def objtogoth(filename):
    (points, uvs, normals, polygons) = wavefront.readMesh(filename)
    triangles = wavefront.triangulate(polygons)
    if uvs != [] and normals == []:
        (points, uvs,
         triangles) = splitTrianglesWithParametrics(points, uvs, triangles)
    elif uvs != [] and normals != []:
        (points, uvs, normals,
         triangles) = splitTrianglesWithParametricsAndNormals(
             points, uvs, normals, triangles)
        (points, triangles) = splitTriangles(points, triangles)

    vertices = []
    indices = []
    parms = []
    norms = []
    # flatten the points list
    for p in points:
    # flatten the uv list
    for uv in uvs:
    # flatten the normals list
    for n in normals:
    # flatten the triangle list
    for tri in triangles:
    return (vertices, parms, indices, norms)
def objtogoth(filename):
  (points, uvs, normals, polygons) = wavefront.readMesh(filename)
  triangles = wavefront.triangulate(polygons)
  if uvs != [] and normals == []:
    (points, uvs, triangles) = splitTrianglesWithParametrics(points, uvs, triangles)
  elif uvs != [] and normals != []:
    (points, uvs, normals, triangles) = splitTrianglesWithParametricsAndNormals(points, uvs, normals, triangles)
    (points, triangles) = splitTriangles(points, triangles)

  vertices = []
  indices = []
  parms = []
  norms = []
  # flatten the points list
  for p in points:
  # flatten the uv list
  for uv in uvs:
  # flatten the normals list
  for n in normals:
  # flatten the triangle list
  for tri in triangles:
  return (vertices, parms, indices, norms)
def objtogothWithMaterials(filename):
    results = []
    (points, uvs, normals, materials,
     primitives) = wavefront.readMeshes(filename)
     primitives) = wavefront.partitionByMaterials(points, uvs, normals,
                                                  materials, primitives)
    for (material, points, uvs, normals, polygons) in primitives:
        triangles = wavefront.triangulate(polygons)
        if uvs != [] and normals == []:
            (points, uvs, triangles) = splitTrianglesWithParametrics(
                points, uvs, triangles)
        elif uvs != [] and normals != []:
            (points, uvs, normals,
             triangles) = splitTrianglesWithParametricsAndNormals(
                 points, uvs, normals, triangles)
            (points, triangles) = splitTriangles(points, triangles)

        vertices = []
        indices = []
        parms = []
        norms = []
        # flatten the points list
        for p in points:
        # flatten the uv list
        for uv in uvs:
        # flatten the normals list
        for n in normals:
        # flatten the triangle list
        for tri in triangles:

        # convert from wavefront material to gotham material
            wavefrontParms = materials[material]
            print 'looking up material', material
            raise ValueError, materials

        exponent = 0
        if wavefrontParms.has_key('Ns'):
            exponent = wavefrontParms['Ns']

        etai = 1.0

        etat = 1000
        if wavefrontParms.has_key('Ni'):
            etat = wavefrontParms['Ni']

        Kd = (0, 0, 0)
        if wavefrontParms.has_key('Kd'):
            Kd = wavefrontParms['Kd']

        map_Kd = ''
        if wavefrontParms.has_key('map_Kd'):
            map_Kd = wavefrontParms['map_Kd']

        Kt = (0, 0, 0)
        if wavefrontParms.has_key('Tf'):
            Kt = wavefrontParms['Tf']

        map_Kt = ''
        if wavefrontParms.has_key('map_Tf'):
            map_Kt = wavefrontParms['map_Tf']

        Ks = (0, 0, 0)
        if wavefrontParms.has_key('Ks'):
            Ks = wavefrontParms['Ks']

        map_Ks = ''
        if wavefrontParms.has_key("map_Ks"):
            map_Ks = wavefrontParms['map_Ks']

        # figure out which scattering properties we have
        hasDiffuse = False
        hasTransmission = False
        hasSpecular = False

        if Kd[0] > 0 or Kd[1] > 0 or Kd[2] > 0:
            hasDiffuse = True
        if Kt[0] > 0 or Kt[1] > 0 or Kt[2] > 0:
            hasTransmission = True
        if Ks[0] > 0 or Ks[1] > 0 or Ks[2] > 0:
            hasSpecular = True

        gothamName = ''
        gothamParms = {}
        if not hasDiffuse and not hasTransmission and hasSpecular:
            gothamName = 'phongreflection'
            gothamParms['Kr'] = Ks
            gothamParms['eta'] = etat
            gothamParms['exponent'] = exponent
        elif not hasDiffuse and hasTransmission and not hasSpecular:
            gothamName = 'speculartransmission'
            gothamParms['Kt'] = Kt
            gothamParms['etai'] = etai
            gothamParms['etat'] = etat
        elif not hasDiffuse and hasTransmission and hasSpecular:
            if eta > 1:
                gothamName = 'perfectglass'
                gothamParms['eta'] = eta
                gothamName = 'thinglass'
            gothamParms['Kt'] = Kt
            gothamParms['Kr'] = Ks
        elif hasDiffuse and not hasTransmission and not hasSpecular:
            gothamName = 'matte'
            gothamParms['Kd'] = Kd
            gothamParms['map_Kd'] = map_Kd
        elif hasDiffuse and not hasTransmission and hasSpecular:
            gothamName = 'plastic'
            gothamParms['Kd'] = Kd
            #gothamParms['map_Kd'] = map_Kd
            gothamParms['Ks'] = Ks
            #gothamParms['map_Ks'] = map_Ks
            gothamParms['exponent'] = exponent
        elif hasDiffuse and hasTransmission and not hasSpecular:
            print "Warning: objtogoth::objtogothWithMaterials(): material '%s' with diffuse and transmission has no Gotham analogue." % material
            gothamName = 'matte'
            gothamParms['Kd'] = Kd
            gothamParms['map_Kd'] = map_Kd
        elif hasDiffuse and hasTransmission and hasSpecular:
            print "Warning: objtogoth::objtogothWithMaterials(): material '%s' with diffuse, transmission, and specular has no Gotham analogue." % material
            gothamName = 'matte'
            gothamParms['Kd'] = Kd
            gothamParms['map_Kd'] = map_Kd
            #print "Warning: objtogoth::objtogothWithMaterials(): material '%s' has no scattering properties. Object will appear black." % material
            #print materials[material]
            #print 'hasDiffuse:', hasDiffuse
            #print 'hasTransmission:', hasDiffuse
            #print 'hasSpecular:', hasDiffuse
            gothamName = 'matte'
            gothamParms['Kd'] = Kd
            gothamParms['map_Kd'] = map_Kd

        # add to the list
        results.append(((gothamName, gothamParms, material), vertices, parms,
                        indices, norms))
    return results
def objtogothWithMaterials(filename):
  results = []
  (points, uvs, normals, materials, primitives) = wavefront.readMeshes(filename)
  (materials, primitives) = wavefront.partitionByMaterials(points, uvs, normals, materials, primitives)
  for (material, points, uvs, normals, polygons) in primitives:
    triangles = wavefront.triangulate(polygons)
    if uvs != [] and normals == []:
      (points, uvs, triangles) = splitTrianglesWithParametrics(points, uvs, triangles)
    elif uvs != [] and normals != []:
      (points, uvs, normals, triangles) = splitTrianglesWithParametricsAndNormals(points, uvs, normals, triangles)
      (points, triangles) = splitTriangles(points, triangles)

    vertices = []
    indices = []
    parms = []
    norms = []
    # flatten the points list
    for p in points:
    # flatten the uv list
    for uv in uvs:
    # flatten the normals list
    for n in normals:
    # flatten the triangle list
    for tri in triangles:

    # convert from wavefront material to gotham material
      wavefrontParms = materials[material]
      print 'looking up material', material
      raise ValueError, materials

    exponent = 0
    if wavefrontParms.has_key('Ns'):
      exponent = wavefrontParms['Ns']

    etai     = 1.0

    etat = 1000
    if wavefrontParms.has_key('Ni'):
      etat     = wavefrontParms['Ni']

    Kd = (0,0,0)
    if wavefrontParms.has_key('Kd'):
      Kd       = wavefrontParms['Kd']

    map_Kd = ''
    if wavefrontParms.has_key('map_Kd'):
      map_Kd   = wavefrontParms['map_Kd']

    Kt = (0,0,0)
    if wavefrontParms.has_key('Tf'):
      Kt = wavefrontParms['Tf']

    map_Kt = ''
    if wavefrontParms.has_key('map_Tf'):
      map_Kt = wavefrontParms['map_Tf']

    Ks = (0,0,0)
    if wavefrontParms.has_key('Ks'):
      Ks       = wavefrontParms['Ks']

    map_Ks = ''
    if wavefrontParms.has_key("map_Ks"):
      map_Ks   = wavefrontParms['map_Ks']

    # figure out which scattering properties we have
    hasDiffuse = False
    hasTransmission = False
    hasSpecular = False

    if Kd[0] > 0 or Kd[1] > 0 or Kd[2] > 0:
      hasDiffuse = True
    if Kt[0] > 0 or Kt[1] > 0 or Kt[2] > 0:
      hasTransmission = True
    if Ks[0] > 0 or Ks[1] > 0 or Ks[2] > 0:
      hasSpecular = True

    gothamName = ''
    gothamParms = {}
    if not hasDiffuse and not hasTransmission and hasSpecular:
      gothamName = 'phongreflection'
      gothamParms['Kr'] = Ks
      gothamParms['eta'] = etat
      gothamParms['exponent'] = exponent
    elif not hasDiffuse and hasTransmission and not hasSpecular:
      gothamName = 'speculartransmission'
      gothamParms['Kt'] = Kt
      gothamParms['etai'] = etai
      gothamParms['etat'] = etat
    elif not hasDiffuse and hasTransmission and hasSpecular:
      if eta > 1:
        gothamName = 'perfectglass'
        gothamParms['eta'] = eta
        gothamName = 'thinglass'
      gothamParms['Kt'] = Kt
      gothamParms['Kr'] = Ks
    elif hasDiffuse and not hasTransmission and not hasSpecular:
      gothamName = 'matte'
      gothamParms['Kd'] = Kd
      gothamParms['map_Kd'] = map_Kd
    elif hasDiffuse and not hasTransmission and hasSpecular:
      gothamName = 'plastic'
      gothamParms['Kd'] = Kd
      #gothamParms['map_Kd'] = map_Kd
      gothamParms['Ks'] = Ks
      #gothamParms['map_Ks'] = map_Ks
      gothamParms['exponent'] = exponent
    elif hasDiffuse and hasTransmission and not hasSpecular:
      print "Warning: objtogoth::objtogothWithMaterials(): material '%s' with diffuse and transmission has no Gotham analogue." % material
      gothamName = 'matte'
      gothamParms['Kd'] = Kd
      gothamParms['map_Kd'] = map_Kd
    elif hasDiffuse and hasTransmission and hasSpecular:
      print "Warning: objtogoth::objtogothWithMaterials(): material '%s' with diffuse, transmission, and specular has no Gotham analogue." % material
      gothamName = 'matte'
      gothamParms['Kd'] = Kd
      gothamParms['map_Kd'] = map_Kd
      #print "Warning: objtogoth::objtogothWithMaterials(): material '%s' has no scattering properties. Object will appear black." % material
      #print materials[material]
      #print 'hasDiffuse:', hasDiffuse
      #print 'hasTransmission:', hasDiffuse
      #print 'hasSpecular:', hasDiffuse
      gothamName = 'matte'
      gothamParms['Kd'] = Kd
      gothamParms['map_Kd'] = map_Kd

    # add to the list
    results.append(((gothamName, gothamParms, material), vertices, parms, indices, norms))
  return results