文件: test_wdb.py 项目: thzt16/wazuh
def test_run_wdb_command_ko(connect_mock):
    with patch('wazuh.core.wdb.WazuhDBConnection._send',
               side_effect=[['due', 'chunk1'], ['err', 'chunk2'],
                            ['ok', 'chunk3'], ['due', 'chunk4']]):
        mywdb = WazuhDBConnection()
        with pytest.raises(exception.WazuhInternalError,
                           match=".* 2007 .* chunk2"):
            mywdb.run_wdb_command("global sync-agent-info-get ")
文件: worker.py 项目: ssigwart/wazuh
    def remove_bulk_agents(agent_ids_list: KeysView, logger):
        Removes files created by agents in worker nodes. This function doesn't remove agents from client.keys since the
        client.keys file is overwritten by the master node.
        :param agent_ids_list: List of agents ids to remove.
        :param logger: Logger to use
        :return: None.

        def remove_agent_file_type(agent_files: List[str]):
            Removes files if they exist
            :param agent_files: Path regexes of the files to remove
            :return: None
            for filetype in agent_files:

                filetype_glob = filetype.format(ossec_path=common.ossec_path, id='*', name='*', ip='*')
                filetype_agent = {filetype.format(ossec_path=common.ossec_path, id=a['id'], name=a['name'], ip=a['ip'])
                                  for a in agent_info}

                for agent_file in set(glob.iglob(filetype_glob)) & filetype_agent:
                    logger.debug2("Removing {}".format(agent_file))
                    if os.path.isdir(agent_file):

        if not agent_ids_list:
            return  # the function doesn't make sense if there is no agents to remove

        logger.info("Removing files from {} agents".format(len(agent_ids_list)))
        logger.debug("Agents to remove: {}".format(', '.join(agent_ids_list)))
        # Remove agents in group of 500 elements (so wazuh-db socket is not saturated)
        for agents_ids_sublist in itertools.zip_longest(*itertools.repeat(iter(agent_ids_list), 500), fillvalue='0'):
            agents_ids_sublist = list(filter(lambda x: x != '0', agents_ids_sublist))
            # Get info from DB
            agent_info = Agent.get_agents_overview(q=",".join(["id={}".format(i) for i in agents_ids_sublist]),
                                                   select=['ip', 'id', 'name'], limit=None)['items']
            logger.debug2("Removing files from agents {}".format(', '.join(agents_ids_sublist)))

            files_to_remove = ['{ossec_path}/queue/rootcheck/({name}) {ip}->rootcheck',
                               '{ossec_path}/queue/diff/{name}', '{ossec_path}/queue/agent-groups/{id}',

            logger.debug2("Removing agent group assigments from database")
            # remove agent from groups
            wdb_conn = WazuhDBConnection()

            query_to_execute = 'global sql delete from belongs where {}'.format(' or '.join([
                'id_agent = {}'.format(agent_id) for agent_id in agents_ids_sublist

        logger.info("Agent files removed")
文件: test_wdb.py 项目: thzt16/wazuh
def test_run_wdb_command(connect_mock):
    with patch('wazuh.core.wdb.WazuhDBConnection._send',
               side_effect=[['due', 'chunk1'], ['due', 'chunk2'],
                            ['ok', 'chunk3'], ['due', 'chunk4']]):
        mywdb = WazuhDBConnection()
        result = mywdb.run_wdb_command("global sync-agent-info-get ")
        assert result == ['chunk1', 'chunk2', 'chunk3']