    def __init__(self, *args):
        """Initializes the orientation in any of the following ways:

        u, theta: (array_like, float) Axis-angle. Represents a
            single rotation by a given angle `theta` in radians
            about a fixed axis represented by the unit vector `u`.
        rot_vec: (array_like) Rotation vector. Corresponds
            to the 3-element representation of the axis-angle,
            i.e. `rot_vec = theta * u`.
        rotm: (array_like) a `3x3` orthogonal rotation matrix.
        quat: (Quaternion or UnitQuaternion) a unit quaternion. The
                quaternion is normalized if it's a `Quaternion` object.

        If no arguments are passed, an identity Orientation is initialized.
        if len(args) == 0:
            self._quat = quaternion.UnitQuaternion()
        elif len(args) == 1:
            if utils.is_iterable(args[0]):
                if len(args[0]) == 3 and utils.is_1d_iterable(
                        args[0]):  # rot_vec
                    self._rot_vec = np.asarray(args[0], dtype="float64")
                elif len(args[0]) == 3 and np.asarray(
                        args[0]).shape == (3, 3):  # rotm
                    rotm = np.asarray(args[0], dtype="float64")
                    raise ValueError(
                        "[!] Could not parse constructor arguments.")
            elif isinstance(args[0], quaternion.Quaternion):  # quat
                self._quat = quaternion.UnitQuaternion(args[0])
                raise ValueError("[!] Expecting array_like or Quaternion.")
        elif len(args) == 2:
            if utils.is_iterable(args[0]) and isinstance(
                    args[1], (int, float)):  # axang
                if len(args[0]) != 3:
                    raise ValueError("[!] Axis must be length 3 array_like.")
                self._u = np.asarray(args[0], dtype="float64")
                self._theta = float(args[1])
                if np.isclose(self._theta,
                              0.0):  # no unique axis, default to i
                    self._u = np.array([1, 0, 0], dtype="float64")
                if not np.isclose(np.dot(self._u, self._u), 1.0):
                    self._u /= np.linalg.norm(self._u)
                raise ValueError("[!] Expecting (axis, angle) tuple.")
            raise ValueError("[!] Incorrect number of arguments.")
    def __add__(self, other):
        """Left quaternion addition.

        Addition can be performed with:
            - A ``Quaternion`` or ``quaternion_like`` object.
            - An ``array_like`` of length 3 to represent a purely-complex quaternion.
            - A :obj:`float` to represent a purely-real quaternion.
        if isinstance(other, Quaternion):
            return self.__class__(self._q + other._q)
        elif utils.is_iterable(other):
            if len(other) == 3:
                return self.__class__(
                    self._q[1:] + other,
            elif len(other) == 4:
                return self.__class__(self._q + other)
                raise ValueError(
                    "[!] Expecting length 3 or length 4 array_like.")
        elif isinstance(other, (int, float)):
            return self.__class__(
                self._q[0] + float(other),
            raise NotImplemented  # noqa F901
 def __rmul__(self, other):
     """Quaternion multiplication.
     if isinstance(other, Quaternion):
         return self.__class__(
             (other._q[0] * self._q[0]) - np.dot(other._q[1:], self._q[1:]),
             (other._q[1:] * self._q[0]) + (self._q[1:] * other._q[0]) +
             np.cross(other._q[1:], self._q[1:]),
     elif utils.is_iterable(other):
         other = np.asarray(other, dtype="float64")
         if len(other) == 3:
             return self.__class__(
                 -np.dot(other, self._q[1:]),
                 (other * self._q[0]) + np.cross(other, self._q[1:]),
         elif len(other) == 4:
             return self.__class__(
                 (other[0] * self._q[0]) - np.dot(other[1:], self._q[1:]),
                 (other[1:] * self._q[0]) + (self._q[1:] * other[0]) +
                 np.cross(other[1:], self._q[1:]),
             raise ValueError(
                 "[!] Expecting length 3 or length 4 array_like.")
     elif isinstance(other, (int, float)):  # scalar multiplication
         return self.__class__(
             float(other) * self._q[0],
             float(other) * self._q[1:],
         raise NotImplemented
 def __mul__(self, other):
     """Orientation multiplication.
     if utils.is_iterable(other):
         if utils.is_batch_vectors(other) or utils.is_single_vector(other):
             return np.dot(self.rotm, np.asarray(other, dtype="float64"))
             if all(isinstance(x, Orientation)
                    for x in other):  # batch of orientations
                 accessor = lambda x: x._quat
             elif all(
                     isinstance(x, quaternion.UnitQuaternion)
                     for x in other):  # batch of quaternions
                 accessor = lambda x: x
                 raise NotImplemented
             quat_prod = self._quat
             for o in other:
                 quat_prod = quat_prod * accessor(o)
             return self.__class__(quat_prod)
         if isinstance(other, Orientation):
             other = other._quat
         elif isinstance(other, quaternion.UnitQuaternion):
             other = other
             raise NotImplemented
         quat_prod = self._quat * other
         return self.__class__(quat_prod)
 def _check_input(self, arr):
     """Checks that the input is a `3x3` array_like.
     if is_iterable(arr):
         if np.asarray(arr).shape == (3, 3):
             return True
         return False
     return False
    def __init__(self, *args):
        """Initializes the quaternion in any of the following ways:

            s (:obj:`float`): The real component. Assumes complex component is zero.
            v (``array_like``): The complex component. Assumes real component is zero.
            q (``array_like``): An iterable of 4 floats defining the real and complex components.
                You can also provide them separately as two function arguments ``s, v``.
            quat (:obj:`Quaternion`): An instance of this class. This is useful for copying
                a quaternion or creating a ``UnitQuaternion`` object from an existing quaternion.

        If no arguments are passed, a zero quaternion is initialized.
        self._q = np.empty(4, dtype="float64")
        if len(args) == 0:
            self._q = np.zeros(4, dtype="float64")
        elif len(args) == 1:
            if utils.is_iterable(args[0]):
                if len(args[0]) == 4:  # [s, x, y, z]
                    self._q[0] = float(args[0][0])
                    self._q[1:] = args[0][1:]
                elif len(args[0]) == 3:  # pure quaternion
                    self._q[0] = 0.
                    self._q[1:] = args[0]
                    raise ValueError(
                        "[!] Expecting a length 4 array_like or pure quaternion."
            elif isinstance(args[0], Quaternion):
                self._q = np.array(args[0]._q, dtype="float64")
            else:  # real quaternion
                self._q[0] = float(args[0])
                self._q[1:] = np.zeros(3, dtype="float64")
        elif len(args) == 2:  # s, v
            if utils.is_iterable(args[0]):
                raise ValueError("[!] `s` must be a float.")
            self._q[0] = float(args[0])
            if not utils.is_iterable(args[1]):
                raise ValueError("[!] `v` must be array_like.")
            self._q[1:] = args[1]
            raise ValueError("[!] Incorrect number of arguments.")
    def __mul__(self, other):
        """Unit-quaternion multiplication.

        Multiplication is interpreted as a:
            - Rotation if ``other`` is a length 3 array_like.
            - Rotation if ``other`` is a pure quaternion.
            - Regular quaternion multiplication if ``other`` is a non-pure

        Note: quaternion-scalar multiplication is not supported
        because it has no effect on the unit-quaternion. This
        is because we normalize to unit-norm in the constructor.

        We use Rodrigues' formula rather than quaternion conjugation
        ``q * p * q.inv()`` since it is more efficient.

            An :obj:`ndarray`, ``Quaternion`` or ``UnitQuaternion``:
                - :obj:`ndarray`: The rotated vector if the multiplication
                    was interpreted as a rotation.
                - ``Quaternion``: The quaternion product if the multiplication
                    was interpreted as regular quaternion multiplication.
                - ``UnitQuaternion``: If both operands were unit-quaternions.
        if utils.is_iterable(other):
            other = np.asarray(other, dtype=np.float64)
            if len(other) == 3:  # vector rotation
                return self._rodrigues_rotation(other)
            elif len(other) == 4:
                if other[0] == 0:  # pure quaternion, i.e. vector rotation
                    return self._rodrigues_rotation(other[1:])
                return super().__mul__(
                    other)  # regular quaternion multiplication
            elif other.ndim == 2 and other.shape[0] > 1 and other.shape[
                    1] == 3:  # batch of vectors
                res = np.empty_like(other)
                for i in range(other.shape[0]):
                    res[i] = self._rodrigues_rotation(other[i])
                return res
                raise ValueError("[!] array_like is not compatible.")
        elif isinstance(other, UnitQuaternion):
            return super().__mul__(
                other)  # the product of unit-quaternions is a unit-quaternion
        elif isinstance(other, Quaternion):
            if other.is_pure():  # pure quaternion, i.e. vector rotation
                return Quaternion(self._rodrigues_rotation(other._q[1:]))
            # regular quaternion multiplication
            res = super().__mul__(other)
            return Quaternion(res.array)
            raise NotImplemented  # noqa F901
    def __mul__(self, other):
        """Quaternion multiplication.

        Interpreted as quaternion-quaternion or scalar-quaternion multiplication.

            other (``quaternion_like`` or :obj:`float`): The quaternion to
                multiply with or scalar to scale by.

        if isinstance(other, Quaternion):
            return self.__class__(
                (self._q[0] * other._q[0]) - self._q[1:] @ other._q[1:],
                (self._q[0] * other._q[1:]) + (other._q[0] * self._q[1:]) +
                np.cross(self._q[1:], other._q[1:]),
        elif utils.is_iterable(other):
            other = np.asarray(other, dtype=np.float64)
            if len(other) == 3:
                return self.__class__(
                    -self._q[1:] @ other,
                    (self._q[0] * other) + np.cross(self._q[1:], other),
            elif len(other) == 4:
                return self.__class__(
                    (self._q[0] * other[0]) - self._q[1:] @ other[1:],
                    (self._q[0] * other[1:]) + (other[0] * self._q[1:]) +
                    np.cross(self._q[1:], other[1:]),
                raise ValueError(
                    "[!] Expecting length 3 or length 4 array_like.")
        elif isinstance(other, (int, float)):  # scalar multiplication
            return self.__class__(
                float(other) * self._q[0],
                float(other) * self._q[1:],
            raise NotImplemented  # noqa F901
    def slerp(self, other, t):
        """Spherical linear interpolation between two unit-quaternions.

            other (`quaternion_like`): The quaternion to interpolate with.
            t (:obj:`float`): The interpolation parameter between 0 and 1.
        if not isinstance(other, Quaternion):
            other = Quaternion(other)
        other = other.normalize()  # a valid rotation must have unit-norm
        if self.dot(other) < 0.0:  # ensure shortest path
            other = -other  # reverse quaternion
        if utils.is_iterable(t):
            t = np.clip(t, 0, 1)
            res = []
            for t_ in t:
                res.append((other * self.inv())**t_ * self)
            return np.asarray(res)
        elif isinstance(t, (int, float)):
            return (other * self.inv())**float(t) * self
            raise ValueError("[!] `t` must be a float or array of floats.")
    def __init__(self, *args):
        """Initializes the 6-DOF pose in any of the following ways:

        pose: (array_like) A list of 6 floats. The first three
            represent the 3-D position [x, y, z] and the last
            three represent the 3-D orientation in rotation
            vector format [rx, ry, rz].
        transform: (array_like) A 4x4 transform representing
            the 3-D position and 3-D orientation.
        position, orientation: (array_like, `Orientation`) The
            first argument is an array_like of length 3 representing
            the 3-D position [x, y, z]. The second argument is an
            instance of the `Orientation` class representing the
            3-D orientation.
        position, rot_vec: (array_like, array_like) The first
            argument is an array_like of length 3 representing
            the 3-D position [x, y, z]. The second argument
            is an array_like of length 3 specifying the 3-D
            orientation in rotation vector format [rx, ry, rz].
        position, rotm: (array_like, array_like) The first
            argument is an array_like of length 3 representing
            the 3-D position [x, y, z]. The second argument
            is an array_like representing the 3-D orientation
            in rotation matrix format.
        position, quat: (array_like, UnitQuaternion) The first
            argument is an array_like of length 3 representing
            the 3-D position [x, y, z]. The second argument
            is an array_like representing the 3-D orientation
            in unit-quaternion format.

        If no arguments are passed, an identity Pose is initialized.
        if len(args) == 0:
            self._position = np.zeros(3, dtype="float64")
            self._orientation = Orientation()
        elif len(args) == 1:  # pose
            if utils.is_1d_iterable(args[0]):
                if len(args[0]) == 6 or np.asarray(args[0]).shape == (1, 6):
                    pose = np.asarray(args[0]).astype("float64").squeeze()
                    self._position = pose[:3]
                    self._orientation = Orientation(pose[3:])
                    raise ValueError(
                        "[!] Expecting [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz] pose.")
            elif np.asarray(args[0]).shape == (4, 4):  # transform
                transform = np.asarray(args[0], dtype="float64")
                self._position = transform[:3, 3]
                self._orientation = Orientation(transform[:3, :3])
                raise ValueError("[!] Expecting 6-D pose or 4x4 transform.")
        elif len(args) == 2:
            if utils.is_iterable(args[0]) and len(args[0]) == 3:
                self._position = np.asarray(args[0], dtype="float64")
                if isinstance(args[1], Orientation):
                    self._orientation = Orientation(args[1].quat)
                elif isinstance(args[1], quaternion.UnitQuaternion):
                    self._orientation = Orientation(args[1])
                elif utils.is_iterable(args[1]):
                    if utils.is_1d_iterable(args[1]) and len(args[1]) == 3:
                        self._orientation = Orientation(
                            np.asarray(args[1], dtype="float64"))
                    elif np.asarray(args[1]).shape == (3, 3):
                        self._orientation = Orientation(
                            np.asarray(args[1], dtype="float64"))
                        raise ValueError(
                            "[!] Expecting rotation vector or rotation matrix."
                    raise ValueError(
                        "[!] Could not parse orientation argument.")
                raise ValueError("[!] Could not parse position argument.")
            raise ValueError("[!] Incorrect number of arguments.")

        # construct 4x4 transform
        self._transform = np.eye(4)
        self._transform[:3, :3] = self._orientation.rotm
        self._transform[:3, 3] = self._position