def ppl(self, vocab, model, txt, isnbest=False): list_vocab = self.workdir + 'vocab.list' write_id = self.workdir + os.path.split(txt)[-1] + '.pplid' if isnbest: NbestToID(txt, write_id, ReadVocab(list_vocab)) else: CorpusToID(txt, write_id, ReadVocab(list_vocab)) cmd = self.bindir + 'trf ' cmd += ' -vocab {} -read {} -test {}'.format(vocab, model, write_id) s = os.popen(cmd).read() idx = s.find('-LL = ') if idx != -1: LL = float(s[idx:].split()[2]) return [wb.LL2PPL(-LL, write_id), LL] # return the [PPL, -LL] else: print('[ERROR]!!') print(s)
def main(): if len(sys.argv) == 1: print('\"python -train\" train LSTM\n', '\"python -rescore\" rescore nbest\n', '\"python -wer\" compute WER' ) run_times = range(0, 10) # for multiple run bindir = '../../tools/trf/bin/' workdir = 'trflm/' fres = wb.FRes('models_ppl.txt') model = trf.model(bindir, workdir) class_num = 200 train = workdir + '' valid = workdir + '' test = workdir + '' vocab = workdir + 'vocab_c{}.list'.format(class_num) order = 4 feat = 'g4_w_c_ws_cs_wsh_csh_tied.fs' #feat = 'g4_w_c_ws_cs_cpw.fs' maxlen = 0 tmax = 20000 t0 = 2000 minibatch = 100 gamma_lambda = '3000,0' gamma_zeta = '0,0.6' reg = 4e-5 thread = 8 if '-res' in sys.argv: fres.Read() for i in range(1,len(fres.head)): value = [] for runnum in run_times: write_name = 'trf_c{}_{}.run{}'.format(class_num, feat[0:-3], runnum) line = fres.Get(write_name) value.append(line[i]) fres.Add('trf_c{}_{}.runavg'.format(class_num, feat[0:-3]), [fres.head[i]], ['{:.2f}+{:.2f}'.format(np.mean(value), np.std(value))] ) for runnum in run_times: write_model = workdir + 'trf_c{}_{}.run{}'.format(class_num, feat[0:-3], runnum) if '-train' in sys.argv or '-all' in sys.argv: config = '-vocab {} -train {} -valid {} -test {} '.format(vocab, train, valid, test) config += ' -order {} -feat {} '.format(order, feat) config += ' -len {} '.format(maxlen) config += ' -write {0}.model -log {0}.log '.format(write_model) config += ' -t0 {} -iter {}'.format(t0, tmax) config += ' -gamma-lambda {} -gamma-zeta {}'.format(gamma_lambda, gamma_zeta) config += ' -L2 {} '.format(reg) config += ' -mini-batch {} '.format(minibatch) config += ' -thread {} '.format(thread) config += ' -print-per-iter 10 ' config += ' -write-at-iter [{}:1000:{}]'.format(tmax-5000, tmax) # output the intermediate models model.prepare(data()[0], data()[1], data()[2], class_num) model.train(config) if '-plot' in sys.argv: baseline = fres.Get('KN5') trf.PlotLog([write_model], [baseline]) if '-rescore' in sys.argv or '-all' in sys.argv: config = ' -vocab {} '.format(vocab) config += ' -read {}.model '.format(write_model) config += ' -nbest {} '.format(data()[3]) config += ' -lmscore {0}.lmscore -lmscore-test-id {0}.test-id '.format(write_model) model.use(config) if '-wer' in sys.argv or '-all' in sys.argv: [read_nbest, read_templ, read_acscore, read_lmscore] = data()[3:7] read_lmscore = write_model + '.lmscore' [wer, lmscale, acscale] = wb.TuneWER(read_nbest, read_templ, wb.LoadScore(read_lmscore), wb.LoadScore(read_acscore), np.linspace(0.1,0.9,9)) print('wer={:.4f} lmscale={:.2f} acscale={:.2f}'.format(wer, lmscale, acscale)) # calculate the ppl on wsj test write_templ_id = workdir + os.path.split(read_templ)[1] + '.id' v = trf.ReadVocab(vocab) trf.NbestToID(read_templ, write_templ_id, v) config = ' -vocab {} '.format(vocab) config += ' -read {}.model '.format(write_model) config += ' -test {} '.format(write_templ_id) LL_templ = model.use(config) PPL_templ = wb.LL2PPL(-LL_templ, write_templ_id) LL = model.get_last_value(write_model + '.log') # output the result name = os.path.split(write_model)[1] fres.AddLL(name, LL, data()[0:3]) fres.Add(name, ['LL-wsj', 'PPL-wsj'], [LL_templ, PPL_templ]) fres.AddWER(name, wer) if '-stat' in sys.argv: # calculate the mean and var of wers of the intermediate models inte_wer = [] inte_model = [] # find model for file_name in os.listdir(os.path.split(write_model)[0]): file_path = os.path.split(write_model)[0] + os.sep + file_name if not os.path.isfile(file_path): continue if file_name.find(os.path.split(write_model)[1]) == 0 and \ file_path.split('.')[-1] == 'model' and \ file_path.split('.')[-2][0] == 'n': inte_model.append(file_path) # compute wer flog = open(workdir + 'inte_model_wer.log', 'wt') for file_path in sorted(inte_model): print(file_path) t = int(file_path.split('.')[-2][1:]) # lmscore write_lmscore = os.path.splitext(file_path)[0] + '.lmscore' config = ' -vocab {} '.format(vocab) config += ' -read {} '.format(file_path) config += ' -nbest {} '.format(data()[3]) config += ' -lmscore {0} '.format(write_lmscore) model.use(config, False) # wer [wer, lmscale, acscale] = wb.TuneWER(data()[3], data()[4], wb.LoadScore(write_lmscore), wb.LoadScore(data()[5]), np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, 9)) print('t={} wer={}'.format(t, wer)) flog.write('{} \t wer={}\n'.format(file_path, wer)) inte_wer.append([t, wer]) flog.close() # plot wer inte_wer = sorted(inte_wer, key=lambda d: d[0]) t_list = [i[0] for i in inte_wer] wer_list = [i[1] for i in inte_wer] wer_mean = np.mean(wer_list[-20:]) wer_std = np.std(wer_list[-20:]) print('wer_mean={} wer_std={}'.format(wer_mean, wer_std)) plt.figure() plt.plot(t_list, wer_list) plt.xlabel('t') plt.ylabel('wer') if '-ais' in sys.argv: [read_nbest, read_templ, read_acscore] = data()[3:6] write_templ_id = workdir + os.path.split(read_templ)[1] + '.id' v = trf.ReadVocab(vocab) trf.NbestToID(read_templ, write_templ_id, v) # run asi to calculate the normalization constnts of models ais_chain = 10 ais_inter = 10000 ais_model = '{}.ais{}_{}.model'.format(write_model, ais_chain, ais_inter) if not os.path.exists(ais_model): config = ' -vocab {0} -read {1}.model -write {2}'.format(vocab, write_model, ais_model) config += ' -norm-method AIS -AIS-chain {} -AIS-inter {} -thread {} '.format(ais_chain, ais_inter, thread) config += ' -norm-len-max {} '.format(trf.FileMaxLen(read_nbest)-1) # just compute the needed length model.use(config) # rescore and compute wer write_lmscore = os.path.splitext(ais_model)[0] + '.lmscore' config = ' -vocab {} -read {}'.format(vocab, ais_model) config += ' -nbest {} -test {} '.format(read_nbest, write_templ_id) # calculate the ppl of test set config += ' -lmscore {} '.format(write_lmscore) LL_templ = model.use(config, False) PPL_templ = wb.LL2PPL(-LL_templ, write_templ_id) [wer, lmscale, acscale] = wb.TuneWER(read_nbest, read_templ, write_lmscore, read_acscore, np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, 9)) # calculate the LL of train/valid/test LL = [0]*3 id_data = [train, valid, test] # are id files for i in range(3): config = ' -vocab {} -read {} -test {} '.format(vocab, ais_model, id_data[i]) LL[i] = model.use(config, False) # write to res file name = os.path.split(write_model)[1]+":AIS{}-{}".format(ais_chain, ais_inter) fres.AddLL(name, LL, id_data) fres.AddWER(name, wer) fres.Add(name, ['LL-wsj', 'PPL-wsj'], [LL_templ, PPL_templ])
def main(): if len(sys.argv) == 1: print('\"python -train\" train LSTM\n', '\"python -rescore\" rescore nbest\n', '\"python -wer\" compute WER') run_times = range(3, 10) # for multiple run bindir = '../../tools/trf/bin/' workdir = 'trflm/' fres = wb.FRes('models_ppl.txt') model = trf.model(bindir, workdir) class_num = 200 train = workdir + '' valid = workdir + '' test = workdir + '' vocab = workdir + 'vocab_c{}.list'.format(class_num) thread = 8 ais_chain = 10 ais_inter = 20000 if '-wer' in sys.argv: res_list = [] for runnum in run_times: name = 'trf_c200_g4_w_c_ws_cs_wsh_csh_tied.run0.ais{}_{}.run{}'.format( ais_chain, ais_inter, runnum) res = fres.Get(name)[1:] if run_times.index(runnum) == 0: res_list = [[] for i in range(len(res))] for i in range(len(res)): res_list[i].append(res[i]) name = 'trf_c200_g4_w_c_ws_cs_wsh_csh_tied.run0.ais{}_{}.avg'.format( ais_chain, ais_inter) head = fres.GetHead()[1:] for i in range(len(head)): mean = np.mean(res_list[i]) std = np.std(res_list[i]) fres.Add(name, [head[i]], ['{:.2f}+{:.2f}'.format(mean, std)]) if '-ais' in sys.argv: for runnum in run_times: write_model = workdir + 'trf_c200_g4_w_c_ws_cs_wsh_csh_tied.run0' [read_nbest, read_templ, read_acscore] = data()[3:6] write_templ_id = workdir + os.path.split(read_templ)[1] + '.id' v = trf.ReadVocab(vocab) trf.NbestToID(read_templ, write_templ_id, v) # run asi to calculate the normalization constnts of models ais_model = '{}.ais{}_{}.run{}.model'.format( write_model, ais_chain, ais_inter, runnum) if not os.path.exists(ais_model): config = ' -vocab {0} -read {1}.model -write {2}'.format( vocab, write_model, ais_model) config += ' -norm-method AIS -AIS-chain {} -AIS-inter {} -thread {} '.format( ais_chain, ais_inter, thread) config += ' -norm-len-max {} '.format( trf.FileMaxLen(read_nbest) - 1) # just compute the needed length model.use(config) # rescore and compute wer write_lmscore = os.path.splitext(ais_model)[0] + '.lmscore' config = ' -vocab {} -read {}'.format(vocab, ais_model) config += ' -nbest {} -test {} '.format( read_nbest, write_templ_id) # calculate the ppl of test set config += ' -lmscore {} '.format(write_lmscore) LL_templ = model.use(config, False) PPL_templ = wb.LL2PPL(-LL_templ, write_templ_id) [wer, lmscale, acscale] = wb.TuneWER(read_nbest, read_templ, write_lmscore, read_acscore, np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, 9)) # calculate the LL of train/valid/test LL = [0] * 3 id_data = [train, valid, test] # are id files for i in range(3): config = ' -vocab {} -read {} -test {} '.format( vocab, ais_model, id_data[i]) LL[i] = model.use(config, False) # write to res file name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(ais_model)[-1])[0] fres.AddLL(name, LL, id_data) fres.AddWER(name, wer) fres.Add(name, ['LL-wsj', 'PPL-wsj'], [LL_templ, PPL_templ])
def main(): if len(sys.argv) == 1: print('\"python -train\" train LSTM\n', '\"python -rescore\" rescore nbest\n', '\"python -wer\" compute WER') run_times = range(0, 1) # for multiple run bindir = '../../tools/trf/bin/' workdir = 'trflm/' fres = wb.FRes('models_ppl.txt') model = trf.model(bindir, workdir) class_num = 200 train = workdir + '' valid = workdir + '' test = workdir + '' vocab = workdir + 'vocab_c{}.list'.format(class_num) thread = 18 ais_chain = 10 ais_inter = 200000 if '-wer' in sys.argv: # calculate mean of the WER of 10 TRFs after AIS res_list = [] for runnum in run_times: name = '{}.ais{}_{}'.format( runnum, ais_chain, ais_inter) res = fres.Get(name)[1:] if run_times.index(runnum) == 0: res_list = [[] for i in range(len(res))] for i in range(len(res)): res_list[i].append(res[i]) name = 'trf_c200_g4_w_c_ws_cs_wsh_csh_tied.runavg.ais{}_{}'.format( ais_chain, ais_inter) head = fres.GetHead()[1:] for i in range(len(head)): mean = np.mean(res_list[i]) std = np.std(res_list[i]) fres.Add(name, [head[i]], ['{:.2f}+{:.2f}'.format(mean, std)]) if '-ais' in sys.argv: for runnum in run_times: write_model = workdir + '{}'.format( runnum) [read_nbest, read_templ, read_acscore] = data()[3:6] write_templ_id = workdir + os.path.split(read_templ)[1] + '.id' v = trf.ReadVocab(vocab) trf.NbestToID(read_templ, write_templ_id, v) # run asi to calculate the normalization constnts of models ais_model = '{}.ais{}_{}'.format(write_model, ais_chain, ais_inter) if not os.path.exists(ais_model + '.model'): config = ' -vocab {0} -read {1}.model -write {2}.model -log {2}.log'.format( vocab, write_model, ais_model) config += ' -norm-method AIS -AIS-chain {} -AIS-inter {} -thread {} '.format( ais_chain, ais_inter, thread) config += ' -norm-len-max {} '.format( trf.FileMaxLen(read_nbest) - 1) # just compute the needed length model.use(config) # rescore and compute wer write_lmscore = ais_model + '.lmscore' config = ' -vocab {} -read {}.model'.format(vocab, ais_model) config += ' -nbest {} -test {} '.format( read_nbest, write_templ_id) # calculate the ppl of test set config += ' -lmscore {} '.format(write_lmscore) LL_templ = model.use(config, False) PPL_templ = wb.LL2PPL(-LL_templ, write_templ_id) [wer, lmscale, acscale] = wb.TuneWER(read_nbest, read_templ, write_lmscore, read_acscore, np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, 9)) # calculate the LL of train/valid/test LL = [0] * 3 id_data = [train, valid, test] # are id files for i in range(3): config = ' -vocab {} -read {}.model -test {} '.format( vocab, ais_model, id_data[i]) LL[i] = model.use(config, False) # write to res file name = os.path.split(ais_model)[-1] fres.AddLL(name, LL, id_data) fres.AddWER(name, wer) fres.Add(name, ['LL-wsj', 'PPL-wsj'], [LL_templ, PPL_templ]) if '-cmp' in sys.argv: # compare the variance of exp(logz) with the variance of AIS weight # Load the logz of 10 independent runs multi_run = 10 logzs = [] for i in range(multi_run): logz = trf.LoadLogz( workdir + '{}.model' .format(i)) logzs.append(logz[0:33]) mat_logzs = np.matrix(logzs).T # Load the weight of each length logws = [] with open(workdir + 'trf_c200_g4_w_c_ws_cs_wsh_csh_tied.run0.ais10_20000.log' ) as f: for line in f: idx = line.find('logw=') if idx != -1: a = line[idx:].split()[1:] logws.append([float(i) for i in a]) mat_logws = np.matrix(logws) w_var = mat_var(mat_logws) z_var = mat_var(mat_logzs) for i in range(len(w_var)): rate = np.exp(w_var[i] - z_var[i]) print('len={} w_var={} z_var={} rate={}'.format( i + 1, w_var[i], z_var[i], rate)) if '-cmp2' in sys.argv: # compare the logz of AIS and the SAMS write_model = workdir + 'trf_c200_g4_w_c_ws_cs_wsh_csh_tied.run0' logz_sams = trf.LoadLogz(write_model + '.model') logz_ais = trf.LoadLogz('{}.ais{}_{}.model'.format( write_model, ais_chain, ais_inter)) plt.figure() plt.plot(logz_sams[0:33], 'r-', label='sams') logz_ais10 = [] for n in range(10): logz_ais10.append( trf.LoadLogz('{}{}.model'.format( write_model, n))) plt.plot(logz_ais10[-1][0:33], 'g--') logz_ais_m = [0] * 33 for i in range(33): for n in range(10): logz_ais_m[i] += logz_ais10[n][i] logz_ais_m[i] /= 10 plt.plot(logz_ais_m[0:33], 'r--') plt.plot(logz_ais[0:33], 'b--', label='ais 10-200K') #plt.legend() if '-cmp3' in sys.argv: trf_model = workdir + 'trf_c200_g4_w_c_ws_cs_wsh_csh_tied.run0' # revise the logz of the trf model to the mean of results of 10 (10-20k) runs logz_sams = trf.LoadLogz(trf_model + '.model') logz_ais10 = [] for n in range(10): logz_ais10.append( trf.LoadLogz('{}{}.model'.format(trf_model, n))) logz_ais_m = [0] * 33 for i in range(33): for n in range(10): logz_ais_m[i] += logz_ais10[n][i] logz_ais_m[i] /= 10 print(logz_ais_m) ais_model = workdir + 'trf_c200_g4_w_c_ws_cs_wsh_csh_tied.run0.ais10_20000.runavg.model' print('write -> ' + ais_model) revise_logz(trf_model + '.model', ais_model, logz_ais_m) # compute WER print('computer WER') wer = model.wer(vocab, ais_model, data()[3], data()[4], data()[5]) print('WER={}'.format(wer)) # compute PPL print('computer PPL') ppl = model.ppl(vocab, ais_model, data()[4], True) print('PPL={}'.format(ppl)) # plot the logzs plt.figure() for n in range(10): plt.plot(logz_ais10[n][0:33], 'g-') plt.plot(logz_ais_m[0:33], 'r', label='ais10-20K-mean') plt.plot(logz_sams[0:33], 'b', label='sams') plt.legend() if '-wer3' in sys.argv: # smooth zeta wer_ais = [] wer_smooth = [] ppl_ais = [] ppl_smooth = [] ll_ais = [] ll_smooth = [] for n in range(10): ais_name = workdir + '{}.ais10_20000'.format( n) print(ais_name) logz_ais = trf.LoadLogz(ais_name + '.model')[0:33] z = np.polyfit(np.linspace(1, 33, 33), logz_ais, 1) logz_ais_smooth = z[0] * np.linspace(1, 33, 33) + z[1] revise_logz(ais_name + '.model', ais_name + '.smooth.model', logz_ais_smooth.tolist()) print(logz_ais) print(logz_ais_smooth.tolist()) if n == 0: logz_sams = trf.LoadLogz( workdir + '{}.model'.format(n)) logw = load_ais_weight(ais_name + '.log') plt.figure() for i in range(len(logw)): plt.plot((i + 1) * np.ones(len(logw[i])), logw[i], 'k.') plt.plot(np.linspace(1, 33, 33), logz_ais, 'r-', label='standard AIS') plt.plot(np.linspace(1, 33, 33), logz_ais_smooth, 'g-', label='smoothed AIS') plt.plot(np.linspace(1, 33, 33), logz_sams[0:33], 'b-', label='SAMS') plt.legend() plt.xlim(1, 33) plt.xlabel('length') plt.ylabel('logZ') wer = model.wer(vocab, ais_name + '.model', data()[3], data()[4], data()[5]) [ppl, LL] = model.ppl(vocab, ais_name + '.model', data()[4], True) wer_ais.append(wer) ppl_ais.append(ppl) ll_ais.append(LL) fres.Add( os.path.split(ais_name)[-1], ['WER', 'LL-wsj', 'PPL-wsj'], [wer, LL, ppl]) wer = model.wer(vocab, ais_name + '.smooth.model', data()[3], data()[4], data()[5]) [ppl, LL] = model.ppl(vocab, ais_name + '.smooth.model', data()[4], True) wer_smooth.append(wer) ppl_smooth.append(ppl) ll_smooth.append(LL) fres.Add( os.path.split(ais_name)[-1] + '.smooth', ['WER', 'LL-wsj', 'PPL-wsj'], [wer, LL, ppl]) for label, d in zip(['WER', 'LL-wsj', 'PPL-wsj'], [wer_ais, ll_ais, ppl_ais]): cur_mean = np.mean(d) cur_std = np.std(d) fres.Add('trf_c200_g4_w_c_ws_cs_wsh_csh_tied.runavg.ais10_20000', [label], ['{:.2f}+{:.2f}'.format(cur_mean, cur_std)]) for label, d in zip(['WER', 'LL-wsj', 'PPL-wsj'], [wer_smooth, ll_smooth, ppl_smooth]): cur_mean = np.mean(d) cur_std = np.std(d) fres.Add( 'trf_c200_g4_w_c_ws_cs_wsh_csh_tied.runavg.ais10_20000.smooth', [label], ['{:.2f}+{:.2f}'.format(cur_mean, cur_std)]) if '-wer2' in sys.argv: # perform adjust-AIS and evaluate the WER and PPL results = [] for n in range(10): ais_name = workdir + '{}.ais10_20000'.format( n) print(ais_name) logw = load_ais_weight(ais_name + '.log') logz = [np.mean(a) for a in logw] revise_logz(ais_name + '.model', ais_name + '.adjust.model', logz) print(' wer') wer = model.wer(vocab, ais_name + '.adjust.model', data()[3], data()[4], data()[5]) print(' ppl') [ppl, LL] = model.ppl(vocab, ais_name + '.adjust.model', data()[4], True) fres.Add( os.path.split(ais_name)[-1] + '.ad', ['WER', 'LL-wsj', 'PPL-wsj'], [wer, LL, ppl]) results.append([wer, LL, ppl]) res_mean = [] res_std = [] for i in range(3): a = [b[i] for b in results] res_mean.append(np.mean(a)) res_std.append(np.std(a)) fres.Add('', [ 'WER', 'LL-wsj', 'PPL-wsj' ], ['{:.2f}+{:.2f}'.format(res_mean[i], res_std[i]) for i in range(3)])
def main(): if len(sys.argv) == 1: print('\"python -train\" train LSTM\n', '\"python -rescore\" rescore nbest\n', '\"python -wer\" compute WER') for tsize in [1]: bindir = '../../tools/trf/bin/' tskdir = '{}/'.format(tsize) workdir = tskdir + 'trflm/' fres = wb.FRes('result.txt') model = trf.model(bindir, workdir) class_num = 200 train = workdir + '' valid = workdir + '' test = workdir + '' vocab = workdir + 'vocab_c{}.list'.format(class_num) order = 4 feat = 'g4_w_c_ws_cs_wsh_csh_tied.fs' #feat = 'g4_w_c_ws_cs_cpw.fs' maxlen = 100 tmax = 50000 t0 = 2000 minibatch = 100 gamma_lambda = '1000,0' gamma_zeta = '0,0.6' reg = 1e-6 thread = 8 write_model = workdir + 'trf_c{}_{}'.format(class_num, feat[0:-3]) write_name = '{}:{}'.format(tsize, os.path.split(write_model)[1]) if '-class' in sys.argv: # just cluster for each tsks. model.prepare( data(tskdir)[0], data(tskdir)[1], data(tskdir)[2], class_num) if '-train' in sys.argv or '-all' in sys.argv: config = '-vocab {} -train {} -valid {} -test {} '.format( vocab, train, valid, test) config += ' -order {} -feat {} '.format(order, feat) config += ' -len {} '.format(maxlen) config += ' -write {0}.model -log {0}.log '.format(write_model) config += ' -t0 {} -iter {}'.format(t0, tmax) config += ' -gamma-lambda {} -gamma-zeta {}'.format( gamma_lambda, gamma_zeta) config += ' -L2 {} '.format(reg) config += ' -mini-batch {} '.format(minibatch) config += ' -thread {} '.format(thread) config += ' -print-per-iter 10 -write-at-iter 10000:10000:{}'.format( tmax) model.prepare( data(tskdir)[0], data(tskdir)[1], data(tskdir)[2], class_num) model.train(config) # output LL = model.get_last_value(write_model + '.log') fres.AddLL(write_name, LL, data(tskdir)[0:3]) if '-plot' in sys.argv: baseline = fres.Get('{}:KN5'.format(tsize)) trf.PlotLog([write_model], [baseline]) if '-rescore' in sys.argv or '-all' in sys.argv: config = ' -vocab {} '.format(vocab) config += ' -read {}.model '.format(write_model) config += ' -nbest {} '.format(data(tskdir)[3]) config += ' -lmscore {0}.lmscore -lmscore-test-id {0}.test-id '.format( write_model) model.use(config) if '-wer' in sys.argv or '-all' in sys.argv: [read_nbest, read_templ, read_acscore, read_lmscore] = data(tskdir)[3:7] read_lmscore = write_model + '.lmscore' [wer, lmscale, acscale] = wb.TuneWER(read_nbest, read_templ, wb.LoadScore(read_lmscore), wb.LoadScore(read_acscore), np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, 9)) print('wer={:.4f} lmscale={:.2f} acscale={:.2f}'.format( wer, lmscale, acscale)) # calculate the ppl on wsj test write_templ_id = workdir + os.path.split(read_templ)[1] + '.id' v = trf.ReadVocab(vocab) trf.NbestToID(read_templ, write_templ_id, v) config = ' -vocab {} '.format(vocab) config += ' -read {}.model '.format(write_model) config += ' -test {} '.format(write_templ_id) LL_templ = model.use(config) PPL_templ = wb.LL2PPL(-LL_templ, write_templ_id) # output the result fres.Add(write_name, ['LL-wsj', 'PPL-wsj'], [LL_templ, PPL_templ]) fres.AddWER(write_name, wer)