    def setup_device_namespace(self, namespace, machine):
        Populate the /dev namespace with Iguana aliases to the
        physical devices.
        dev_ns = namespace.root.add_namespace("dev")

        for device in machine.physical_device.values():
            create_alias_cap(PhysicalDevice(device), dev_ns)
def collect_program_element(program_el, ignore_name, namespace, image,
                            machine, bootinfo, pools, kernel, cell):
    """Collect the attributes of a program element."""

    pd, env, prog_namespace, extra_ms = \
        _init_program_pd(program_el, image, bootinfo, machine, pools, namespace)

    space = cell.register_space(prog_namespace, program_el.name,
                                create = False)

    elf, segs = _init_elf_file(program_el, image, prog_namespace, machine,
                               pools, bootinfo, pd, kernel)

    # Collect remaining threads.
    threads = collect_thread_elements(program_el, ignore_name, elf,
                                      prog_namespace, image, machine, pools,
                                      env, pd, space)

    bootinfo.add_elf_info(name = os.path.join(program_el._path, program_el.file),
                          elf_type = image.PROGRAM,
                          entry_point = elf.entry_point)

    # Collect the main thread.
    thread = collect_thread(elf, program_el, ignore_name, prog_namespace,
                            image, machine, pools, space,
                            entry = elf.entry_point,
                            name = program_el.name,
                            namespace_thread_name = "main")

    # Record the main thread and its stack in the environment.
    env.add_entry(key      = "MAIN",
                  cap_name = 'main/master')
    env.add_entry(key      = "MAIN/STACK",
                  cap_name = 'main/stack/master',
                  attach  = thread.get_stack().get_attrs().attach)

    pd.server_thread = thread

    # Add the virtual device elements
    # Virtual devices always get added to the global namespace because they
    # should be globally unique
    server_spawn_nvdevs = 0
    dev_ns = namespace.root.get_namespace("dev")

    if dev_ns is None:
        raise MergeError, "Device namespace does not exist!"

    for v_el in program_el.find_children('virt_device'):
        virt_dev = pd.add_virt_dev(v_el.name, program_el.name, pd,
                                   thread, server_spawn_nvdevs)
        create_alias_cap(virt_dev, dev_ns)
        server_spawn_nvdevs += 1

    # If marked, sure that the program is exported to every
    # environment so that it can be found by other programs.
    if hasattr(program_el, 'server'):
            key = program_el.server,
            cap_name = prog_namespace.abs_path('main') + '/stack/master')

    # Collect any other memsections in the program.
    collect_memsection_elements(program_el, ignore_name, prog_namespace, image,
                                machine, pools, env, pd)

    # Collect any zones in the program.
    collect_zone_elements(program_el, ignore_name, prog_namespace, image,
                          machine, pools, bootinfo, env, pd)

    # Collect the heap.  Is there no element, create a fake one for
    # the collection code to use.
    heap_el = program_el.find_child('heap')

    if heap_el is None:
        heap_el = ParsedElement('heap')

    heap_ms = collect_memsection_element(heap_el, ignore_name, prog_namespace,
                                         image, machine, pools)

    image.add_group(None, [segs[0], pd.env_ms.get_ms(), pd.callback.get_ms(),
                           heap_ms.get_ms()] +
                    [thread.get_stack().get_ms() for thread in threads] +
                    [ms.get_ms() for ms in extra_ms])
    # Fill env with default values.
    env.add_entry(key      = "HEAP",
                  cap_name = 'heap/master',
                  attach   = heap_ms.get_attrs().attach)

    env.add_entry(key      = "HEAP_BASE",
                  base     = heap_ms)
    env.add_entry(key      = "HEAP_SIZE",
                  value    = heap_ms.get_attrs().size)


