    def after(self, context, exc=None):
        """Executed after dispatch has returned and the response populated, prior to anything being sent to the client."""

        duration = time.time() - context._start_time
        delta = unicode(round(duration, 5))

        # Default response augmentation.
        if self.header:
            context.response.headers[self.header] = delta

        if self.log:
            self.log("Response generated in " + delta + " seconds.",
                     extra=dict(duration=duration, request=id(context)))
	def after(self, context, exc=None):
		"""Executed after dispatch has returned and the response populated, prior to anything being sent to the client."""
		duration = time.time() - context._start_time
		delta = unicode(round(duration, 5))
		# Default response augmentation.
		if self.header:
			context.response.headers[self.header] = delta
		if self.log:
			self.log("Response generated in " + delta + " seconds.", extra=dict(
					duration = duration,
					request = id(context)
文件: base.py 项目: marrow/WebCore
	def render_file(self, context, result):
		"""Perform appropriate metadata wrangling for returned open file handles."""
		if __debug__:
			log.debug("Processing file-like object.", extra=dict(request=id(context), result=repr(result)))
		response = context.response
		response.conditional_response = True
		modified = mktime(gmtime(getmtime(result.name)))
		response.last_modified = datetime.fromtimestamp(modified)
		ct, ce = guess_type(result.name)
		if not ct: ct = 'application/octet-stream'
		response.content_type, response.content_encoding = ct, ce
		response.etag = unicode(modified)
		result.seek(0, 2)  # Seek to the end of the file.
		response.content_length = result.tell()
		result.seek(0)  # Seek back to the start of the file.
		response.body_file = result
		return True
    def render_file(self, context, result):
        """Perform appropriate metadata wrangling for returned open file handles."""
        if __debug__:
            log.debug("Processing file-like object.",
                      extra=dict(request=id(context), result=repr(result)))

        response = context.response
        response.conditional_response = True

        modified = mktime(gmtime(getmtime(result.name)))

        response.last_modified = datetime.fromtimestamp(modified)
        ct, ce = guess_type(result.name)
        if not ct: ct = 'application/octet-stream'
        response.content_type, response.content_encoding = ct, ce
        response.etag = unicode(modified)

        result.seek(0, 2)  # Seek to the end of the file.
        response.content_length = result.tell()

        result.seek(0)  # Seek back to the start of the file.
        response.body_file = result

        return True