    def _setup_registery(self, environ, start_response):
        # Setup the basic bootstrappy thread-local objects
        req = Request(environ)
        req.config = self.config
        response = Response()

        # Store a copy of the request/response in environ for faster access
        obj = BootstrapPyContext()
        obj.config = self.config
        obj.request = req
        obj.response = response
        obj.app_globals = self.globals
        obj.auth_id = self.auth_id
        obj.permissions = self.permissions
        obj.h = self.helpers

        environ['bootstrappy.bootstrappy'] = obj
        environ['bootstrappy.environ_config'] = self.environ_config

        tmpl_context = BootstrapPyContext()
        obj.tmpl_context = req.tmpl_context = tmpl_context

        if self._session_key in environ:
            obj.session = req.session = environ[self._session_key]
        if self._cache_key in environ:
            obj.cache = environ[self._cache_key]

        # Load the globals with the registry if around
        if 'paste.registry' in environ: