def doPointTest(wo, loclevel=10.0):'Doing synthetic test for point (%d,%d,%d)...' % (wo.opdict['syn_ix'], wo.opdict['syn_iy'], wo.opdict['syn_iz'])) # do the migration test_info = generateSyntheticDirac(wo.opdict) # retrieve output info stack_filename = test_info['stack_file'] nx, ny, nz, nt = test_info['grid_shape'] dx, dy, dz, dt = test_info['grid_spacing'] x_orig, y_orig, z_orig = test_info['grid_orig'] ix_true, iy_true, iz_true, it_true = test_info['true_indexes'] stack_start_time = test_info['start_time'] # extract the max stacks f_stack = h5py.File(stack_filename, 'r') max_val = f_stack['max_val'] max_x = f_stack['max_x'] max_y = f_stack['max_y'] max_z = f_stack['max_z'] # smooth the max_val max_val_smoothed = smooth(max_val[:]) # launch a location trivver locs = trigger_locations_inner(max_val_smoothed, max_x, max_y, max_z, loclevel, loclevel, stack_start_time, dt) f_stack.close() return test_info, locs
def doPointTest(wo, loclevel=10.0): 'Doing synthetic test for point (%d,%d,%d)...' % (wo.opdict['syn_ix'], wo.opdict['syn_iy'], wo.opdict['syn_iz'])) # do the migration test_info = generateSyntheticDirac(wo.opdict) # retrieve output info stack_filename = test_info['stack_file'] nx, ny, nz, nt = test_info['grid_shape'] dx, dy, dz, dt = test_info['grid_spacing'] x_orig, y_orig, z_orig = test_info['grid_orig'] ix_true, iy_true, iz_true, it_true = test_info['true_indexes'] stack_start_time = test_info['start_time'] # extract the max stacks f_stack = h5py.File(stack_filename, 'r') max_val = f_stack['max_val'] max_x = f_stack['max_x'] max_y = f_stack['max_y'] max_z = f_stack['max_z'] # smooth the max_val max_val_smoothed = smooth(max_val[:]) # launch a location trivver locs = trigger_locations_inner(max_val_smoothed, max_x, max_y, max_z, loclevel, loclevel, stack_start_time, dt) f_stack.close() return test_info, locs
wo.opdict['search_grid'] = '' wo.opdict['stations'] = 'coord_stations_test' #uncomment remove some stations to test response for fewer stations #wo.opdict['sta_list']="FJS,FLR,FOR,HDL,RVL,SNE,UV01,UV02,UV03,UV04,UV05,UV06,UV07,UV08,UV09,UV10,UV11,UV12,UV13,UV14,UV15" wo.opdict['syn_amplitude'] = 1.0 wo.opdict['syn_datalength'] = 20.0 wo.opdict['syn_samplefreq'] = 100.0 wo.opdict['syn_kwidth'] = 0.1 wo.opdict['syn_otime'] = 6.0 wo.opdict['syn_ix'] = 16 wo.opdict['syn_iy'] = 8 wo.opdict['syn_iz'] = 6 wo.opdict['syn_filename'] = 'test_grid4D_hires.hdf5' wo.opdict['plot_otime_window']=5.0 # sanity check on synthetic options wo.verify_synthetic_options() # Run the synthetic migration test_info = generateSyntheticDirac(wo.opdict) # Plot the synthetic migration base_path = wo.opdict['base_path'] figdir = os.path.join(base_path,'out',wo.opdict['outdir'],'fig') plotDiracTest(test_info,figdir,wo.opdict['plot_otime_window'])