def __init__(self, msgs): self.msgs = msgs self.raw_hashes = b'' for m in msgs: self.raw_hashes += m.h self.h = Web3.sha3(self.raw_hashes)
def parse_insert_abi(abi): def parse_inputs(func_inputs): inputs = [] params = [] param_counter = 0 for r in func_inputs: param_counter += 1 type_ = r["type"] name_ = r["name"] if len(name_) == 0: name_ = "param" + str(param_counter) if name_[0] != "_": name_ = "_" + name_ params.append({"type": r["type"], "name": name_}) if "tuple" not in type_: inputs.append(type_) else: type_ = f"({parse_inputs(r['components'])[0]})" + type_[5:] inputs.append(type_) return ",".join(inputs), params output = {} for func in abi: if func["type"] in ["constructor", "fallback"]: continue inputs, params = parse_inputs(func["inputs"]) fname = f"{func['name']}({inputs})" sha3 = Web3.sha3(text=fname).hex()[:10] if sha3 in output: print("double declaration for the same hash! {}".format(fname)) continue output[sha3] = { "name": func["name"], "folded_name": fname, "params": params, } for sha3, row in output.items(): row["cooccurs"] = list(output.keys()) insert_row = ( sha3, row["name"], row["folded_name"], json.dumps(row["params"]), ",".join(row["cooccurs"]), ) insert_row2 = ( int(sha3, 16), row["name"], row["folded_name"], json.dumps(row["params"]), ) test_hash, test_cooccurs = insert_row[0], insert_row[4] cursor.execute( "SELECT * from functions where hash=? and cooccurs=?", (test_hash, test_cooccurs), ) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: print("inserting", sha3, row["folded_name"]) cursor.execute("INSERT INTO functions VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", insert_row) conn.commit() cursor2.execute("SELECT * from functions where hash=?", (insert_row2[0], )) results = cursor2.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: print("inserting2", sha3, row["folded_name"]) cursor2.execute("INSERT INTO functions VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", insert_row2) conn2.commit()
def generate_selector(method_name_and_params): method_selector = Web3.sha3(text=method_name_and_params)[0:4].hex() return method_selector
def register(self, did_source, url=None, ddo=None, did=None, key=None, account=None): """ Register or update a DID on the block chain using the DIDRegistry smart contract :param did_source: DID to register/update, can be a 32 byte or hexstring :param url: URL of the resolved DID :param ddo: DDO string or DDO object to resolve too :param did: DID to resovlve too, can be a 32 byte value or 64 hex string :param key: Optional 32 byte key ( 64 char hex ) :param account: instance of Account to use to register/update the DID """ value_type = VALUE_TYPE_DID value = None did_source_id = did_to_id_bytes(did_source) if not did_source_id: raise ValueError('{} must be a valid DID to register'.format(did_source)) if url: value_type = VALUE_TYPE_URL value = url if not urlparse(url): raise ValueError('Invalid URL {0} to register for DID {1}'.format(url, did_source)) if ddo: value_type = VALUE_TYPE_DDO if isinstance(ddo, DDO): value = ddo.as_text() elif isinstance(ddo, str): value = ddo else: raise ValueError('Invalid DDO {0} to register for DID {1}'.format(ddo, did_source)) if did: value_type = VALUE_TYPE_DID id_bytes = did_to_id_bytes(did) if not id_bytes: raise ValueError('Invalid DID {}'.format(did)) if did_source_id == id_bytes: raise OceanDIDCircularReference('Cannot have the same DID that points to itself') value = re.sub('^0x', '', Web3.toHex(id_bytes)) if isinstance(key, str): key = Web3.sha3(text=key) if key is None: key = Web3.toBytes(0) if not isinstance(key, bytes): raise ValueError('Invalid key value {}, must be bytes or string'.format(key)) if account is None: raise ValueError('You must provide an account to use to register a DID') self.unlock_account(account) transaction = self.register_attribute(did_source_id, value_type, key, value, account.address) receipt = self.get_tx_receipt(transaction) return receipt
def sign_practice(pt, et): value = hex(long(Web3.sha3(pt), 16) ^ long(Web3.sha3(et), 16)) return value
def predict_contract_address(accountAddress): nonce = int(MyGlobals.web3.eth.getTransactionCount(accountAddress)) adr = Web3.sha3(rlp.encode([normalize_address(accountAddress), nonce]), encoding='bytes')[-40:] return '0x' + adr
def gen_eth_private_key() -> bytes: """ Simple private key generation function. Not for production use. """ return Web3.sha3(os.urandom(4096))
def parse_insert_abi(abi): def parse_inputs(func_inputs): inputs = [] params = [] param_counter = 0 for r in func_inputs: param_counter += 1 type_ = r['type'] name_ = r['name'] if len(name_) == 0: name_ = 'param'+str(param_counter) if name_[0] != '_': name_ = '_'+name_ params.append({'type': r['type'], 'name': name_}) if 'tuple' not in type_: inputs.append(type_) else: type_ = f"({parse_inputs(r['components'])[0]})" + type_[5:] inputs.append(type_) return ','.join(inputs), params output = {} for func in abi: if func['type'] in ['constructor', 'fallback']: continue inputs, params = parse_inputs(func['inputs']) fname = f"{func['name']}({inputs})" sha3 = Web3.sha3(text=fname).hex()[:10] if sha3 in output: print("double declaration for the same hash! {}".format(fname)) continue output[sha3] = { 'name': func['name'], 'folded_name': fname, 'params': params, } for sha3, row in output.items(): row['cooccurs'] = list(output.keys()) insert_row = ( sha3, row['name'], row['folded_name'], json.dumps(row['params']), ','.join(row['cooccurs'])) insert_row2 = ( int(sha3, 16), row['name'], row['folded_name'], json.dumps(row['params'])) test_hash, test_cooccurs = insert_row[0], insert_row[4] cursor.execute('SELECT * from functions where hash=? and cooccurs=?', (test_hash, test_cooccurs)) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: print('inserting', sha3, row['folded_name']) cursor.execute('INSERT INTO functions VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', insert_row) conn.commit() cursor2.execute('SELECT * from functions where hash=?', (insert_row2[0], )) results = cursor2.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: print('inserting2', sha3, row['folded_name']) cursor2.execute('INSERT INTO functions VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', insert_row2) conn2.commit()
def test_sha3_raise_if_hexstr_and_text(): with pytest.raises(TypeError): Web3.sha3(hexstr='0x', text='')
def test_sha3_raise_if_no_args(): with pytest.raises(TypeError): Web3.sha3()
def test_sha3_raise_if_primitive_and(kwargs): # must not set more than one input with pytest.raises(TypeError): Web3.sha3('', **kwargs)
def test_sha3_primitive(primitive, digest): assert Web3.sha3(primitive) == digest
def test_sha3_primitive_invalid(primitive, exception): with pytest.raises(exception): Web3.sha3(primitive)
def is_solved_checker(addr: str, web3: Web3) -> bool: result ={ "to": addr, "data": web3.sha3(text="isSolved()")[:4], }) return int(result.hex(), 16) == 1
def to_address(hexstr) -> str: hashed = Web3.sha3(hexstr=hexstr) address = Web3.toHex(hashed[-20:]) return address
def mk_logout_msg_signed(validator_index, epoch, validation_key): msg_hash = Web3.sha3(rlp.encode([validator_index, epoch])) signed = w3.eth.account.signHash(msg_hash, validation_key) sig = encode_int32(signed.v) + encode_int32(signed.r) + encode_int32( signed.s) return rlp.encode([validator_index, epoch, sig])
def address_from_publickey(publickey): hash = Web3.sha3(hexstr=Web3.toHex(publickey)) address = Web3.toHex(hash[-20:]) return address
def test_sha3_hexstr(hexstr, digest): assert Web3.sha3(hexstr=hexstr) == digest
def method_id(method) -> str: return Web3.sha3(text=method)[0:4].hex()
def encode_function_signature(func_name_with_types: str): """input example 'transfer(address,uint256)'""" return eth_utils.to_hex(Web3.sha3(text=func_name_with_types))[:10]
def test_claimReward_with_settle_call( token_network: Contract, monitoring_service_external: Contract, user_deposit_contract: Contract, event_handler: Callable, monitor_data: Dict, ms_address: HexAddress, web3: Web3, with_settle: bool, ) -> None: A, B = monitor_data["participants"] channel_identifier = monitor_data["channel_identifier"] # wait until MS is allowed to monitor token_network.web3.testing.mine(monitor_data["first_allowed"] - web3.eth.blockNumber) # MS updates closed channel on behalf of B txn_hash = monitoring_service_external.functions.monitor( A, B, *monitor_data["balance_proof_B"], monitor_data["non_closing_signature"], REWARD_AMOUNT, token_network.address, monitor_data["reward_proof_signature"], ).call_and_transact({"from": ms_address}) # claiming before settlement timeout must fail with pytest.raises(TransactionFailed, match="channel not settled yet"): monitoring_service_external.functions.claimReward( channel_identifier, token_network.address, A, B).call({"from": ms_address}) # Settle channel after settle_timeout elapsed token_network.web3.testing.mine(4) if with_settle: token_network.functions.settleChannel( channel_identifier, B, # participant_B 10, # participant_B_transferred_amount 0, # participant_B_locked_amount LOCKSROOT_OF_NO_LOCKS, # participant_B_locksroot A, # participant_A 20, # participant_A_transferred_amount 0, # participant_A_locked_amount LOCKSROOT_OF_NO_LOCKS, # participant_A_locksroot ).call_and_transact() # Claim reward for MS monitoring_service_external.functions.claimReward( channel_identifier, token_network.address, A, B).call_and_transact({"from": ms_address}) # Check REWARD_CLAIMED event reward_identifier = Web3.sha3( encode_single("uint256", channel_identifier) + Web3.toBytes(hexstr=token_network.address)) ms_ev_handler = event_handler(monitoring_service_external) ms_ev_handler.assert_event( txn_hash, MonitoringServiceEvent.REWARD_CLAIMED, dict(ms_address=ms_address, amount=REWARD_AMOUNT, reward_identifier=reward_identifier), ) # Check that MS balance has increased by claiming the reward ms_balance_after_reward = user_deposit_contract.functions.balances( ms_address).call() assert ms_balance_after_reward == REWARD_AMOUNT
def compose_sol_data(method_name_params, params): method_name_params = method_name_params.replace('uint,', 'uint256,').replace( 'uint)', 'uint256)') fn_selector = Web3.toHex(Web3.sha3(text=method_name_params)) fn_selector = fn_selector[0:10] print('function: ', method_name_params, ', function selector: ', fn_selector) param_types = [] argstr = method_name_params.split('(')[1].split(')')[0] if argstr.strip(): methodParams = argstr.split(',') for i in range(len(methodParams)): param_types.append(methodParams[i]) # print('param_types', param_types, 'len: ', len(param_types)) print('params', params, 'len: ', len(params)) if (len(param_types) != len(params)): print('!!!parameters number is wrong.') return params_list = [] for i in range(len(param_types)): params_list.append((param_types[i], params[i])) # print('params_list: ', params_list) first_list = [fn_selector] second_list = {} for i in range(len(params_list)): item = params_list[i] p_type, p_value = item[0], item[1] if p_type in ('bytes', 'string'): str_len, str_txt = rlp(p_value) result = str_len + str_txt second_list[i] = result pass elif '[]' in p_type: pass else: pass first_list = [] param_num = len(param_types) start_pos = param_num * 32 last_len = 0 for i in range(len(params_list)): item = params_list[i] p_type, p_value = item[0], item[1] if p_type in ('bytes', 'string') or '[]' in p_type: # print('last_len=', last_len) first_list.append( str(Web3.toHex(start_pos + last_len))[2:].zfill(64)) # 起始位置 last_len += int(len(second_list[i]) / 2) # start_pos += last_len elif p_type == 'address': first_list.append(p_value.zfill(64)) else: first_list.append(str(Web3.toHex(p_value))[2:].zfill(64)) # 固定类型的值 # print(first_list) # print() # print(second_list.values()) # print() first_list += second_list.values() result_str = '' for part in first_list: result_str += part # print('final data: ', fn_selector+result_str) return fn_selector + result_str
def test_sha3_text(message, digest): assert Web3.sha3(text=message) == digest
def __init__(self, l, r): self.l = l self.r = r self.h = Web3.sha3(l.h + r.h)
def get_sha3(_txt): """ Returns keccak sha256 hash """ return Web3.sha3(text=_txt).hex()
print("Function: %s" % (input[0:10])) input = input[10:] for j in range(len(input) // 64): print("Arg[%d]: %s" % (j + 1, input[j * 64:(j + 1) * 64])) for log in rcpt['logs']: print('Event address: ', log['address']) for i, topic in enumerate(log['topics']): print('Event topic %d: %s' % (i, topic.hex())) for i in range(len(log['data']) // 64): print("Event arg %d: %s" % (i, log['data'][i * 64:(i + 1) * 64])) return tx hash = Web3.sha3( text='createSaleAuction(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)').hex()[0:10] print(hash) start_timestamp = address = '0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d' blockNum = 5272293 count = 0 while blockNum <= w3.eth.blockNumber and count <= 10: block = w3.eth.getBlock(blockNum) print("Block: %d: %s, %d \n" % (blockNum, block.hash.hex(), len(block.transactions))) for i in range(len(block.transactions)): tx = w3.eth.getTransaction(block.transactions[i]) if tx['to'] == address: print("Block: %d Tx: %d: From: %s, Value: %d" %
def calculate_submit_hash_from_group(vals): hash_sums = [Web3.toInt(hexstr=val) for val in vals] return Web3.toHex(Web3.toInt(Web3.sha3(sum(hash_sums) & (2**256 - 1))))
def public_key_to_address(pk): hash_ = Web3.sha3(hexstr=str(pk)) return Web3.toChecksumAddress(Web3.toHex(hash_[-20:]))
def sign_practice(pt, et): print Web3.sha3(pt) return hex(long(Web3.sha3(pt), 16) ^ long(Web3.sha3(et), 16))
def eth_sign_hash_message(encoded_message): signature_prefix = '\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n' return Web3.sha3( Web3.toBytes(text=signature_prefix) + Web3.toBytes(text=str(len(encoded_message))) + encoded_message, )