def build_folders(source, destination_temp, standards, root):
    print "Building register..."

    source_fs = OSFS(source)

    # iterate over all standards in source directory
    for standard in standards:
        print "Processing %s ... " % standard['id']
        standard_fs = source_fs.opendir(standard['id'])

        # list all sub standards of a standard
        artifacts = standard_fs.listdir(dirs_only=True)
        if '.git' in artifacts: artifacts.remove(".git")

        for artifact in artifacts:
            # check whether artifact folder exists in destination_temp 
            if root.exists('%s/%s' % (destination_temp, artifact)) == False:
                root.makedir('%s/%s' % (destination_temp, artifact))
            # copy standard folders from source to destination_temp in desired structure
            root.copydir('%s/%s/%s' % (source, standard['id'], artifact),  '%s/%s/%s' % (destination_temp, artifact, standard['id']))

        # create standard HTML page
        html = create_standard_webpage(standard, artifacts)

        # check whether standard folder exists in register root
        if root.exists('%s/%s' % (destination_temp, standard['id'])) == False:
            root.makedir('%s/%s' % (destination_temp, standard['id']))
        # write standard HTML page to register/standard/index.html
        with codecs.open('%s/%s/index.html' % (destination_temp, standard['id']), 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
def build_folders(source, destination_temp, standard, root):
    """Transform the repos' folder structure to that of the register
    and build HTML pages for each standard.

    source_fs = OSFS(source)

    print "Processing %s ... " % standard['id']
    standard_fs = source_fs.opendir(standard['id'])

    # list all artifacts of a standard
    artifacts = standard_fs.listdir(dirs_only=True)
    if '.git' in artifacts: artifacts.remove(".git")

    for artifact in artifacts:
        # check whether artifact folder exists in destination_temp 
        if root.exists('%s/%s' % (destination_temp, artifact)) == False:
            root.makedir('%s/%s' % (destination_temp, artifact))

        # copy standard folders from source to destination_temp in desired structure
        root.copydir('%s/%s/%s' % (source, standard['id'], artifact),  '%s/%s/%s' % (destination_temp, artifact, standard['id']))

    html = create_standard_webpage(standard, artifacts)

    # check whether register/standard exists
    if root.exists('%s/%s' % (destination_temp, standard['id'])) == False:
        root.makedir('%s/%s' % (destination_temp, standard['id']))
    # write standard HTML page to register/standard/index.html
    with codecs.open('%s/%s/index.html' % (destination_temp, standard['id']), 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:

    # copy web assets
    root.copydir('web/assets', '%s/r' % destination_temp, overwrite=True)
def create_infomodel_homepage(root, sources_path, assets_path, build_path, destination_temp, repo_cluster, standard):
    """Creates the homepage of an information model and copies to correct location

    e.g. http://register.geostandaarden.nl/brt/top10nl/index.html

    artifacts = get_artifacts(root, build_path, sources_path, standard)

    html = webpages.create_standard_webpage(standard, artifacts, assets_path)

    # copy homepage to register/standard exists if part of cluster
    if repo_cluster == "":
        if root.exists(ospath.join(build_path, destination_temp, standard["id"])) == False:
            root.makedir(ospath.join(build_path, destination_temp, standard["id"]))
        # write standard HTML page to register/standard/index.html
        with codecs.open(
            ospath.join(root.getsyspath("."), build_path, destination_temp, standard["id"], "index.html"),
        ) as f:
        # check whether register/cluster/exists
        if root.exists(ospath.join(build_path, destination_temp, repo_cluster)) == False:
            root.makedir(ospath.join(build_path, destination_temp, repo_cluster))

        # check whether register/cluster/standard exists
        if root.exists(ospath.join(build_path, destination_temp, repo_cluster, standard["id"])) == False:
            root.makedir(ospath.join(build_path, destination_temp, repo_cluster, standard["id"]))

        # write standard HTML page to register/cluster/standard/index.html
        with codecs.open(
            ospath.join(build_path, destination_temp, repo_cluster, standard["id"], "index.html"), "w", encoding="utf8"
        ) as f:

    # copy web assets
    # root.copydir(ospath.join(assets_path, 'web', 'assets'), ospath.join(build_path, destination_temp, 'r'), overwrite=True)
        "cp -r %s %s"
        % (
            ospath.join(assets_path, "web", "assets"),
            ospath.join(root.getsyspath("."), build_path, destination_temp, "r"),