def plot_indicators(country_list, indicator, start=2000, end=2015): """ A grand function that takes as input a list of country codes, then uses our function above WB_country_data to get a list of indicators for each country,then plot a line diagram. :param country_list: a list of strings of country code :param indicator: indicator index from wbdata :param start: start of the year :param end: end of the year :return: a plot """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import wbdata import re ind = wbdata.get_indicator(indicator, display=False) # capture the title which includes the unit after bracket title = ind[0]['name'] # now take entire text from first letter to before opening bracket title = title[:title.find('(') - 1] # this is the patter to match anything between two brackets p = re.compile('\\((.*?)\\)') ylab = p.findall(ind[0]['name'])[0] sns.set_style('white') fig, axis = plt.subplots() for c in country_list: axis.plot(range(start, end + 1), country_data(c, indicator, start, end)) plt.legend(country_list) plt.title(title) plt.ylabel(ylab)
def all_indicators(db, update_local_db=False): metrics = {} for row in wb.get_indicator(): assert isinstance(row, dict) assert isinstance(row['sourceNote'], str) assert isinstance(row['topics'], list) assert isinstance(row['sourceOrganization'], str) assert isinstance(row['name'], str) #print(row) d = { 'last_updated': now(), 'wb_id': row['id'], 'source_note': row['sourceNote'], 'name': row['name'], 'unit': row['unit'], 'source_organisation': row['sourceOrganization'], 'topics': row['topics'] } if update_local_db: db.world_bank_indicators.update_one({'wb_id': d['wb_id']}, {"$set": d}, upsert=True) metrics[d['wb_id']] = d print("Found {} datasets from wbdata".format(len(metrics.keys()))) return metrics
def getWBDataFromWeb(self, pStockCode, pStart, pEnd): # wbdata.get_source() wbdata.get_indicator(source=1) wbdata.search_countries("united") date = (datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1), datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1)) = wbdata.get_data("IC.BUS.EASE.XQ", country=("USA", "GBR"), data_date=date) for row in print(row['country']['id'], row) #indicators = {"IC.BUS.EASE.XQ": "doing_business", "NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.KD": "gdppc"} #df = wbdata.get_dataframe(indicators, country=countries, convert_date=True) #df.describe() return
def get_ind_preview(y1=2010, ind="FR.INR.LEND"): if ind: if y1: ydt = datetime(int(y1), 1, 1) ind_details = wbdata.get_indicator(ind, display=False)[0] ind_details['dev'] = "Feel free to use this variable!" try: data = rpy2functions.get_values(wbdata.get_data(ind, data_date=(ydt, ydt), country=preview_countries)) if 'q' in data.keys()[0].split('.')[0].lower(): ind_details['dev'] = "If chosen, please make sure all variables are quarterly." if sum(map(map_adder, data.values())) < 5: #wont add properly. ind_details['dev'] = "Very scarce data. Avoid using this variable." except TypeError as e: data = {'{0}.{1}'.format(str(y1), cont):'ERROR' for cont in preview_countries} ind_details['dev'] = "No data found for this variable. Do not use this variable." return jsonify({'data': data, 'details': ind_details}) return {}
import pandas as pd import wbdata import datetime import sys sys.path.append('../other/') import connect # Connect to database con = connect.connector() # Get countries, indicators countries = wbdata.get_country(display=False) indicators = wbdata.get_indicator(display=False) # Collect CountryID countryID = [] for i in range(len(countries)): countryID.append(countries[i]['id']) # Collect indicatorID indicatorID = [] for i in range(1000, len(indicators)): indicatorID.append(indicators[i]['id']) # Make indDict for fetching data indDict = dict() for indStr in indicatorID: indDict[indStr] = indStr.replace('.','_') # fetch data
def scrape(): df = pd.read_csv( "../SecondProject2/Resources/Project2_idmc_disaster_all_dataset.csv") df.head() # In[4]: import pycountry_convert as pc # In[5]: country_code = pc.country_name_to_country_alpha2("China", cn_name_format="default") print(country_code) continent_name = pc.country_alpha2_to_continent_code(country_code) print(continent_name) # In[6]: def country_code(name): try: code = pc.country_name_to_country_alpha2(name, cn_name_format="default") return code except: return "N/A" def continent_name(name): try: continent = pc.country_alpha2_to_continent_code(name) return continent except: return "N/A" df["Country_2D"] = df["Country Name"].apply(country_code) df["Continent"] = df["Country_2D"].apply(continent_name) # In[7]: df.head() # In[8]: df_Africa = df[df["Continent"] == "AF"] df_Africa.head() # In[9]: df_africa = df_Africa.rename(columns={ 'Country Name': 'Country', }) df_africa.head() # In[10]: df_africa.columns # In[11]: df.groupby("Continent").count() # In[12]: #Import Dependencies import os import requests import json import pprint import numpy as np import flask import wbdata import datetime # In[13]: countries = [ 'algeria', 'angola', 'benin', 'botswana', 'burkina faso', 'burundi', 'cabo verde', 'cameroon', 'central african republic', 'chad', 'comoros', 'congo', "cote d'ivoire", 'djibouti', 'egypt', 'equatorial guinea', 'esqtini', 'ethiopia', 'gabon', 'gambia', 'ghana', 'guinea', 'guinea-bissau', 'kenya', 'lesotho', 'liberia', 'libya', 'madagascar', 'malawi', 'mali', 'mauritania', 'mauritius', 'morocco', 'mozambique', 'namibia', 'niger', 'nigeria', 'rwanda', 'sao tome and principe', 'senegal', 'seychelles', 'sirre leone', 'somalia', 'south africa', 'south sudan', 'sudan', 'tanzania', 'togo', 'tunisia', 'uganda', 'zambia', 'zimbabwe' ] country_codes = [ 'AGO', 'ALB', 'ARB', 'BDI', 'BEN', 'BFA', 'BMN', 'BSS', 'BWA', 'CAA', 'CAF', 'CIV', 'CME', 'CMR', 'COG', 'COM', 'CPV', 'DJI', 'DMN', 'DSF', 'DSS', 'DZA', 'EGY', 'ETH', 'GAB', 'GHA', 'GMB', 'GNB', 'GNQ', 'KEN', 'LBR', 'LSO', 'MAR', 'MDG', 'MEA', 'MLI', 'MNA', 'MOZ', 'MRT', 'MUS', 'MWI', 'NAF', 'NAM', 'NER', 'NGA', 'NLS', 'NRS', 'RRS', 'RSO', 'RWA', 'SDN', 'SLE', 'SOM', 'SSA', 'SSD', 'SSF', 'SWZ', 'SXZ', 'SYC', 'TCD', 'TGO', 'TMN', 'TSS', 'TUN', 'TZA', 'UGA', 'XZN', 'ZAF', 'ZMB', 'ZWE' ] indicators = "SP.POP.TOTL" data_date = datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 1), datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1) wbdata.get_indicator(source=50) # In[14]: wbdata.search_countries('') # In[15]: data = wbdata.get_data(indicators, country=country_codes, data_date=data_date) df_wbdata = pd.DataFrame(data) df_wbdata = df_wbdata.rename( columns={ "indicator": "Indicator", "country": "Country", "countryiso3code": "Country code", "date": "Year", "value": "Population", }) df_wbdata = df_wbdata.filter( items=['Country', 'Country code', 'Year', 'Population']) df_wbdata.dropna(inplace=True) df_wbdata['Country'] = df_wbdata['Country'].astype(str) df_wbdata['Country code'] = df_wbdata['Country code'].astype(str) df_wbdata['Year'] = df_wbdata['Year'].astype(str) df_wbdata['Population'] = df_wbdata['Population'].astype(str) df_wbdata['Country'] = df_wbdata['Country'].str.slice(23, -2) df_wbdata # In[16]: df_africa['Year'] = df_africa['Year'].astype('int64') df_wbdata['Year'] = df_wbdata['Year'].astype('int64') # In[17]: merged_df = pd.merge(left=df_africa, right=df_wbdata, how="left", on=['Country code', 'Year', 'Country']) merged_df.head() # In[18]: merged_df = merged_df.rename( columns={ 'Country code': 'Country_Code', 'Start Date': 'Start_Date', 'Event Name': 'Event_Name', 'Hazard Category': 'Hazard_Category', 'Hazard Type': 'Hazard_Type', 'New Displacements': 'New_Displacements', }) merged_df.head() merged_df = merged_df.dropna() merged_df merged_df[merged_df['Population'].isna()].count() merged_df.to_csv('merged.csv', index=False) #Create the engine and pass in Postgresql engine = create_engine( 'postgresql://*****:*****@localhost/project2_db') engine.table_names() query = pd.read_sql_query('select * from merged_data', con=engine) return (query)
def testGetIndicatorByTopic(self): wbdata.get_indicator(topic="1")
def testGetOneIndicator(self): wbdata.get_indicator("SH.XPD.PRIV.ZS")
import wbdata print( wbdata.get_country(country_id=None, incomelevel=None, lendingtype=None, display=None)) '''wbdata.get_source("Doing Business") #print("Doing Business") wbdata.get_indicator(“IC.BUS.EASE.XQ”) wbdata.search_countries("us") wbdata.get_data("IC.BUS.EASE.XQ", country=USA)'''
import wbdata as wb import pandas as p # Temporary way of keeping track of the debt amount. DEBT = 1.5 * 10**12 if __name__ == '__main__': id = input("Enter ID for an indicator using current US dollars: ") indicator = wb.get_indicator(id) print("Checking unit compatibility...") if "current US$" in str(indicator[0].get("name")): print( "Indicator is in proper units of current US dollars. Continuing.") series = p.Series() series = wb.get_data(id, pandas=True) else: print("Indicator is not in proper units of current US dollars.")
def testGetAllIndicators(self): wbdata.get_indicator()
global e_yr e_yr = int(a) else: assert False, "unhandled option" except Usage, err: print >> sys.stderr, err.msg print >> sys.stderr, "for help use --help" return 2 # start timing the script time0 = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # get all entities in DB all_entities = wbdata.search_countries('', display=False) topics = wbdata.get_topic(display=False) indicators = wbdata.get_indicator(display=False) if None in (all_entities, topics, indicators): return 2 # declare some blank lists to hold parsed data cnames = [] anames = [] countries = [] aggregates = [] # separate countries from aggregates for c in all_entities: if not c['incomeLevel']['value'] == 'Aggregates': cnames.append(c['name']) countries.append(c) else:
import wbdata from datetime import datetime #def get_country_gdp(country): #indicators = {"IC.BUS.EASE.XQ": "doing_business", "NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.KD": "gdppc"} #country_gdp= wbdata.get_dataframe(indicators, country=country, convert_date=True) if __name__ == '__main__': indicators = wbdata.get_indicator(source=32) print(*indicators, sep="\n")
# Keep_levels # if True don’t reduce the number of index levels returned if only getting one date or country # Cache # use the cache # Returns # a WBDataFrame import pandas as pd import wbdata as wb import datetime # search for data sources in world bank data wb.get_source() wb.get_indicator(source=16) # do country search wb.search_countries('united') # do wild search wb.search_countries('niger*') # get data for country # SE.ADT.1524.LT.FM.ZS Literacy rate, youth (ages 15-24), gender parity index (GPI) # return a multi-dictionary(based on year) list wb.get_data("SE.ADT.1524.LT.FM.ZS", country="USA") # selecting data range date_range = datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 1), datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1) # SH.CON.1524.FE.ZS Condom use, population ages 15-24, female (% of females ages 15-24)
# Created to get information from World Bank API import wbdata # All available topics available_info = wbdata.get_source() for x in available_info: print(x['id'], x['name']) # Information about G20 Financial Inclusion Indicators inclusion_indicators = wbdata.get_indicator(source=33) print(inclusion_indicators) # Information 'The consumer price index reflects the # change in prices for the average consumer of a constant basket of consumer # goods. Data is in nominal terms and seasonally adjusted.' for USA for all # years. cpi = wbdata.get_data('CPTOTSAXN', country='USA') print(cpi)
def plotNANperindicator(data, background=False): # PLOT NUMBER OF NAN PER INDICATOR indicators = list(set(data.columns.levels[1])) # Checks how many nans per indicator how_many_nans = [] for i in indicators: temp = data.xs(i, level=1, axis=1).isnull().astype(int).values.sum() how_many_nans.append(temp) # Sorts the indicators from most nan to less nan ind = np.argsort(how_many_nans)[::-1] if (background): #create labels2 dictt sources = wbdata.get_source(display=False) id_to_sourceName = dict( zip([k['id'] for k in sources], [k['name'] for k in sources])) all_indics = wbdata.get_indicator(display=False) indicator_to_id = dict( zip([k['id'] for k in all_indics], [k['source']['id'] for k in all_indics])) for i in (set(indicators) - set(indicator_to_id.keys())): indicator_to_id[i] = -1 id_to_sourceName[-1] = 'NaN' # Gets labels, sorts them, puts them in (int) form range_indics = [indicators[k] for k in ind] # sorted indicator code (by most nans): range_labels_int = [indicator_to_id[key] for key in range_indics] range_labels = [ id_to_sourceName[indicator_to_id[key]] for key in range_indics ] # Define cmap for coloring the labels cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet_r') color = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1.0, len(set(range_labels_int)))) # Helper function to get arrays of consecutive values, to plot colors on xaxis, used below def consecutive(data, stepsize=1): return np.split(data, np.where(np.diff(data) != stepsize)[0] + 1) # Line plot of number of nan values per country, with background colored according to indicator label plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.plot(range(0, len(indicators)), [ 100 * (how_many_nans[k] / data.xs('SP.POP.TOTL', level=1, axis=1).size) for k in ind ]) if (background): plt.title( 'Number of NaN values per indicator, sorted (background = indicator label)', fontsize=15) else: plt.title('Number of NaN values per indicator, sorted', fontsize=15) plt.xlabel('Indicators', fontsize=15) plt.ylabel('# NaN values (% of total)', fontsize=15) plt.xticks([]) if (background): # Prepare patches (to color the background according to the indicator label), and the legend legends = [] a = 0 for i in list( set(range_labels_int)): # Let's say we have 4 labels : i=0:3 index_country_label = [ k for k in range(0, len(range_labels_int)) if range_labels_int[k] == i ] # we get the index of each indicator with label i index_country_label = consecutive( index_country_label ) # we get the consecutive indexes. For instance consecutive([1,2,3,5,7,8,9]) = [[1,3],[5],[7,9]] patch = mpatches.Patch( color=color[a], alpha=0.3 ) # Colors the background of each indicator according to its label legends.append(patch) for j in range(0, len(index_country_label)): temp = len(index_country_label[j]) plt.axvspan(index_country_label[j][0], index_country_label[j][temp - 1], color=color[a], alpha=0.3, lw=2.0) a += 1 plt.legend(handles=legends, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.06), fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=int( (1 / 5) * len(np.unique(range_labels_int))), fontsize='small')
def plot_data(indicator, countries, start=2000, end=2015): ind = wb.get_indicator(indicator, display=False) title = ind[0]['name'] new_df = pd.DataFrame() for country in countries: new_df = new_df.append(df2[df2['id'] == country]) new_df['geometry'].plot(figsize=(20, 10)) plt.axis('off') st.pyplot(plt) # Create a plotly figure colors = ['#F4652A', '#2E86C1', '#82427B', '#3A924C', '#34495E'] trace_list = [] layout = go.Layout( title=title, hovermode='closest', # paper_bgcolor = "rgba(0,0,0,0)" plot_bgcolor="white", xaxis={ 'title': '', 'showgrid': True }, yaxis={ 'title': 'deaths', 'showgrid': True, }) for country, color in zip(countries, colors): trace = go.Scatter( x=[i for i in range(start, end + 1)], y=get_country_indicator(country, indicator, start, end), # fill = 'tozeroy', # fillcolor = '#93BAFC', name=country, line=dict(width=2, color=color), ) trace_list.append(trace) fig = go.Figure(data=trace_list, layout=layout) fig.update_xaxes(showline=True, ticks='outside', tickmode='linear', tick0=1, dtick=2, linewidth=1, linecolor='black', mirror=True) fig.update_yaxes(showline=True, ticks='outside', tickmode='linear', tick0=500000, dtick=250000, linewidth=1, linecolor='black', mirror=True) fig.update_layout( legend=go.layout.Legend( # x=0, # y=1, traceorder="normal", font=dict(family="sans-serif", size=12, color="black"), bgcolor="white", bordercolor="Black", borderwidth=1), # title=go.layout.Title(xanchor='center') ) st.plotly_chart(fig, width=0, height=0, sharing='streamlit')
def testGetIndicatorBySource(self): wbdata.get_indicator(source=1)
def handle(self, *args, **options): scraper = 'wb' scraper_source_url = '' # Create publisher if doesn't exist publisher, created = DataIndicatorPublisher.objects.update_or_create( slug='world-bank-data-scraper', defaults={ 'name': 'World Bank Data Scraper', 'url': '', 'description': 'Free and open access to global development data.' } ) # CSV to array scraper_source_csv = csv.reader(urlopen(scraper_source_url)) scraper_source_csv_data = [] for row in scraper_source_csv: scraper_source_csv_data.append(row) scraper_source_csv_data.pop(0) # Create dict of the indicators scraper_source_csv_header = ['code','title', 'description', 'indicators', 'publisher'] scraper_indicators = [] for data in scraper_source_csv_data: scraper_indicators.append(dict(zip(scraper_source_csv_header, data))) # Countries to scrape + map the id with Wazimap Geo Ids (geo_level + geo_code) scraper_countries = ["NG", "SN", "TZ"] wazimap_geo_ids = ["country-NGA", "country-SEN", "country-TZA"] scraper_countries_wazimap = dict(zip(scraper_countries, wazimap_geo_ids)) for scraper_indicator in scraper_indicators: # DataIndicator needs code = 'scraper' + '.' + scraper + '.' + scraper_indicator.get('code') publisher_codes = ','.join(map(str.strip, scraper_indicator.get('indicators').split('\n'))) publisher_data = { 'type': 'api', 'values': [] } data_values = {} # Create geo and _total + _average under each geo for scraper_country in scraper_countries: default_total_avg = { '_default': 0, 'values': {} } data_values[scraper_country] = { '_total': default_total_avg, '_average': default_total_avg } # Download WB indicators and set values wb_indicators = [] for publisher_code in publisher_codes.split(','): wb_indicators.append(wbdata.get_indicator(indicator=publisher_code, display=False)[0]) for wb_indicator in wb_indicators: data_values_wb = { '_name': wb_indicator.get('name'), # TODO: Set these under data_values = {'<geo_code>': ... , '_indicators': {'<indicator.code>': ... }} '_topics': wb_indicator.get('topics'), '_source': wb_indicator.get('source'), '_sourceNote': wb_indicator.get('sourceNote'), '_sourceOrganization': wb_indicator.get('sourceOrganization'), '_default': 0, 'values': {} } # Create indicator under each geo for scraper_country in scraper_countries: data_values[scraper_country][wb_indicator.get('id')] = data_values_wb try: wb_indicator_values = wbdata.get_data( wb_indicator.get('id'), country=scraper_countries ) # Whatever we receive, we add to publisher_data publisher_data['values'].append(wb_indicator_values) # Skip indicator if no values if len(filter(self.filter_indicators, wb_indicator_values)) == 0: self.stdout.write( 'Skipped WB Indicator "%s"' % wb_indicator.get( 'id'))) continue # Set default + total indicator value # TODO: Determine how to use wb_indicator_values[0].get('decimal') data_values[wb_indicator_values[0].get('country').get('id')][wb_indicator.get('id')]\ ['_default'] = int(wb_indicator_values[0].get('value')) data_values[wb_indicator_values[0].get('country').get('id')]['_total']\ ['_default'] += int(wb_indicator_values[0].get('value')) # Set the rest of the indicator values for wb_indicator_value in wb_indicator_values: # TODO: Determine how to use wb_indicator_value.get('decimal') data_values[wb_indicator_value.get('country').get('id')][wb_indicator.get('id')]['values']\ [wb_indicator_value.get('date')] = int(wb_indicator_value.get('value')) except Exception as e: self.stdout.write( 'NOTICE "%s"' % e.message)) continue # TODO: Set the _average of all values: # Change data_value keys from scraper_countries to wazimap_geo_ids data_values_old = data_values data_values = {} for data_value_old_key, data_value_old in data_values_old.items(): data_values[scraper_countries_wazimap[data_value_old_key]] = data_value_old # Create DataIndicator if it doesn't exist, update otherwise indicator, created = DataIndicator.objects.update_or_create( code=code, publisher=publisher, scraper=scraper, defaults={ 'title': scraper_indicator.get('title'), 'description': scraper_indicator.get('description'), 'publisher_codes': publisher_codes, 'publisher_data': publisher_data, 'data_values': data_values } ) self.stdout.write( 'Successfully created indicator "%s"' % indicator.code))
def testGetIndicatorBySourceAndTopic(self): wbdata.get_indicator(source="1", topic=1)
import wbdata import numpy as np import pandas as pd from numpy.linalg import inv from matplotlib import pyplot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn; seaborn.set() wbdata.get_source() wbdata.get_indicator(source = 25) wbdata.get_data('NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.KD', country = 'USA') wbdata.get_data('SL.TLF.BASC.ZS', country = 'USA') country = [i['id'] for i in wbdata.get_country('USA', display=False)] indicators = {"NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.KD": "gdppc_ppp", "SL.TLF.BASC.ZS": "laborforce_basic_educ"} # indicators are "GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2011 international $)" # and "Labor force with basic education (% of total working-age population with basic education)" df = wbdata.get_dataframe(indicators, country, convert_date = False) df.to_csv('hw2.csv') df.describe() dataset = pd.read_csv('hw2.csv') print(dataset) data=dataset.dropna() print(data) X = data.iloc[:, 2].copy()
def get_indicators(i, name): indicators = wbdata.get_indicator(source = i, display=False) return indicators
import json import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import os import pandas as pd import wbdata # initial run to grab categories # topic 19 = climate change data_categories = wbdata.get_indicator(topic=19) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # USE: # output is a Boolean - if true, print as well as return # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # def list_categories(output=True): category_list = [] for x in range(len(data_categories)): item = data_categories[x] if output: print(str(x) + ".", item["name"], item["id"]) category_list.append([x, item["name"], item["id"]]) return category_list # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # USE: # number is the number of a data set according to list_categories # returns an object {id of data set: name of data set}
def get_indicator(self): if self.source == None: print('No source Selected') self.search_sources() else: return wb.get_indicator(self.source)
def testGetIndicatorBySource(self): indicators = wbd.get_indicator(source=1) assert all(i["source"]["id"] == "1" for i in indicators)
def testGetIndicatorByTopic(self): indicators = wbd.get_indicator(topic=1) assert all( any(t["id"] == "1" for t in i["topics"]) for i in indicators)
# a simple matplotlib plot with legend, labels and a title dfu.plot(); plt.legend(loc='best'); plt.title("GNI Per Capita ($USD, Atlas Method)"); plt.xlabel('Date'); plt.ylabel('GNI Per Capita ($USD, Atlas Method'); # In[ ]: wbdata.get_source() # In[ ]: # 1 DOing Business wbdata.get_indicator(source=1) # In[ ]: wbdata.search_countries("Brazil") # In[ ]: #wbdata.get_data(indicator, country=u'all', data_date=None, convert_date=False, pandas=False, #column_name=u'value', keep_levels=False) wbdata.get_data("IC.BUS.EASE.XQ", country=u'BRA') # In[ ]:
def testGetIndicatorBySourceAndTopicFails(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError): wbd.get_indicator(source="1", topic=1)
# # import wbdata import datetime import pandas as pd ''' This wbdata is an interactive console to work with World Bank's API. You can run wbdata.get_source() to see all sources of information and the respective numbers to run in the below code to fetch the data. Also, using Pandas package may facilitate the task to convert the lists and dictionaries retrieved from the API. Total Population -> source=16 ''' #wbdata.get_source() wbdata.get_indicator(source=16) # Define time range to search for data data_date = (datetime.datetime(1960, 1, 1), datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1)) # Store the data as the variable df df = pd.DataFrame( wbdata.get_data("SP.POP.TOTL", pandas=True, data_date=data_date)) # Write it to a CSV - Exemple in /data-pipeline df.to_csv("YOURPATH/population_total_1960-2014.csv", sep=',')
def print_wb_indicators(source): wbdata.get_indicator(source=source)