def test_watermark_text(tmp_path, png): """Test a text watermark.""" image = tmp_path / "text-only.png" png(image) add_watermark(image, text="") output = image.with_name("text-only-w.jpg") assert output.is_file()
def test_watermark_picture(tmp_path, picture, png): """Test a picture watermark.""" image = tmp_path / "picture-only.png" png(image) add_watermark(image, picture=picture) output = image.with_name("picture-only-w.jpg") assert output.is_file()
def test_watermark_both(tmp_path, picture, png): """Test both text and picture watermarks.""" image = tmp_path / "text-and-picture.png" png(image) text = "" img = add_watermark(image, text=text, picture=picture) assert img is not None output = image.with_name("text-and-picture-w.jpg") assert output.is_file() # Calling twice should return the already processed file assert add_watermark(image, text=text, picture=picture)
def test_optimize(tmp_path, png): """Test the optimization.""" image = tmp_path / "picture.png" png(image) watermarked = add_watermark(image, text="confidential") assert watermarked.is_file() class SourceMocked: @classmethod def from_file(cls, path): return cls() def to_file(self, path): Path(path).touch() def from_file(path): return SourceMocked.from_file(path) tinify.compression_count = 0 with patch.object(tinify, "from_file", new=from_file): optimized = optimize(watermarked) assert optimized.is_file() # Already done assert optimize(optimized).name ==
def test_optimize_no_more_compression_counts(tmp_path, png): """Test zero compression count.""" image = tmp_path / "picture.png" png(image) watermarked = add_watermark(image, text="confidential") assert watermarked.is_file() tinify.compression_count = 501 assert optimize(watermarked) is None
def test_optimize_retry(tmp_path, png): """Test retries.""" image = tmp_path / "picture.png" png(image) watermarked = add_watermark(image, text="confidential") assert watermarked.is_file() class SourceMocked: @classmethod def from_file(cls, path): raise tinify.ServerError("Mock'ed error") def from_file(path): return SourceMocked.from_file(path) tinify.compression_count = 1 with patch.object(tinify, "from_file", new=from_file): assert optimize(watermarked) is None
def test_file_not_found(location): """Test a file that does not exist.""" img = add_watermark(location.parent / "inexistant.png", text="foo") assert img is None
def test_file_not_an_image(location): """Test a file that is not an image.""" img = add_watermark(location.parent / "", text="foo") assert img is None