def _doAction(self, inputType: str) -> None: ''' Do action based on user's request. This method must calling in a try block, because the it can generate exceptions. ''' if self._chat.getInputType() == "Exit": self._exceptionStack.append(SystemExit(0)) elif self._chat.getInputType() == "Search": url = "" webbrowser_open(url + str(self._chat.stemming(self._chat.editInput())), new=1) elif self._chat.getInputType() == "Youtube": url = "" webbrowser_open(url + str(self._chat.stemming(self._chat.editInput())), new=1) # In this block can be an exception elif self._chat.getInputType() == "Open": Popen(self.getPathToProgram(self._chat.editInput())) return
async def print_progress(data: SimpleNamespace): '''打印进度''' while len(data.bangumi_failed) > 0: bangumi = data.bangumi_failed.popleft() if bangumi in data.bili2bgm_map: if data.bili2bgm_map[bangumi][0] is not None: print_status( f'** {data.bili2bgm_map[bangumi][1]}' f'(Bilibili 编号 md{bangumi},' f'Bangumi 编号 {data.bili2bgm_map[bangumi][0]})更新失败!') else: print_status(f'** {data.bili2bgm_map[bangumi][1]}' f'(Bilibili 编号 md{bangumi})' f'没有对应的 Bangumi 数据!') else: data.print_unknown_tasks.append( loop.create_task(print_unknown(data, bangumi))) if OPEN_FAILED_BANGUMI_BILI_PAGE: webbrowser_open( f'{bangumi}/') bili_status = '[Bilibili %d/%d %.1f%%]' % ( data.bili_processed_count, data.bili_total_count, (data.bili_processed_count) / data.bili_total_count * 100) bgm_status = '[Bangumi %d/%d %.1f%% (失败 %s)]' % ( data.bangumi_processed_count, data.bangumi_total, data.bangumi_processed_count / data.bangumi_total * 100, data.bangumi_failed_count) print_status( f'{bili_status} -> {bgm_status} {"." * data.animation_points}', end='\r') data.animation_points += 1 if data.animation_points > 3: data.animation_points = 1
def prompt_for_user_token(username, scope, client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, redirect_link=None): sp_oauth = spotipy.SpotifyOAuth( client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, redirect_uri=redirect_uri, scope=scope, cache_path=".cache", ) cached_token = sp_oauth.get_cached_token() if not cached_token and redirect_link: code = sp_oauth.parse_response_code(redirect_link) shuffle_page(sp_oauth.get_access_token(code, as_dict=False)) elif not cached_token and not redirect_link: webbrowser_open(sp_oauth.get_authorize_url()) show_redirect_entry() else: shuffle_page(cached_token["access_token"])
async def auth_bgm(app_id, app_secret): '''取得 Bangumi 授权''' code = None async def handler(request): '''Bangumi 授权请求处理器''' nonlocal code code = request.query['code'] return web.Response( content_type='text/html', text='<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><h1 align="center">' 'Bangumi 授权请求已接受,请关闭此页面。' '</h1></body></html>') print_debug('创建 Bangumi 授权请求处理器...') app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get('/', handler)]) runner = web.AppRunner(app) await runner.setup() site = web.TCPSite(runner, 'localhost', 3000) await site.start() print_debug('打开 Bangumi 授权页面...') link = ( f'{app_id}&response_type=code' ) webbrowser_open(link) print_status('请在弹出的授权页面中点击授权。') print_status('若授权页面没有自动弹出,请手动复制链接至浏览器中打开:') print_status(f'{link}') print_debug('等待 Bangumi 授权请求...') while code is None: await sleep(0.001) await site.stop() await runner.shutdown() print_status('正在尝试取得授权...') print_debug('请求 Bangumi 授权码...') bgm_auth_data_raw = await try_for_times_async_json( # 尝试五次 5, lambda:'', data={ 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'client_id': app_id, 'client_secret': app_secret, 'code': code, 'redirect_uri': 'http://localhost:3000' })) token = (f'{bgm_auth_data_raw["token_type"]}' f' {bgm_auth_data_raw["access_token"]}') print_debug('完成!') return token
def pretty_message(self, message): dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(message['time']) dt_str = dt.strftime('%H:%M:%S') self.messages.append(message['name'] + ' ' + dt_str) self.messages.append(message['text']) self.messages.append('') if message['text'] == 'бот пришли пёсика': self.messages.append('*открываю браузер*') self.messages.append('') url = get_image_url() webbrowser_open(url) self.messages.repaint()
def assign(self): base_url = "" address = '' def get_address(): print( "地址编号即网页地址结尾的*.html中的*\n举个例子:中,编号为1\n" ) address = input("现在,请输入地址编号:\n") while True: if address.isdigit(): return address else: address = input("输入非法,请确认后重新输入:\n") def make_urls(url): html = httpget(url) result = etree.HTML(html) title = result.xpath("/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/h1/text()")[ 0] # 获取图集标题 print(title) info_list = result.xpath( "/html/body/div[2]/div[2]/p/text()") # 获取含有图片数量的列表(扩大了范围) for item in info_list: print(item) s = ''.join(info_list) # 合成为一个字符串 print(s) num = search(r'(?<=图片数量:).*(?=张)', s, M).group().strip() # 提取图片数量 photo_url = "" % address + "%d.jpg" # 图片链接模板 urls = [] # 用于储存一个图集中所有图片链接 for i in range(int(num)): # 生成图片链接 urls.append(photo_url % (i + 1)) self.titles.append(title) self.allurls.append(urls) try: address = get_address() make_urls(base_url % address) print("按地址序号下载功能added by 吾爱破解 河瞬\n原作者@吾爱破解 lihaisanhui") address = input("按Enter键退出...\n") except: print("本模块出现错误,请检查地址编号。如确认无误联系作者并提交需爬取的页面编号") c = input("是否反馈问题?(回车键退出,输入任意字符回车进入反馈页面)") if c != "": webbrowser_open( "")
def run(self): while True: choose = input('请选择操作模式[1=搜索,2=标签, 3=直接输入地址序号,4=查看帮助页]: ') if choose == '1': break elif choose == '2': self.tag() break elif choose == '3': # added self.assign() exit() elif choose == '4': webbrowser_open('') else: print(colorama.Back.RED + '没有这个选项!') self.makeurls()
def _demo_tracking_web(): echo.h1("Web Tracking Demo") serve_url = f"http://{HTTP_SERVE_ADDRESS}:{HTTP_SERVE_PORT}/" # create index.html cf_stack = CloudformationStack(cf_stack_name, cfg) create_demo_index_file( f'{cf_stack.get_output("APIGatewayEndpoint")}/matomo-event-receiver/' ) # serve the demo echo.enum_elm(f"serving demo at {serve_url}") echo.enum_elm("quit the server with <strg|control>-c.")"") serve_demo() # open browser webbrowser_open(serve_url)
def __acessar_site_reporte(self): website_forms = "" self.__bt_report.configure( text=self.interface_idioma["abrir_formulario"][self.idioma]) t = Thread(target=lambda event=None: webbrowser_open(website_forms)) t.start() self.__destruir_interface()
def abrir_site(self, url): self.tp_atualizacao.destroy() th = Thread(target=lambda url=url: webbrowser_open(url)) th.start()
def main(): # Get file hash def getFilemd5(filename): hash_md5 = md5() with open(filename, "rb") as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""): hash_md5.update(chunk) return hash_md5.hexdigest() # Select file file = input(Fore.CYAN + ' >>> Select file: ' + Fore.RESET) if not path.exists(file): exit(Fore.RED + "[!] File " + path.basename(file) + " not found!" + Fore.RESET) else: file_md5 = getFilemd5(file) # Get VirusTotal results virustotal = json_loads( request.urlopen('' + file_md5).read()) # Show scanners results in table try: detection = virustotal['data'][0]['attributes'][ 'last_analysis_results'] except IndexError: print(Fore.YELLOW + "[!] File " + path.basename(file) + " has never been uploaded to VirusTotal" + Fore.RESET) if input(Fore.BLUE + '[?] Open VirusTotal to upload file? (y/n)\n ---> ' + Fore.RESET).lower() in ('y', 'yes'): webbrowser_open('') exit() else: table_data = [['Scanner', 'Category']] for res in detection: engine = detection[res]['engine_name'] category = detection[res]['category'] # Change color if file malicious if category.lower() == "undetected": category = Fore.GREEN + category else: category = Fore.RED + category category += Fore.RESET # Add to table table_data.append([engine, category]) # Table table = AsciiTable(table_data) print(table.table) # Show stats detection = virustotal['data'][0]['attributes']['last_analysis_stats'] print("\n>> STATS:" "\n Malicious : " + str(detection['malicious']) + "\n Suspicious : " + str(detection['suspicious']) + "\n Harmless : " + str(detection['harmless']) + "\n Undetected : " + str(detection['undetected'])) # Open full report? if virustotal['data']: if input(Fore.YELLOW + '[?] Open full VirusTotal report? (y/n)\n ---> ' + Fore.RESET).lower() in ('y', 'yes'): webbrowser_open('' + file_md5 + '/detection')
def show_trailer(self): webbrowser_open(self.trailer)
def callback(url): webbrowser_open(url)