def check_get_datatype(filepath, datafile): """Check and get the datatype for testcase """ data_type = xml_Utils.getChildTextbyParentTag(filepath, 'Details', 'Datatype') if str(datafile).upper().strip() == 'NO_DATA': data_type = 'CUSTOM' print_info('This test case will be run without any InputDataFile') elif data_type is None or data_type is False or \ str(data_type).strip() == "": data_type = 'CUSTOM' elif data_type is not None and data_type is not False: data_type = str(data_type).strip() supported_values = ['iterative', 'custom', 'hybrid'] if data_type.lower() not in supported_values: print_warning("unsupported value '{0}' provided for data_type," " supported values are " \ "'{1}' and case-insensitive".format(data_type, supported_values)) print_info( "Hence using default value for data_type which is 'custom'") data_type = 'CUSTOM' return data_type
def create_issues_from_jsonlist(self, json_file_list, result_xml_file, issue_type='Bug'): """Takes a list of json files as input and creates jira ticket for each json file""" issue_id_list = [] for json_file in json_file_list: issue_summary, issue_description, step_num = self.get_issue_description( json_file) if issue_summary is not None: issue_id = self.create_jira_issue(issue_summary, issue_description, issue_type) self.update_issue_in_resultxml(result_xml_file, issue_id, step_num) if issue_id: # The cases when issue_id is False/None are 1) error # 2) issue exist and user chose not to append log issue_id_list.append(issue_id) print_info("Issue List: {0}".format(issue_id_list)) return issue_id_list
def set_params_send_email(addsubject, data_repository, files, mail_on): """ From data_repository array constructs body of email using testcase/testsuite name, logs directory, results directory fetches smtp host, sender, receiver from w_settings.xml uses paramters such as: subject, body, attachments :Arguments: 1. subject - email subject 2. data_repository - array of email body lines e.g. 1. testcase/testsuite name 2. logs directory 3. results directory 3. files - list of file attachments 4. mail_on(optional) - it is to specify when to send an email Supported options below: (1) per_execution(default) (2) first_failure (3) every_failure """ body = "" if isinstance(data_repository, list): for body_elem in data_repository: body += body_elem+"\n" else: body = data_repository params = get_email_params(mail_on) compress = params[4] if compress.upper().startswith('Y'): print_info("compress attribute in w_settings.xml is set to Yes. " "So, all the email attachments will be compressed.") zip_files = [] for file_name in files: zip_file = file_Utils.convert_to_zip(file_name) zip_files.append(zip_file) files = zip_files subject = str(params[3])+addsubject send_email(params[0], params[1], params[2], subject, body, files)
def gosleep(cls, target_time): """sleep until target_time, need to be modified so window doesn't freeze""" try: target_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(target_time, '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') current_time = if target_time >= current_time: print_info('warrior will sleep until ' + str(target_time)) print_info('please do not close this window') time.sleep((target_time - current_time).total_seconds()) print_info('warrior is now awake') else: print_info('Please enter a future time') exit(1) except ValueError: print_error( 'Please enter a legit time in yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss format') exit(1)
def print_result_in_console(self, junit_file): """To print the consolidated test cases result in console at the end of Test Case/Test Suite/Project Execution""" file_type = self.get_file_type(junit_file) # Formatting execution summary as project_summary and suite_summary returns the list values print_info( "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Execution Summary +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" ) print_info("{0:10}{1:50}{2:10}{3:50}".format('Type', 'Name [DataFile]', 'Status', 'Path')) if file_type == "Project": project_exec = self.project_summary(junit_file) invalid_suite_path = [] for proj in project_exec: print_info( ("{0:10}{1:50}{2:10}{3:30}".format(proj[0], proj[1], proj[2], proj[3]))) testsuite_list = common_execution_utils.get_steps_lists( proj[3], "Testsuites", "Testsuite") project_dir = os.path.dirname(proj[3]) for testsuite in testsuite_list: testsuite_rel_path = testsuite_utils.get_path_from_xmlfile( testsuite) if testsuite_rel_path is not None: testsuite_path = Utils.file_Utils.getAbsPath( testsuite_rel_path, project_dir) else: testsuite_path = str(testsuite_rel_path) if not file_Utils.fileExists(testsuite_path): invalid_suite_path.append([ "Suites", os.path.basename(testsuite_path), "ERROR", testsuite_path ]) suite_tc_list = self.suite_summary(junit_file) suite_tc_exec = invalid_suite_path + suite_tc_list self.print_execution_summary_details(suite_tc_exec) elif file_type == "Suites": suite_tc_exec = self.suite_summary(junit_file) self.print_execution_summary_details(suite_tc_exec) print_info( "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" )
def connect_target_via_host(self, target, user, auth, invoke_shell=False, log=None): """Forward the SSH connection to another target client :Argument: 1. target(string) - Name/ip target machine to be connected 2. user - username to connect 3. auth - password for the user 4. invoke_shell - open shell for passing commands :Returns: 1. target_session - Session object for target connection 2. status(bool)= True / False """ target_session = SSHComm(target, uid=user, pid=auth, logfile=log) status = False try: ssh_transport = self.sshobj.get_transport() channel = ssh_transport.open_channel("direct-tcpip", (target, 22), ('localhost', 0)) print_info("Connecting to target: {}".format(target)) target_session.sshobj.set_missing_host_key_policy(\ self.param.AutoAddPolicy()) target_session.sshobj.connect(target, port=22, username=user, password=auth, sock=channel) if target_session.logfile: target_session.log = open(self.logfile, 'w') print_info("Connection to target: {}successful".format(target)) if invoke_shell: print_info("Opening shell for {}".format(target)) target_session.invoke_shell() status = True except self.param.SSHException as exception: print_exception(exception) except Exception as exception: print_exception(exception) return target_session, status
def report_testsuite_result(suite_repository, suite_status): """Reports the result of the testsuite executed Arguments: 1. suite_repository = (dict) dictionary caontaining all the data related to the testsuite 2. suite_status = (bool) status of the testsuite executed """ # suite_resultfile = suite_repository['junit_resultfile'] print_info("****** TestSuite Result ******") suite_status = {'TRUE': 'PASS', 'FALSE': 'FAIL', 'EXCEPTION': 'ERROR', 'ERROR': 'ERROR', 'RAN': 'RAN'}.get(str(suite_status).upper()) print_info("Testsuite:{0} STATUS:{1}".format(suite_repository['suite_name'], suite_status)) # pSuite_report_suite_result(suite_resultfile) print_info("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ END OF TEST SUITE " "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$") return suite_status
def _get_text(self, element, **kwargs): """gets the text from element :Arguments: 1. element = a valid WebElement """ print_info("get element text") print_info("tag: " + element.tag_name) if element.tag_name == "input": value = element.get_attribute("value") else: value = element.text if value is not None: status = True print_info("The text for this element is {}".format(value)) return status, value
def write_live_results(self, junitObj, givenPath, is_final): """ build the html givenPath: added this feature in case of later down the line calling from outside junit file ( no actual use as of now ) """ if junitObj: self.junit_file = junitObj self.junit_root = xml_Utils.getRoot(self.junit_file) if givenPath: self.givenPath = givenPath self.set_line_objs() html = '' for item in self.lineObjs: html += item.html if is_final is True: #html += '<div class="complete"></div>' pass live_html_dict = data_Utils.get_object_from_datarepository( 'live_html_dict', verbose=False) if live_html_dict: livehtmllocn = live_html_dict['livehtmllocn'] live_html_iter = live_html_dict['iter'] self.create_live_table(html, livehtmllocn, live_html_iter) html = self.merge_html(html) elem_file = open(self.get_path(), 'w') elem_file.write(html) elem_file.close() self.lineObjs = [] if is_final is True: print_info("++++ Results Summary ++++") print_info( "Open the Results summary file given below in a browser to " "view results summary for this execution") print_info("Results sumary file: {0}".format(self.get_path())) print_info("+++++++++++++++++++++++++")
def manual_defects(self, paths): """parse file list and create jira issue for each failures""" print_debug("manual-create defects") if self.path_type == "dir": defects_json_list = [] i = 0 abs_cur_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) for path in paths: i += 1 print_info("Directory {0}: {1}".format(i, path)) defect_dir = file_Utils.getAbsPath(path, abs_cur_dir) if file_Utils.dirExists(defect_dir): for j_file in os.listdir(path): j_file = os.path.join(path, j_file) if j_file is not None: check_file = self.check_defect_file(j_file) if check_file is not None: defects_json_list.append(check_file) else: print_error("Directory does not exist in provided path {0} "\ "relative to cwd".format(path)) print_debug("\n") else: defects_json_list = [] i = 0 for path in paths: i += 1 print_info("File {0}: {1}".format(i, path)) check_file = self.check_defect_file(path) if check_file is not None: defects_json_list.append(check_file) print_debug("\n") if len(defects_json_list) == 0: print_info("No defect json files found") exit(0) elif len(defects_json_list) > 0: for j_file in defects_json_list: data_repository = self.defects_json_parser(j_file) if data_repository is not None: data_repository['jiraproj'] = self.jiraproj defect_obj = defects_driver.DefectsDriver(data_repository) if defect_obj.connect_warrior_jira() is True: defect_obj.create_jira_issues([j_file])
def testsuite_prerun(self, testsuite_filepath, root, check_files_dict=None): """Executes prerun of a testsuite file """ print_debug('\n') print_debug('*' * 40) print_debug("Validating Test suite xml") print_debug('*' * 40) testsuite_xsd_fullpath = self.xsd_dir + os.sep + 'warrior_suite.xsd' testsuite_status = self.xml_to_xsd_validation(testsuite_filepath, testsuite_xsd_fullpath) if testsuite_status: data_file_valid, check_files_dict = self.check_testsuite_input_datafile(\ testsuite_filepath, check_files_dict) testsuite_status &= data_file_valid for testcase in root.iter('Testcase'): tc_path_rel = testsuite_utils.get_path_from_xmlfile(testcase) tc_path = file_Utils.getAbsPath( tc_path_rel, os.path.dirname(testsuite_filepath)) time.sleep(5) if os.path.isfile(tc_path): print_debug('\n') print_info('tc_path: {0}, Testcase file exists...'.format( tc_path)) tc_status = self.testcase_prerun(tc_path, check_files_dict) else: print_debug('\n') tc_status = False print_error( 'tc_path: {0}, Testcase file does not exist'.format( tc_path)) print_info('TC STATUS: {0}'.format('FAILED')) testsuite_status &= tc_status else: print_error("Incorrect xml format") time.sleep(5) print_debug('\n') status = testcase_Utils.convertLogic(testsuite_status) print_info('SUITE STATUS: {0}ED'.format(status)) return testsuite_status
def project_prerun(self, project_filepath, root): """Executes prerun of a project file """ print_debug('\n') print_debug('+' * 40) print_debug("Validating Project xml") print_debug('+' * 40) project_xsd_fullpath = self.xsd_dir + os.sep + 'warrior_project.xsd' project_status = self.xml_to_xsd_validation(project_filepath, project_xsd_fullpath) if project_status: check_files_dict = self.check_proj_results_logsdir( project_filepath) for testsuite in root.iter('Testsuite'): testsuite_path_rel = testsuite_utils.get_path_from_xmlfile( testsuite) testsuite_path = file_Utils.getAbsPath( testsuite_path_rel, os.path.dirname(project_filepath)) if os.path.isfile(testsuite_path): print_debug('\n') print_info("Testsuite_path: {0}, Testsuite"\ "file exists...".format(testsuite_path)) ts_root = xml_Utils.getRoot(testsuite_path) tsuite_status = self.testsuite_prerun( testsuite_path, ts_root, check_files_dict) else: print_debug('\n') tsuite_status = False print_error('testsuite_path: {0},\ Testsuite file does not exist'.format( testsuite_path)) print_info('SUITE STATUS: {0}'.format('FAILED')) project_status &= tsuite_status else: print_error("Incorrect xml format") time.sleep(5) print_debug('\n') status = testcase_Utils.convertLogic(project_status) print_info('PROJECT STATUS: {0}ED'.format(status)) return project_status
def retrieve_data_from_json(self, json_file, search_pattern): """Retrieves and returns data from input json file which matches with search pattern""" json_object = json.load(open(json_file, 'r')) for k, v in list(json_object.items()): if search_pattern == k: print_info("Search pattern found in json") return v else: if not any(k == search_pattern for k in list(v.keys())): print_info("Search pattern not found") return None else: print_info("Search pattern found in json") for key, value in list(v.items()): if key == search_pattern: return value else: continue
def _make_ff(self, webdriver_remote_url, desired_capabilites, profile_dir, **kwargs): """Create an instance of firefox browser""" binary = kwargs.get("binary", None) gecko_path = kwargs.get("gecko_path", None) # gecko_log is the absolute path to save geckodriver log gecko_log = kwargs.get("gecko_log", None) proxy_ip = kwargs.get("proxy_ip", None) proxy_port = kwargs.get("proxy_port", None) ff_profile = None # if firefox is being used with proxy, set the profile here # if firefox_proxy details are not given, set profile_dir # as the ff_profile. if proxy_ip is not None and proxy_port is not None: ff_profile = self.set_firefox_proxy(profile_dir, proxy_ip, proxy_port) else: ff_profile = profile_dir log_dir = get_object_from_datarepository("wt_logsdir") if \ gecko_log in [None, False] else gecko_log log_dir = os.path.join( log_dir, "gecko_" + kwargs.get("browser_name", "default") + ".log") browser = None try: if webdriver_remote_url: browser = self._create_remote_web_driver( webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX, webdriver_remote_url, desired_capabilites, ff_profile) else: optional_args = {} ff_capabilities = webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX # This is for internal testing needs...some https cert is not secure # And firefox will need to know how to handle it ff_capabilities['acceptInsecureCerts'] = True if binary not in [False, None]: if not fileExists(binary): print_warning( "Given firefox binary '{}' does not exist, default " "firefox will be used for execution.".format( binary)) binary = None else: print_info("No value given for firefox binary, default " "firefox will be used for execution.") # Force disable marionette, only needs in Selenium 3 with FF ver < 47 # Without these lines, selenium may encounter capability not found issue # # if self.get_firefox_version(binary) < LooseVersion("47.0.0"): ff_capabilities["marionette"] = False else: # gecko_log will only get generate if there is failure/error # Need to specify log_path for geckodriver log # Gecko driver will only launch if FF version is 47 or above optional_args["log_path"] = log_dir ffbinary = FirefoxBinary( binary) if binary is not None else None if gecko_path is not None: optional_args["executable_path"] = gecko_path browser = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_binary=ffbinary, capabilities=ff_capabilities, firefox_profile=ff_profile, **optional_args) except WebDriverException as err: if "executable needs to be in PATH" in str(err): print_error("Please provide path for geckodriver executable") elif "Expected browser binary location" in str(err): print_error("Please provide path of firefox executable") print_error(err) traceback.print_exc() except Exception as err: print_error(err) traceback.print_exc() if browser is None and\ any((LooseVersion(webdriver.__version__) < LooseVersion("3.5.0"), gecko_path is None)): print_info("Unable to create Firefox browser, one possible reason is because"\ "Firefox version >= 47.0.1 and Selenium version < 3.5"\ "In order to launch Firefox ver 47 and up, Selenium needs to be updated to >= 3.5"\ "and needs geckodriver > 0.16") return browser
def close_tab(self, browser_instance=None, tab_number=None, browser_type="firefox"): """Closing tabs in a browser with unique tab_number""" if browser_instance is None: browser_instance = self.current_browser if len(browser_instance.window_handles) > 1: prior_current_tab = False current_window_handler = browser_instance.current_window_handle for i in range(0, len(browser_instance.window_handles)): if browser_instance.window_handles[ i] == current_window_handler: prior_current_tab = i status = True if tab_number is not None: status = self.switch_tab(browser_instance, tab_number, browser_type) if status: tab_number = int(tab_number) - 1 browser_instance.find_element_by_tag_name( 'body').send_keys(Keys.LEFT_CONTROL, 'w') sleep(2) if tab_number == len(browser_instance.window_handles): tab_number -= 1 browser_instance.switch_to.window( browser_instance.window_handles[tab_number]) if prior_current_tab == len( browser_instance.window_handles): prior_current_tab -= 1 if prior_current_tab != tab_number: if tab_number < prior_current_tab: times = prior_current_tab - tab_number else: times = len( browser_instance.window_handles) - tab_number times += prior_current_tab if browser_type == "firefox": action_chains = ActionChains(browser_instance) action_chains.key_down(Keys.ALT) for i in range(0, times): action_chains.send_keys('`') action_chains.perform() else: element = browser_instance.find_element_by_tag_name( 'body') for i in range(0, times): element.send_keys(Keys.LEFT_CONTROL, Keys.TAB) browser_instance.switch_to.window( browser_instance.window_handles[prior_current_tab]) else: if browser_type == "firefox": print_info( "The tab_number argument is None. Current window will be closed" ) else: print_info( "The tab_number argument is None. Current tab will be closed" ) browser_instance.find_element_by_tag_name('body').send_keys( Keys.LEFT_CONTROL, 'w') if prior_current_tab == len(browser_instance.window_handles): prior_current_tab = 0 browser_instance.switch_to.window( browser_instance.window_handles[prior_current_tab]) else: status = self.close_browser(browser_instance) return status
import traceback from time import sleep import platform import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError from distutils.version import LooseVersion from warrior.Framework.Utils.datetime_utils import get_current_timestamp from warrior.Framework.Utils.testcase_Utils import pNote from warrior.Framework.Utils.print_Utils import print_error, print_info, print_debug, print_exception,\ print_warning from warrior.Framework.Utils.data_Utils import get_object_from_datarepository from warrior.Framework.Utils.file_Utils import fileExists try: from selenium import webdriver print_info("The Selenium Webdriver version is '{0}'".format( webdriver.__version__)) from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_binary import FirefoxBinary from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException KEYS = { 1: Keys.NUMPAD1, 2: Keys.NUMPAD2, 3: Keys.NUMPAD3, 4: Keys.NUMPAD4, 5: Keys.NUMPAD5, 6: Keys.NUMPAD6, 7: Keys.NUMPAD7, 8: Keys.NUMPAD8, 9: Keys.NUMPAD9
def perform_element_action(self, element_or_browser, locator=None, action=None, **kwargs): """Generic method to perform specific actions on an element :Currently supported actions and the values that they take if the user provided action is "get_text", it would return the value of the particular element and the status of it. If not it would return only the status""" browser = kwargs.get('browser') status = True if action != "perform_keypress": element = self._get_element(element_or_browser, locator) else: element = element_or_browser if element: action_function = self._get_action_function(action.lower()) if not action_function: print_error((action + " is not a supported " "a supported value.")) else: count = 0 while (count <= 3): try: if action == "get_text": status, value = action_function(element, **kwargs) if status is True: return status, value else: status, count = self.wait_time( count, browser, locator, action) if status is True: return status else: status = action_function(element, **kwargs) if status is True: return status else: status, count = self.wait_time( count, browser, locator, action) if status is True: return status except StaleElementReferenceException: status = False try: if action == "get_text": count = count + 1 print_info("waiting for 3 seconds " "before retrying") sleep(3) status, value = action_function( element, **kwargs) if status is True: return status, value else: status, count = self.wait_time( count, browser, locator, action) if status is True: return status except StaleElementReferenceException: status = False except Exception as exception: status = False print_exception(exception) return status else: print_error("StaleElementReferenceException occured." "Tried three times to locate the element") status = False else: status = False print_error("Provide a valid WebElement to perform " "a {0} operation got {1}".format(action, element)) return status
def p_warn(self, level, text=""): """Report a warning """ print_info("{0} STATUS:WARNING".format(text)) #print_warning("WARNING: %s\n" % text) self.p_status("WARNING", level)
def report_testcase_result(tc_status, data_repository, tag="Steps"): """Report the testcase result to the result file :Arguments: 1. tc_status (bool) = status of the executed testcase 2. data_repository (dict) = data_repository of the executed testcase """ print_info("**** Testcase Result ***") tc_duration = Utils.data_Utils.get_object_from_datarepository("tc_duration") print_info("TESTCASE:{0} STATUS:{1} | Duration = {2}".format(data_repository['wt_name'], convertLogic(tc_status), tc_duration)) print_debug("\n") Utils.testcase_Utils.pTestResult(tc_status, data_repository['wt_resultfile']) root = Utils.xml_Utils.getRoot(data_repository['wt_resultfile']) fail_count = 0 for value in root.findall('Keyword'): kw_status = value.find('KeywordStatus').text if kw_status != "PASS" and kw_status != "RAN": fail_count += 1 kw_name = value.find('Name').text get_step_value = list(value.attrib.values()) step_num = ','.join(get_step_value) if fail_count == 1: print_info("++++++++++++++++++++++++ Summary of Failed Keywords +++++++++++++++++++" "+++++") print_info("{0:15} {1:60} {2:10}".format('StepNumber', 'KeywordName', 'Status')) print_info("{0:15} {1:60} {2:10}".format(str(step_num), tag+"-"+str(kw_name), str(kw_status))) elif fail_count > 1: print_info("{0:15} {1:60} {2:10}".format(str(step_num), tag+"-"+str(kw_name), str(kw_status))) print_info("=================== END OF TESTCASE ===========================")
def verify_text_in_window_pane(self, system_name, verification_text=None, browser_name='all', element_config_file=None, element_tag=None): """ This keyword is to verify whether the user provided texts exist on the web page :Datafile Usage: Tags or attributes to be used in input data file for the system or subsystem. If both tag and attribute is provided the attribute will be used. 1. system_name = This attribute can be specified in the data file as a <system> tag directly under the <credentials> tag. An attribute "name" has to be added to this tag and the value of that attribute would be taken in as value to this keyword attribute. <system name="name_of_thy_system"/> 2. browser_name = This <browser_name> tag is a child of the <browser> tag in the data file. Each browser instance should have a unique name. This name can be added here Eg: <browser_name>Unique_name_1</browser_name> 3. verification_text = text to be verified in the web page should be given as a comma separated value without any space in between, if it is multiple values Eg. <verification_text>Gmail,Google</verification_text> 4. element_config_file = This contains the location of the json file that contains information about all the elements that you require for the test case execution 5. element_tag = This contains the name of the element in that element_config_file which you want to use USING NAME_OF_ELEMENT, ELEMENT_CONFIG_FILE, AND ELEMENT_TAG ========================================================== None of these arguments are mandatory BUT to search an element, you need to provide Warrior with some way to do it. a. You can either directly give values for the verification_text. So if verification_text = verification_text(comma seperated values), then Warrior can search the given verification_text in the window pane b. You can give location of the element_config_file and a tag inside it so that Warrior can search for that tag and get the required information from there. Now, as this is the keyword - verify_text_in_window_pane, an child element of the element_tag with id as 'verification_text' would be searched for in the element_config_file NOTES: For these three arguments to be given correctly, ONE of the following conditions must be satisfied. 1. verification_text must be given 2. element_config_file, and element_tag must be given The data file has the first priority, then the json file, and then finally the test case. If name_of_element is given, then it would have priority. Otherwise, the element_config_file would be searched The name_of_element and the element_tag can be given the datafile as children of the <browser> tag, but these values would remain constant for that browser. It is recommended that these values be passed from the test case step. The element_config_file typically would not change from step to step, so it can be passed from the data file :Arguments: 1. system_name(str) = the system name. 2. browser_name(str) = Unique name for this particular browser 3. verification_text = text to be verified in the webpage 4. element_config_file(str) = location of the element config file 5. element_tag(str) = json id of the locator that you want to use from the element config file :Returns: 1. status(bool)= True / False. """ wdesc = "to verify whether the user provided texts exist on the web page" pNote("KEYWORD: verify_text_in_window_pane | Description: {0}".format( wdesc)) arguments = locals() arguments.pop('self') status = True browser_details = {} system = xml_Utils.getElementWithTagAttribValueMatch( self.datafile, "system", "name", system_name) browser_list = system.findall("browser") try: browser_list.extend(system.find("browsers").findall("browser")) except AttributeError: pass if not browser_list: browser_list.append(1) browser_details = arguments for browser in browser_list: arguments = Utils.data_Utils.get_default_ecf_and_et( arguments, self.datafile, browser) if browser_details == {}: browser_details = selenium_Utils. \ get_browser_details(browser, datafile=self.datafile, **arguments) if browser_details is not None and browser_details[ "verification_text"] is not None: if not browser_details["verification_text"].startswith( "verification_text"): browser_details["verification_text"] = \ "verification_text=" + browser_details["verification_text"] current_browser = Utils.data_Utils.get_object_from_datarepository( system_name + "_" + browser_details["browser_name"]) if not current_browser: pNote( "Browser of system {0} and name {1} not found in the " "data repository".format( system_name, browser_details["browser_name"]), "Exception") status = False else: element_located_status = current_browser.page_source if element_located_status: for values in browser_details[ "verification_text"].split(","): if"verification_text=", values): values = re.sub("verification_text=", "", values) verification_status = self.element_locator_obj.get_element( current_browser, 'xpath=//*[contains(text(),"{}")]'.format( values), findall='y') if verification_status and len( verification_status) > 0: print_info( "Verification text found {} times in the window pane" .format(len(verification_status))) if not verification_status: print_error( "The given string {} is not present in DOM" .format(values)) status = False else: print_error( "Value for browser_details/verification_text is None. Provide the value" ) status = False return status
def execute_testcase(testcase_filepath, data_repository, tc_context, runtype, tc_parallel, queue, auto_defects, suite, jiraproj, tc_onError_action, iter_ts_sys, steps_tag="Steps"): """ Executes the testcase (provided as a xml file) - Takes a testcase xml file as input and executes each command in the testcase. - Computes the testcase status based on the stepstatus and the impact value of the step - Handles step failures as per the default/specific onError action/value - Calls the function to report the testcase status :Arguments: 1. testcase_filepath (string) = the full path of the testcase xml file 2. execution_dir (string) = the full path of the directory under which the testcase execution directory will be created (the results, logs for this testcase will be stored in this testcase execution directory.) """ tc_status = True tc_start_time = Utils.datetime_utils.get_current_timestamp() tc_timestamp = str(tc_start_time) print_info("[{0}] Testcase execution starts".format(tc_start_time)) get_testcase_details(testcase_filepath, data_repository, jiraproj) #get testwrapperfile details like testwrapperfile, data_type and runtype testwrapperfile, j_data_type, j_runtype, setup_on_error_action = \ get_testwrapper_file_details(testcase_filepath, data_repository) data_repository['wt_testwrapperfile'] = testwrapperfile isRobotWrapperCase = check_robot_wrapper_case(testcase_filepath) # These lines are for creating testcase junit file from_ts = False pj_junit_display = 'False' if not 'wt_junit_object' in data_repository: # not from testsuite tc_junit_object = junit_class.Junit(filename=data_repository['wt_name'], timestamp=tc_timestamp, name="customProject_independant_testcase_execution", display=pj_junit_display) if "jobid" in data_repository: tc_junit_object.add_jobid(data_repository["jobid"]) del data_repository["jobid"] tc_junit_object.create_testcase(location=data_repository['wt_filedir'], timestamp=tc_timestamp, ts_timestamp=tc_timestamp, name=data_repository['wt_name'], testcasefile_path=data_repository['wt_testcase_filepath']) junit_requirements(testcase_filepath, tc_junit_object, tc_timestamp) data_repository['wt_ts_timestamp'] = tc_timestamp else: tag = "testcase" if steps_tag == "Steps" else steps_tag tc_junit_object = data_repository['wt_junit_object'] #creates testcase based on tag given Setup/Steps/Cleanup tc_junit_object.create_testcase(location="from testsuite", timestamp=tc_timestamp, ts_timestamp=data_repository['wt_ts_timestamp'], classname=data_repository['wt_suite_name'], name=data_repository['wt_name'], tag=tag, testcasefile_path=data_repository['wt_testcase_filepath']) from_ts = True junit_requirements(testcase_filepath, tc_junit_object, data_repository['wt_ts_timestamp']) data_repository['wt_tc_timestamp'] = tc_timestamp data_repository['tc_parallel'] = tc_parallel data_type = data_repository['wt_data_type'] if not from_ts: data_repository["war_parallel"] = False # Adding resultsdir, logsdir, title as attributes to testcase_tag in the junit result file # Need to remove these after making resultsdir, logsdir as part of properties tag in testcase tc_junit_object.add_property("resultsdir", os.path.dirname(data_repository['wt_resultsdir']), "tc", tc_timestamp) tc_junit_object.update_attr("console_logfile", data_repository['wt_console_logfile'], "tc", tc_timestamp) tc_junit_object.update_attr("title", data_repository['wt_title'], "tc", tc_timestamp) tc_junit_object.update_attr("data_file", data_repository['wt_datafile'], "tc", tc_timestamp) if data_repository['wt_mapfile']: tc_junit_object.update_attr("mapfile", data_repository['wt_mapfile'], "tc", tc_timestamp) data_repository['wt_junit_object'] = tc_junit_object print_testcase_details_to_console(testcase_filepath, data_repository, steps_tag) # Prints the path of result summary file at the beginning of execution if data_repository['war_file_type'] == "Case": filename = os.path.basename(testcase_filepath) html_filepath = os.path.join(data_repository['wt_resultsdir'], Utils.file_Utils.getNameOnly(filename)) + '.html' print_info("HTML result file: {0}".format(html_filepath)) #get the list of steps in the given tag - Setup/Steps/Cleanup step_list = common_execution_utils.get_step_list(testcase_filepath, steps_tag, "step") if not step_list: print_warning("Warning! cannot get steps for execution") tc_status = "ERROR" if step_list and not len(step_list): print_warning("step list is empty in {0} block".format(steps_tag)) tc_state = Utils.xml_Utils.getChildTextbyParentTag(testcase_filepath, 'Details', 'State') if tc_state is not False and tc_state is not None and \ tc_state.upper() == "DRAFT": print_warning("Testcase is in 'Draft' state, it may have keywords " "that have not been developed yet. Skipping the " "testcase execution and it will be marked as 'ERROR'") tc_status = "ERROR" elif isRobotWrapperCase is True and from_ts is False: print_warning("Case which has robot_wrapper steps should be executed " "as part of a Suite. Skipping the case execution and " "it will be marked as 'ERROR'") tc_status = "ERROR" elif step_list: setup_tc_status, cleanup_tc_status = True, True #1.execute setup steps if testwrapperfile is present in testcase #and not from testsuite execution #2.execute setup steps if testwrapperfile is present in testcase #and from testsuite execution and testwrapperfile is not defined in test suite. if (testwrapperfile and not from_ts) or (testwrapperfile and \ from_ts and not 'suite_testwrapper_file' in data_repository): setup_step_list = common_execution_utils.get_step_list(testwrapperfile, "Setup", "step") if not len(setup_step_list): print_warning("step list is empty in {0} block".format("Setup")) print_info("****** SETUP STEPS EXECUTION STARTS *******") data_repository['wt_step_type'] = 'setup' #to consider relative paths provided from wrapperfile instead of testcase file original_tc_filepath = data_repository['wt_testcase_filepath'] data_repository['wt_testcase_filepath'] = testwrapperfile setup_tc_status = execute_steps(j_data_type, j_runtype, \ data_repository, setup_step_list, tc_junit_object, iter_ts_sys) #reset to original testcase filepath data_repository['wt_testcase_filepath'] = original_tc_filepath data_repository['wt_step_type'] = 'step' print_info("setup_tc_status : {0}".format(setup_tc_status)) print_info("****** SETUP STEPS EXECUTION ENDS *******") if setup_on_error_action == 'next' or \ (setup_on_error_action == 'abort' \ and isinstance(setup_tc_status, bool) and setup_tc_status): if steps_tag == "Steps": print_info("****** TEST STEPS EXECUTION STARTS *******") data_repository['wt_step_type'] = 'step' tc_status = execute_steps(data_type, runtype, \ data_repository, step_list, tc_junit_object, iter_ts_sys) if steps_tag == "Steps": print_info("****** TEST STEPS EXECUTION ENDS *******") else: print_error("Test steps are not executed as setup steps failed to execute,"\ "setup status : {0}".format(setup_tc_status)) print_error("Steps in cleanup will be executed on besteffort") tc_status = "ERROR" if tc_context.upper() == 'NEGATIVE': if all([tc_status != 'EXCEPTION', tc_status != 'ERROR']): print_debug("Test case status is: '{0}', flip status as context is " "negative".format(tc_status)) tc_status = not tc_status #Execute Debug section from testcase tw file upon tc failure if not isinstance(tc_status, bool) or (isinstance(tc_status, bool) and tc_status is False): tc_testwrapperfile = None if Utils.xml_Utils.nodeExists(testcase_filepath, "TestWrapperFile"): tc_testwrapperfile = Utils.xml_Utils.getChildTextbyParentTag(testcase_filepath, \ 'Details', 'TestWrapperFile') abs_cur_dir = os.path.dirname(testcase_filepath) tc_testwrapperfile = Utils.file_Utils.getAbsPath(tc_testwrapperfile, abs_cur_dir) tc_debug_step_list = None if tc_testwrapperfile and Utils.xml_Utils.nodeExists(tc_testwrapperfile, "Debug"): tc_debug_step_list = common_execution_utils.get_step_list(tc_testwrapperfile, "Debug", "step") if tc_debug_step_list: print_info("****** DEBUG STEPS EXECUTION STARTS *******") data_repository['wt_step_type'] = 'debug' original_tc_filepath = data_repository['wt_testcase_filepath'] #to consider relative paths provided from wrapperfile instead of testcase file data_repository['wt_testcase_filepath'] = tc_testwrapperfile debug_tc_status = execute_steps(j_data_type, j_runtype, \ data_repository, tc_debug_step_list, tc_junit_object, iter_ts_sys) #reset to original testcase filepath data_repository['wt_testcase_filepath'] = original_tc_filepath data_repository['wt_step_type'] = 'step' print_info("debug_tc_status : {0}".format(debug_tc_status)) print_info("****** DEBUG STEPS EXECUTION ENDS *******") #1.execute cleanup steps if testwrapperfile is present in testcase #and not from testsuite execution #2.execute cleanup steps if testwrapperfile is present in testcase #and from testsuite execution and testwrapperfile is not defined in test suite. if (testwrapperfile and not from_ts) or (testwrapperfile and \ from_ts and not 'suite_testwrapper_file' in data_repository): cleanup_step_list = common_execution_utils.get_step_list(testwrapperfile, "Cleanup", "step") if not len(cleanup_step_list): print_warning("step list is empty in {0} block".format("Cleanup")) print_info("****** CLEANUP STEPS EXECUTION STARTS *******") data_repository['wt_step_type'] = 'cleanup' original_tc_filepath = data_repository['wt_testcase_filepath'] #to consider relative paths provided from wrapperfile instead of testcase file data_repository['wt_testcase_filepath'] = testwrapperfile cleanup_tc_status = execute_steps(j_data_type, j_runtype, \ data_repository, cleanup_step_list, tc_junit_object, iter_ts_sys) data_repository['wt_step_type'] = 'step' print_info("cleanup_tc_status : {0}".format(cleanup_tc_status)) print_info("****** CLEANUP STEPS EXECUTION ENDS *******") if step_list and isinstance(tc_status, bool) and isinstance(cleanup_tc_status, bool) \ and tc_status and cleanup_tc_status: tc_status = True #set tc status to WARN if only cleanup fails elif step_list and isinstance(tc_status, bool) and tc_status and cleanup_tc_status != True: print_warning("setting tc status to WARN as cleanup failed") tc_status = "WARN" if step_list and tc_status == False and tc_onError_action \ and tc_onError_action.upper() == 'ABORT_AS_ERROR': print_info("Testcase status will be marked as ERROR as onError " "action is set to 'abort_as_error'") tc_status = "ERROR" defectsdir = data_repository['wt_defectsdir'] check_and_create_defects(tc_status, auto_defects, data_repository, tc_junit_object) print_debug("\n") tc_end_time = Utils.datetime_utils.get_current_timestamp() print_debug("[{0}] Testcase execution completed".format(tc_end_time)) tc_duration = Utils.datetime_utils.get_time_delta(tc_start_time) hms = Utils.datetime_utils.get_hms_for_seconds(tc_duration) Utils.data_Utils.update_datarepository({"tc_duration" : hms}) tc_junit_object.update_count(tc_status, "1", "ts", data_repository['wt_ts_timestamp']) tc_junit_object.update_count("tests", "1", "ts", data_repository['wt_ts_timestamp']) tc_junit_object.update_count("tests", "1", "pj", "not appicable") tc_junit_object.update_attr("status", str(tc_status), "tc", tc_timestamp) tc_junit_object.update_attr("time", str(tc_duration), "tc", tc_timestamp) tc_junit_object.add_testcase_message(tc_timestamp, tc_status) if str(tc_status).upper() in ["FALSE", "ERROR", "EXCEPTION"]: tc_junit_object.update_attr("defects", defectsdir, "tc", tc_timestamp) # Adding resultsdir, logsdir, title as attributes to testcase_tag in the junit result file # Need to remove these after making resultsdir, logsdir as part of properties tag in testcase tc_junit_object.update_attr("resultsdir", os.path.dirname(data_repository['wt_resultsdir']), "tc", tc_timestamp) tc_junit_object.update_attr("logsdir", os.path.dirname(data_repository['wt_logsdir']), "tc", tc_timestamp) if data_repository.get("kafka_producer", None): war_producer = data_repository.get("kafka_producer") war_producer.kafka_producer.flush(60) war_producer.kafka_producer.close() print_info("Producer Closed connection with kafka broker") elif data_repository.get("kafka_consumer", None): war_consumer = data_repository.get("kafka_consumer") war_consumer.kafka_consumer.close() print_info("Consumer closed connection with kafka broker") data_file = data_repository["wt_datafile"] system_name = "" try: tree = et.parse(data_file) for elem in tree.iter(): if elem.tag == "system": for key, value in elem.items(): if value == "kafka_producer": system_name = elem.get("name") break except: pass if system_name: junit_file_obj = data_repository['wt_junit_object'] root = junit_file_obj.root suite_details = root.findall("testsuite")[0] test_case_details = suite_details.findall("testcase") if test_case_details: test_case_details = suite_details.findall("testcase")[0] print_info("kafka server is presented in Inputdata file..") system_details = _get_system_or_subsystem(data_file, system_name) data = {} for item in system_details.getchildren(): if item.tag == "kafka_port": ssh_port = item.text ssh_port = Utils.data_Utils.sub_from_env_var(ssh_port) continue if item.tag == "ip": ip_address = item.text ip_address = Utils.data_Utils.sub_from_env_var(ip_address) continue try: value = ast.literal_eval(item.text) except ValueError: value = item.text data.update({item.tag: value}) ip_port = ["{}:{}".format(ip_address, ssh_port)] data.update({"bootstrap_servers": ip_port}) data.update({"value_serializer": lambda x: json.dumps(x).encode('utf-8')}) try: producer = WarriorKafkaProducer(**data) producer.send_messages('warrior_results', suite_details.items()) producer.send_messages('warrior_results', test_case_details.items()) print_info("message published to topic: warrior_results {}".format( suite_details.items())) print_info("message published to topic: warrior_results {}".format( test_case_details.items())) except: print_warning("Unable to connect kafka server !!") report_testcase_result(tc_status, data_repository, tag=steps_tag) if not from_ts: tc_junit_object.update_count(tc_status, "1", "pj", "not appicable") tc_junit_object.update_count("suites", "1", "pj", "not appicable") tc_junit_object.update_attr("status", str(tc_status), "ts", data_repository['wt_ts_timestamp']) tc_junit_object.update_attr("status", str(tc_status), "pj", "not appicable") tc_junit_object.update_attr("time", str(tc_duration), "ts", data_repository['wt_ts_timestamp']) tc_junit_object.update_attr("time", str(tc_duration), "pj", "not appicable") tc_junit_object.output_junit(data_repository['wt_resultsdir']) # Save JUnit/HTML results of the Case in MongoDB server if data_repository.get("db_obj") is not False: tc_junit_xml = data_repository['wt_resultsdir'] + os.sep +\ tc_junit_object.filename + "_junit.xml" data_repository.get("db_obj").add_html_result_to_mongodb(tc_junit_xml) else: # send an email on TC failure(no need to send an email here when # executing a single case). if str(tc_status).upper() in ["FALSE", "ERROR", "EXCEPTION"]: email_setting = None # for first TC failure if "any_failures" not in data_repository: email_params = email.get_email_params("first_failure") if all(value != "" for value in email_params[:3]): email_setting = "first_failure" data_repository['any_failures'] = True # for further TC failures if email_setting is None: email_params = email.get_email_params("every_failure") if all(value != "" for value in email_params[:3]): email_setting = "every_failure" if email_setting is not None: email.compose_send_email("Test Case: ", data_repository[\ 'wt_testcase_filepath'], data_repository['wt_logsdir'],\ data_repository['wt_resultsdir'], tc_status, email_setting) if not tc_parallel and not data_repository["war_parallel"]: if 'wp_results_execdir' in data_repository: # Create and replace existing Project junit file for each case tc_junit_object.output_junit(data_repository['wp_results_execdir'], print_summary=False) else: # Create and replace existing Suite junit file for each case tc_junit_object.output_junit(data_repository['wt_results_execdir'], print_summary=False) if tc_parallel: tc_impact = data_repository['wt_tc_impact'] if tc_impact.upper() == 'IMPACT': msg = "Status of the executed test case impacts Testsuite result" elif tc_impact.upper() == 'NOIMPACT': msg = "Status of the executed test case does not impact Teststuie result" print_debug(msg) tc_name = Utils.file_Utils.getFileName(testcase_filepath) # put result into multiprocessing queue and later retrieve in corresponding driver queue.put((tc_status, tc_name, tc_impact, tc_duration, tc_junit_object)) # Save XML results of the Case in MongoDB server if data_repository.get("db_obj") is not False: data_repository.get("db_obj").add_xml_result_to_mongodb(data_repository['wt_resultfile']) # main need tc_status and data_repository values to unpack return tc_status, data_repository
def set_env_var(self, var_key=None, var_value=None, filepath=None, jsonkey="environmental_variables", overwrite="yes"): """Create a temp environment variable, the value will only stay for the current Execution :Argument: var_key = key of the environment variable var_value = value of the environment variable filepath = Json file where Environmental variables are defined jsonkey = The key where all the ENV variable & values are defined With jsonkey arg, Users can call same file to set various ENV Variable overwrite = Yes-Will overwrite ENV variables set earlier via terminal or other means No -Will not overwrite the ENV variables set earlier with the ones passed through this keyword. Variable File : Sample environmental_variable file is available under Warriorspace/Config_file/Samples/Set_ENV_Variable_Sample.json """ wDesc = "Create a temp environment variable, the value will only stay for the \ current Execution" Utils.testcase_Utils.pNote( "KEYWORD: set_env_var | Description: {0}".format(wDesc)) overwrite = overwrite.upper() status = False if not any([var_key, var_value, filepath]): print_error( 'Either Provide values to arguments \"var_key\" & \"var_value\" or to ' 'argument \"filepath\"') if overwrite == "NO" and os.getenv(var_key): print_info("Using ENV variable {0} set earlier with " "value '{1}'".format(var_key, os.getenv(var_key))) elif var_key is not None and var_value is not None and overwrite in [ "YES", "NO" ]: os.environ[var_key] = var_value if os.environ[var_key] == var_value: print_info("Set ENV variable {0} with value '{1}'".format( var_key, var_value)) status = True else: print_error( 'The attribute overwrite can only accept values either yes or no' ) if filepath is not None: testcasefile_path = get_object_from_datarepository( 'wt_testcase_filepath') try: filepath = getAbsPath(filepath, os.path.dirname(testcasefile_path)) with open(filepath, "r") as json_handle: get_json = json.load(json_handle) if jsonkey in get_json: env_dict = get_json[jsonkey] for var_key, var_value in list(env_dict.items()): if overwrite == "NO" and os.getenv(var_key): print_info( 'Using ENV variable {0} set earlier with value ' '{1}'.format(var_key, os.getenv(var_key))) status = True elif overwrite in ["YES", "NO"]: os.environ[var_key] = str(var_value) if os.environ[var_key] == var_value: print_info( 'Setting ENV variable {0} with value ' '{1}'.format(var_key, var_value)) status = True else: print_error( 'The attribute overwrite can only accept values either ' 'yes or no') else: print_error( 'The {0} file is missing the key ' '\"environmental_variables\", please refer to ' 'the Samples in Config_files'.format(filepath)) status = False except ValueError: print_error('The file {0} is not a valid json ' 'file'.format(filepath)) status = False except IOError: print_error('The file {0} does not exist'.format(filepath)) status = False except Exception as error: print_error('Encountered {0} error'.format(error)) status = False return status
def store_in_repo(self, datavar=None, datavalue=None, type='str', filepath=None, jsonkey="repo_variables", bool_store_all=False): """Stores datavalue in datavar of datarepository :Argument: 1. datavar = Key to be used to store datavalue in data_repository, this could be dot separated to store in nested fashion i.e., if var is k1.k2.k3 then the data value would be stored as a value in datarepository[k1][k2][k3] 2. datavalue = Value to be stored 3. type = Type of datavalue(string/int/float) 4. filepath = Json file where datarepository variables are defined. It is to store multiple key,value pairs in datarepository. 5. jsonkey = The key where all the REPO variables & values are defined in the filepath 6. bool_store_all = Set to True to store whole json file content to data repository. Keys from the json file will be used as it is to store in repo if this value is set to True. default value is set to False Sample JSON file: { "repo_variables": { "var1": {"type": "int", "value": "10"}, "var2.var3": {"value": "10"}, "var4.var5": "1" }, "user_defined_tag":{ "var6" : {"type": "int", "value": "40"} } } All three formats in the above sample block are allowed. If 'type' is not provided, value will be converted as string by default. """ wDesc = "Stores the values to the data_repository" Utils.testcase_Utils.pNote( "KEYWORD: store_in_repo | Description: {0}".format(wDesc)) status = False pass_msg = "Value: {0} is stored in a Key: {1} of Warrior data_repository" if datavar is not None and datavalue is not None: if type == 'int': datavalue = int(datavalue) elif type == 'float': datavalue = float(datavalue) dict_to_update = Utils.dict_Utils.get_dict_to_update( datavar, datavalue) update_datarepository(dict_to_update) print_info(pass_msg.format(datavalue, datavar)) status = True if filepath is not None: testcasefile_path = get_object_from_datarepository( 'wt_testcase_filepath') try: filepath = getAbsPath(filepath, os.path.dirname(testcasefile_path)) with open(filepath, "r") as json_handle: json_doc = json.load(json_handle) #if bool_store_all is set to True, all content of given json file will be #stored in data repository if isinstance(bool_store_all, bool) and bool_store_all is True: print_info( "bool_store_all is set to True, all content of given" " json file will be stored in data repository") update_datarepository(json_doc) print_info("{0} dictionary stored in Warrior data_repository".\ format(json_doc)) status = True elif not isinstance(bool_store_all, bool): print_error("invalid value : {0} given for bool_store_all," "valid value: boolean True or False".format( bool_store_all)) status = False elif jsonkey in json_doc: dict_to_update = {} repo_dict = json_doc[jsonkey] for var_key, var_value in list(repo_dict.items()): if isinstance(var_value, dict): if var_value.get('type') == 'int': value = int(var_value['value']) elif var_value.get('type') == 'float': value = float(var_value['value']) else: value = str(var_value['value']) else: value = str(var_value) build_dict = Utils.dict_Utils.get_dict_to_update( var_key, value) Utils.dict_Utils.verify_key_already_exists_and_update\ (orig_dict=dict_to_update, new_dict=build_dict) update_datarepository(dict_to_update) print_info("{0} dictionary stored in Warrior data_repository".\ format(dict_to_update)) status = True else: print_error('The {0} file is missing the key ' '\"repo_variables\", please refer to ' 'the Samples in Config_files'.format(filepath)) status = True except ValueError: print_error('The file {0} is not a valid json ' 'file'.format(filepath)) except IOError: print_error('The file {0} does not exist'.format(filepath)) except Exception as error: print_error('Encountered {0} error'.format(error)) if (type is None or datavalue is None) and filepath is None: print_error('Either Provide values to arguments \"datavar\" & ' '\"datavalue\" or to argument \"filepath\"') return status
def p_skip(self, level, text=""): """Report a skip """ print_info("{0} STATUS:SKIPPED".format(text)) #print_info("SKIPPED: %s\n" % text) self.p_status("SKIPPED", level)
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ''' import os from warrior.Framework.Utils.print_Utils import print_info, print_warning from warriorgnmi.ClassUtils import WNetwork, ssh_utils_class from warrior.WarriorCore.Classes.warmock_class import mocked from warrior.WarriorCore.Classes.war_cli_class import WarriorCliClass try: import pexpect except ImportError: print_info("{0}: pexpect module is not installed".format( os.path.abspath(__file__))) print_info( "Warrior framework by default uses pexpect for all cli related activites" ) print_info("All default methods/functions that use cli will fail" "without pexpect module. Users can however create" "their own custom libraries for cli interaction \n") def pexpect_spawn_with_env(pexpect_obj, command, timeout, escape=False, env=None): """ spawn a pexpect object with environment variable """
def p_exception(self, level, text=""): """Report a exception """ print_info("{0} STATUS:EXCEPTION".format(text)) #print_info("EXCEPTION: %s\n" % text) self.p_status("EXCEPTION", level)
def print_testcase_details_to_console(testcase_filepath, data_repository, steps_tag="Steps"): """Prints the testcase details to the console """ framework_detail.warrior_framework_details() print_info("=============================== TC-DETAILS ====================================" "==============") print_info("Title: %s" % data_repository['wt_title']) print_info("Results directory: %s" % data_repository['wt_resultsdir']) print_info("Logs directory: %s" % data_repository['wt_logsdir']) print_info("Defects directory: {0}".format(data_repository["wt_defectsdir"])) print_info("Datafile: %s" % data_repository['wt_datafile']) #to print testwrapperfile details to console if data_repository['wt_testwrapperfile']: print_info("Testwrapperfile: %s" % data_repository['wt_testwrapperfile']) print_info("Expected Results: %s" % data_repository['wt_expResults']) if steps_tag == "Steps": report_testcase_requirements(testcase_filepath) print_info("===================================================================================" "=============") time.sleep(2)
def p_error(self, level, text=""): """Report a error """ print_info("{0} STATUS:ERROR".format(text)) #print_error("ERROR: %s\n" % text) self.p_status("ERROR", level)
def main(testcase_filepath, data_repository={}, tc_context='POSITIVE', runtype='SEQUENTIAL_KEYWORDS', tc_parallel=False, auto_defects=False, suite=None, tc_onError_action=None, iter_ts_sys=None, queue=None, jiraproj=None, jiraid=None): """ Executes a testcase """ tc_start_time = Utils.datetime_utils.get_current_timestamp() if Utils.file_Utils.fileExists(testcase_filepath): try: Utils.config_Utils.set_datarepository(data_repository) if Utils.testrandom_utils.get_generic_datafile(testcase_filepath, data_repository): init_datarepository = copy.deepcopy(data_repository) exec_tag = data_repository.get("gen_exec_tag", 'default') print_info("Execution tag : {}".format(exec_tag)) generic_data_dict = Utils.testrandom_utils.get_iterations_from_generic_data(testcase_filepath, data_repository) tc_status = True for iter_number, _ in enumerate(generic_data_dict): gentc_start_time = Utils.datetime_utils.get_current_timestamp() print_info("testcase execution starts with variables : {}"\ .format(generic_data_dict[iter_number])) Utils.data_Utils.update_datarepository({"gen_iter_number" : iter_number}) tc_data_repository = copy.deepcopy(init_datarepository) gen_tc_status, gen_data_repository = execute_testcase(testcase_filepath,\ tc_data_repository, tc_context, runtype,\ tc_parallel, queue, auto_defects, suite,\ jiraproj, tc_onError_action, iter_ts_sys) tc_status = tc_status and gen_tc_status warrior_cli_driver.update_jira_by_id(jiraproj, jiraid, os.path.dirname(\ tc_data_repository['wt_resultsdir']), gen_tc_status) email.compose_send_email("Test Case: ", testcase_filepath,\ tc_data_repository['wt_logsdir'],\ tc_data_repository['wt_resultsdir'], gen_tc_status) data_repository["xml_results_dir"] = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(\ tc_data_repository['wt_logsdir'])) gen_tc_duration = Utils.datetime_utils.get_time_delta(gentc_start_time) dict_to_update_in_db = generic_data_dict[iter_number] dict_to_update_in_db["result"] = "PASS" if gen_tc_status else "FAIL" dict_to_update_in_db["duration_in_seconds"] = gen_tc_duration dict_to_update_in_db["log_file"] = tc_data_repository['wt_logsdir'] Utils.testrandom_utils.update_generic_database(exec_tag, testcase_filepath, [dict_to_update_in_db]) report_file = Utils.testrandom_utils.generate_report_from_generic_db(exec_tag, testcase_filepath, data_repository) print_info("Report file : {}".format(report_file)) else: tc_status, data_repository = execute_testcase(testcase_filepath,\ data_repository, tc_context, runtype,\ tc_parallel, queue, auto_defects, suite,\ jiraproj, tc_onError_action, iter_ts_sys) except Exception as exception: print_exception(exception) tc_status = False else: print_error("Testcase xml file does not exist in provided path: {0}" .format(testcase_filepath)) tc_status = False if tc_parallel: queue.put(('ERROR', str(testcase_filepath), 'IMPACT', '0')) tc_duration = Utils.datetime_utils.get_time_delta(tc_start_time) return tc_status, tc_duration, data_repository
def execute_project(project_filepath, auto_defects, jiraproj, res_startdir, logs_startdir, data_repository): """ - Takes a list of testsuite locations input. - Iterates over the list and sends each testsuite location to testsuite_driver for execution. - Gets the status of the testsuite from the Warrior and computes the project_status based on the impact value of the testsuite. - If the testsuite fails, handles the failure using the default or specific onError action,value. - Finally reports the project status to the result file. Arguments: 1. testsuite_list = (list) list of testsuite locations 2. testsuite_driver = (module loader) module loader of the testsuite_driver 3. project_repository = (dict) dictionary containing all data of the project under execution """ project_start_time = Utils.datetime_utils.get_current_timestamp() print_info("[{0}] Project execution starts".format(project_start_time)) project_title = Utils.xml_Utils.getChildTextbyParentTag(project_filepath, 'Details', 'Title') project_repository = get_project_details(project_filepath, res_startdir, logs_startdir, data_repository) project_repository['project_title'] = project_title testsuite_list = common_execution_utils.get_step_list(project_filepath, "Testsuites", "Testsuite") # Prints the path of result summary file at the beginning of execution if data_repository['war_file_type'] == "Project": filename = os.path.basename(project_filepath) html_filepath = os.path.join(project_repository['project_execution_dir'], Utils.file_Utils.getNameOnly(filename))+'.html' print_info("HTML result file: {0}".format(html_filepath)) # project_resultfile = project_repository['project_resultfile'] project_name = project_repository['project_name'] wp_results_execdir = project_repository['wp_results_execdir'] data_repository['wp_results_execdir'] = wp_results_execdir data_repository['jiraproj'] = jiraproj pj_junit_object = junit_class.Junit(filename=project_name, timestamp=project_start_time, name=project_name, display="True") pj_junit_object.update_attr("resultsdir", project_repository['project_execution_dir'], "pj", project_start_time) pj_junit_object.update_attr("title", project_repository['project_title'], "pj", project_start_time) pj_junit_object.add_property("resultsdir", project_repository['project_execution_dir'], "pj", project_start_time) # adding the resultsdir as attribute, need to be removed after making it # a property pj_junit_object.add_project_location(project_filepath) if "jobid" in data_repository: pj_junit_object.add_jobid(data_repository["jobid"]) del data_repository["jobid"] data_repository['wt_junit_object'] = pj_junit_object data_repository["war_parallel"] = False execution_type = Utils.xml_Utils.getChildAttributebyParentTag(project_filepath, 'Details', 'type', 'exectype') # for backward compatibility(when exectype is not provided) if execution_type is False: execution_type = "sequential_suites" if execution_type.upper() == 'PARALLEL_SUITES': pj_junit_object.remove_html_obj() data_repository["war_parallel"] = True Utils.config_Utils.data_repository = data_repository print_info("Executing suites in parallel") project_status = parallel_testsuite_driver.main(testsuite_list, project_repository, data_repository, auto_defects, ts_parallel=True) elif execution_type.upper() == 'SEQUENTIAL_SUITES': print_info("Executing suites sequentially") project_status = sequential_testsuite_driver.main(testsuite_list, project_repository, data_repository, auto_defects) else: print_error("unexpected project_type received...aborting execution") project_status = False project_end_time = Utils.datetime_utils.get_current_timestamp() print_info("[{0}] Project execution completed".format(project_end_time)) project_duration = Utils.datetime_utils.get_time_delta(project_start_time) hms = Utils.datetime_utils.get_hms_for_seconds(project_duration) print_info("Project duration= {0}".format(hms)) report_project_result(project_status, project_repository) pj_junit_object.update_attr("status", str(project_status), "pj", project_start_time) pj_junit_object.update_attr("time", str(project_duration), "pj", project_start_time) pj_junit_object.output_junit(wp_results_execdir) # Save JUnit/HTML results of the Project in MongoDB server if data_repository.get("db_obj") is not False: pj_junit_xml = project_repository['wp_results_execdir'] +\ os.sep + pj_junit_object.filename + "_junit.xml" data_repository.get("db_obj").add_html_result_to_mongodb(pj_junit_xml) return project_status, project_repository