COLOR]" + episode["title"] media = episode["media"] imageTypes = media["types"] image = imageTypes["type_29"] summary = "" if episode.has_key("abstract"): summary = episode["abstract"] elif episode.has_key("about"): summary = episode["about"] iconImage = __IMAGES_BASE__ + image["file"] common.addVideoLink("UTF-8",title, "item_id="+ episodeId ,self.MODES.PLAY_MODE, iconImage,elementId=__NAME__, sum=summary) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'episodes') xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode(500)") i=i+1
def getEpisodeList(self, url): contentType, main_page = common.getData(url) # check for seasons seasonsList = re.compile('<div class="drop".*?</div>').findall( main_page) if len(seasonsList) > 0: # we have seasons seasons = re.compile('<li>.*?href="(.*?)".*?</li>').findall( seasonsList[0]) i = 1 for season in seasons: common.addDir('UTF-8', __language__(30011) + ' ' + str(i), __BASE_URL__ + season, self.MODES.SHOW_EPISODES, '', __NAME__) i = i + 1 else: # we don't go directly to episodes self.showEpisodes(url)
def getSeriesList(self): ## get all the series base url contentType,baseUrl = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + '?w=/2227') urls = re.compile('<div class="bottomBorder"><a href="(.*?)".*?><img src="(.+?)" alt="(.+?)"').findall(baseUrl) ## for each series we get the series page to parse all the info from for path, image, title in urls: if path.startswith("http://"): contentType,page = common.getData(path) url = path else: contentType,page = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + path) url = __BASE_URL__ + path iconImage = image fanartImage = re.compile('</div><img src="(.+?)" width="940"').findall(page) if not fanartImage == None and len(fanartImage) > 0 and len(fanartImage[0]) > 0: fanart = fanartImage[0] else: fanart = '' common.addDir(contentType,title, url, self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, iconImage, __NAME__, '', fanart) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows')
def getSeriesList(self): images = ReadList(images_file) contentType, block = common.getMatches( __BASE_URL__, 'padding: 10px(.*?)folder2_game') page = re.compile('<a href="(.*?)".*?">(.*?)<').findall(block[0]) for path in page: summary = '' iconImage = '' url = __BASE_URL__ + path[0] if not url in images: iconImage = common.getImageNick(url) images[url] = iconImage iconImage = images[url] title = path[1] common.addDir(contentType, title, __BASE_URL__ + path[0], self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, iconImage, __NAME__, summary) WriteList(images_file, images) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows')
def getEpisodeList(self, url): contentType, main_page = common.getData(url) episodes = re.compile( '<div class="right item_small " style="">.*?<a href="(.*?)".*?</span><img src="(.*?)".*?<a.*?>(.*?)<' ).findall(main_page) for url, img, title in episodes: contentType, page = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + url + '/@@/video/flv_pl') titleMatches = re.compile( '<title>(.*?)</title>(.*)<subtitle>(.*?)<').findall(page) if (len(titleMatches)) == 1: title = titleMatches[0][0] images = re.compile( '<preview_pic>(.*?)</preview_pic>').findall(page) if (len(images)) >= 1: iconImage = images[0] details = re.compile('<synopsis>(.*?)</synopsis>').findall( page) if (len(details)) > 0: epiDetails = details[0] timeInSeconds = re.compile( '<duration>(.*?)</duration>').findall(page) if not timeInSeconds == None and not len( timeInSeconds[0]) <= 0: time = int(timeInSeconds[0]) / 60 else: time = '00:00' url = 'rtmp:// app=vod/ swfvfy=true swfUrl= tcurl=rtmp:// pageurl= playpath=' + re.compile( '<src>(.*?)</src>').findall(page)[0] common.addLink(contentType, title, url, iconImage, str(time), epiDetails) nextPage = re.compile('<a class="in_blk p_r".*?href="(.*?)"').findall( main_page) if (len(nextPage)) > 0: common.addDir('UTF-8', __language__(30001), __BASE_URL__ + nextPage[0], self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, 'DefaultFolder.png', __NAME__) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'episodes') xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode(500)")
def getSeriesList(self): ## get all the series base url contentType, baseUrl = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + '?w=/2225') urls = re.compile('(<div class="img".*?</div>)').findall(baseUrl) for url in urls: items = re.compile( '<a href="(.*?)".*?<img src="(.*?)".*?<span.*?>(.*?)<' ).findall(url) for path, image, title in items: if (path.find('2224') != -1): contentType, page = common.getData(path + '/@@/video/flv_pl') titleMatches = re.compile( '<title>(.*?)</title>(.*)<subtitle>(.*?)<').findall( page) if (len(titleMatches)) == 1: title = titleMatches[0][0] details = re.compile( '<synopsis>(.*?)</synopsis>').findall(page) if (len(details)) > 0: epiDetails = details[0] timeInSeconds = re.compile( '<duration>(.*?)</duration>').findall(page) if not timeInSeconds == None and not len( timeInSeconds[0]) <= 0: time = int(timeInSeconds[0]) / 60 else: time = '00:00' url = 'rtmp:// app=vod/ swfvfy=true swfUrl= pageUrl=' + path + ' playpath=' + re.compile( '<src>(.*?)</src>').findall(page)[1] common.addLink(contentType, title, url, image, str(time), epiDetails) else: if not path.startswith("http://"): path = __BASE_URL__ + path common.addDir(contentType, title, path, self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, image, __NAME__) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows') xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode(500)")
def getEpisodeList(self, url): contentType,page = common.getData(url) if url.find('page') == -1: featured = re.compile('<a class="thumblink" href="(.+?)".*?src="(.+?)".*?alt="(.+?)"').findall(page) for url, image, title in featured: title = title.replace('<br/>', ' - ') title = title.replace('|', ' - ') common.addVideoLink(contentType,title, url, self.MODES.PLAY_ITEM, image, __NAME__) items = re.compile('<div class="entry-content-inside">.*?<a href="(.+?)" title="(.*?)".*?src="(.+?)"').findall(page) for url, title, image in items: if url.find('article') == -1: title = title.replace('<br/>', ' - ') title = title.replace('|', ' - ') common.addVideoLink(contentType,title, url, self.MODES.PLAY_ITEM, image, __NAME__) hasNext = re.compile('class=\'next page-numbers\' href=\'(.+?)\'').findall(page) if not hasNext == None and len(hasNext) > 0: # there is a next page url = hasNext[0] common.addDir('UTF-8',common.__language__(30001), url, self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, 'DefaultFolder.png', __NAME__)
def getSeriesList(self): images = ReadList(images_file) contentType, block = common.getMatches( __BASE_URL__, 'padding: 10px(.*?)folder2_game') page = re.compile('<a href="(.*?)".*?0px;">(.*?)<').findall(block[0]) print str(images) for path in page: summary = '' iconImage = '' url = __BASE_URL__ + path[0] if not url in images: iconImage = common.getImageNick(url) images[url] = iconImage iconImage = images[url] title = path[1] common.addDir(contentType, title, url, self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, iconImage, __NAME__, summary) WriteList(images_file, images) common.addDir('UTF-8', "דורה ביער המכושף", __BASE_URL__ + '?w=//1887291', self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, "", __NAME__, summary) common.addDir('UTF-8', "ספיישל דורה", __BASE_URL__ + '?w=//2630476', self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, "", __NAME__, summary) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows')
def getSeriesList(self): try: ## get all the series base url #block=re.compile('<div style="padding: 10px(.*?)folder2_game') contentType,block = common.getMatches(__BASE_URL__,'padding: 10px(.*?)folder2_game') page = re.compile('<a href="(.*?)".*?">(.*?)<').findall(block[0]) #contentType,urls = common.getMatches(__BASE_URL__,'margin-left: 0px;">(.*?)</a><a href="(.*?)"') ## for each series we get the series page to parse all the info from idx=1 for path in page: print path #contentType,page = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + path[0]) #page = re.compile(__BASE_URL__ + path[0]) #titleMatches = re.compile('class="stripe_title w7b white">\s*(.*?)\s*</h1>\s*<img src="(.*?)"').findall(page) #if len(titleMatches) == 0: # try a different possibility #titleMatches = re.compile('class="stripe_title w7b white">.*?>(.*?)<.*?src="(.*?)"').findall(page) #details = re.compile('class="w3 nohvr" style="line-height:17px;">(.*?)<').findall(page) #if (len(details)) > 0: #summary = details[0] #else: summary = '' title=path[1] '''if (len(titleMatches)) == 1: title = titleMatches[0][0]''' iconImage =common.getImageNick(idx,'nick',__BASE_URL__ + path[0]) print iconImage idx=idx + 1 '''urlMatch = re.compile('class="w6b" href="(.*?)">').findall(page) print urlMatch if (len(urlMatch)) > 0:''' common.addDir(contentType,title, __BASE_URL__ + path[0], self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, iconImage, __NAME__, summary) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows') except Exception as e: print "WALLA exception in getSeriesList" raise
def getSeriesList(self): try: ## get all the series base url contentType, urls = common.getMatches(__BASE_URL__, '<a id="opc" href="(.*?)"') ## for each series we get the series page to parse all the info from for path in urls: contentType, page = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + path) titleMatches = re.compile( 'class="stripe_title w7b white">\s*(.*?)\s*</h1>\s*<img src="(.*?)"' ).findall(page) if len(titleMatches) == 0: # try a different possibility titleMatches = re.compile( 'class="stripe_title w7b white">.*?>(.*?)<.*?src="(.*?)"' ).findall(page) details = re.compile( 'class="w3 nohvr" style="line-height:17px;">(.*?)<' ).findall(page) if (len(details)) > 0: summary = details[0] else: summary = '' if (len(titleMatches)) == 1: title = titleMatches[0][0] iconImage = common.getImage(titleMatches[0][1], __NAME__) urlMatch = re.compile('class="w6b" href="(.*?)">').findall( page) if (len(urlMatch)) > 0: common.addDir(contentType, title, __BASE_URL__ + urlMatch[0], self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, iconImage, __NAME__, summary) common.addDir('UTF-8', "ספיישל דייגו בספארי לבקשת הורי הפורום", __BASE_URL__ + '?w=//2562538', self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, "", __NAME__, summary) common.addDir('UTF-8', "דייגו מציל את חיות הים --מיוחד לאבות מסורים", __BASE_URL__ + '?w=//2545366', self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, "", __NAME__, summary) common.addDir('UTF-8', "הרפתקאות דורה ודייגו", __BASE_URL__ + '?w=//2505725', self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, "", __NAME__, summary) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows') except Exception as e: print "WALLA exception in getSeriesList" raise
def getSeasons(self, url): print "walla getSeasons url:" + str(url) params = common.getParams(url) seriesId = str(params["seriesId"]) contentType, page = common.getData("" + seriesId + "&page=1&limit=10&sort=newest") if common.__DEBUG__ == True: print "WALLA tvshow API " print page tvshow = json.loads(page) seasons = tvshow["episodesContainer"] for season in seasons: title = season["title"] seasonId = str(season["id"]) common.addDir('UTF-8', title, "seasonId=" + seasonId , self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, elementId=__NAME__)
def getSeriesList(self): ## get all the series base url contentType,urls = common.getMatches(__BASE_URL__,'<a id="opc".*?href="(.*?)">(.*?)<') ## for each series we get the series page to parse all the info from for path in urls: if path[0].startswith("http://"): contentType,page = common.getData(path[0]) else: contentType,page = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + path[0]) title = path[1] imageMatch = re.compile('class="stripe_title w7b white">(.*?)img\ssrc="(.*?)"').findall(page) details = re.compile('class="w3 nohvr">(.*?)<').findall(page) if (len(details)) > 0: summary = details[0] else: summary = '' if (len(imageMatch)) == 1: iconImage = common.getImage(imageMatch[0][1], __NAME__) urlMatch = re.compile('class="w6b fntclr2" href="(.*?)">').findall(page) if (len(urlMatch)) > 0: common.addDir(contentType,title, __BASE_URL__ + urlMatch[0], self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, iconImage, __NAME__, summary) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows')
def getSeriesList(self): ## get all the series base url contentType, baseUrl = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + '?w=/2245') urls = re.compile( '<div class="bottomBorder"><a href="(.*?)".*?><img src="(.+?)"' ).findall(baseUrl) ## for each series we get the series page to parse all the info from for path, image in urls: if path.startswith("http://"): contentType, page = common.getData(path) else: contentType, page = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + path) details = re.compile( 'class="w3" style="margin-left:288px;">(\s.*)<div>(.*?)</div>(\s.*)<div>(.+?)<' ).findall(page) if (len(details)) > 0: summary = details[0][3] else: summary = '' iconImage = image fanartImage = re.compile( 'class="vbox720x330" src="(.+?)" alt="(.*?)"').findall(page) if not fanartImage == None: try: fanart = fanartImage[0][0] title = fanartImage[0][1] except: title = fanartImage urlMatch = re.compile( 'class="hd1 mrg_r1 none" style=""><a href="(.+?)"' ).findall(page) if (len(urlMatch)) > 0: common.addDir(contentType, title, __BASE_URL__ + urlMatch[0], self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, iconImage, __NAME__, summary, fanart) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows')
def getSeriesList(self): ## get all the series base url contentType,urls = common.getMatches(__BASE_URL__,'<a class="block w3 fldevt goldsep red bold" href="(.+?)" onclick="Evt\(this,(\d),"(.+?)",3,"folder_new_prakim_melaim') ## for each series we get the series page to parse all the info from for path, num, title in urls: ## num is not used and does nothing. if path.startswith("http://"): contentType,page = common.getData(path) url = path else: contentType,page = common.getData(__BASE_URL__ + path) url = __BASE_URL__ + path sumMatch = re.compile('class="w3">(.*?)<').findall(page) iconImage = re.compile('class="top_pic" src="(.+?)"').findall(page) fanart = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(__PLUGIN_PATH__, 'resources', 'bg', 'curtains.png')) if not iconImage == None and len(iconImage) > 0 and len(iconImage[0]) > 0: iconImage = common.getImage(iconImage[0], __NAME__) else: iconImage = '' if (len(sumMatch)) == 1: summary = sumMatch[0] common.addDir(contentType,title, url, self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, iconImage, __NAME__, summary, fanart) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows')
def getSeriesList(self): images=ReadList(images_file) contentType,block = common.getMatches(__BASE_URL__,'padding: 10px(.*?)folder2_game') page = re.compile('<a href="(.*?)".*?0px;">(.*?)<').findall(block[0]) print str (images) for path in page: summary = '' iconImage='' url=__BASE_URL__ + path[0] if not url in images: iconImage=common.getImageNick(url) images[url]=iconImage iconImage=images[url] title=path[1] common.addDir(contentType,title,url, self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, iconImage, __NAME__, summary) WriteList(images_file, images) common.addDir('UTF-8',"דורה ביער המכושף", __BASE_URL__ +'?w=//1887291', self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, "", __NAME__, summary) common.addDir('UTF-8',"ספיישל דורה", __BASE_URL__ +'?w=//2630476', self.MODES.GET_EPISODES_LIST, "", __NAME__, summary) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows')
def getContent(self): ## Add the VOD item common.addDir('UTF-8',__language__(40006), __BASE_URL__ + "?w=/@vod", self.MODES.GET_VOD, "DefaultFolder.png", __NAME__) common.addDir('UTF-8',__language__(40007), __BASE_URL__ + "?w=/@live", self.MODES.GET_LIVE, "DefaultFolder.png", __NAME__)