def call_with_future(fn, future, args, kwargs): try: result = fn(*args, **kwargs) future.set_result(result) log('Threading done') except Exception as exc: future.set_exception(exc)
def clearFrequency(clear): log('clearFrequency triggered') exists, data = existsData() if exists: data.set_frequency(None) return []
def setFileChoice(filechoice): log('setFileChoice triggered') if isNone(filechoice): return [] setFile(filechoice) # clearOptions() return []
def isHashedAlready(self, cachable): ''' Function that checks if the function was already calculated and saved. Returns boolean about the check and the return value of the function, iff exists, otherwise None. ''' exists = cachable in self.internalStore if self.verbose and exists: log('Reuse result from earlier with') log('\t{}'.format(cachable)) return exists, self.internalStore[cachable] if exists else None
def insertNewResult(self, cachable, result): size = sys.getsizeof(self.internalStore) for key in self.internalStore: size += sys.getsizeof(self.internalStore[key]) if self.verbose: log('Current size of internal storage:\t{} Bytes'.format(size)) if size / 1024 / 1024 >= self.storageSize: if self.verbose: log('Deleting internalStore due to overrunning storage') keys = list(self.internalStore.keys()) for key in keys: del self.internalStore[key] self.internalStore[cachable] = result
def update_output(list_of_contents, save_button_clicks, list_of_names, list_of_dates): log('hit') ctx = dash.callback_context triggered = [] if not ctx.triggered: log('Not yet triggered') return [[], [], []] else: triggered = [trig['prop_id'].split('.')[0] for trig in ctx.triggered] if ids['saveButton'] in triggered: saveNewFile(*parse_contents(list_of_contents, list_of_names, list_of_dates, True)) if list_of_contents is not None: children = parse_contents(list_of_contents, list_of_names, list_of_dates) return children + [{'display': 'block'}] return [[], [], []]
def saveSettings(_, *args): log('saveSettings triggered') exists, data = existsData() log('Save triggered') if not exists: return [] for ind, commands in enumerate([ data.set_column_sort, data.set_column_id, data.set_column_outlier, data.set_relevant_columns, data.set_has_timestamp_value, data.set_frequency, ]): commands(args[ind]) return []
def fitSurrogate(self, adjustedToOutlierBlock=False, **kwargs): # Train a random Forrest Classifier on Features if 'seed' in kwargs: np.random.seed(**specificKwargs(kwargs, {'seed': 1})) for _, bchar in self.outlierBlocks: if bchar[1] not in self.surrogates: self.surrogates[ bchar[1]] = sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier( **specificKwargs(kwargs, {'n_estimators': 500})) self.surrogates[bchar[1]].fit( self.getDataframe( bchar[1], adjustedToOutlierBlock=adjustedToOutlierBlock), self.npmap({ True: 'outlier', False: 'inlier' })(self.getOutlierAdjusted( adjustedToOutlierBlock=adjustedToOutlierBlock))) log(f'Surrogates for len {bchar[1]} trained')
def wrapper_do_function(*args, **kwargs): try: parent = args[0] except: raise assert isinstance(parent, Cachable), 'Only Cachable datatypes are possible' kwargsToCheck = [l for l in list(func.__code__.co_varnames) if l != 'self'] interestingKwargs = {} if type(kwargsToCheck) != type(None): interestingKwargs = {kwarg: kwargs[kwarg] if kwarg in kwargs else None for kwarg in kwargsToCheck} else: interestingKwargs = kwargs parDict = inspectDict(parent) localAttribute = 'attr-loc-' if payAttentionTo != None: for attr in castlist(payAttentionTo): interestingKwargs['{}{}'.format(localAttribute, attr)] = '{}'.format(parDict[attr] if attr in parDict else 'None') ignored = list(ignore) if type(ignore) != type(None) else [] globalAttribute = 'attr-glo-' if parent.alwaysCheck != None: for attr in [att for att in castlist(parent.alwaysCheck) if att not in ignored]: if attr not in interestingKwargs and '{}{}'.format(localAttribute, attr) not in interestingKwargs: interestingKwargs['{}{}'.format(globalAttribute,attr)] = '{}'.format(parDict[attr] if attr in parDict else 'None') cachable = '{}__{}'.format(func.__name__, '__'.join(['{}_{}'.format(k, interestingKwargs[k]) for k in interestingKwargs])) if len(args) > 1: cachable += '__args__{}'.format('_'.join(str(arg) for arg in args[1:])) already, ret = parent.isHashedAlready(cachable) if already: return ret result = func(*args, **kwargs) parent.insertNewResult(cachable, result) if hasattr(parent, 'save') and callable( if parent.verbose: log(f'Saving file after {cachable}') return result
def explainAll(self, index): ob = self.outlierBlocks index = index % len(ob) index = ob[index] index = index[0][0] + (index[1][1] // 2) exp = [] exp.append(self.explainLimeInstance(index)) log(exp[0]) exp.append(self.explainShapInstance(index)) log(exp[1]) exp.append(self.explainContrastiveFoilInstance(index)) log(exp[2]) return exp
def readUcrAndRealworld(path=ucrAndRealworldData): files = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, fil)) for fil in os.listdir(path) if '.csv' in fil] for fil in files: log('Reading', fil) df = pd.read_csv(fil) if np.any([file2.endswith(re.sub('.csv', '', os.path.basename(fil))) for file2 in os.listdir(dir_datafiles)]): continue data = Data(df, column_sort='tsid', filename = re.sub('.csv', '', os.path.basename(fil)), originalfilename = os.path.basename(fil)) log('Set columns for', fil) data.set_column_sort('time') data.set_has_timestamp_value(False) data.set_column_outlier([col for col in df.columns.tolist() if col in ['lof', 'isof', 'ee']]) data.set_relevant_columns([col for col in df.columns.tolist() if col not in ['tsid', 'time', 'lof', 'isof', 'ee']]) log('Precalculate', fil) data.precalculate() data.precalculatePlots() log('Done')
def uid(): if 'uid' not in session: log(session) session['uid'] = uuid.uuid4().__str__()
def precalculate(self): self.initOutlierExplanations() for oek in self.outlierExplanations: oe = self.outlierExplanations[oek] log('Make featureframes for', oek) oe.makeFeatureFrames()
def calc_feature_frame(self, l): log('Feature frame calculation length', l) if l not in self.featureFrames: ret = self.extract_features(windowsize=l, roll = False, removeNa = True) # TODO: Investigate again, why you need the decrementation of -1 self.featureFrames[l] = ret
def deleteFile(_): log('deleteFile triggered') deleteCurrentFile() return [[], None]
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): future = Future() log('Lets thread this') Thread(target=call_with_future, args=(fn, future, args, kwargs)).start() return future
def readArtificialFiles(path=artificialData): files = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, fil)) for fil in os.listdir(path) if '.csv' in fil] for fil in files: log('Reading', fil) df = pd.read_csv(fil) data = Data(df, column_sort='idx', filename = re.sub('.csv', '', os.path.basename(fil)) + '_signalChange', originalfilename = re.sub('.csv', '_signalChange.csv', os.path.basename(fil))) log('Set columns for', fil) data.set_column_sort('time') data.set_has_timestamp_value(True) if 'yclean-signalChange' in df.columns.tolist(): data.set_relevant_columns(['yclean-signalChange']) data.set_column_outlier(['outlierclean']) # yclean-noise': y, 'yclean-signalChange' : y2, 'outlierclean': out, # 'ynoisy-noise': yNoisy, 'ynoisy-signalChange' : y2Noisy, 'outliernoisy': outNois else: data.set_relevant_columns(['ynoisy-signalChange']) data.set_column_outlier(['outliernoisy']) log('Precalculate1', fil) data.precalculate() data.precalculatePlots() log('Done1') if np.any([file2.endswith(re.sub('.csv', '', os.path.basename(fil))) for file2 in os.listdir(dir_datafiles)]): continue data = Data(df, column_sort='idx', filename = re.sub('.csv', '', os.path.basename(fil)), originalfilename = os.path.basename(fil)) log('Set columns for', fil) data.set_column_sort('time') data.set_has_timestamp_value(True) if 'yclean-noise' in df.columns.tolist(): data.set_relevant_columns(['yclean-noise']) data.set_column_outlier(['outlierclean']) # yclean-noise': y, 'yclean-signalChange' : y2, 'outlierclean': out, # 'ynoisy-noise': yNoisy, 'ynoisy-signalChange' : y2Noisy, 'outliernoisy': outNois else: data.set_relevant_columns(['ynoisy-noise']) data.set_column_outlier(['outliernoisy']) log('Precalculate2', fil) data.precalculate() data.precalculatePlots() log('Done2') return data