def send_webhook2(webhook_type, site, profile, url): if settings.webhook != "": webhook = DiscordWebhook( url=settings.webhook, username="******", avatar_url="", ) if webhook_type == "AD": if not settings.webhook_on_order: return embed = DiscordEmbed(title="Added To Cart", color=0x34C693) embed.set_footer(text="Via Bird Bot", icon_url="") embed.add_embed_field(name="Site", value=site, inline=True) embed.add_embed_field(name="Profile", value=profile, inline=True) embed.add_embed_field(name="URL", value=url, inline=True) # embed.set_thumbnail(url=image_url) webhook.add_embed(embed) try: webhook.execute() except: pass
def send_webhook(webhook_type, site, profile, task_id, image_url): if settings.webhook != "": webhook = DiscordWebhook(url=settings.webhook, username="******", avatar_url="") if webhook_type == "OP": if not settings.webhook_on_order: return embed = DiscordEmbed(title="Order Placed", color=0x34c693) elif webhook_type == "B": if not settings.webhook_on_browser: return embed = DiscordEmbed(title="Complete Order in Browser", color=0xf2a689) elif webhook_type == "PF": if not settings.webhook_on_failed: return embed = DiscordEmbed(title="Payment Failed", color=0xfc5151) embed.set_footer(text="Via Bird Bot", icon_url="") embed.add_embed_field(name="Site", value=site, inline=True) embed.add_embed_field(name="Profile", value=profile, inline=True) embed.add_embed_field(name="Task ID", value=task_id, inline=True) embed.set_thumbnail(url=image_url) webhook.add_embed(embed) try: webhook.execute() except: pass
cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bios( name varchar(255), bio text);''') while True: cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM bios''') results = cursor.fetchall() for user in results: try: bio = Instagram(user[0]).bio except: sleep(30) if bio != user[1]: webhook = DiscordWebhook(url='WEBHOOK URL') # create embed object for webhook print(user) embed = DiscordEmbed(title=user[0], description=bio, color=242424) # add embed object to webhook webhook.add_embed(embed) webhook.execute() cursor.execute('''UPDATE bios SET bio=? WHERE name=?''', (bio, user[0])) connection.commit() sleep(1) sleep(1)
def post_message(d): try: if float(d['price']) < 10.0: return app_id_name = next( (item for item in app_id_lookup if item['a'] == d['app_id']), None) app_id = int(d['app_id']) name = str(d["market_hash_name"]) market = urllib.request.pathname2url(d['market_hash_name']) msg = "Name: {}\nListing Price: {}".format(d["market_hash_name"], d['price']) if str(d['app_id']) == "730": wd = int(d['withdrawable_at'] - time.time()) if wd <= 0: msg += "\nTradeable: Instantly\n" else: msg += "\nTradeable: {}\n".format(secondsToText(wd)) if app_id == 730: #CS arr = ["000"] if any(knife in name.lower() for knife in knife_channel): wh_url = "000" elif any(glove in name.lower() for glove in glove_channel): wh_url = "000" else: wh_url = "000" elif app_id == 570: #dota wh_url = "000" elif app_id == 440: #tf2 wh_url = "000" else: wh_url = "000" webhook = DiscordWebhook(url=wh_url) log = DiscordEmbed() log.title = "Game: {}".format(app_id_name['n']) log.color = 0xe74c3c thumb = str(d['image']) log.set_thumbnail(url=thumb) log.description = msg log.add_field( name='Item Link:', value='[[URL]({}&item_id={})]' .format(d['app_id'], d['item_id']), inline=True) log.add_field( name='Sales Page:', value= '[[URL]({}&market_hash_name={}&sort_by=price&order=asc)]' .format(d['app_id'], market), inline=True) webhook.add_embed(log) webhook.execute() except Exception as e: print("Error: {}\n TB: {}".format(e, traceback.format_exc()))
def send_webhook(webhook_type, site, profile, task_id, image_url): if settings.webhook != "": print("Here in send_webhook") webhook = DiscordWebhook(url=settings.webhook, username="******", avatar_url="") if webhook_type == "OP": if not settings.webhook_on_order: return embed = DiscordEmbed(title="Order Placed", color=0x34c693) elif webhook_type == "B": if not settings.webhook_on_browser: return embed = DiscordEmbed( title="Added to cart, complete order in browser", color=0xf2a689) elif webhook_type == "PF": if not settings.webhook_on_failed: return embed = DiscordEmbed(title="Payment Failed", color=0xfc5151) embed.set_footer(text="Rashed - Auto Bot", icon_url="") embed.add_embed_field(name="Site", value=site, inline=True) embed.add_embed_field(name="Profile", value=profile, inline=True) embed.add_embed_field(name="Task ID", value=task_id, inline=True) embed.set_thumbnail(url=image_url) webhook.add_embed(embed) try: webhook.execute() except Exception as e: print(e) pass
def post_message(d, fv, avg, c, stickers, seed=None, insp=None, phase=None): try: app_id_name = next( (item for item in app_id_lookup if item['a'] == d['app_id']), None) name = str(d['market_hash_name']) app_id = int(d['app_id']) price = float(d['price']) if app_id == 570: #dota wh_url = "000" elif app_id == 433850: #z1 wh_url = "000" elif app_id == 252490: wh_url = "000" elif app_id == 730: if c == 0x0000ff: #floats wh_url = "000" if c == 0x00ff00: #avg if any(knife in name.lower() for knife in knife_channel): wh_url = "000" elif "sticker" in name.lower(): wh_url = "000" elif price <= 1: wh_url = "000" elif 1 <= price <= 5: wh_url = "000" elif 5 <= price <= 10: wh_url = "000" elif 10 <= price <= 50: wh_url = "000" elif price > 50: wh_url = "000" if c == 0xeeffff: #price if any(knife in name.lower() for knife in knife_channel): wh_url = "000" elif "sticker" in name.lower(): wh_url = "000" elif price <= 1: wh_url = "000" elif 1 <= price <= 5: wh_url = "000" elif 5 <= price <= 10: wh_url = "000" elif 10 <= price <= 50: wh_url = "000" elif price > 50: wh_url = "000" if c == 0xff0000: #stickers wh_url = "000" if c == 0x85ffff: #ch wh_url = "000" else: wh_url = "000" market = urllib.request.pathname2url(d['market_hash_name']) msg = "\nItem: {}\n".format(d['market_hash_name']) if app_id == 730: if seed and "case hardened" in str(d['market_hash_name']).lower(): msg += "Pattern Seed: {}\n".format(seed) if phase is not None: msg += "Phase: {}\n".format( str(phase).replace("phase", "Phase ")) if fv is not None: if fv == "-1.0000000000": pass elif fv != "None": if fv == 5: msg += "Float: n/a\n".format(float(fv)) else: msg += "Float: {:.10f}\n".format(float(fv)) if stickers is not None: msg += "\nStickers:\n" stick_len = 1 for sticker in stickers: msg += "{}) [{}] {}\n".format( stick_len, "{:.0%}".format(float(sticker['w'])) if sticker['w'] != "None" else "0%", sticker['n']) stick_len += 1 msg += "\n" wd = int(d['withdrawable_at'] - time.time()) if wd <= 0: msg += "Tradeable: Instantly\n" else: msg += "Tradeable: {}\n".format(secondsToText(wd)) msg += "\n" avg_sale_price = "${:.3f}".format(avg[0]) # if avg[3][1]: # delta_prof = float(avg[3][1]) - price # perc_prof = delta / price * 100 # else: delta = float(avg[0]) - price perc = delta / price * 100 if c == 0x00ff00: if price < 0.07: # print("{} - ${}".format(d['market_hash_name'], price)) return if perc < 4.86: # print("{} - {}%".format(d['market_hash_name'], perc)) return msg += "Price: ${}\n".format(price) msg += "AVG Price: {}\nAverage From: {}\n \n".format( avg_sale_price, avg[1]) msg += "Delta: ${:.3f}\nDelta: {:.3f}% \n".format(delta, perc) msg += "\nPrevious Sale AVG: ${:.3f}\nCurrent Listing AVG: ${:.3f}\n".format( build_avg(avg[2]), build_avg(avg[3])) webhook = DiscordWebhook(url=wh_url) log = DiscordEmbed() log.title = "Game: {}".format(app_id_name['n']) log.color = c thumb = str(d['image']) log.set_thumbnail(url=thumb) log.description = msg prev_sales = list(dict.fromkeys(avg[2])) log.add_field(name='{} Previous {}:'.format( len(prev_sales), "Sale" if len(prev_sales) == 1 else "Sales"), value='{}'.format(', '.join(str(v) for v in prev_sales)), inline=False) log.add_field(name='{}/5 Current Listings:'.format(len(avg[3])), value='{}'.format(', '.join(str(v) for v in avg[3])), inline=False) log.add_field( name='Item Link:', value='[[URL]({}&item_id={})]' .format(d['app_id'], d['item_id']), inline=True) log.add_field( name='Sales Page:', value= '[[URL]({}&market_hash_name={}&sort_by=price&order=asc)]' .format(d['app_id'], market), inline=True) log.add_field( name='Pricecheck Page:', value='[[URL]({})]'. format(market), inline=True) if insp is not None: log.add_field( name='Screenshot:', value='[[URL]({})]'.format(insp), inline=True) log.set_footer(text="Price Modified: ${} -> ${}".format( d['old_price'], d['price'])) webhook.add_embed(log) webhook.execute() print(d) except Exception as e: print("Error: {}\n TB: {}".format(e, traceback.format_exc()))
def post_message(d): try: name = str(d["market_hash_name"]) if d['phase']: item_id = d['item_id'] x = get_item_info(item_id) if x == "Sold": #this is a shitty way to deal with it, good luck dealing with bitskins f*****g garbage api print("Item {} not on sale.".format(name)) return if x is None: print("Item {} has no data.".format(name)) insp = item_float = None else: insp = x[0] fv = x[1] price = float(d['price']) phase = str(d['phase']) market = urllib.request.pathname2url(name) phase_data = get_phase_prices(phase, market) avg_phase_price = phase_data[0] app_id_name = "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" app_id = int(d['app_id']) clean_phase = phase.lower().replace("phase", "phase ") msg = "\nItem: {}\n".format(d['market_hash_name']) msg+="Phase: {}\n".format(clean_phase.title()) if fv is not None: if fv == "-1.0000000000": pass elif fv != "None": if fv == 5: msg+="Float: n/a\n".format(float(fv)) else: msg+="Float: {:.10f}\n".format(float(fv)) msg+="\n" wd = int(d['withdrawable_at'] - time.time()) if wd <= 0: msg+="Tradeable: Instantly\n" else: msg+="Tradeable: {}\n".format(secondsToText(wd)) msg+="\n" delta = float(avg_phase_price) - price perc = delta/price*100 msg+="Price: ${}\nLowest Listing: {}{}\n \n".format(price,avg_phase_price," (Lowest price)" if price == avg_phase_price else "") msg+="Delta: ${:.3f}\nDelta: {:.3f}% \n".format(delta, perc) webhook = DiscordWebhook(url=wh_url) log = DiscordEmbed() log.title = "Game: {}".format(app_id_name) log.color = 0xe74c3c thumb = str(d['image']) log.set_thumbnail(url=thumb) log.description = msg log.add_field(name='{}/5 Current Listings:'.format(len(phase_data)), value='{}'.format(', '.join(str(v) for v in phase_data)), inline=False) log.add_field(name='Item Link:', value='[[URL]({}&item_id={})]'.format(d['app_id'], d['item_id']), inline=True) log.add_field(name='Sales Page:', value='[[URL]({}&market_hash_name={}&sort_by=price&order=asc)]'.format(d['app_id'], market), inline=True) log.add_field(name='Pricecheck Page:', value='[[URL]({})]'.format(market), inline=True) if insp is not None: log.add_field(name='Screenshot:', value='[[URL]({})]'.format(insp), inline=True) webhook.add_embed(log) webhook.execute() except Exception as e: print("Error: {}\n TB: {}".format(e, traceback.format_exc()))