文件: site.py 项目: ahampt/Pref
def about(request):
		if request.GET.get('suggestion'):
			logged_in_profile_info = { }
			permission_response = check_and_get_session_info(request, logged_in_profile_info)
			if permission_response != True:
				return permission_response
			if request.method == 'POST':
				Send suggestion/comment/correction email and redirect to home page
				PATH: webapp.views.site.about; METHOD: post; PARAMS: none; MISC: none;
				profile = Profiles.objects.get(id=logged_in_profile_info['id'])
				email_from = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL
				email_subject = 'Profile: ' + str(profile.Username) + ' Id: ' + str(profile.id) + ' 404'
				email_message = request.POST.get('message') if request.POST.get('message') else None
				set_msg(request, 'Thank you for your feedback!', 'We have recieved your suggestion/comment/correction and will react to it appropriately.', 'success')
				if email_message:
					# send email
					send_mail(email_subject, email_message, email_from, [settings.DEFAULT_TO_EMAIL], fail_silently=False)
				return redirect('webapp.views.site.home')
				Display about page
				PATH: webapp.views.site.about; METHOD: none; PARAMS: none; MISC: none;
				return render_to_response('site/suggestion_form.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Suggestion/Comment/Correction')}, RequestContext(request))
		return render_to_response('site/about.html', {'header': generate_header_dict(request, 'About')}, RequestContext(request))
	except Exception:
		site_logger.error('Unexpected error: ' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
		return render_to_response('500.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Error')}, RequestContext(request))
文件: site.py 项目: ahampt/Pref
def home(request):
			logged_in_profile_info = { }
			permission_response = check_and_get_session_info(request, logged_in_profile_info, True)
			if permission_response != True:
				return permission_response
		if request.GET.get('error') and request.method == 'POST':
			Error page will submit user email here (could be delegated to an error function)
			PATH: webapp.views.site.home; METHOD: post; PARAMS: get - error; MISC: none;
			profile, email_from, email_subject = None, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, 'Error'
				profile = Profiles.objects.get(id=logged_in_profile_info['id'])
			except Exception:
			if profile:
				email_subject = 'Profile: ' + str(profile.Username) + ' Id: ' + str(profile.id) + ' Error'
			email_message = request.POST.get('message') if request.POST.get('message') else None
			set_msg(request, 'Thank you for your feedback!', 'We have recieved your input and will react to it appropriately.', 'success')
			if email_message:
				# send email
				send_mail(email_subject, email_message, email_from, [settings.DEFAULT_TO_EMAIL], fail_silently=False)
			return redirect('webapp.views.site.home')
		Display home page
		PATH: webapp.views.site.home; METHOD: none; PARAMS: none; MISC: none;
		logged_in_profile_info = { }
		movies = { }
		check_and_get_session_info(request, logged_in_profile_info, False)
		if logged_in_profile_info['id']:
			type_dict = get_type_dict()
			associations = Associations.objects.filter(ProfileId = logged_in_profile_info['id'], ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE']).order_by('-UpdatedAt')[:10].select_related('Movies')
		return render_to_response('site/home.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Welcome to Pref'), 'associations' : associations}, RequestContext(request))
	except Exception:
		site_logger.error('Unexpected error: ' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
		return render_to_response('500.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Error')}, RequestContext(request))
文件: site.py 项目: ahampt/Pref
def access(request):
		if request.method == 'POST':
			Create profile and redirect to home on success or back to register on failure
			PATH: webapp.views.site.access - *See urls.py
			METHOD: post - *Required to get to function
			PARAMS: none - *Required to get to function
			MISC: none - *Required to get to function
			if request.POST.get('access_password') == settings.ACCESS_PASSWORD:
				site_logger.info('Access Success')
				request.session['auth_access'] = True
				# Five minutes to create a profile or login
				# Message to display to user (levels: default, primary, info, success, warning, danger, inverse
				set_msg(request, 'Access Granted!', 'Welcome, you have successfully accessed the site.', 'success')
				return redirect('webapp.views.site.home')
				set_msg(request, 'Access Denied!', 'Password not correct', 'danger')
				return redirect('webapp.views.site.access')
			Display access page
			PATH: webapp.views.site.access; METHOD: not post; PARAMS: none; MISC: none;
			# Mandatory check in every function (in development/limited access mode) that checks if user is logged in (or has access for a few pages like this one)
			if settings.ENVIRONMENT == 'DEVELOPMENT':
				logged_in_profile_info = { }
				permission_response = check_and_get_session_info(request, logged_in_profile_info, True, False)
				if permission_response != True:
					return render_to_response('site/access.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Access')}, RequestContext(request))
			return redirect('webapp.views.site.home')

	except Exception:
		site_logger.error('Unexpected error: ' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
		return render_to_response('500.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Error')}, RequestContext(request))
文件: property.py 项目: ahampt/Pref
def person(request, urlname):
		logged_in_profile_info = { }
		permission_response = check_and_get_session_info(request, logged_in_profile_info)
		if permission_response != True:
			return permission_response
		# Get all movie associations with person and get all profile associations with said movies
		type_dict = get_type_dict()
		person = People.objects.get(UrlName=urlname)
		directed_properties = Properties.objects.select_related().filter(ConsumeableTypeId=type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'], PropertyTypeId=type_dict['PROPERTY_DIRECTOR'], PropertyId=person.id).order_by('-ConsumeableId__Year', 'ConsumeableId__Title')
		written_properties = Properties.objects.select_related().filter(ConsumeableTypeId=type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'], PropertyTypeId=type_dict['PROPERTY_WRITER'], PropertyId=person.id).order_by('-ConsumeableId__Year', 'ConsumeableId__Title')
		acted_properties = Properties.objects.select_related().filter(ConsumeableTypeId=type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'], PropertyTypeId=type_dict['PROPERTY_ACTOR'], PropertyId=person.id).order_by('-ConsumeableId__Year', 'ConsumeableId__Title')
		directed_movies, written_movies, acted_movies = [], [], []
		directed_movies_tuples, written_movies_tuples, acted_movies_tuples = [], [], []
		for prop in directed_properties:
			movie = prop.ConsumeableId
				association = Associations.objects.get(ProfileId = logged_in_profile_info['id'], ConsumeableId = movie, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'])
				directed_movies_tuples.append((movie, True))
			except Exception:
				directed_movies_tuples.append((movie, False))
		for prop in written_properties:
			movie = prop.ConsumeableId
				association = Associations.objects.get(ProfileId = logged_in_profile_info['id'], ConsumeableId = movie, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'])
				written_movies_tuples.append((movie, True))
			except Exception:
				written_movies_tuples.append((movie, False))
		for prop in acted_properties:
			movie = prop.ConsumeableId
				association = Associations.objects.get(ProfileId = logged_in_profile_info['id'], ConsumeableId = movie, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'])
				acted_movies_tuples.append((movie, True))
			except Exception:
				acted_movies_tuples.append((movie, False))
		if request.GET.get('suggestion'):
			if request.method == 'POST':
				Send suggestion/comment/correction email and redirect to person page
				PATH: webapp.views.property.person urlname; METHOD: post; PARAMS: get - suggestion; MISC: none;
				profile = Profiles.objects.get(id=logged_in_profile_info['id'])
				email_from = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL
				email_subject = 'Profile: ' + str(profile.Username) + ' Id: ' + str(profile.id) + ' PersonId: ' + str(person.id)
				email_message = request.POST.get('message') if request.POST.get('message') else None
				set_msg(request, 'Thank you for your feedback!', 'We have recieved your suggestion/comment/correction and will react to it appropriately.', 'success')
				if email_message:
					# send email
					send_mail(email_subject, email_message, email_from, [settings.DEFAULT_TO_EMAIL], fail_silently=False)
				return redirect('webapp.views.property.person', urlname=person.UrlName)
				Display suggestion/comment/correction page
				PATH: webapp.views.property.person urlname; METHOD: not post; PARAMS: get - suggestion; MISC: none;
				return render_to_response('site/suggestion_form.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Suggestion/Comment/Correction'), 'person' : person}, RequestContext(request))
		elif logged_in_profile_info['admin'] and request.GET.get('edit'):
			if request.method == 'POST':
				Save changes made to person and redirect to person page
				PATH: webapp.views.property.person urlname; METHOD: post; PARAMS: get - edit; MISC: logged_in_profile.IsAdmin;
				person.Name = request.POST.get('name')
				person.RottenTomatoesId = None if (not request.POST.get('rottentomatoes') or (request.POST.get('rottentomatoes') and request.POST.get('rottentomatoes') == 'None')) else request.POST.get('rottentomatoes')
					property_logger.info(person.UrlName + ' Update Success by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
					set_msg(request, 'Person Updated!', person.Name + ' has successfully been updated.', 'success')
					return redirect('webapp.views.property.person', urlname=person.UrlName)
				except ValidationError as e:
					property_logger.info(person.UrlName + ' Update Failure by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
					error_msg = e.message_dict
					for key in error_msg:
						error_msg[key] = str(error_msg[key][0])
					return render_to_response('property/edit_person.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Update'), 'person' : person, 'directed_movies' : directed_movies, 'written_movies' : written_movies, 'acted_movies' : acted_movies, 'error_msg' : error_msg}, RequestContext(request))
				Display edit page
				PATH: webapp.views.property.person urlname; METHOD: not post; PARAMS: get - edit; MISC: logged_in_profile.IsAdmin;
				return render_to_response('property/edit_person.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Update'), 'person' : person, 'directed_movies' : directed_movies, 'written_movies' : written_movies, 'acted_movies' : acted_movies}, RequestContext(request))
		elif logged_in_profile_info['admin'] and request.GET.get('delete'):
			Delete person and redirect to home
			PATH: webapp.views.property.person urlname; METHOD: none; PARAMS: get - delete; MISC: logged_in_profile.IsAdmin;
			# Delete all movie associations with person
			for prop in directed_properties:
				associate_logger.info(prop.ConsumeableId.UrlTitle + ' Disassociated ' + person.UrlName + ' Success by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
			for prop in written_properties:
				associate_logger.info(prop.ConsumeableId.UrlTitle + ' Disassociated ' + person.UrlName + ' Success by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
			for prop in acted_properties:
				associate_logger.info(prop.ConsumeableId.UrlTitle + ' Disassociated ' + person.UrlName + ' Success by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
			# Delete person
			property_logger.info(person.UrlName + ' Delete Success by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
			set_msg(request, 'Person Deleted!', person.Name + ' has successfully been deleted.', 'danger')
			return redirect('webapp.views.site.home')
		elif logged_in_profile_info['admin'] and request.GET.get('add') and request.method == 'POST':
			Create movie association with person and redirect to edit page
			PATH: webapp.views.property.person urlname; METHOD: post; PARAMS: get - add; MISC: logged_in_profile.IsAdmin;
				value = request.POST.get('add')
				title = value[:len(value) - 7] if value and len(value) > 7 else None
				year = int(value[len(value) - 5:len(value)-1]) if value and len(value) > 7 and value[len(value) - 5:len(value)-1].isdigit() else None
				type = str(request.GET.get('t')) if request.GET.get('t') else None
				movie = Movies.objects.get(Title=title, Year=year)
				create_movie_property(movie, person.id, person.UrlName, type, logged_in_profile_info['username'])
				directed_properties = Properties.objects.select_related().filter(ConsumeableTypeId=type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'], PropertyTypeId=type_dict['PROPERTY_DIRECTOR'], PropertyId=person.id)
				written_properties = Properties.objects.select_related().filter(ConsumeableTypeId=type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'], PropertyTypeId=type_dict['PROPERTY_WRITER'], PropertyId=person.id)
				acted_properties = Properties.objects.select_related().filter(ConsumeableTypeId=type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'], PropertyTypeId=type_dict['PROPERTY_ACTOR'], PropertyId=person.id)
				directed_movies, written_movies, acted_movies = [], [], []
				for prop in directed_properties:
				for prop in written_properties:
				for prop in acted_properties:
				set_msg(request, 'Movie Added!', movie.Title + ' has successfully been added to ' + person.Name + '\'s career.', 'success')
				return render_to_response('property/edit_person.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Update'), 'person' : person, 'directed_movies' : directed_movies, 'written_movies' : written_movies, 'acted_movies' : acted_movies}, RequestContext(request))
			except ObjectDoesNotExist:
				property_logger.info(value + ' Added to ' + person.UrlName + ' Failure by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
				return render_to_response('property/edit_person.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Update'), 'person' : person, 'directed_movies' : directed_movies, 'written_movies' : written_movies, 'acted_movies' : acted_movies, 'error_msg' : {'MovieTitle' : 'Movie does not exist.'}}, RequestContext(request))
			except Exception:
				property_logger.info(value + ' Added to ' + person.UrlName + ' Failure by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
				return render_to_response('property/edit_person.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Update'), 'person' : person, 'directed_movies' : directed_movies, 'written_movies' : written_movies, 'acted_movies' : acted_movies, 'error_msg' : {'Movie' : 'Movie not found.'}}, RequestContext(request))
		elif logged_in_profile_info['admin'] and request.GET.get('remove'):
			Remove property association with movie and redirect to home or edit page appropriately
			PATH: webapp.views.property.person urlname; METHOD: none; PARAMS: get - remove; MISC: logged_in_profile.IsAdmin;
			re = True if request.GET.get('movie') else False
			id = request.GET.get('i')
			type = str(request.GET.get('t')) if request.GET.get('t') else None
			movie = Movies.objects.get(UrlTitle=id)
			prop = Properties.objects.get(ConsumeableTypeId=type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'], ConsumeableId=movie, PropertyId=person.id, PropertyTypeId=type_dict['PROPERTY_' + type])
			associate_logger.info(movie.UrlTitle + ' Disassociated ' + person.UrlName + ' Success by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
			if person_is_relevant(person):
				if re:
					set_msg(request, 'Person Removed!', person.Name + ' has successfully been removed from ' + movie.Title + '.', 'warning')
					response = redirect('webapp.views.movie.view', urltitle=movie.UrlTitle)
					response['Location'] += '?edit=1'
					return response
					set_msg(request, 'Movie Removed!', movie.Title + ' has successfully been removed from ' + person.Name + ' \'s career.', 'warning')
					response = redirect('webapp.views.property.person', urlname=person.UrlName)
					response['Location'] += '?edit=1'
					return response
				if re:
					property_logger.info(person.Name + ' Delete Success by' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
					set_msg(request, 'Person Deleted!', person.Name + ' has successfully been deleted due to the removal of them from ' + movie.Title + '.', 'danger')
					response = redirect('webapp.views.movie.view', urltitle=movie.UrlTitle)
					response['Location'] += '?edit=1'
					return response
					property_logger.info(person.Name + ' Delete Success by' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
					set_msg(request, 'Person Deleted!', person.Name + ' has successfully been deleted due to the removal of ' + movie.Title + ' from their career.', 'danger')
					return redirect('webapp.views.site.home')
			Display person page
			PATH: webapp.views.property.person urltitle; METHOD: none; PARAMS: none; MISC: none;
			return render_to_response('property/view_person.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, person.Name), 'person' : person, 'directed_movies' : directed_movies_tuples, 'written_movies' : written_movies_tuples, 'acted_movies' : acted_movies_tuples}, RequestContext(request))
	except ObjectDoesNotExist:
		raise Http404
	except Exception:
		property_logger.error('Unexpected error: ' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
		return render_to_response('500.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Error')}, RequestContext(request))
文件: property.py 项目: ahampt/Pref
def genre(request, description):
		logged_in_profile_info = { }
		permission_response = check_and_get_session_info(request, logged_in_profile_info)
		if permission_response != True:
			return permission_response
		type_dict = get_type_dict()
		genre = Genres.objects.get(Description=description)
		properties = Properties.objects.select_related().filter(ConsumeableTypeId=type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'], PropertyTypeId=type_dict['PROPERTY_GENRE'], PropertyId=genre.id).order_by('-ConsumeableId__Year', 'ConsumeableId__Title')
		length = int(request.GET.get('length')) if request.GET.get('length') and request.GET.get('length').isdigit() else 25
		length = length if length <= 100 else 100
		paginator = Paginator(properties, length)
		page = request.GET.get('page')
			genre_movies = paginator.page(page)
		except PageNotAnInteger:
			genre_movies = paginator.page(1)
		except EmptyPage:
			genre_movies = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
		movies, movies_tuples = [], []
		for prop in genre_movies:
			movie = prop.ConsumeableId
				association = Associations.objects.get(ProfileId = logged_in_profile_info['id'], ConsumeableId = movie, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'])
				movies_tuples.append((movie, True))
			except Exception:
				movies_tuples.append((movie, False))
		if request.GET.get('suggestion'):
			if request.method == 'POST':
				Send suggestion/comment/correction email and redirect to genre page
				PATH: webapp.views.property.genre description; METHOD: post; PARAMS: get - suggestion; MISC: none;
				profile = Profiles.objects.get(id=logged_in_profile_info['id'])
				email_from = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL
				email_subject = 'Profile: ' + str(profile.Username) + ' Id: ' + str(profile.id) + ' GenreId: ' + str(genre.id)
				email_message = request.POST.get('message') if request.POST.get('message') else None
				set_msg(request, 'Thank you for your feedback!', 'We have recieved your suggestion/comment/correction and will react to it appropriately.', 'success')
				if email_message:
					# send email
					send_mail(email_subject, email_message, email_from, [settings.DEFAULT_TO_EMAIL], fail_silently=False)
				return redirect('webapp.views.property.genre', description=genre.Description)
				Display suggestion/comment/correction page
				PATH: webapp.views.property.genre description; METHOD: not post; PARAMS: get - suggestion; MISC: none;
				return render_to_response('site/suggestion_form.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Suggestion/Comment/Correction'), 'genre' : genre}, RequestContext(request))
		elif logged_in_profile_info['admin'] and request.GET.get('edit'):
			if request.method == 'POST':
				Save changes made to genre and redirect to genre page
				PATH: webapp.views.property.genre description; METHOD: post; PARAMS: get - edit; MISC: logged_in_profile.IsAdmin;
				genre.Description = request.POST.get('description')
					property_logger.info(genre.Description + ' Update Success by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
					set_msg(request, 'Genre Updated!', genre.Description + ' has successfully been updated.', 'success')
					return redirect('webapp.views.property.genre', description=genre.Description)
				except ValidationError as e:
					property_logger.info(genre.Description + ' Update Failure by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
					error_msg = e.message_dict
					for key in error_msg:
						error_msg[key] = str(error_msg[key][0])
					return render_to_response('property/edit_genre.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Update'), 'genre' : genre, 'movies' : movies, 'error_msg' : error_msg}, RequestContext(request))
				Display edit page
				PATH: webapp.views.property.genre description; METHOD: not post; PARAMS: get - edit; MISC: logged_in_profile.IsAdmin;
				return render_to_response('property/edit_genre.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Update'), 'genre' : genre, 'movies' : movies}, RequestContext(request))
		elif logged_in_profile_info['admin'] and request.GET.get('delete'):
			Delete genre and redirect to home
			PATH: webapp.views.property.genre description; METHOD: none; PARAMS: get - delete; MISC: logged_in_profile.IsAdmin;
			for prop in properties:
				associate_logger.info(prop.ConsumeableId.UrlTitle + ' Disassociated ' + genre.Description + ' Success by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
			property_logger.info(genre.Description + ' Delete Success by' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
			set_msg(request, 'Genre Deleted!', genre.Description + ' has successfully been deleted.', 'danger')
			return redirect('webapp.views.site.home')
		elif logged_in_profile_info['admin'] and request.GET.get('add') and request.method == 'POST':
				Create movie association with genre and redirect to edit page
				PATH: webapp.views.property.genre description; METHOD: post; PARAMS: get - add; MISC: logged_in_profile.IsAdmin;
				value = request.POST.get('add')
				title = value[:len(value) - 7] if value and len(value) > 7 else None
				year = int(value[len(value) - 5:len(value)-1]) if value and len(value) > 7 and value[len(value) - 5:len(value)-1].isdigit() else None
				movie = Movies.objects.get(Title=title, Year=year)
				create_movie_property(movie, genre.id, genre.Description, 3, logged_in_profile_info['username'])
				properties = Properties.objects.select_related().filter(ConsumeableTypeId=type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'], PropertyTypeId=type_dict['PROPERTY_GENRE'], PropertyId=genre.id)
				movies = []
				for prop in properties:
				set_msg(request, 'Movie Added!', movie.Title + ' has successfully been added to' + genre.Description + ' movies.', 'warning')
				return render_to_response('property/edit_genre.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Update'), 'genre' : genre, 'movies' : movies}, RequestContext(request))
			except ObjectDoesNotExist:
				property_logger.info(value + ' Added to ' + genre.Description + ' Failure by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
				return render_to_response('property/edit_genre.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Update'), 'genre' : genre, 'movies' : movies, 'error_msg' : {'MovieTitle' : 'Movie does not exist.'}}, RequestContext(request))
			except Exception:
				property_logger.info(value + ' Added to ' + genre.Description + ' Failure by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
				return render_to_response('property/edit_genre.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Update'), 'genre' : genre, 'movies' : movies, 'error_msg' : {'MovieTitle' : 'Year must be between 1901 and 2155 (inclusive).'}}, RequestContext(request))
		elif logged_in_profile_info['admin'] and request.GET.get('remove'):
			Remove property association with movie and redirect to home or edit page appropriately
			PATH: webapp.views.property.genre descsription; METHOD: none; PARAMS: get - remove; MISC: logged_in_profile.IsAdmin;
			re = True if request.GET.get('movie') else False
			id = request.GET.get('i')
			movie = Movies.objects.get(UrlTitle=id)
			prop = Properties.objects.get(ConsumeableId=movie, ConsumeableTypeId=type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'], PropertyId=genre.id, PropertyTypeId=type_dict['PROPERTY_GENRE'])
			associate_logger.info(movie.UrlTitle + ' Disassociated ' + genre.Description + ' Success by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
			if genre_is_relevant(genre):
				if re:
					set_msg(request, 'Genre Removed!', genre.Description + ' has successfully been removed from ' + movie.Title + '.', 'warning')
					response = redirect('webapp.views.movie.view', urltitle=movie.UrlTitle)
					response['Location'] += '?edit=1'
					return response
					set_msg(request, 'Movie Removed!', movie.Title + ' has successfully been removed from' + genre.Description + 'movies.', 'warning')
					response = redirect('webapp.views.property.genre', description=genre.Description)
					response['Location'] += '?edit=1'
					return resposne
				if re:
					property_logger.info(genre.Description + ' Delete Success by' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
					set_msg(request, 'Genre Deleted!', genre.Description + ' has successfully been deleted due to the removal of it from ' + movie.Title + '.', 'danger')
					response = redirect('webapp.views.movie.view', urltitle=movie.UrlTitle)
					response['Location'] += '?edit=1'
					return response
					property_logger.info(genre.Description + ' Delete Success by' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
					set_msg(request, 'Genre Deleted!', genre.Description + ' has successfully been deleted due to the removal of ' + movie.Title + ' from this genre.', 'danger')
					return redirect('webapp.views.site.home')
			return render_to_response('property/view_genre.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, genre.Description), 'genre' : genre, 'movies' : movies_tuples, 'page' : genre_movies}, RequestContext(request))
	except ObjectDoesNotExist:
		raise Http404
	except Exception:
		property_logger.error('Unexpected error: ' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
		return render_to_response('500.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Error')}, RequestContext(request))
文件: movie.py 项目: ahampt/Pref
def view_list(request):
		logged_in_profile_info = { }
		permission_response = check_and_get_session_info(request, logged_in_profile_info)
		if permission_response != True:
			return permission_response
		if not logged_in_profile_info['id']:
			set_msg(request, 'Action Failed!', 'You must be logged in to perform that action', 'warning')
			return redirect('webapp.views.profile.login')
		type_dict = get_type_dict()
		if request.GET.get('add') and request.GET.get('i') and request.GET.get('r'):
			Add movie given imdb identifier (rotten tomatoes id required as well) and redirect to movie page by way of association functions if success otherwise back to search with errors
			PATH: webapp.views.movie.view_list; METHOD: none; PARAMS: get - add,i,r; MISC: none;
				has_error = False
				error_text = None
				movie = Movies ()
				# Start movie from imdb id
				res_dict = movie_from_imdb_input(request.GET.get('i'))
				if res_dict.get('movie'):
					movie = res_dict.get('movie')
					has_error = True
					error_text = 'IMDb ID Validation: ' + res_dict.get('error_msg')
					raise ValidationError('')
				# Get wikipedia id if resolved
				res = wikipedia_movie_from_title(movie)
				if res.get('movie'):
					movie.WikipediaId = res.get('movie').WikipediaId
				# Set rotten tomatoes, and wikipedia id
				movie.RottenTomatoesId = request.GET.get('r')
				test = movie_from_rottentomatoes_input(movie.RottenTomatoesId)
				if test.get('movie'):
					# Use better cast list from rotten tomatoes
					res_dict['actors'] = test.get('actors')
					has_error = True
					error_text = 'Rotten Tomatoes ID Validation: ' + test.get('error_msg')
					raise ValidationError('')
				create_properties(movie, res_dict.get('directors'), res_dict.get('writers'), res_dict.get('actors'), res_dict.get('genres'), logged_in_profile_info['username'])
				movie_logger.info(movie.UrlTitle + ' Create Success by '  + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
				# Redirect to 'add association' function and add option 'seen' if already present
				res = redirect('webapp.views.movie.view', urltitle=movie.UrlTitle)
				res['Location'] += '?assoc=1&add=1'
				if request.GET.get('seen'):
					res['Location'] += '&seen=1'
				return res
			except ValidationError as e:
				urltitle = movie.UrlTitle if movie.UrlTitle else 'Unknown'
				movie_logger.info(urltitle + ' Create Failure by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
				error_msg = None
				if has_error:
					error_msg = {'Error' : error_text}
					error_msg = e.message_dict
					for key in error_msg:
						error_msg[key] = str(error_msg[key][0])
				return render_to_response('movie/search.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Search'), 'success' : False, 'results' : error_msg}, RequestContext(request))
		elif logged_in_profile_info['admin'] and request.GET.get('add'):
			if request.method == 'POST':
				if request.POST.get('api_search_term'):
					Return results from imdb, netflix, rottentomatoes, and wikipedia searches as options to add movie
					PATH: webapp.views.movie.view_list; METHOD: post; PARAMS: get - add, post - api_search_term; MISC: logged_in_profile.IsAdmin;
					api_search_term = request.POST.get('api_search_term')
					api_search_length = int(request.POST.get('api_search_length')) if request.POST.get('api_search_length') and request.POST.get('api_search_length').isdigit() else 5
					api_search_length = api_search_length if api_search_length > 0 and api_search_length <= 25 else 5
					res_dict = movies_from_apis_term(api_search_term, api_search_length)
					imdb_possibilities = res_dict.get('imdb_movies')
					for movie in imdb_possibilities:
						movie.UrlTitle = imdb_link_for_movie(movie)
					netflix_possibilities = res_dict.get('netflix_movies')
					for movie in netflix_possibilities:
						movie.UrlTitle = netflix_link_for_movie(movie)
					rottentomatoes_possibilities = res_dict.get('rottentomatoes_movies')
					for movie in rottentomatoes_possibilities:
						movie.UrlTitle = rottentomatoes_link_for_movie(movie)
					wikipedia_possibilities = res_dict.get('wikipedia_movies')
					for movie in wikipedia_possibilities:
						movie.UrlTitle = wikipedia_link_for_movie(movie)
					return render_to_response('movie/add.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Add Movie'), 'api_search_term' : api_search_term, 'api_search_length' : api_search_length, 'imdb_possibilities' : imdb_possibilities, 'netflix_possibilities' : netflix_possibilities, 'rottentomatoes_possibilities' : rottentomatoes_possibilities, 'wikipedia_possibilities' : wikipedia_possibilities}, RequestContext(request))
					Add movie given user input of imdb, netflix, rottentomatoes, and wikipedia urls or ids and redirect to movie page
					PATH: webapp.views.movie.view_list; METHOD: post; PARAMS: get - add; MISC: logged_in_profile.IsAdmin;
					res_dict = movie_from_inputs(request.POST.get('imdb_url'), request.POST.get('netflix_url'), request.POST.get('rottentomatoes_id'), request.POST.get('wikipedia_id'))
					if res_dict.get('success'):
							movie = res_dict.get('movie')
							create_properties(movie, res_dict.get('directors'), res_dict.get('writers'), res_dict.get('actors'), res_dict.get('genres'), logged_in_profile_info['username'])
							movie_logger.info(movie.UrlTitle + ' Create Success by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
							return redirect('webapp.views.movie.view', urltitle=movie.UrlTitle)
						except ValidationError as e:
							urltitle = movie.UrlTitle if movie.UrlTitle else 'Unknown'
							movie_logger.info(urltitle + ' Create Failure by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
							# Restore values for add page
							movie.ImdbId = request.POST.get('imdb_url')
							movies.RottenTomatoesId = request.POST.get('rottentomatoes_id')
							movies.NetflixId = request.POST.get('netflix_url')
							movies.WikipediaId = request.POST.get('wikipedia_id')
							error_msg = e.message_dict
							for key in error_msg:
								error_msg[key] = str(error_msg[key][0])
							return render_to_response('movie/add.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Add Movie'), 'error_msg' : error_msg, 'movie' : movie, 'links' : generate_links_dict(movie)}, RequestContext(request))
						movie_logger.info('Movie Create Failure by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
						# Restore values for add page
						movie = res_dict.get('movie')
						movie.ImdbId = request.POST.get('imdb_url')
						movie.RottenTomatoesId = request.POST.get('rottentomatoes_id')
						movie.NetflixId = request.POST.get('netflix_url')
						movie.WikipediaId = request.POST.get('wikipedia_id')
						return render_to_response('movie/add.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Add Movie'), 'movie' : movie, 'error_msg' : res_dict.get('error_list'), 'links' : generate_links_dict(movie)}, RequestContext(request))
				Display admin add movie page
				PATH: webapp.views.movie.view_list; METHOD: none; PARAMS: get - add; MISC: logged_in_profile.IsAdmin;
				return render_to_response('movie/add.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Add Movie')}, RequestContext(request))
			Display movie list page
			PATH: webapp.views.movie.view_list; METHOD: none; PARAMS: none; MISC: none;
			movies, paginated_movies = [], None
			movie_list = Movies.objects.all().order_by('-Year', 'Title')
			length = int(request.GET.get('length')) if request.GET.get('length') and request.GET.get('length').isdigit() else 25
			length = length if length <= 100 else 100
			paginator = Paginator(movie_list, length)
			page = request.GET.get('page')
				paginated_movies = paginator.page(page)
			except PageNotAnInteger:
				paginated_movies = paginator.page(1)
			except EmptyPage:
				paginated_movies = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
			# Get all associations with logged in profile to correctly display links (seen later as well)
			for movie in paginated_movies:
					association = Associations.objects.get(ProfileId = logged_in_profile_info['id'], ConsumeableId = movie,  ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'])
					movies.append((movie, True))
				except Exception:
					movies.append((movie, False))
			return render_to_response('movie/view_list.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Movie List'), 'movies' : movies, 'page' : paginated_movies}, RequestContext(request))
	except Exception:
		movie_logger.error('Unexpected error: ' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
		return render_to_response('500.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Error')}, RequestContext(request))
文件: movie.py 项目: ahampt/Pref
def view(request, urltitle):
		logged_in_profile_info = { }
		permission_response = check_and_get_session_info(request, logged_in_profile_info)
		if permission_response != True:
			return permission_response
		if not logged_in_profile_info['id']:
			set_msg(request, 'Action Failed!', 'You must be logged in to perform that action', 'danger')
			return redirect('webapp.views.profile.login')
		movie = Movies.objects.get(UrlTitle=urltitle)
		type_dict = get_type_dict()
		# Get all properties associated with movie (actors, directors, writers, genres)
		properties = Properties.objects.filter(ConsumeableId=movie, ConsumeableTypeId=type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'])
		directors, writers, actors, genres = [], [], [], []
		for property in properties:
			if property.PropertyTypeId.Description == 'DIRECTOR':
			elif property.PropertyTypeId.Description == 'WRITER':
			elif property.PropertyTypeId.Description == 'ACTOR':
			elif property.PropertyTypeId.Description == 'GENRE':
		if request.GET.get('assoc'):
				if request.GET.get('add'):
					Create association and redirect to movie page
					PATH: webapp.views.movie.view urltitle; METHOD: none; PARAMS: get - assoc,add; MISC: none;
					watched = True if request.GET.get('seen') else False
					profile = Profiles.objects.get(id=logged_in_profile_info['id'])
					association = Associations(ProfileId = profile, ConsumeableId = movie,  ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'], Consumed = watched, Accessible = False)
					consumption = Consumptions(ProfileId = profile, ConsumeableId = movie, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'], ConsumedAt = datetime.now())
					associate_logger.info(profile.Username + ' Associated ' + movie.UrlTitle + ' Success')
					set_msg(request, 'Movie Associated!', movie.Title + ' has been added to your list of movies. Please check that the information on this page is accurate as Pref relies on user feedback to correct errors. If you notice an error, such as an actor with a similar (same) name to a different actor being shown here, click on the offending piece of information and click on the correction link to let Pref know about it. Thanks.', 'success')
				elif request.GET.get('recent'):
					Update association based on a user recently watching a movie and redirect to movie page
					PATH: webapp.views.movie.view urltitle; METHOD: none; PARAMS: get - assoc,recent; MISC: none;
					profile = Profiles.objects.get(id=logged_in_profile_info['id'])
					association = Associations.objects.get(ProfileId = profile, ConsumeableId = movie,  ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'])
					# First time watching the specified movie
					if not association.Consumed:
						association.Consumed = True
					consumption = Consumptions(ProfileId = profile, ConsumeableId = movie, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'], ConsumedAt = datetime.now())
					associate_logger.info(logged_in_profile_info['username'] + ' Association with ' + movie.UrlTitle + ' Update Success')
					set_msg(request, 'Association Updated!', 'Your association with ' + movie.Title + ' has successfully been updated.', 'success')
				elif request.method == 'POST' and request.GET.get('update') and not request.GET.get('consumption'):
					Update association from input on movie page and redirect to movie page
					PATH: webapp.views.movie.view urltitle; METHOD: post; PARAMS: get - assoc,update; MISC: none;
					rankings_changed = False
					profile = Profiles.objects.get(id=logged_in_profile_info['id'])
					association = Associations.objects.get(ProfileId = profile, ConsumeableId = movie, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'])
					consumptions = Consumptions.objects.filter(ProfileId = profile, ConsumeableId = movie, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE']).order_by('ConsumedAt')
					# If user is unwatching movie (should not be allowed but mistakes happen), delete saved data
					if association.Consumed and not request.POST.get('watched') == 'Watched':
						for consumption in consumptions:
						association.Rank = None
						association.Rating = None
						association.Review = None
						rankings_changed = True
					# Update the rest
						first_viewed = date_from_input(request.POST.get('first_viewed'), datetime.now() if consumptions.count() <= 1 else consumptions[1].ConsumedAt)
						if first_viewed:
							if consumptions.count() > 0:
								consumption = consumptions[0]
								consumption.ConsumedAt = first_viewed
								consumption = Consumptions(ProfileId = profile, ConsumeableId = movie, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'], ConsumedAt = first_viewed)
							last_viewed = date_from_input(request.POST.get('last_viewed'), datetime.now(), first_viewed if consumptions.count() == 1 else consumptions[consumptions.count()-1].ConsumedAt)
							if last_viewed:
								if consumptions.count() > 1:
									consumption = consumptions[consumptions.count()-1]
									consumption.ConsumedAt = last_viewed
								elif first_viewed != last_viewed:
									consumption = Consumptions(ProfileId = profile, ConsumeableId = movie, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'], ConsumedAt = last_viewed)
						if request.POST.get('rating_rated') and request.POST.get('rating_rated') != 'false':
							# Handle bad float coercion by ignoring the rating
								association.Rating = int(math.ceil(float(request.POST.get('rating_rated')) * int(math.ceil(100 / profile.NumberOfStars))))
							except Exception:
						association.Review = request.POST.get('review')
					# Clear source information if no longer accessible or update it with new source object
					old_source = None
					if association.SourceId:
						old_source = association.SourceId
					if association.Accessible and not request.POST.get('accessible') == 'Accessible':
						association.SourceId = None
					elif association.Accessible:
						source_text = request.POST.get('source')
						if source_text:
								existing_source = Sources.objects.get(ProfileId = profile, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'], Description = source_text)
								association.SourceId = existing_source
							except ObjectDoesNotExist:
								if request.POST.get('update_all_sources') == 'Update_All' and old_source:
									old_source.Description = source_text
									source_logger.info(old_source.Description + ' Update Success by ' + profile.Username)
									new_source = Sources(ProfileId=profile, ConsumeableTypeId=type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'], Description=source_text)
									source_logger.info(new_source.Description + ' Create Success by ' + profile.Username)
									association.SourceId = new_source
						elif old_source:
							association.SourceId = None
					association.Consumed = request.POST.get('watched') == 'Watched'
					association.Accessible = request.POST.get('accessible') == 'Accessible'
					except ValidationError:
					# Delete old source if no longer relevant
					if old_source and ((old_source != association.SourceId and not source_is_relevant(old_source)) or (request.POST.get('update_all_sources') == 'Update_All' and association.SourceId == None)):
						if source_is_relevant(old_source):
							for source_association in Associations.objects.filter(ProfileId = profile, ConsumeableTypeId=type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'], SourceId = old_source):
								source_association.SourceId = None
								associate_logger.info(logged_in_profile_info['username'] + ' Association with ' + source_association.movieId.UrlTitle + ' Update Success')
						source_logger.info(old_source.Description + ' Delete Success by ' + profile.Username)
					associate_logger.info(logged_in_profile_info['username'] + ' Association with ' + movie.UrlTitle + ' Update Success')
					# Update rankings if ranking of movie was altered in some way
					if rankings_changed:
					set_msg(request, 'Association Updated!', 'Your association with ' + movie.Title + ' has successfully been updated.', 'success')
				elif request.GET.get('remove'):
					Delete association and redirect to movie page
					PATH: webapp.views.movie.view urltitle; METHOD: none; PARAMS: get - assoc,remove; MISC: none;
					source = None
					association = Associations.objects.get(ProfileId = logged_in_profile_info['id'], ConsumeableId = movie, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'])
					if association.SourceId:
						source = association.SourceId
						association.SourceId = None
					if source and not source_is_relevant(source):
						source_logger.info(source.Description + ' Delete Success by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
					for consumption in Consumptions.objects.filter(ProfileId = logged_in_profile_info['id'], ConsumeableId = movie, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE']):
					associate_logger.info(logged_in_profile_info['username'] + ' Disassociated ' + movie.UrlTitle + ' Success')
					# Fill in the gap in rankings
					set_msg(request, 'Movie Disassociated!', movie.Title + ' has been removed from your list of movies.', 'danger')
				elif request.GET.get('consumption'):
					if request.method == 'POST' and request.GET.get('update'):
						Update consumptions and redirect to movie page
						PATH: webapp.views.movie.view urltitle; METHOD: post; PARAMS: get - assoc,consumption,update; MISC: none;
							consumptions = Consumptions.objects.filter(ProfileId = logged_in_profile_info['id'], ConsumeableId = movie, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE']).order_by('ConsumedAt')
							for index in range(consumptions.count()):
								new_date = date_from_input(request.POST.get('view-date-'+str(index+1)), consumptions[index+1].ConsumedAt if index + 1 < consumptions.count() else None, consumptions[index-1].ConsumedAt if index > 0 else None)
								if new_date:
									consumption = consumptions[index]
									consumption.ConsumedAt = new_date
						except Exception:
					elif request.GET.get('delete'):
						Delete consumption and redirect to movie page
						PATH: webapp.views.movie.view urltitle; METHOD: none; PARAMS: get - assoc,consumption,delete; MISC: none;
							cid = int(request.GET.get('consumption'))
							Consumptions.objects.filter(ProfileId = logged_in_profile_info['id'], ConsumeableId = movie, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE']).order_by('ConsumedAt')[cid-1].delete()
						except Exception:
			except ObjectDoesNotExist:
				set_msg(request, 'Association Not Found!', 'You have no association with ' + movie.Title + '.', 'danger')
			except Exception:
				associate_logger.error('Unexpected error: ' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
				return render_to_response('500.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Error')}, RequestContext(request))
			return redirect('webapp.views.movie.view', urltitle=movie.UrlTitle)
		elif request.GET.get('rank'):
				profile = Profiles.objects.get(id=logged_in_profile_info['id'])
				association = Associations.objects.get(ProfileId = profile, ConsumeableId = movie, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'], Consumed=True, Rank__isnull=True)
				associations = Associations.objects.filter(ProfileId=profile, ConsumeableTypeId=type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'], Consumed=True).exclude(Rank__isnull=True).order_by('Rank')
				if request.method == 'POST':
					Tree ranker substep consisting of providing new comparison if not done ranking or redirecting to movie page if done ranking
					PATH: webapp.views.movie.view urltitle; METHOD: post; PARAMS: get - rank; MISC: none;
					# Check if currently ranking movie before proceeding
					if not request.session.get('currently_ranking') and not request.session.get('currently_ranking') == movie.Id:
						raise Exception('Not currently ranking movie.')
					# Min and max limits (done when max < min)
					min = int(request.POST.get('hiddenMin')) if request.POST.get('hiddenMin') and request.POST.get('hiddenMin').isdigit() else 0
					max = int(request.POST.get('hiddenMax')) if request.POST.get('hiddenMax') and request.POST.get('hiddenMax').isdigit() else -1
					mid = (min + max) / 2
					# If done
					if max < min:
						old_rank = int(request.POST.get('hiddenPickOld')) if request.POST.get('hiddenPickOld') and request.POST.get('hiddenPickOld').isdigit() else 0
						new_rank = int(request.POST.get('hiddenPickNew')) if request.POST.get('hiddenPickNew') and request.POST.get('hiddenPickNew').isdigit() else 0
						start = None
						# If picked old movie, start reranking (including new rank) at one above old movie
						if old_rank:
							start = old_rank + 1
						# If picked new movie, start reranking at new_rank (usually one less than old_rank)
						elif new_rank:
							start = new_rank
						association.Rank = start
						# Increment all ranks above new one (can't use update_rankings because of single duplicate rank)
						for assoc in associations:
							if assoc.Rank >= start:
								assoc.Rank += 1
						# Delete currently_ranking variable
						del request.session['currently_ranking']
						associate_logger.info(logged_in_profile_info['username'] + ' Association with ' + movie.UrlTitle + ' Rank: ' + str(association.Rank) + ' Success')
						set_msg(request, 'Movie Ranked!', movie.Title + ' is ranked number ' + str(association.Rank) + ' out of ' + str(associations.count() + 1) + '.', 'success')
						return redirect('webapp.views.movie.view', urltitle=movie.UrlTitle)
					# Else continue ranking by finding new comparison movie
						association.Rating = association.Rating / float(math.ceil(100 / profile.NumberOfStars)) if association.Rating else None
						compare_movie = Movies.objects.get(id=associations[mid].ConsumeableId.id)
						compare_association = Associations.objects.get(ProfileId = profile, ConsumeableId = compare_movie,  ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'])
						compare_association.Rating = compare_association.Rating / float(math.ceil(100 / profile.NumberOfStars)) if compare_association.Rating else None
						# Use in deciding to pick which movie on left or right
						rand = random.randint(0,1)

						movie1 = movie if rand == 0 else compare_movie
						movie2 = compare_movie if rand == 0 else movie
						association1 = association if rand == 0 else compare_association
						association2 = compare_association if rand == 0 else association
						min1 = min if rand == 0 else mid + 1
						max1 = mid - 1 if rand == 0 else max
						min2 = mid + 1 if rand == 0 else min
						max2 = max if rand == 0 else mid - 1

						current_progress = int(request.POST.get('hiddenCurrentProgress')) + 1 if request.POST.get('hiddenCurrentProgress') and request.POST.get('hiddenCurrentProgress').isdigit() else 1
						max_progress = int(request.POST.get('hiddenMaxProgress')) if request.POST.get('hiddenMaxProgress') and request.POST.get('hiddenMaxProgress').isdigit() else 1
						progress = int(round((float(current_progress) / float(max_progress)) * 100))
						print str(current_progress) + ' - ' + str(max_progress) + ' - ' + str(progress)

						return render_to_response('movie/t_rank.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Movie Ranker'), 'movie' : movie, 'movie1' : movie1, 'movie2' : movie2, 'association1' : association1, 'association2' : association2, 'min1' : min1, 'max1' : max1, 'min2' : min2, 'max2' : max2, 'current_progress' : current_progress, 'max_progress' : max_progress, 'progress' : progress}, RequestContext(request))
					Tree ranker start displaying first comparison or redirecting to movie page if first ranking
					PATH: webapp.views.movie.view urltitle; METHOD: none; PARAMS: get - rank; MISC: none;
					# Set currently ranking variable
					request.session['currently_ranking'] = movie.id
					if associations.count() == 0:
						association.Rank = 1
						associate_logger.info(logged_in_profile_info['username'] + ' Association with ' + movie.UrlTitle + ' Rank: ' + str(association.Rank) + ' Success')
						set_msg(request, 'Movie Ranked!', movie.Title + ' is ranked number 1 out of 1.', 'success')
						return redirect('webapp.views.movie.view', urltitle=movie.UrlTitle)
					min = 0
					max = associations.count()-1
					mid = (min + max) / 2
					association.Rating = association.Rating / float(math.ceil(100 / profile.NumberOfStars)) if association.Rating else None
					compare_movie = Movies.objects.get(id=associations[mid].ConsumeableId.id)
					compare_association = Associations.objects.get(ProfileId = profile, ConsumeableId = compare_movie, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'])
					compare_association.Rating = compare_association.Rating / float(math.ceil(100 / profile.NumberOfStars)) if compare_association.Rating else None
					rand = random.randint(0,1)

					movie1 = movie if rand == 0 else compare_movie
					movie2 = compare_movie if rand == 0 else movie
					association1 = association if rand == 0 else compare_association
					association2 = compare_association if rand == 0 else association
					min1 = min if rand == 0 else mid + 1
					max1 = mid - 1 if rand == 0 else max
					min2 = mid + 1 if rand == 0 else min
					max2 = max if rand == 0 else mid - 1

					current_progress = 0
					max_progress = int(math.ceil(math.log(associations.count(), 2))) + 1
					progress = 0

					return render_to_response('movie/t_rank.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Movie Ranker'), 'movie' : movie, 'movie1' : movie1, 'movie2' : movie2, 'association1' : association1, 'association2' : association2, 'min1' : min1, 'max1' : max1, 'min2' : min2, 'max2' : max2, 'current_progress' : current_progress, 'max_progress' : max_progress, 'progress' : progress}, RequestContext(request))
			except Exception:
				return redirect('webapp.views.movie.view', urltitle=movie.UrlTitle)
		elif request.GET.get('rerank'):
			Remove current rank if present and redirect to tree ranker regardless
			PATH: webapp.views.movie.view urltitle; METHOD: none; PARAMS: get - rank; MISC: none;
				association = Associations.objects.get(ProfileId = logged_in_profile_info['id'], ConsumeableId = movie, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'])
				association.Rank = None
				associate_logger.info(logged_in_profile_info['username'] + ' Association with ' + movie.UrlTitle + ' Reset Rank Success')
			except Exception:
			res = redirect('webapp.views.movie.view', urltitle=movie.UrlTitle)
			res['Location'] += '?rank=1'
			return res
		elif request.GET.get('suggestion'):
			if request.method == 'POST':
				Send suggestion/comment/correction email and redirect to movie page
				PATH: webapp.views.movie.view urltitle; METHOD: post; PARAMS: get - suggestion; MISC: none;
				profile = Profiles.objects.get(id=logged_in_profile_info['id'])
				email_from = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL
				email_subject = 'Profile: ' + str(profile.Username) + ' Id: ' + str(profile.id) + ' MovieId: ' + str(movie.id)
				email_message = request.POST.get('message') if request.POST.get('message') else None
				set_msg(request, 'Thank you for your feedback!', 'We have recieved your suggestion/comment/correction and will react to it appropriately.', 'success')
				if email_message:
					# send email
					send_mail(email_subject, email_message, email_from, [settings.DEFAULT_TO_EMAIL], fail_silently=False)
				return redirect('webapp.views.movie.view', urltitle=movie.UrlTitle)
				Display suggestion/comment/correction page
				PATH: webapp.views.movie.view urltitle; METHOD: not post; PARAMS: get - suggestion; MISC: none;
				return render_to_response('site/suggestion_form.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Suggestion/Comment/Correction'), 'movie' : movie}, RequestContext(request))
		elif logged_in_profile_info['admin'] and request.GET.get('edit'):
			if request.method == 'POST':
				Save changes made to movie and redirect to movie page
				PATH: webapp.views.movie.view urltitle; METHOD: post; PARAMS: get - edit; MISC: logged_in_profile.IsAdmin;
				old_urltitle = None
					movie.Title = request.POST.get('title')
					movie.Year = request.POST.get('year')
					movie.Runtime = request.POST.get('runtime')
					movie.ImdbId = imdb_id_from_input(request.POST.get('imdb'))
					movie.RottenTomatoesId = rottentomatoes_id_from_input(request.POST.get('rottentomatoes'))
					movie.NetflixId = netflix_id_from_input(request.POST.get('netflix'))
					movie.WikipediaId = wikipedia_id_from_input(request.POST.get('wikipedia'))
					old_urltitle = movie.UrlTitle
					movie_logger.info(movie.UrlTitle + ' Update Success by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
					set_msg(request, 'Movie Updated!', movie.Title + ' has successfully been updated.', 'success')
					return redirect('webapp.views.movie.view', urltitle=movie.UrlTitle)
				except ValidationError as e:
					movie_logger.info(movie.UrlTitle + ' Update Failure by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
					error_msg = e.message_dict
					for key in error_msg:
						error_msg[key] = str(error_msg[key][0])
					return render_to_response('movie/edit.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Update'), 'movie' : movie, 'old_urltitle' : old_urltitle, 'directors' : directors, 'writers' : writers, 'actors' : actors, 'genres' : genres, 'links' : generate_links_dict(movie), 'error_msg' : error_msg, 'people_list' : [cgi.escape(name, True) for name in People.objects.values_list('Name', flat=True).order_by('Name')], 'genres_list' : [cgi.escape(description, True) for description in Genres.objects.values_list('Description', flat=True).order_by('Description')]}, RequestContext(request))
				Display edit page
				PATH: webapp.views.movie.view urltitle; METHOD: not post; PARAMS: get - edit; MISC: logged_in_profile.IsAdmin;
				return render_to_response('movie/edit.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Update'), 'movie' : movie, 'directors' : directors, 'writers' : writers, 'actors' : actors, 'genres' : genres, 'links' : generate_links_dict(movie), 'people_list' : [cgi.escape(name, True) for name in People.objects.values_list('Name', flat=True).order_by('Name')], 'genres_list' : [cgi.escape(description, True) for description in Genres.objects.values_list('Description', flat=True).order_by('Description')]}, RequestContext(request))
		elif logged_in_profile_info['admin'] and request.GET.get('delete'):
			Delete movie and redirect to home
			PATH: webapp.views.movie.view urltitle; METHOD: none; PARAMS: get - delete; MISC: logged_in_profile.IsAdmin;
			for property in properties:
				person, genre = None, None
				# Delete all property associations
				# Delete actual property if no longer relevant (i.e. has another movie associated with it)
				if property.PropertyTypeId.TableName == 'PEOPLE':
					person = People.objects.get(id=property.PropertyId)
					if person_is_relevant(person):
						property_logger.info(person.UrlName + ' Delete Success by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
				elif property.PropertyTypeId.TableName == 'GENRES':
					genre = Genres.objects.get(id=property.PropertyId)
					if genre_is_relevant(genre):
						property_logger.info(genre.Description + ' Delete Success by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
			# Delete all profile associations (Update rankings afterwards)
			for association in Associations.objects.select_related().filter(ConsumeableId=movie,ConsumeableTypeId=type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE']):
				source = None
				if association.SourceId:
					source = association.SourceId
					association.SourceId = None
				if source and not source_is_relevant(source):
					source_logger.info(source.Description + ' Delete Success by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
				for consumption in Consumptions.objects.filter(ConsumeableId=movie,ConsumeableTypeId=type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE']):
				associate_logger.info(logged_in_profile_info['username'] + ' Disassociated ' + movie.UrlTitle + ' Success')
			# Delete movie
			movie_logger.info(movie.UrlTitle + ' Delete Success by ' + logged_in_profile_info['username'])
			set_msg(request, 'Movie Deleted!', movie.Title + ' has successfully been deleted.', 'danger')
			return redirect('webapp.views.site.home')
		elif logged_in_profile_info['admin'] and request.GET.get('add') and request.method == 'POST':
			Create property association with movie and redirect to edit page
			PATH: webapp.views.movie.view urltitle; METHOD: post; PARAMS: get - add; MISC: logged_in_profile.IsAdmin;
			dirs, writs, acts, gens = [], [], [], []
			type = str(request.GET.get('t')) if request.GET.get('t') else None
			value = request.POST.get('add')
			if type and type == 'DIRECTOR':
				dirs.append({'name' : value})
			elif type and type == 'WRITER':
				writs.append({'name' : value})
			elif type and type == 'ACTOR':
				acts.append({'name' : value})
			elif type and type == 'GENRE':
			create_properties(movie, dirs, writs, acts, gens, logged_in_profile_info['username'])
			set_msg(request, 'Property Added!', movie.Title + ' has successfully been updated with the new property specified.', 'success')
			properties = Properties.objects.filter(ConsumeableId=movie, ConsumeableTypeId=type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'])
			redirect_section = ""
			directors, writers, actors, genres = [], [], [], []
			for property in properties:
				if property.PropertyTypeId.Description == 'DIRECTOR':
					redirect_section = "directors-list"
				elif property.PropertyTypeId.Description == 'WRITER':
					redirect_section = "writers-list"
				elif property.PropertyTypeId.Description == 'ACTOR':
					redirect_section = "actors-list"
				elif property.PropertyTypeId.Description == 'GENRE':
					redirect_section = "genres-list"
			return render_to_response('movie/edit.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Update'), 'movie' : movie, 'directors' : directors, 'writers' : writers, 'actors' : actors, 'genres' : genres, 'links' : generate_links_dict(movie), 'redirect' : redirect_section, 'people_list' : [cgi.escape(name, True) for name in People.objects.values_list('Name', flat=True).order_by('Name')], 'genres_list' : [cgi.escape(description, True) for description in Genres.objects.values_list('Description', flat=True).order_by('Description')]}, RequestContext(request))
			Display movie page
			PATH: webapp.views.movie.view urltitle; METHOD: none; PARAMS: none; MISC: none;
			association = None
			profile = None
			consumptions = None
			indicators = []
			sources = []
				profile = Profiles.objects.get(id=logged_in_profile_info['id'])
				association = Associations.objects.get(ProfileId = profile, ConsumeableId = movie, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE'])
				# Scale rating to profile preference (i.e. from percentage rating to n stars)
				association.Rating = association.Rating / float(math.ceil(100 / profile.NumberOfStars)) if association.Rating else None
				indicators = profile.StarIndicators.split(',')
				consumptions = Consumptions.objects.filter(ProfileId = profile, ConsumeableId = movie, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE']).order_by('ConsumedAt')
			except Exception:
				sources = Sources.objects.filter(ProfileId = profile, ConsumeableTypeId = type_dict['CONSUMEABLE_MOVIE']).values_list('Description', flat=True).order_by('Description')
			except Exception:
			return render_to_response('movie/view.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, movie.Title + ' (' + str(movie.Year) + ')'), 'movie' : movie, 'profile' : profile, 'sources' : sources, 'indicators' : indicators, 'association' : association, 'consumptions' : consumptions, 'directors' : directors, 'writers' : writers, 'actors' : actors, 'genres' : genres, 'links' : generate_links_dict(movie), 'availability' : get_netflix_availability_dict(movie), 'supplements' : get_rottentomatoes_supplemental_dict(movie), 'DISQUS_SHORTNAME' : settings.API_KEYS['DISQUS_SHORTNAME']}, RequestContext(request))
	except ObjectDoesNotExist:
		raise Http404
	except Exception:
		movie_logger.error('Unexpected error: ' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
		return render_to_response('500.html', {'header' : generate_header_dict(request, 'Error')}, RequestContext(request))