def main(): # ask user to input a name for a new space new_space_name = input('Enter a name for the Webex Teams Space: ') # create a new space space_id = webex_teams_apis.create_space(new_space_name) print('The new space created has the Webex Teams id: ', space_id) # ask user to input an email for a Webex Teams user new_membership = input('\nEnter an email for a Webex Teams user to invite to the space: ') # invite user to join the space webex_teams_apis.add_space_membership(new_space_name, new_membership) input('Check the space for the new membership, hit any key to continue ') # ask user to input the message to be posted in the space new_message = input('\nEnter the message to be posted in the space: ') # post message to the new space webex_teams_apis.post_space_message(new_space_name, new_message) input('Check the space for the new message posted, hit any key to continue ') # post the same message marked down webex_teams_apis.post_space_markdown_message(new_space_name, new_message) input('\nCheck the space for the marked down message posted, hit any key to continue ') # ask user to input an domain name, and the URL link to be posted in the space new_domain_name = input('\nEnter the Domain Name be posted in the space: ') new_url = input('Enter the URL to be associated with the Domain Name (format "http://..."): ') # post the new Domain Name and URL to the space webex_teams_apis.post_space_url_message(new_space_name, new_domain_name, new_url) input('Check the space for the URL posted, hit any key to continue ') # upload a new image file, one provided SDA_Roles.jpg webex_teams_apis.post_space_file(new_space_name, 'SDA_Roles.jpg', 'image/jpg', '') input('\nCheck the space for the image file uploaded, hit any key to continue ') # ask the user invited to post a message to the space input('\nAsk the user invited to the space to post a message in the space using the Mobile or Desktop Webex Teams Client \nHit any key to continue') # check for the last message posted in the space and the identity of the user last_message_info = webex_teams_apis.last_user_message(new_space_name) print('\nLast message posted in the space was - ', last_message_info[0], '\nLast message was posted by the user - ', last_message_info[1]) # delete the space input('\n\nEnter any key to delete the space you created ') webex_teams_apis.delete_space(new_space_name)
def moveGroup(guid, groupGuid, groupName): url = f'' print(url) payload = '{"group_guid": "'+str(groupInfo[FIXME])+'"}' #print(payload) headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} req = requests.patch(url, auth = (AMP_CLIENT_ID, AMP_KEY),data=payload,headers=headers) #print(req) # error handling if true then the request was HTTP 200, so successful if (req.status_code != 202): print('An error has ocurred with the following code %s' % req.status_code) sys.exit(0) output = req.json() print() print() print('*'*110) print('The device is now in the {groupName} group with a group GUID of {groupGuid}') print('*'*110) print() print() #-------------------Section 10------------------- moveGroup(guid,groupInfo[0],groupInfo[1]) WEBEX_MESSAGE = f'The endpoint with GUID of "{guid}" has been moved to the "{groupInfo[1]}" group by StudentXX' webex_teams_apis.post_space_message(WEBEX_TEAMS_SPACE_NAME, WEBEX_MESSAGE) print('='*30) print('Please remediate the endpoint') input('Press enter when ready to move from Triage to the home group') print('='*30) groupInfo=getGroups() moveGroup(guid,groupInfo[0],groupInfo[1]) WEBEX_MESSAGE = f'The endpoint with GUID of "{guid}" has been moved to the "{groupInfo[1]}" group by StudentXX' webex_teams_apis.post_space_message(WEBEX_TEAMS_SPACE_NAME, WEBEX_MESSAGE) print('='*30) print('THE SCRIPT HAS COMPLETED') print('='*30)
auth = '%s:%s' % (ikey, sig.hexdigest()) #print(auth) encoded_auth = base64.b64encode(auth.encode('utf-8')) # return headers return { 'Date': now, 'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % str(encoded_auth, 'UTF-8') } if __name__ == "__main__": USER_INFO = createDuoUser() WEBEX_MESSAGE = f'A DUO user ID of {USER_INFO[1]} with an ID of {USER_INFO[0]}has been created successfully by StudentXX ' webex_teams_apis.post_space_message(WEBEX_TEAMS_SPACE_NAME, WEBEX_MESSAGE) print() print() PHONE_INFO = createDuoPhone() WEBEX_MESSAGE = f'A DUO a phone # of {PHONE_INFO[1]} has been with an ID of {PHONE_INFO[0]}created successfully by StudentXX' webex_teams_apis.post_space_message(WEBEX_TEAMS_SPACE_NAME, WEBEX_MESSAGE) print() print() associateUserToPhone() WEBEX_MESSAGE = f'A DUO user with ID of {USER_INFO[1]} has been associated with a phone with ID of {PHONE_INFO[1]} successfully by StudentXX' webex_teams_apis.post_space_message(WEBEX_TEAMS_SPACE_NAME, WEBEX_MESSAGE) print() print() U_USER_INFO = createUmbrellaUser() WEBEX_MESSAGE = f'An umbrella user with an email of {U_USER_INFO[0]} has been created with {U_USER_INFO[1]} access successfully by StudentXX' webex_teams_apis.post_space_message(WEBEX_TEAMS_SPACE_NAME, WEBEX_MESSAGE)
def webhook(): if request.method == 'POST': print('Webhook Received') request_json = request.json # print the received notification print('Payload: ') pprint(request_json) # save as a file, create new file if not existing, append to existing file, full details of each notification with open('all_webhooks_detailed.log', 'a') as filehandle: filehandle.write('%s\n' % json.dumps(request_json)) try: if 'NETWORK-' in request_json[ 'eventId']: # this will select the Cisco DNA Center notifications dnac_notification = request_json # save all info to variables, prepare to save to file severity = str(dnac_notification['severity']) category = dnac_notification['category'] timestamp = str( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( int(dnac_notification['timestamp'] / 1000)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) issue_name = dnac_notification['details'][ 'Assurance Issue Name'] issue_description = dnac_notification['details'][ 'Assurance Issue Details'] issue_status = dnac_notification['details'][ 'Assurance Issue Status'] url = DNAC_URL + '/dna/assurance/issueDetails?issueId=' + dnac_notification[ 'instanceId'] # create the summary DNAC log new_info = { 'severity': severity, 'category': category, 'timestamp': dnac_notification['timestamp'] } new_info.update({ 'Assurance Issue Name': issue_name, 'Assurance Issue Details': issue_description }) new_info.update({ 'Assurance Issue Status': issue_status, 'Assurance Issue URL': url }) # append, or create, the dnac_webhooks.log - Cisco DNA C summary logs with open('dnac_webhooks.log', 'a') as filehandle: filehandle.write('%s\n' % json.dumps(new_info)) # append, or create, the all_webhooks.log - Summary all logs with open('all_webhooks.log', 'a') as filehandle: filehandle.write('%s\n' % json.dumps(new_info)) # construct the team message teams_message = 'Severity: ' + severity teams_message += '\nCategory: ' + category teams_message += '\nTimestamp: ' + str(timestamp) teams_message += '\nIssue Name: ' + issue_name teams_message += '\nIssue Description: ' + issue_description teams_message += '\nIssue Status: ' + issue_status print('New DNAC Webex Teams_Message\n', teams_message) teams_message_title = 'Cisco DNA Center Notification' # create PagerDuty incident if status is active # format message using the Common Event Format (PD-CEF) if issue_status != 'resolved': summary = issue_name source = teams_message_title component = issue_description if severity == '1': sev = 'critical' else: sev = 'warning' group = 'Network' # convert time from epoch to iso 8601 time_iso = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( int(dnac_notification['timestamp'] / 1000)).isoformat() pagerduty_apis.trigger_incident(summary, source, component, sev, time_iso, group) # create Jira Issue jira_project = JIRA_PROJECT jira_component = '10016' # Component id for Cisco DNA Center Notification, as created in Jira jira_apis.create_customer_issue(jira_project, jira_component, issue_name, issue_description, severity, JIRA_EMAIL) # post markdown message in teams space, with title of the message webex_teams_apis.post_space_markdown_message( WEBEX_TEAMS_ROOM, teams_message_title) # post message in teams space webex_teams_apis.post_space_message(WEBEX_TEAMS_ROOM, teams_message) teams_message_url = 'Issue Details: Click Here\n' # post message in teams space, with url for the issue webex_teams_apis.post_space_url_message( WEBEX_TEAMS_ROOM, teams_message_url, url) finally: pass try: if 'values' in request_json: sdwan_notification = request_json # save all info to variables, prepare to save to file severity = sdwan_notification['severity'] timestamp = str( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( int(sdwan_notification['entry_time'] / 1000)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) try: site_id = str(sdwan_notification['values'][0]['site-id']) finally: site_id = ' ' system_ip = sdwan_notification['values'][0]['system-ip'] host_name = sdwan_notification['values'][0]['host-name'] message = sdwan_notification['message'] issue_status = str(sdwan_notification['active']) url = SDWAN_URL + '/index.html#/app/monitor/alarms/details/' + sdwan_notification[ 'uuid'] # create the summary SD-WAN log - Cisco SD-WAN summary logs new_info = { 'severity': severity, 'entry_time': sdwan_notification['entry_time'] } new_info.update({ 'site-id': site_id, 'system_ip': system_ip, 'host-name': host_name }) new_info.update({ 'message': message, 'active': issue_status, 'alarm details': url }) # append, or create, the sdwan_webhooks.log with open('sdwan_webhooks.log', 'a') as filehandle: filehandle.write('%s\n' % json.dumps(new_info)) # append, or create, the all_webhooks.log - Summary all logs with open('all_webhooks.log', 'a') as filehandle: filehandle.write('%s\n' % json.dumps(new_info)) # construct the team message teams_message = 'Severity: ' + severity teams_message += '\nTimestamp: ' + timestamp teams_message += '\nSite Id: ' + site_id teams_message += '\nSystem IP: ' + system_ip teams_message += '\nHost Name: ' + host_name teams_message += '\nIssue Description: ' + message teams_message += '\nIssue Status: ' + issue_status print('New SD-WAN Webex Teams_Message\n', teams_message) teams_message_title = 'Cisco SD-WAN Notification' # create PagerDuty incident # format message using the Common Event Format (PD-CEF) summary = host_name source = teams_message_title component = message if severity == '1': sev = 'critical' else: sev = 'warning' group = 'WAN' # convert time from epoch to iso 8601 time_iso = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( int(sdwan_notification['timestamp'] / 1000)).isoformat() pagerduty_apis.trigger_incident(summary, source, component, sev, time_iso, group) # post markdown message in teams space, with title of the message webex_teams_apis.post_space_markdown_message( WEBEX_TEAMS_ROOM, teams_message_title) # post message in teams space webex_teams_apis.post_space_message(WEBEX_TEAMS_ROOM, teams_message) # post message in teams space, with url for the issue teams_message_url = 'Issue Details: Click Here\n' webex_teams_apis.post_space_url_message( WEBEX_TEAMS_ROOM, teams_message_url, url) finally: pass return {'response': 'Notification Received'}, 200 else: abort(400)
SNOW_DEV, 3) # rollback configuration after 5 seconds time.sleep(5) cli('configure replace flash:/BlitzAdvanced/ios_xe_programmability/base-config force' ) update_comment = "Configuration rollback to baseline successful - IOS XE Automation" service_now_apis.update_incident(incident, update_comment, SNOW_DEV) # find existing, or create new Webex Teams room webex_team_id = webex_teams_apis.get_team_id(WEBEX_TEAMS_SPACE) if webex_team_id is None: webex_teams_apis.create_space(WEBEX_TEAMS_SPACE) webex_teams_apis.post_space_markdown_message(WEBEX_TEAMS_SPACE, 'New Incident') incident_detail = service_now_apis.get_incident_detail(incident) webex_teams_apis.post_space_url_message(WEBEX_TEAMS_SPACE, ( incident_detail["number"] ), ("" + incident_detail["sys_id"])) webex_teams_apis.post_space_message( WEBEX_TEAMS_SPACE, "Description: " + incident_detail["short_description"]) webex_teams_apis.post_space_message( WEBEX_TEAMS_SPACE, 'Device Hostname: ' + device_name + ' Location: ' + location) print('End Application Run - Unauthorized Configuration Change')
def main(): """ Vendor will join Webex Teams Room with the name {ROOM_NAME} It will ask for access to an IP-enabled device - named {IPD} The code will map this IP-enabled device to the IP address {} Access will be provisioned to allow connectivity from DMZ VDI to IPD """ # save the initial stdout initial_sys = sys.stdout # the user will be asked if interested to run in demo mode or in # production (logging to files - erna_log.log, erna_err.log)) # user_input = utils.get_input_timeout('If running in Demo Mode please enter y ', 10) user_input = 'y' # remove this line if you want to run in production if user_input != 'y': # open a log file 'erna.log' file_log = open('erna_log.log', 'w') # open an error log file 'erna_err.log' err_log = open('erna_err.log', 'w') # redirect the stdout to file_log and err_log sys.stdout = file_log sys.stderr = err_log # configure basic logging to send to stdout, level DEBUG, include timestamps logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, stream=sys.stdout, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') # logging, debug level, to file {erna_run.log} logging.basicConfig( filename='erna_run.log', level=logging.DEBUG, format= '%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s %(module)s - %(funcName)s: %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # the local date and time when the code will start execution date_time = str( print('\nThe Application "" started running at this time ' + date_time) user_input = utils.get_input_timeout('Enter y to skip next section : ', 10) user_input = 'y' # remove this line if you want to follow the approval process if user_input != 'y': # verify if Webex Teams Space exists, if not create Webex Teams Space, and add membership (optional) webex_teams_room_id = webex_teams_apis.get_space_id(ROOM_NAME) if webex_teams_room_id is None: webex_teams_room_id = webex_teams_apis.create_space(ROOM_NAME) print('- ', ROOM_NAME, ' - Webex Teams room created') # invite membership to the room webex_teams_apis.add_space_membership(ROOM_NAME, APPROVER_EMAIL) webex_teams_apis.post_space_message( ROOM_NAME, 'To require access enter : IPD') webex_teams_apis.post_space_message(ROOM_NAME, 'Ready for input!') print('Instructions posted in the room') else: print('- ', ROOM_NAME, ' - Existing Webex Teams room found') webex_teams_apis.post_space_message( ROOM_NAME, 'To require access enter : IPD') webex_teams_apis.post_space_message(ROOM_NAME, 'Ready for input!') print('- ', ROOM_NAME, ' - Webex Teams room id: ', webex_teams_room_id) # check for messages to identify the last message posted and the user's email who posted the message # check for the length of time required for access last_message = (webex_teams_apis.last_user_message(ROOM_NAME))[0] while last_message == 'Ready for input!': time.sleep(5) last_message = (webex_teams_apis.last_user_message(ROOM_NAME))[0] if last_message == 'IPD': last_person_email = ( webex_teams_apis.last_user_message(ROOM_NAME))[1] webex_teams_apis.post_space_message( ROOM_NAME, 'How long time do you need access for? (in minutes) : ') time.sleep(10) if ( webex_teams_apis.last_user_message(ROOM_NAME) )[0] == 'How long time do you need access for? (in minutes) : ': timer = 30 * 60 else: timer = int( webex_teams_apis.last_user_message(ROOM_NAME)[0]) * 60 elif last_message != 'Ready for input!': webex_teams_apis.post_space_message(ROOM_NAME, 'I do not understand you') webex_teams_apis.post_space_message( ROOM_NAME, 'To require access enter : IPD') webex_teams_apis.post_space_message(ROOM_NAME, 'Ready for input!') last_message = 'Ready for input!' print('\nThe user with this email: ', last_person_email, ' asked access to IPD for ', (timer / 60), ' minutes') # get the WJT Auth token to access DNA dnac_token = dnac_apis.get_dnac_jwt_token(DNAC_AUTH) print('\nThe DNA Center auth token is: ', dnac_token) # IPD IP address - DNS lookup if available IPD_IP = '' last_person_email = '*****@*****.**' approver_email = '*****@*****.**' timer = 3600 # locate IPD in the environment using DNA C ipd_location_info = dnac_apis.locate_client_ip(IPD_IP, dnac_token) remote_device_hostname = ipd_location_info[ 0] # the network device the IPD is connected to vlan_number = ipd_location_info[2] # the access VLAN number interface_name = ipd_location_info[ 1] # the interface number is connected to device_location = dnac_apis.get_device_location( remote_device_hostname, dnac_token) # network device location location_list_info = device_location.split('/') remote_device_location = location_list_info[-1] # select the building name log_ipd_info = '\n\nThe IPD is connected to this device: ' + remote_device_hostname log_ipd_info += '\n\nThis interface: ' + interface_name + ', access VLAN: ' + vlan_number log_ipd_info += '\n\nLocated : ' + remote_device_location print(log_ipd_info) # request approval if user_input != 'y': webex_teams_apis.post_space_message( ROOM_NAME, ('The user with this email ' + last_person_email + ' asked access to IPD for ' + str(timer / 60) + ' minutes')) webex_teams_apis.post_space_message( ROOM_NAME, 'The IPD is connected to the switch ' + remote_device_hostname + ' at our location ' + remote_device_location) webex_teams_apis.post_space_message(ROOM_NAME, 'To approve enter: Y/N') # check for messages to identify the last message posted and the user's email who posted the message. # looking for user - Director email address, and message = 'Y' last_message = (webex_teams_apis.last_user_message(ROOM_NAME))[0] while last_message == 'To approve enter: Y/N': time.sleep(5) last_message = (webex_teams_apis.last_user_message(ROOM_NAME))[0] approver_email = (webex_teams_apis.last_user_message(ROOM_NAME))[1] if last_message == 'y' or 'Y': if approver_email == APPROVER_EMAIL: print('Access Approved') else: last_message = 'To approve enter: Y/N' print('\nApproval process completed') # get UCSD API key # ucsd_key = ucsd_apis.get_ucsd_api_key() # execute UCSD workflow to connect VDI to VLAN, power on VDI # ucsd_apis.execute_ucsd_workflow(ucsd_key, UCSD_CONNECT_FLOW) log_ucsd_info = '\n\nUCSD connect flow executed' print(log_ucsd_info) # deployment of cli configuration files to the dc router dc_device_hostname = 'PDX-RO' template_project = 'ERNA' print('\nThe DC device name is: ', dc_device_hostname) dc_config_file = 'DC_Config.txt' dc_config_templ = dc_config_file.split('.')[ 0] # select the template name from the template file cli_file = open(dc_config_file, 'r') # open file with the template cli_config = # read the file # validation of dc router cli template dc_valid = dnac_apis.check_ipv4_duplicate(dc_config_file) log_dc_info = '' if dc_valid is False: print('\n\nDC Router CLI Template validated') log_dc_info = '\n\nDC Router CLI Templates validated' dnac_apis.upload_template(dc_config_templ, template_project, cli_config, dnac_token) # upload the template to DNA C depl_id_dc = dnac_apis.deploy_template(dc_config_templ, template_project, dc_device_hostname, dnac_token) # deploy dc template log_dc_info += '\n\nDeployment of the configurations to the DC router, ' + dc_device_hostname log_dc_info += ' started, deployment id: ' + depl_id_dc log_dc_config = '\nDC Router Config \n\n' + cli_config print(log_dc_info) time.sleep(1) # deployment of cli configuration files to the remote router remote_config_file = 'Remote_Config.txt' remote_config_templ = remote_config_file.split('.')[ 0] # select the template name from the template file cli_file = open(remote_config_file, 'r') # open file with the template cli_config = # read the file # update the template with the localized info for the IPD # replace the $VlanId with the localized VLAN access # replace the $IPD with the IPD ip address cli_config = cli_config.replace('$IPD', IPD_IP) cli_config = cli_config.replace('$VlanId', vlan_number) remote_updated_config_file = 'Remote_Config_Updated.txt' updated_cli_file = open(remote_updated_config_file, 'w') updated_cli_file.write(cli_config) updated_cli_file.close() # validation of remote router cli template remote_valid = dnac_apis.check_ipv4_duplicate(remote_updated_config_file) log_remote_info = '' if remote_valid is False: log_remote_info = '\n\nRemote Device CLI Template validated' print(log_remote_info) dnac_apis.upload_template(remote_config_templ, template_project, cli_config, dnac_token) # upload the template to DNA C depl_id_remote = dnac_apis.deploy_template( remote_config_templ, template_project, remote_device_hostname, dnac_token) # deploy remote template time.sleep(1) log_remote_info += '\n\nDeployment of the configurations to the Remote device, ' + remote_device_hostname log_remote_info += ' started, deployment id: ' + depl_id_remote log_remote_config = '\nRemote Device Config \n\n' + cli_config print(log_remote_info) time.sleep(1) # check the deployment status after waiting for all jobs to complete - 10 seconds print('\nWait for DNA Center to complete template deployments') time.sleep(10) dc_status = dnac_apis.check_template_deployment_status( depl_id_dc, dnac_token) remote_status = dnac_apis.check_template_deployment_status( depl_id_remote, dnac_token) log_templ_depl_info = '\n\nTemplates deployment status DC: ' + dc_status + ', Remote: ' + remote_status print(log_templ_depl_info) if dc_status == 'SUCCESS' and remote_status == 'SUCCESS': print('\nAll templates deployment have been successful\n') templ_deploy_status = True # synchronization of devices configured - DC and Remote Router dc_sync_status = dnac_apis.sync_device(dc_device_hostname, dnac_token)[0] remote_sync_status = dnac_apis.sync_device(remote_device_hostname, dnac_token)[0] if dc_sync_status == 202: print('\nDNA Center started the DC Router resync') if remote_sync_status == 202: print('\nDNA Center started the Remote Router resync') dc_router_tunnel = netconf_restconf.get_restconf_int_oper_status( 'Tunnel201') remote_router_tunnel = netconf_restconf.get_netconf_int_oper_status( 'Tunnel201') log_tunnel_info = '\n\nThe Tunnel 201 interfaces operational state: ' log_tunnel_info += '\n\nFrom ' + remote_device_hostname + ' using NETCONF - ' + dc_router_tunnel log_tunnel_info += '\n\nFrom ' + dc_device_hostname + ' using RESTCONF - ' + remote_router_tunnel print(log_tunnel_info) print('\nWait for DNA Center to complete the resync of the two devices') time.sleep(180) print('\nSync completed, Path Trace started') # start a path trace to check the path segmentation path_trace_id = dnac_apis.create_path_trace('', IPD_IP, dnac_token) print('\nWait for Path Trace to complete') time.sleep(30) path_trace_info = dnac_apis.get_path_trace_info(path_trace_id, dnac_token) log_path_trace = '\n\nPath Trace status: ' + path_trace_info[0] log_path_trace += '\n\nPath Trace details: ' + str(path_trace_info[1]) print(log_path_trace) # create ASAv outside interface ACL to allow traffic outside_acl_id = asav_apis.get_asav_access_list(OUTSIDE_INT) asav_status = asav_apis.create_asav_access_list(outside_acl_id, OUTSIDE_INT, VDI_IP, IPD_IP) if asav_status == 201: log_asav_info = '\n\nASAv access list updated to allow traffic from ' + VDI_IP + ' to ' + IPD_IP + ' on the interface ' + OUTSIDE_INT else: log_asav_info = '\n\nError updating the ASAv access list on the interface ' + OUTSIDE_INT print(log_asav_info) # Webex Teams notification webex_teams_apis.post_space_message( ROOM_NAME, 'Requested access to this device: IPD, located in our office: ' + remote_device_location + ' by user ' + last_person_email + ' has been granted for ' + str(int(timer / 60)) + ' minutes') log_access_info = '\n\nRequested access to this device: IPD, located in our office: ' log_access_info += remote_device_location + ' by user: '******' has been granted for ' + str( int(timer / 60)) + ' minutes' # create and update ServiceNow incident snow_user = '******' snow_description = 'ERNA Automation - Vendor Remote Access to IPD: ' + IPD_IP snow_incident = service_now_apis.create_incident(snow_description, log_ipd_info, snow_user, '2') comments = log_ucsd_info + log_dc_info + log_dc_config + log_remote_info + log_remote_config + log_templ_depl_info comments += log_tunnel_info + log_path_trace + log_asav_info + log_access_info service_now_apis.update_incident(snow_incident, comments, snow_user) date_time = str( print('\n\nEnd of application "" provisioning run at this time ', date_time) # time.sleep(timer) # un-comment this line if time limit is required input('Press any key to continue de-provisioning ') # # restore configurations to initial state # # restore DC router config dc_rem_file = 'DC_Remove.txt' dc_rem_templ = dc_rem_file.split('.')[0] cli_file = open(dc_rem_file, 'r') cli_config = dnac_apis.upload_template(dc_rem_templ, template_project, cli_config, dnac_token) depl_id_dc_rem = dnac_apis.deploy_template(dc_rem_templ, template_project, dc_device_hostname, dnac_token) print('\nDC Router restored to the baseline configuration') log_remove_info = '\n\nDC Router restored to the baseline configuration' time.sleep(1) # restore Remote router config remote_rem_file = 'Remote_Remove.txt' remote_rem_templ = remote_rem_file.split('.')[0] cli_file = open(remote_rem_file, 'r') cli_config = # update the template with the local info for the IPD # replace the $VlanId with the local VLAN access # replace the $IPD with the IPD ip address cli_config = cli_config.replace('$IPD', IPD_IP) cli_config = cli_config.replace('$VlanId', vlan_number) remote_updated_remove_file = 'Remote_Remove_Updated.txt' updated_cli_file = open(remote_updated_remove_file, 'w') updated_cli_file.write(cli_config) updated_cli_file.close() dnac_apis.upload_template(remote_rem_templ, template_project, cli_config, dnac_token) depl_id_remote_rem = dnac_apis.deploy_template(remote_rem_templ, template_project, remote_device_hostname, dnac_token) print('\nRemote Router restored to the baseline configuration') log_remove_info += '\n\nRemote Device restored to the baseline configuration' time.sleep(1) # remove the ASAv outside interface ACLE that allowed traffic between VDI and IPD outside_acl_id = asav_apis.get_asav_access_list(OUTSIDE_INT) asav_status = asav_apis.delete_asav_access_list(outside_acl_id, OUTSIDE_INT) if asav_status == 204: log_asav_remove_info = '\n\nASAv access list on the interface ' + OUTSIDE_INT + ' restored to the baseline configuration' else: log_asav_remove_info = 'Error while restoring the ASAv access list on the interface ' + OUTSIDE_INT print(log_asav_remove_info) # execute UCSD workflow to disconnect VDI to VLAN, power on VDI # ucsd_apis.execute_ucsd_workflow(ucsd_key, UCSD_DISCONNECT_FLOW) log_ucsd_remove_info = '\n\nUCSD disconnect flow executed' print(log_ucsd_remove_info) # sync the remote and DC device dc_sync_status = dnac_apis.sync_device(dc_device_hostname, dnac_token)[0] remote_sync_status = dnac_apis.sync_device(remote_device_hostname, dnac_token)[0] log_sync_info = '' if dc_sync_status == 202: log_sync_info = '\n\nDNA Center started the DC Router resync' if remote_sync_status == 202: log_sync_info += '\n\nDNA Center started the Remote Router resync' print(log_sync_info) # Webex Teams notification webex_teams_apis.post_space_message( ROOM_NAME, 'Access to this device: IPD has been terminated') webex_teams_apis.post_space_message( ROOM_NAME, '----------------------------------------------') # update the database with script execution access_log_file = open('access_logs.csv', 'a') data_to_append = str('\n\n' + date_time) + ',' access_log_file.write(data_to_append) data_to_append = last_person_email + ',' + log_ipd_info + ',' + approver_email data_to_append += ',' + log_dc_info + ',' + log_remote_info + ',' + log_templ_depl_info + ',' data_to_append += log_path_trace + ',' + log_asav_info + ',\n' + snow_incident data_to_append_nolines = data_to_append.replace('\n\n', '\n') access_log_file.write(data_to_append_nolines) access_log_file.close() print('\nRecords database updated, file saved') comments = log_remove_info + log_asav_remove_info + log_ucsd_remove_info + log_sync_info service_now_apis.update_incident(snow_incident, comments, snow_user) # restore the stdout to initial value sys.stdout = initial_sys # the local date and time when the code will end execution date_time = str( print('\n\nEnd of application "" run at this time ', date_time)
def main(): # post message to the new space webex_teams_apis.post_space_message('Class Space SRW', 'test message') input( 'Check the space for the new message posted, hit any key to continue ')