def download_to_hbase(): statuses = client.statuses.public_timeline.get(count=100) statuses = statuses.get('statuses') hclient = HBaseClient(1) for s in statuses: r_status = Status() r_status.load(s) print s.get('text') batch = r_status.get_batches() print batch hclient.applyBatch(batch)
def load(self, dic): for attr in UserProfile.attrs: v = dic.get(attr) if attr=='key': v = dic.get('id') if v is None:continue self.setattr(attr,v) #如果用户Profile信息包含有其最新的一条微博的信息 status = dic.get('status') if status is None: return from weibo import Status s = Status() s.load(status) batches = s.get_batches() self.batches.extend(batches)
def load(self, dic): for attr in UserProfile.attrs: v = dic.get(attr) if attr == 'key': v = dic.get('id') if v is None: continue self.setattr(attr, v) #如果用户Profile信息包含有其最新的一条微博的信息 status = dic.get('status') if status is None: return from weibo import Status s = Status() s.load(status) batches = s.get_batches() self.batches.extend(batches)
def __call__(self, str): status = Status.wrap(str) content = status.get_content() algor = mmseg.Algorithm(content) tokens = map(lambda x: x.text, algor) # append the emo and topic for e in status.get_emos(): algor = mmseg.Algorithm(e) tokens.extend(map(lambda x: x.text, algor)) for t in status.get_topics(): algor = mmseg.Algorithm(t) tokens.extend(map(lambda x: x.text, algor)) return [x for x in tokens if x not in self.stopwords]
APP_KEY = 'APP_KEY' # app key APP_SECRET = 'YOUR_APP_SECRET' # app secret CALLBACK_URL = 'YOUR_CALLBACK_URL' # callback url client = APIClient(app_key=APP_KEY, app_secret=APP_SECRET, redirect_uri=CALLBACK_URL) client.access_token = access_token statuses = client.statuses.public_timeline.get(count=200) statuses = statuses.get('statuses') for s in statuses: r_status = Status() r_status.load(s) batch = r_status.get_batches() gateway.applyBatch(batch) #friends = client.friendships.friends.get(screen_name='Peter_Howe',trim_status=1,count=200,page=1) #friends = client.friendships.followers.get(screen_name='Peter_Howe',trim_status=1,count=200,page=1) #friends = client.friendships.friends.bilateral.get(uid=1096081744,trim_status=1,count=200,page=1) #friends = friends['users'] #print len(friends) #f = friends[11] #ff = json.dumps(friends,ensure_ascii=False,indent=2,sort_keys=True) #print ff #tags = client.tags.get(uid=2721210291)
access_token = getToken(uname,passwd) #'2.00jAczuCfj3PXC883178e9a0zwIHRD' print(access_token) APP_KEY = 'APP_KEY' # app key APP_SECRET = 'YOUR_APP_SECRET' # app secret CALLBACK_URL = 'YOUR_CALLBACK_URL' # callback url client = APIClient(app_key=APP_KEY, app_secret=APP_SECRET, redirect_uri=CALLBACK_URL) client.access_token = access_token statuses = client.statuses.public_timeline.get(count=200) statuses = statuses.get('statuses') for s in statuses: r_status = Status() r_status.load(s) batch = r_status.get_batches() gateway.applyBatch(batch) #friends = client.friendships.friends.get(screen_name='Peter_Howe',trim_status=1,count=200,page=1) #friends = client.friendships.followers.get(screen_name='Peter_Howe',trim_status=1,count=200,page=1) #friends = client.friendships.friends.bilateral.get(uid=1096081744,trim_status=1,count=200,page=1) #friends = friends['users'] #print len(friends) #f = friends[11]
def process_item(): hclient = gateway.HBaseClient() allcount = 0 uidCount = 0 sCount = 0 retweetCount = 0 socket.setdefaulttimeout(60) while (True): Request = None Request = urlRequest() Request = Request.getRequest() run_log("Request") """对获取的Request进行判断""" try: if isinstance(int(Request), int): time.sleep(int(Request)) continue except: print if Request != None: uidCount += 1 #统计用户个数 statuses = None # statusCount = 0 #统计微博个数 pageCount = 1 #设置起始页数为1 infoDict = {} #把一个用户的微博信息先存放在dict中,在存入数据库 sCount = 0 """判断在数据处理过程中是否发生错误Jd""" hasError = False limitFalse = False notenough = False isFirst = True lastUpdate = 0 create_time = 0 """用户uid,access_token,request""" timeUid = None token = None request = None timeUid = Request['uid'] token = Request["token"] requestUrl = Request['url'] """获取上次更新的时间jd""" nowtime = hclient.getUpdateTime('sina_user', timeUid) #nowtime = hclient.getUpdateTime('TimePoint', timeUid, 'f:old') """对一个用户进行循环下载微博数据""" while (True): request = requestUrl + str(pageCount) print request run_log("download") max = 5 statuses = None """ 下载微博数据""" while (max > 0): max -= 1 try: statuses = urllib.urlopen(request).read() statuses = json.loads(statuses, encoding='utf-8') if pageCount < 11 and statuses.get('statuses', 1) == 1: error_log( "WARN:%s cannot get statuses,but maybe load finish" % timeUid) time.sleep(3) continue break except Exception as e: error_log("FATAL:%s cannot get statuses" % timeUid) """ 微博数据不为空""" if statuses != None: """出现错误""" if "error" in statuses: #judge error exit. dt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') hasError = True #if statuses["error"] == "expired_token": # token is expired 权限为15天的token # error_log("ERROR:expired_token") # req = "" # data = {} # data["access_token"] = token # data["uid"] = timeUid # data["error"] = statuses["error"] # data["time"] = dt # data = json.dumps(data,sort_keys=True) # # try: # req = urllib2.Request(req,data) # resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) # resp.close() # req.close() # #resp.close() # break # except Exception: # error_log("FATAL:failed to send failed token % s" % timeUid) # break if statuses[ "error"] == "User requests out of rate limit!": time.sleep(180) limitFalse = True elif statuses[ "error"] == "source paramter(appkey) is missing": #权限为一天的token过期 error_log( "ERROR:source paramter(appkey) is missing") req = "" u_info = {} #u_info["uid"] = timeUid u_info["access_token"] = token #u_info["error"] = statuses["error"] #u_info["time"] = dt u_info["errorType"] = 1 u_info = json.dumps(u_info, sort_keys=True) try: req = urllib2.Request(req, u_info) resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) resp.close() req.close() break except Exception as e: error_log( "FATAL:Failed to handle day token %s" % timeUid) break # elif statuses["error"] == "User does not exists!": #用户不存在 # # error_log("ERROR:User does not exists! %s" % timeUid) # req = "" # uid_info = {} # uid_info["error"] = statuses["error"] # uid_info["uid"] = timeUid # uid_info["time"] = dt # uid_info = json.dumps(uid_info,sort_keys=True) # # try: # req = urllib2.Request(req,uid_info) # resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) # resp.close() # req.close() # break # except Exception as e: # error_log("FATAL::User does not exists! %s" % timeUid) # break """出现其他一些错误""" # else: # # error_log("ERROR:-other- %s" % statuses["error"]) # req = "" # u_info = {} # u_info["uid"] = timeUid # u_info["error"] = statuses["error"] # u_info["time"] = dt # u_info = json.dumps(u_info,sort_keys=True) # # try: # req = urllib2.Request(req,u_info) # resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) # resp.close() # req.close() # break # except Exception as e: # error_log("FATAL: handle other") # break else: #微博未出现错误 statuses = statuses.get('statuses', []) judgement = False if statuses == []: error_log("WARN:statuses is []") notenough = True break else: #解析微博数据,并将它存入数据库 for s in statuses: #获取每条微博 uid = s['user']['id'] u_name = s['user']['name'] create_time = s['created_at'] # create_time = date2stamp.date2unix(create_time) """对微博时间与以下载时间进行比较""" if create_time > nowtime: sCount += 1 statusCount += 1 judgement = True if isFirst: lastUpdate = create_time isFirst = False """微博中有转发""" if 'retweeted_status' in s: retweetCount += 1 """删除微博中的重复数据,只保留用户uid""" if statusCount > 1: del s['user'] s['uid'] = long(uid) if 'retweeted_status' in s: if 'user' in s['retweeted_status']: ruid = s['retweeted_status'][ 'user']['id'] del s['retweeted_status'][ 'user'] s['retweeted_status'][ 'uid'] = long(ruid) """ 连接数据库""" try: r_status = Status() r_status.load(s) batches = r_status.get_batches() for batch in batches: tableName = batch['tableName'] rowBatches = batch['rowBatches'] if infoDict.has_key(tableName): infoDict[tableName].append( rowBatches) else: infoDict[tableName] = [ rowBatches ] except Exception as e: error_log("ERROR:-analyze- %s" % e.message) continue """发送数据到suidice""" #print "SENDDATA" #if sendData is True: #try: #print "ss" #sendToWeb(u_name,s['created_at'],s['text'],sclient) #print "ss2" #except Exception as e: #error_log("ERROR:-suicide-- %s" % e.message) #continue """若时间小于已下载微博的时间,就下载另一个用户微博""" else: judgement = False break """判断是否出错,没有就页数加1,下载另一页""" if judgement == False: break else: if limitFalse is False: pageCount += 1 else: #微博数据为空就把用户uid返回给服务器进行重新下载 break # dt ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # hasError = True # req = "" # u_info = {} # u_info["uid"] = timeUid # u_info["error"] = "statuses is None" # u_info["time"] = dt # u_info = json.dumps(u_info,sort_keys=True) # # try: # req = urllib2.Request(req,u_info) # resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) # resp.close() # req.close() # break # except Exception as e: # error_log("FATAL:failed reload UID %s" % timeUid) # break """如果没有发生错误,则更新数据库""" if hasError is False: hclient.applyBatch(infoDict) if lastUpdate > nowtime: hclient.setUpdateTime('sina_user', timeUid, lastUpdate) else: error_log("FATAL:FAILED UPDATE UPDATETIME %s" % timeUid) #hclient.setTimePoint('TimePoint', timeUid, lastUpdate, 'f:end') #run_log("insertHbase") #"""这部分在第一下载是有用,以后更新下载没用""" #""" #if notenough: #oldTime = create_time #print 'oldTime',oldTime ##测试阶段不更新 #run_log("insertTimePoint") #hclient.setTimePoint('TimePoint', timeUid, oldTime, 'f:beg') #""" allcount += sCount else: time.sleep(30) print "[Number of uid]::%s" % uidCount #print uidCount print "[Number of status]::%s" % sCount #print sCount print "[Number of retweeted_status]::%s" % retweetCount #print retweetCount hclient.clientClose()
def process_item(): hclient = gateway.HBaseClient() allcount = 0 uidCount = 0 sCount = 0 retweetCount = 0 socket.setdefaulttimeout(60) while(True): Request = None Request = urlRequest() Request = Request.getRequest() run_log("Request") """对获取的Request进行判断""" try: if isinstance(int(Request),int): time.sleep(int(Request)) continue except: print if Request != None: uidCount += 1 #统计用户个数 statuses = None # statusCount = 0 #统计微博个数 pageCount = 1 #设置起始页数为1 infoDict = {} #把一个用户的微博信息先存放在dict中,在存入数据库 sCount = 0 """判断在数据处理过程中是否发生错误Jd""" hasError = False limitFalse = False notenough = False isFirst = True lastUpdate = 0 create_time = 0 """用户uid,access_token,request""" timeUid =None token = None request = None timeUid = Request['uid'] token = Request["token"] requestUrl = Request['url'] """获取上次更新的时间jd""" nowtime = hclient.getUpdateTime('sina_user', timeUid) #nowtime = hclient.getUpdateTime('TimePoint', timeUid, 'f:old') """对一个用户进行循环下载微博数据""" while(True): request = requestUrl+str(pageCount) print request run_log("download") max = 5 statuses = None """ 下载微博数据""" while(max > 0): max -= 1 try : statuses = urllib.urlopen(request).read() statuses = json.loads(statuses, encoding='utf-8') if pageCount < 11 and statuses.get('statuses', 1) == 1: error_log("WARN:%s cannot get statuses,but maybe load finish" % timeUid) time.sleep(3) continue break except Exception as e: error_log("FATAL:%s cannot get statuses" % timeUid) """ 微博数据不为空""" if statuses != None: """出现错误""" if "error" in statuses: #judge error exit. dt ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') hasError = True #if statuses["error"] == "expired_token": # token is expired 权限为15天的token # error_log("ERROR:expired_token") # req = "" # data = {} # data["access_token"] = token # data["uid"] = timeUid # data["error"] = statuses["error"] # data["time"] = dt # data = json.dumps(data,sort_keys=True) # # try: # req = urllib2.Request(req,data) # resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) # resp.close() # req.close() # #resp.close() # break # except Exception: # error_log("FATAL:failed to send failed token % s" % timeUid) # break if statuses["error"] == "User requests out of rate limit!": time.sleep(180) limitFalse = True elif statuses["error"] == "source paramter(appkey) is missing": #权限为一天的token过期 error_log("ERROR:source paramter(appkey) is missing") req = "" u_info = {} #u_info["uid"] = timeUid u_info["access_token"] = token #u_info["error"] = statuses["error"] #u_info["time"] = dt u_info["errorType"] = 1 u_info = json.dumps(u_info,sort_keys=True) try: req = urllib2.Request(req,u_info) resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) resp.close() req.close() break except Exception as e: error_log("FATAL:Failed to handle day token %s" % timeUid) break # elif statuses["error"] == "User does not exists!": #用户不存在 # # error_log("ERROR:User does not exists! %s" % timeUid) # req = "" # uid_info = {} # uid_info["error"] = statuses["error"] # uid_info["uid"] = timeUid # uid_info["time"] = dt # uid_info = json.dumps(uid_info,sort_keys=True) # # try: # req = urllib2.Request(req,uid_info) # resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) # resp.close() # req.close() # break # except Exception as e: # error_log("FATAL::User does not exists! %s" % timeUid) # break """出现其他一些错误""" # else: # # error_log("ERROR:-other- %s" % statuses["error"]) # req = "" # u_info = {} # u_info["uid"] = timeUid # u_info["error"] = statuses["error"] # u_info["time"] = dt # u_info = json.dumps(u_info,sort_keys=True) # # try: # req = urllib2.Request(req,u_info) # resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) # resp.close() # req.close() # break # except Exception as e: # error_log("FATAL: handle other") # break else: #微博未出现错误 statuses = statuses.get('statuses', []) judgement = False if statuses == []: error_log("WARN:statuses is []") notenough = True break else: #解析微博数据,并将它存入数据库 for s in statuses: #获取每条微博 uid = s['user']['id'] u_name = s['user']['name'] create_time = s['created_at'] # create_time = date2stamp.date2unix(create_time) """对微博时间与以下载时间进行比较""" if create_time > nowtime: sCount += 1 statusCount += 1 judgement = True if isFirst: lastUpdate = create_time isFirst = False """微博中有转发""" if 'retweeted_status' in s: retweetCount += 1 """删除微博中的重复数据,只保留用户uid""" if statusCount > 1: del s['user'] s['uid'] = long(uid) if 'retweeted_status' in s: if 'user' in s['retweeted_status']: ruid = s['retweeted_status']['user']['id'] del s['retweeted_status']['user'] s['retweeted_status']['uid'] = long(ruid) """ 连接数据库""" try: r_status = Status() r_status.load(s) batches = r_status.get_batches() for batch in batches: tableName = batch['tableName'] rowBatches = batch['rowBatches'] if infoDict.has_key(tableName): infoDict[tableName].append(rowBatches) else: infoDict[tableName] = [rowBatches] except Exception as e: error_log("ERROR:-analyze- %s" % e.message) continue """发送数据到suidice""" #print "SENDDATA" #if sendData is True: #try: #print "ss" #sendToWeb(u_name,s['created_at'],s['text'],sclient) #print "ss2" #except Exception as e: #error_log("ERROR:-suicide-- %s" % e.message) #continue """若时间小于已下载微博的时间,就下载另一个用户微博""" else: judgement = False break """判断是否出错,没有就页数加1,下载另一页""" if judgement == False: break else: if limitFalse is False: pageCount += 1 else: #微博数据为空就把用户uid返回给服务器进行重新下载 break # dt ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # hasError = True # req = "" # u_info = {} # u_info["uid"] = timeUid # u_info["error"] = "statuses is None" # u_info["time"] = dt # u_info = json.dumps(u_info,sort_keys=True) # # try: # req = urllib2.Request(req,u_info) # resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) # resp.close() # req.close() # break # except Exception as e: # error_log("FATAL:failed reload UID %s" % timeUid) # break """如果没有发生错误,则更新数据库""" if hasError is False: hclient.applyBatch(infoDict) if lastUpdate > nowtime: hclient.setUpdateTime('sina_user',timeUid,lastUpdate) else: error_log("FATAL:FAILED UPDATE UPDATETIME %s" % timeUid) #hclient.setTimePoint('TimePoint', timeUid, lastUpdate, 'f:end') #run_log("insertHbase") #"""这部分在第一下载是有用,以后更新下载没用""" #""" #if notenough: #oldTime = create_time #print 'oldTime',oldTime ##测试阶段不更新 #run_log("insertTimePoint") #hclient.setTimePoint('TimePoint', timeUid, oldTime, 'f:beg') #""" allcount += sCount else: time.sleep(30) print "[Number of uid]::%s"%uidCount #print uidCount print "[Number of status]::%s"%sCount #print sCount print "[Number of retweeted_status]::%s"%retweetCount #print retweetCount hclient.clientClose()