def maxchangeloc(request): if 'realtag' in request.GET and request.GET['realtag']: realtag = request.GET['realtag'] else: realtag = "" if 'lane' in request.GET and request.GET['lane']: ilane = request.GET['lane'] else: ilane = "" if 'pos' in request.GET and request.GET['pos']: ipos = request.GET['pos'] else: ipos = "" lquery = PaperRoll.objects.filter(id=realtag).values_list('paper_code', 'width', 'wunit', 'initial_weight', 'temp_weight')[0] lqlist = list(lquery) paper_code = lqlist[0] width = lqlist[1] wunit = lqlist[2] initial_weight = lqlist[3] temp_weight = lqlist[4] p = PaperRoll(id=realtag, width=width, wunit=wunit, initial_weight=initial_weight, temp_weight=temp_weight) p.paper_code = paper_code p.width = width p.wunit = wunit p.initial_weight = initial_weight p.temp_weight = temp_weight p.lane = ilane p.position = ipos return HttpResponseRedirect('/maxclamp/')
def minchangeloc(request): if 'realtag' in request.GET and request.GET['realtag']: realtag = request.GET['realtag'] else: realtag = "" if 'lane' in request.GET and request.GET['lane']: ilane = request.GET['lane'] else: ilane = "" if 'pos' in request.GET and request.GET['pos']: ipos = request.GET['pos'] else: ipos = "" if 'pcode' in request.GET and request.GET['pcode']: ipcode = request.GET['pcode'] else: ipcode = "" if 'width' in request.GET and request.GET['width']: iwidth = request.GET['width'] else: iwidth = "" if 'loss' in request.GET and request.GET['loss']: iloss = request.GET['loss'] else: iloss = "" if int(ipos) <= 43: query = PaperRoll.objects.filter(id=realtag).values_list('paper_code', 'width', 'wunit', 'initial_weight', 'temp_weight')[0] qlist = list(query) paper_code = qlist[0] width = qlist[1] wunit = qlist[2] initial_weight = qlist[3] temp_weight = qlist[4] p = PaperRoll(id=realtag, width=width, wunit=wunit, initial_weight=initial_weight, temp_weight=temp_weight) p.paper_code = paper_code p.width = width p.wunit = wunit p.initial_weight = initial_weight p.temp_weight = temp_weight p.lane = ilane p.position = ipos # realtag = "" response = "/stock/?pcode="+str(ipcode)+"&width="+str(iwidth)+"&loss="+str(iloss)+"&clamping=no&changed=yes" else: err = "" error = "Your submitted position is not between 1 and 43." return render_to_response('submit_error.html', locals()) return HttpResponseRedirect(response)
def changeloc(request): if 'realtag' in request.GET and request.GET['realtag']: realtag = request.GET['realtag'] else: return HttpResponseRedirect('/clamplift/') if 'lane' in request.GET and request.GET['lane']: ilane = request.GET['lane'] else: return HttpResponseRedirect('/clamplift/') if 'pos' in request.GET and request.GET['pos']: ipos = request.GET['pos'] else: return HttpResponseRedirect('/clamplift/') availoc = ['1A','1B','1C'] availoc = availoc + ['2A','2B','2C'] availoc = availoc + ['3A','3B','3C','3D','3E','3F','3G','3H'] availoc = availoc + ['4A','4B','4C','4D','4E','4F','4G','4H'] availoc = availoc + ['5A','5B','5C','5D','5E','5F','5G','5H'] availoc = availoc + ['6A','6B','6C','6D','6E','6F','6G','6H'] availoc = availoc + ['7A'] availoc = availoc + ['8A','8B','8C','8D','8E','8F','8G','8H'] availoc = availoc + ['9A','9B','9C','9D','9E','9F','9G','9H'] availoc = availoc + ['10A','10B','10C'] availoc = availoc + ['11A','11B','11C'] availoc = availoc + ['12A','12B','12C'] availoc = availoc + ['13A','13B','13C'] iposlane = str(ipos) + ilane if iposlane in availoc: query = PaperRoll.objects.filter(id=realtag).values_list('paper_code', 'width', 'wunit', 'initial_weight', 'temp_weight')[0] qlist = list(query) paper_code = qlist[0] width = qlist[1] wunit = qlist[2] initial_weight = qlist[3] temp_weight = qlist[4] p = PaperRoll(id=realtag, width=width, wunit=wunit, initial_weight=initial_weight, temp_weight=temp_weight) p.paper_code = paper_code p.width = width p.wunit = wunit p.initial_weight = initial_weight p.temp_weight = temp_weight p.lane = ilane p.position = ipos else: err = "" error = "Your submitted location is not available in the map." return render_to_response('submit_error.html', locals()) return HttpResponseRedirect('/clamplift/')
def maxassigntag(request): try: if 'atagid' in request.GET and request.GET['atagid']: atagid = int(request.GET['atagid']) else: return HttpResponseRedirect('/maxclamp/') if len(str(atagid)) == 1: stratagid = '000'+str(atagid) if len(str(atagid)) == 2: stratagid = '00'+str(atagid) if len(str(atagid)) == 3: stratagid = '0'+str(atagid) if 'apcode' in request.GET and request.GET['apcode']: apcode = request.GET['apcode'] else: return HttpResponseRedirect('/maxclamp/') if 'asize' in request.GET and request.GET['asize']: asize = int(request.GET['asize']) else: return HttpResponseRedirect('/maxclamp/') if 'aweight' in request.GET and request.GET['aweight']: aweight = int(request.GET['aweight']) else: return HttpResponseRedirect('/maxclamp/') if 'alane' in request.GET and request.GET['alane']: alane = request.GET['alane'] else: alane = '' if 'aposition' in request.GET and request.GET['aposition']: aposition = int(request.GET['aposition']) else: aposition = 0 if 'oldtagid' in request.GET and request.GET['oldtagid']: oldtagid = request.GET['oldtagid'] else: return HttpResponseRedirect('/maxclamp/') HOST = '' # CSIM network # HOST = '' # Likitomi network # HOST = '' # My own local network: Linksys # HOST = '' # In Likitomi factory PORT = 50007 soc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) soc.settimeout(2) soc.connect((HOST, PORT)) # ## soc.send('setup.operating_mode = standby\r\n') # soc.send('tag.db.scan_tags(100)\r\n') # datum = soc.recv(128) ## soc.send('tag.write_id(new_tag_id=3'+stratagid+'AAAA000000000000000, tag_id=30069AAAA000000000000000)\r\n') # if datum.find("ok") > -1: # soc.send('tag.read_id()\r\n') # data = soc.recv(8192) # tagdata = data.split("\r\n") # tag2writelist = list() # for tag in tagdata: # if "BBBB" not in tag: # if "AAAA" in tag: # tag2writelist.append(tag) # taglist = list() # replist = list() # for id1 in tag2writelist: # id2 = id1.replace("(","") # id2 = id2.replace(")","") # id3 = id2.split(", ") # for id4 in id3: # id5 = id4.split("=") # if id5[0]=="tag_id": taglist.append(id5[1]) # elif id5[0]=="repeat": replist.append(id5[1]) # repintlist = list() # for rep in replist: # repintlist.append(int(rep)) # if max(repintlist) in repintlist: # n = repintlist.index(max(repintlist)) # oldtagid = taglist[n][6:30] # soc.send('tag.write_id(new_tag_id=3'+stratagid+'AAAA000000000000000, tag_id='+oldtagid+')\r\n') # else: # soc.send('tag.write_id(3'+stratagid+'AAAA000000000000000)\r\n') soc.send('tag.write_id(new_tag_id=3'+stratagid+'AAAA000000000000000, tag_id='+oldtagid+')\r\n') response = soc.recv(128) soc.close() if response.find('ok') != -1: p = PaperRoll(id=atagid, paper_code=apcode, width=asize, wunit='inch', initial_weight=aweight, lane=alane, position=aposition) transaction.commit() return HttpResponseRedirect('/maxclamp/') else: return render_to_response('intmed.html', locals()) except: pass
def scale(request): # Connect serial port # try: weight = 'None' operating_mode = 'fake' # Operating mode = {'real', 'fake'} # scale_mode = 'fake' if scale_mode == 'real': ser = serial.Serial() ser.port = '/dev/ttyUSB0' ser.baudrate = 2400 ser.bytesize = 7 ser.parity = 'E' ser.stopbits = 1 ser.timeout = 2 ser.flushInput() output = ser.readline() ser.close() a = output.rsplit(",") if len(a) == 3: if a[0] == 'US': b = a[2] if b[0:1] == '+': c = b[-11:] d = c[:-4] weight = float(d) digital = str(weight) if len(digital) == 7: digit1 = digital[0:1] digit2 = digital[1:2] digit3 = digital[2:3] digit4 = digital[3:4] digit5 = digital[4:5] digit6 = digital[5:6] digit7 = digital[6:7] if len(digital) == 6: digit2 = digital[0:1] digit3 = digital[1:2] digit4 = digital[2:3] digit5 = digital[3:4] digit6 = digital[4:5] digit7 = digital[5:6] if len(digital) == 5: digit3 = digital[0:1] digit4 = digital[1:2] digit5 = digital[2:3] digit6 = digital[3:4] digit7 = digital[4:5] if len(digital) == 4: digit4 = digital[0:1] digit5 = digital[1:2] digit6 = digital[2:3] digit7 = digital[3:4] if len(digital) == 3: digit5 = digital[0:1] digit6 = digital[1:2] digit7 = digital[2:3] else: serror = "[The weight is negative.]" else: serror = "[The weight is overloaded.]" else: serror = "[Data sent is not complete.]" if scale_mode == 'fake': output = "US,NT,+00325.5Kg\r\n" weight = round(random.uniform(1,500),0) digital = str(weight) if len(digital) == 7: digit1 = digital[0:1] digit2 = digital[1:2] digit3 = digital[2:3] digit4 = digital[3:4] digit5 = digital[4:5] digit6 = digital[5:6] digit7 = digital[6:7] if len(digital) == 6: digit2 = digital[0:1] digit3 = digital[1:2] digit4 = digital[2:3] digit5 = digital[3:4] digit6 = digital[4:5] digit7 = digital[5:6] if len(digital) == 5: digit3 = digital[0:1] digit4 = digital[1:2] digit5 = digital[2:3] digit6 = digital[3:4] digit7 = digital[4:5] if len(digital) == 4: digit4 = digital[0:1] digit5 = digital[1:2] digit6 = digital[2:3] digit7 = digital[3:4] if len(digital) == 3: digit5 = digital[0:1] digit6 = digital[1:2] digit7 = digital[2:3] # Connect RFID reader # if operating_mode == 'real': realtag = 'None' HOST = '' # CSIM network # HOST = '' # Likitomi network # HOST = '' # My own local network: Linksys # HOST = '' # In Likitomi factory PORT = 50007 soc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) soc.settimeout(2) soc.connect((HOST, PORT)) ## soc.send('setup.operating_mode = standby\r\n') soc.send('tag.db.scan_tags(1000)\r\n') datum = soc.recv(128) if datum.find("ok") > -1: soc.send('tag.read_id()\r\n') data = soc.recv(8192) tagdata = data.split("\r\n") idlist = list() loclist = list() for tag in tagdata: # if "AAAA" in tag: # idlist.append(tag) # if "BBBB" in tag: # loclist.append(tag) if "type=STG" in tag or "AAAA" in tag: idlist.append(tag) if "type=ISOC" and "AAAA" not in tag or "BBBB" in tag: loclist.append(tag) cnt = 0 tagid_A = list() type_A = list() antenna_A = list() repeat_A = list() for id1 in idlist: id2 = id1.replace("(","") id2 = id2.replace(")","") id3 = id2.split(", ") for id4 in id3: id5 = id4.split("=") if id5[0]=="tag_id":tagid_A.append(id5[1]) elif id5[0]=="type":type_A.append(id5[1]) elif id5[0]=="antenna": antenna_A.append(id5[1]) elif id5[0]=="repeat": repeat_A.append(id5[1]) cnt= cnt+1 tagid_B = list() type_B = list() antenna_B = list() repeat_B = list() for loc1 in loclist: loc2 = loc1.replace("(","") loc2 = loc2.replace(")","") loc3 = loc2.split(", ") for loc4 in loc3 : loc5 = loc4.split("=") if loc5[0]=="tag_id": tagid_B.append(loc5[1]) elif loc5[0]=="type": type_B.append(loc5[1]) elif loc5[0]=="antenna": antenna_B.append(loc5[1]) elif loc5[0]=="repeat": repeat_B.append(loc5[1]) cnt= cnt+1 repeat_AA = list() for rep_A in repeat_A: repeat_AA.append(int(rep_A)) if max(repeat_AA) in repeat_AA: n = repeat_AA.index(max(repeat_AA)) # tagsplt = tagid_A[n].split("AAAA") # realtag = int(tagsplt[1][0:4]) realtag = tagid_A[n][7:11] soc.close() if operating_mode == 'fake': realtag = '0064' # Query database # if realtag != 'None': query1 = PaperRoll.objects.filter(id=realtag).values_list('paper_code', 'width', 'wunit', 'initial_weight', 'lane', 'position')[0] paper_code = query1[0] size = query1[1] uom = query1[2] initial_weight = query1[3] lane = query1[4] position = query1[5] query2 = PaperHistory.objects.filter(roll_id=realtag).order_by('-timestamp').values_list('last_wt') exists = PaperHistory.objects.filter(roll_id=realtag).exists() int_weight = int(weight) if exists == True: actual_wt = int(list(query2)[0][0]) else: actual_wt = initial_weight if weight != 'None': used_weight = actual_wt - int(weight) # Update temp_weight to database # p = PaperRoll(id=realtag, paper_code=paper_code, width=size, wunit=uom, initial_weight=initial_weight, temp_weight=int_weight, lane=lane, position=position) else: used_weight = "" # Exceptions # except serial.SerialException: realtag = "" paper_code = "" size = "" uom = "" actual_wt = "" used_weight = "" serror = "[Please check serial port connection.]" return render_to_response('scale.html', locals()) except OSError: realtag = "" paper_code = "" size = "" uom = "" actual_wt = "" used_weight = "" serror = "[Serial port may conflict.]" return render_to_response('scale.html', locals()) except ValueError: realtag = "" paper_code = "" size = "" uom = "" actual_wt = "" used_weight = "" socror = "[No ID tag in field.]" return render_to_response('scale.html', locals()) except UnboundLocalError: realtag = "" paper_code = "" size = "" uom = "" actual_wt = "" used_weight = "" socror = "[Please change operating mode to 'standby'.]" return render_to_response('scale.html', locals()) except IndexError: realtag = "" paper_code = "" size = "" uom = "" actual_wt = "" used_weight = "" socror = "[Please change operating mode to 'standby'.]" return render_to_response('scale.html', locals()) return render_to_response('scale.html', locals())
def inventory(request): try: if 'pcode' in request.GET and request.GET['pcode']: pcode = request.GET['pcode'] else: pcode = "" if 'width' in request.GET and request.GET['width']: width = request.GET['width'] else: width = "" if 'loss' in request.GET and request.GET['loss']: loss = request.GET['loss'] losspx = int(loss)/5 if losspx > 199: losspx = 205 lossinv = 205-losspx else: loss = "" if 'lossarr' in request.GET and request.GET['lossarr']: lossarr = request.GET['lossarr'] else: lossarr = "" if lossarr: lossplt = lossarr.split(",") losslist = list() for u in lossplt: i = int(u)/5 if i > 199: i = 205 losslist.append(i) if 'spcode' in request.GET and request.GET['spcode']: spcode = request.GET['spcode'] else: spcode = "" if 'swidth' in request.GET and request.GET['swidth']: swidth = request.GET['swidth'] else: swidth = "" if 'cpcode' in request.GET and request.GET['cpcode']: cpcode = request.GET['cpcode'] else: cpcode = "" if 'cwidth' in request.GET and request.GET['cwidth']: cwidth = request.GET['cwidth'] else: cwidth = "" if 'lane' in request.GET and request.GET['lane']: lane = request.GET['lane'] else: lane = "" if 'position' in request.GET and request.GET['position']: position = request.GET['position'] else: position = "" if 'atlane' in request.GET and request.GET['atlane']: atlane = request.GET['atlane'] else: atlane = "" if 'atposition' in request.GET and request.GET['atposition']: atposition = request.GET['atposition'] else: atposition = "" if 'clamping' in request.GET and request.GET['clamping']: clamping = request.GET['clamping'] else: clamping = "no" if 'changed' in request.GET and request.GET['changed']: changed = request.GET['changed'] else: changed = "no" if 'realtag' in request.GET and request.GET['realtag']: realtag = request.GET['realtag'] else: realtag = "" if 'loc' in request.GET and request.GET['loc']: loc = request.GET['loc'] else: loc = "" vlane = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13'] laneall = ['H','','G','F','','E','D','','C','B','','A'] posall = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13'] posh = ['','','3','4','5','6','','8','9','','','',''] posg = ['','','3','4','5','6','','8','9','','','',''] posf = ['','','3','4','5','6','','8','9','','','',''] pose = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','','8','9','','','',''] posd = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','','8','9','','','',''] posc = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','','8','9','10','11','12','13'] posb = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','','8','9','10','11','12','13'] posa = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13'] buff = ['1','2'] pos4 = ['','','3','4','5','6','','8','9','','','',''] pos3 = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','','8','9','','','',''] pos2 = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','','8','9','10','11','12','13'] pos1 = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13'] Alist = list() Blist = list() Clist = list() Dlist = list() Elist = list() Flist = list() Glist = list() Hlist = list() STlist = list() NDlist = list() RDlist = list() THlist = list() zero4 = [0, 0, 0, 0] zero8 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] zero12 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] pswitch = "on" sswitch = "on" cswitch = "on" ################################################################################################################################################################### # FROM PLAN # #################################################################################################################################################### ################################################################################################################################################################### if pcode and width and pswitch == "on": query = PaperRoll.objects.filter(paper_code=pcode, width=width).values_list('id') qexists = PaperRoll.objects.filter(paper_code=pcode, width=width).exists() if qexists == True: delist = list() wlist = list() ridlist = list() elist = list() wlistpx = list() for item in query: totem = list(item) delist.append(totem) rid = int(totem[0]) ridlist.append(rid) exists = PaperHistory.objects.filter(roll_id=rid).exists() elist.append(exists) if exists == True: weight = int(str(PaperHistory.objects.filter(roll_id=rid).order_by('-timestamp').values_list('last_wt')[0])[1:][:-3]) else: weight = int(str(PaperRoll.objects.filter(id=rid).values_list('initial_weight')[0])[1:][:-3]) wlist.append(weight) for w in wlist: wpx = int(w)/5 - 5 if wpx > 194: wpx = 200 wlistpx.append(wpx) initial_weight = int(str(PaperRoll.objects.filter(paper_code=pcode).values_list('initial_weight')[0])[1:][:-3]) initialpx = initial_weight/5 - 5 mquery = PaperRoll.objects.filter(paper_code=pcode, width=width).values_list('lane', 'position') mexists = PaperRoll.objects.filter(paper_code=pcode, width=width).exists() mstr = str(mquery) mlist = list(mquery) for ind,pair in enumerate(mlist): if pair[0] == u'A': posa.pop(pair[1]-1) posa.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Alist): Alist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0]) for ls in Alist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist[ind] == initial_weight or wlist[ind] >= 700: ls[4] = ls[4] + 1 elif 700 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 400: ls[3] = ls[3] + 1 elif 400 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 100: ls[2] = ls[2] + 1 elif 100 > wlist[ind]: ls[1] = ls[1] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'B': posb.pop(pair[1]-1) posb.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Blist): Blist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0]) for ls in Blist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist[ind] == initial_weight or wlist[ind] >= 700: ls[4] = ls[4] + 1 elif 700 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 400: ls[3] = ls[3] + 1 elif 400 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 100: ls[2] = ls[2] + 1 elif 100 > wlist[ind]: ls[1] = ls[1] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'C': posc.pop(pair[1]-1) posc.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Clist): Clist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0]) for ls in Clist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist[ind] == initial_weight or wlist[ind] >= 700: ls[4] = ls[4] + 1 elif 700 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 400: ls[3] = ls[3] + 1 elif 400 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 100: ls[2] = ls[2] + 1 elif 100 > wlist[ind]: ls[1] = ls[1] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'D': posd.pop(pair[1]-1) posd.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Dlist): Dlist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0]) for ls in Dlist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist[ind] == initial_weight or wlist[ind] >= 700: ls[4] = ls[4] + 1 elif 700 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 400: ls[3] = ls[3] + 1 elif 400 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 100: ls[2] = ls[2] + 1 elif 100 > wlist[ind]: ls[1] = ls[1] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'E': pose.pop(pair[1]-1) pose.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Elist): Elist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0]) for ls in Elist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist[ind] == initial_weight or wlist[ind] >= 700: ls[4] = ls[4] + 1 elif 700 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 400: ls[3] = ls[3] + 1 elif 400 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 100: ls[2] = ls[2] + 1 elif 100 > wlist[ind]: ls[1] = ls[1] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'F': posf.pop(pair[1]-1) posf.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Flist): Flist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0]) for ls in Flist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist[ind] == initial_weight or wlist[ind] >= 700: ls[4] = ls[4] + 1 elif 700 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 400: ls[3] = ls[3] + 1 elif 400 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 100: ls[2] = ls[2] + 1 elif 100 > wlist[ind]: ls[1] = ls[1] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'G': posg.pop(pair[1]-1) posg.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Glist): Glist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0]) for ls in Glist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist[ind] == initial_weight or wlist[ind] >= 700: ls[4] = ls[4] + 1 elif 700 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 400: ls[3] = ls[3] + 1 elif 400 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 100: ls[2] = ls[2] + 1 elif 100 > wlist[ind]: ls[1] = ls[1] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'H': posh.pop(pair[1]-1) posh.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Hlist): Hlist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0]) for ls in Hlist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist[ind] == initial_weight or wlist[ind] >= 700: ls[4] = ls[4] + 1 elif 700 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 400: ls[3] = ls[3] + 1 elif 400 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 100: ls[2] = ls[2] + 1 elif 100 > wlist[ind]: ls[1] = ls[1] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'4': pos4.pop(pair[1]-1) pos4.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(THlist): THlist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0]) for ls in THlist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist[ind] == initial_weight or wlist[ind] >= 700: ls[4] = ls[4] + 1 elif 700 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 400: ls[3] = ls[3] + 1 elif 400 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 100: ls[2] = ls[2] + 1 elif 100 > wlist[ind]: ls[1] = ls[1] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'3': pos3.pop(pair[1]-1) pos3.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(RDlist): RDlist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0]) for ls in RDlist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist[ind] == initial_weight or wlist[ind] >= 700: ls[4] = ls[4] + 1 elif 700 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 400: ls[3] = ls[3] + 1 elif 400 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 100: ls[2] = ls[2] + 1 elif 100 > wlist[ind]: ls[1] = ls[1] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'2': pos2.pop(pair[1]-1) pos2.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(NDlist): NDlist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0]) for ls in NDlist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist[ind] == initial_weight or wlist[ind] >= 700: ls[4] = ls[4] + 1 elif 700 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 400: ls[3] = ls[3] + 1 elif 400 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 100: ls[2] = ls[2] + 1 elif 100 > wlist[ind]: ls[1] = ls[1] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'1': pos1.pop(pair[1]-1) pos1.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(STlist): STlist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0]) for ls in STlist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist[ind] == initial_weight or wlist[ind] >= 700: ls[4] = ls[4] + 1 elif 700 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 400: ls[3] = ls[3] + 1 elif 400 > wlist[ind] and wlist[ind] >= 100: ls[2] = ls[2] + 1 elif 100 > wlist[ind]: ls[1] = ls[1] + 1 ################################################################################################################################################################### # FROM SEARCH # ################################################################################################################################################## ################################################################################################################################################################### if spcode and swidth and sswitch == "on": query2 = PaperRoll.objects.filter(paper_code=spcode, width=swidth).values_list('id') qexists2 = PaperRoll.objects.filter(paper_code=spcode, width=swidth).exists() if qexists2 == True: delist2 = list() wlist2 = list() ridlist2 = list() elist2 = list() wlistpx2 = list() for item in query2: totem = list(item) delist2.append(totem) rid = int(totem[0]) ridlist2.append(rid) exists = PaperHistory.objects.filter(roll_id=rid).exists() elist2.append(exists) if exists == True: weight = int(str(PaperHistory.objects.filter(roll_id=rid).order_by('-timestamp').values_list('last_wt')[0])[1:][:-3]) else: weight = int(str(PaperRoll.objects.filter(id=rid).values_list('initial_weight')[0])[1:][:-3]) wlist2.append(weight) for w in wlist2: wpx = int(w)/5 - 5 if wpx > 194: wpx = 200 wlistpx2.append(wpx) initial_weight2 = int(str(PaperRoll.objects.filter(paper_code=spcode).values_list('initial_weight')[0])[1:][:-3]) initialpx2 = initial_weight2/5 - 5 mquery2 = PaperRoll.objects.filter(paper_code=spcode, width=swidth).values_list('lane', 'position') mexists2 = PaperRoll.objects.filter(paper_code=spcode, width=swidth).exists() mstr2 = str(mquery2) mlist2 = list(mquery2) for ind,pair in enumerate(mlist2): if pair[0] == u'A': posa.pop(pair[1]-1) posa.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist2[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Alist): Alist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in Alist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = Alist.index(ls) Alist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in Alist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist2[ind] == initial_weight2 or wlist2[ind] >= 700: ls[8] = ls[8] + 1 elif 700 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 400: ls[7] = ls[7] + 1 elif 400 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 100: ls[6] = ls[6] + 1 elif 100 > wlist2[ind]: ls[5] = ls[5] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'B': posb.pop(pair[1]-1) posb.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist2[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Blist): Blist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in Blist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = Blist.index(ls) Blist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in Blist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist2[ind] == initial_weight2 or wlist2[ind] >= 700: ls[8] = ls[8] + 1 elif 700 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 400: ls[7] = ls[7] + 1 elif 400 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 100: ls[6] = ls[6] + 1 elif 100 > wlist2[ind]: ls[5] = ls[5] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'C': posc.pop(pair[1]-1) posc.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist2[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Clist): Clist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in Clist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = Clist.index(ls) Clist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in Clist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist2[ind] == initial_weight2 or wlist2[ind] >= 700: ls[8] = ls[8] + 1 elif 700 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 400: ls[7] = ls[7] + 1 elif 400 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 100: ls[6] = ls[6] + 1 elif 100 > wlist2[ind]: ls[5] = ls[5] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'D': posd.pop(pair[1]-1) posd.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist2[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Dlist): Dlist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in Dlist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = Dlist.index(ls) Dlist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in Dlist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist2[ind] == initial_weight2 or wlist2[ind] >= 700: ls[8] = ls[8] + 1 elif 700 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 400: ls[7] = ls[7] + 1 elif 400 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 100: ls[6] = ls[6] + 1 elif 100 > wlist2[ind]: ls[5] = ls[5] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'E': pose.pop(pair[1]-1) pose.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist2[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Elist): Elist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in Elist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = Elist.index(ls) Elist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in Elist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist2[ind] == initial_weight2 or wlist2[ind] >= 700: ls[8] = ls[8] + 1 elif 700 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 400: ls[7] = ls[7] + 1 elif 400 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 100: ls[6] = ls[6] + 1 elif 100 > wlist2[ind]: ls[5] = ls[5] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'F': posf.pop(pair[1]-1) posf.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist2[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Flist): Flist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in Flist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = Flist.index(ls) Flist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in Flist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist2[ind] == initial_weight2 or wlist2[ind] >= 700: ls[8] = ls[8] + 1 elif 700 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 400: ls[7] = ls[7] + 1 elif 400 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 100: ls[6] = ls[6] + 1 elif 100 > wlist2[ind]: ls[5] = ls[5] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'G': posg.pop(pair[1]-1) posg.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist2[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Glist): Glist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in Glist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = Glist.index(ls) Glist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in Glist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist2[ind] == initial_weight2 or wlist2[ind] >= 700: ls[8] = ls[8] + 1 elif 700 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 400: ls[7] = ls[7] + 1 elif 400 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 100: ls[6] = ls[6] + 1 elif 100 > wlist2[ind]: ls[5] = ls[5] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'H': posh.pop(pair[1]-1) posh.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist2[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Hlist): Hlist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in Hlist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = Hlist.index(ls) Hlist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in Hlist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist2[ind] == initial_weight2 or wlist2[ind] >= 700: ls[8] = ls[8] + 1 elif 700 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 400: ls[7] = ls[7] + 1 elif 400 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 100: ls[6] = ls[6] + 1 elif 100 > wlist2[ind]: ls[5] = ls[5] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'4': pos4.pop(pair[1]-1) pos4.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist2[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(THlist): THlist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in THlist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = THlist.index(ls) THlist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in THlist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist2[ind] == initial_weight2 or wlist2[ind] >= 700: ls[8] = ls[8] + 1 elif 700 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 400: ls[7] = ls[7] + 1 elif 400 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 100: ls[6] = ls[6] + 1 elif 100 > wlist2[ind]: ls[5] = ls[5] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'3': pos3.pop(pair[1]-1) pos3.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist2[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(RDlist): RDlist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in RDlist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = RDlist.index(ls) RDlist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in RDlist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist2[ind] == initial_weight2 or wlist2[ind] >= 700: ls[8] = ls[8] + 1 elif 700 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 400: ls[7] = ls[7] + 1 elif 400 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 100: ls[6] = ls[6] + 1 elif 100 > wlist2[ind]: ls[5] = ls[5] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'2': pos2.pop(pair[1]-1) pos2.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist2[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(NDlist): NDlist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in NDlist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = NDlist.index(ls) NDlist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in NDlist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist2[ind] == initial_weight2 or wlist2[ind] >= 700: ls[8] = ls[8] + 1 elif 700 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 400: ls[7] = ls[7] + 1 elif 400 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 100: ls[6] = ls[6] + 1 elif 100 > wlist2[ind]: ls[5] = ls[5] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'1': pos1.pop(pair[1]-1) pos1.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist2[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(STlist): STlist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in STlist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = STlist.index(ls) STlist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in STlist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist2[ind] == initial_weight2 or wlist2[ind] >= 700: ls[8] = ls[8] + 1 elif 700 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 400: ls[7] = ls[7] + 1 elif 400 > wlist2[ind] and wlist2[ind] >= 100: ls[6] = ls[6] + 1 elif 100 > wlist2[ind]: ls[5] = ls[5] + 1 ################################################################################################################################################################### # FROM CLAMPLIFT # ############################################################################################################################################### ################################################################################################################################################################### if cpcode and cwidth and cswitch == "on": query3 = PaperRoll.objects.filter(paper_code=cpcode, width=cwidth).values_list('id') qexists3 = PaperRoll.objects.filter(paper_code=cpcode, width=cwidth).exists() if qexists3 == True: delist3 = list() wlist3 = list() ridlist3 = list() elist3 = list() wlistpx3 = list() for item in query3: totem = list(item) delist3.append(totem) rid = int(totem[0]) ridlist3.append(rid) exists = PaperHistory.objects.filter(roll_id=rid).exists() elist3.append(exists) if exists == True: weight = int(str(PaperHistory.objects.filter(roll_id=rid).order_by('-timestamp').values_list('last_wt')[0])[1:][:-3]) else: weight = int(str(PaperRoll.objects.filter(id=rid).values_list('initial_weight')[0])[1:][:-3]) wlist3.append(weight) for w in wlist3: wpx = int(w)/5 - 5 if wpx > 194: wpx = 200 wlistpx3.append(wpx) initial_weight3 = int(str(PaperRoll.objects.filter(paper_code=cpcode).values_list('initial_weight')[0])[1:][:-3]) initialpx3 = initial_weight3/5 - 5 mquery3 = PaperRoll.objects.filter(paper_code=cpcode, width=cwidth).values_list('lane', 'position') mexists3 = PaperRoll.objects.filter(paper_code=cpcode, width=cwidth).exists() mstr3 = str(mquery3) mlist3 = list(mquery3) for ind,pair in enumerate(mlist3): if pair[0] == u'A': posa.pop(pair[1]-1) posa.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist3[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Alist): Alist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in Alist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = Alist.index(ls) if len(Alist[dex]) == 5: Alist[dex].extend(zero8) if len(Alist[dex]) == 9: Alist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in Alist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist3[ind] == initial_weight3 or wlist3[ind] >= 700: ls[12] = ls[12] + 1 elif 700 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 400: ls[11] = ls[11] + 1 elif 400 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 100: ls[10] = ls[10] + 1 elif 100 > wlist3[ind]: ls[9] = ls[9] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'B': posb.pop(pair[1]-1) posb.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist3[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Blist): Blist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in Blist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = Blist.index(ls) if len(Blist[dex]) == 5: Blist[dex].extend(zero8) if len(Blist[dex]) == 9: Blist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in Blist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist3[ind] == initial_weight3 or wlist3[ind] >= 700: ls[12] = ls[12] + 1 elif 700 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 400: ls[11] = ls[11] + 1 elif 400 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 100: ls[10] = ls[10] + 1 elif 100 > wlist3[ind]: ls[9] = ls[9] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'C': posc.pop(pair[1]-1) posc.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist3[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Clist): Clist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in Clist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = Clist.index(ls) if len(Clist[dex]) == 5: Clist[dex].extend(zero8) if len(Clist[dex]) == 9: Clist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in Clist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist3[ind] == initial_weight3 or wlist3[ind] >= 700: ls[12] = ls[12] + 1 elif 700 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 400: ls[11] = ls[11] + 1 elif 400 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 100: ls[10] = ls[10] + 1 elif 100 > wlist3[ind]: ls[9] = ls[9] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'D': posd.pop(pair[1]-1) posd.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist3[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Dlist): Dlist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in Dlist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = Dlist.index(ls) if len(Dlist[dex]) == 5: Dlist[dex].extend(zero8) if len(Dlist[dex]) == 9: Dlist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in Dlist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist3[ind] == initial_weight3 or wlist3[ind] >= 700: ls[12] = ls[12] + 1 elif 700 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 400: ls[11] = ls[11] + 1 elif 400 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 100: ls[10] = ls[10] + 1 elif 100 > wlist3[ind]: ls[9] = ls[9] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'E': pose.pop(pair[1]-1) pose.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist3[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Elist): Elist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in Elist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = Elist.index(ls) if len(Elist[dex]) == 5: Elist[dex].extend(zero8) if len(Elist[dex]) == 9: Elist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in Elist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist3[ind] == initial_weight3 or wlist3[ind] >= 700: ls[12] = ls[12] + 1 elif 700 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 400: ls[11] = ls[11] + 1 elif 400 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 100: ls[10] = ls[10] + 1 elif 100 > wlist3[ind]: ls[9] = ls[9] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'F': posf.pop(pair[1]-1) posf.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist3[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Flist): Flist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in Flist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = Flist.index(ls) if len(Flist[dex]) == 5: Flist[dex].extend(zero8) if len(Flist[dex]) == 9: Flist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in Flist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist3[ind] == initial_weight3 or wlist3[ind] >= 700: ls[12] = ls[12] + 1 elif 700 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 400: ls[11] = ls[11] + 1 elif 400 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 100: ls[10] = ls[10] + 1 elif 100 > wlist3[ind]: ls[9] = ls[9] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'G': posg.pop(pair[1]-1) posg.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist3[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Glist): Glist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in Glist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = Glist.index(ls) if len(Glist[dex]) == 5: Glist[dex].extend(zero8) if len(Glist[dex]) == 9: Glist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in Glist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist3[ind] == initial_weight3 or wlist3[ind] >= 700: ls[12] = ls[12] + 1 elif 700 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 400: ls[11] = ls[11] + 1 elif 400 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 100: ls[10] = ls[10] + 1 elif 100 > wlist3[ind]: ls[9] = ls[9] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'H': posh.pop(pair[1]-1) posh.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist3[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(Hlist): Hlist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in Hlist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = Hlist.index(ls) if len(Hlist[dex]) == 5: Hlist[dex].extend(zero8) if len(Hlist[dex]) == 9: Hlist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in Hlist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist3[ind] == initial_weight3 or wlist3[ind] >= 700: ls[12] = ls[12] + 1 elif 700 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 400: ls[11] = ls[11] + 1 elif 400 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 100: ls[10] = ls[10] + 1 elif 100 > wlist3[ind]: ls[9] = ls[9] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'4': pos4.pop(pair[1]-1) pos4.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist3[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(THlist): THlist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in THlist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = THlist.index(ls) if len(THlist[dex]) == 5: THlist[dex].extend(zero8) if len(THlist[dex]) == 9: THlist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in THlist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist3[ind] == initial_weight3 or wlist3[ind] >= 700: ls[12] = ls[12] + 1 elif 700 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 400: ls[11] = ls[11] + 1 elif 400 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 100: ls[10] = ls[10] + 1 elif 100 > wlist3[ind]: ls[9] = ls[9] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'3': pos3.pop(pair[1]-1) pos3.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist3[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(RDlist): RDlist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in RDlist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = RDlist.index(ls) if len(RDlist[dex]) == 5: RDlist[dex].extend(zero8) if len(RDlist[dex]) == 9: RDlist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in RDlist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist3[ind] == initial_weight3 or wlist3[ind] >= 700: ls[12] = ls[12] + 1 elif 700 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 400: ls[11] = ls[11] + 1 elif 400 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 100: ls[10] = ls[10] + 1 elif 100 > wlist3[ind]: ls[9] = ls[9] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'2': pos2.pop(pair[1]-1) pos2.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist3[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(NDlist): NDlist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in NDlist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = NDlist.index(ls) if len(NDlist[dex]) == 5: NDlist[dex].extend(zero8) if len(NDlist[dex]) == 9: NDlist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in NDlist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist3[ind] == initial_weight3 or wlist3[ind] >= 700: ls[12] = ls[12] + 1 elif 700 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 400: ls[11] = ls[11] + 1 elif 400 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 100: ls[10] = ls[10] + 1 elif 100 > wlist3[ind]: ls[9] = ls[9] + 1 elif pair[0] == u'1': pos1.pop(pair[1]-1) pos1.insert(pair[1]-1, float(str(wlist3[ind])+"."+str(pair[1]))) if str(pair[1]) not in str(STlist): STlist.append([pair[1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: for ls in STlist: if ls[0] == pair[1]: dex = STlist.index(ls) if len(STlist[dex]) == 5: STlist[dex].extend(zero8) if len(STlist[dex]) == 9: STlist[dex].extend(zero4) for ls in STlist: if pair[1] == ls[0]: if wlist3[ind] == initial_weight3 or wlist3[ind] >= 700: ls[12] = ls[12] + 1 elif 700 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 400: ls[11] = ls[11] + 1 elif 400 > wlist3[ind] and wlist3[ind] >= 100: ls[10] = ls[10] + 1 elif 100 > wlist3[ind]: ls[9] = ls[9] + 1 # FLOATING VEHICLE # for ind,item in enumerate(pos1): if item == atposition and atlane == '1': pos1.pop(ind) pos1.insert(ind,"*") if str(type(item)) == str(type(1.68)) and str(ind+1) == atposition: istr = str(item) isplt = istr.split(".") isplt[0] = "-"+isplt[0] vios = float(isplt[0]+"."+isplt[1]) pos1.pop(ind) pos1.insert(ind,vios) for ind,item in enumerate(pos2): if item == atposition and atlane == '2': pos2.pop(ind) pos2.insert(ind,"*") if str(type(item)) == str(type(1.68)) and str(ind+1) == atposition: istr = str(item) isplt = istr.split(".") isplt[0] = "-"+isplt[0] vios = float(isplt[0]+"."+isplt[1]) pos2.pop(ind) pos2.insert(ind,vios) for ind,item in enumerate(pos3): if item == atposition and atlane == '3': pos3.pop(ind) pos3.insert(ind,"*") if str(type(item)) == str(type(1.68)) and str(ind+1) == atposition: istr = str(item) isplt = istr.split(".") isplt[0] = "-"+isplt[0] vios = float(isplt[0]+"."+isplt[1]) pos3.pop(ind) pos3.insert(ind,vios) for ind,item in enumerate(pos4): if item == atposition and atlane == '4': pos4.pop(ind) pos4.insert(ind,"*") if str(type(item)) == str(type(1.68)) and str(ind+1) == atposition: istr = str(item) isplt = istr.split(".") isplt[0] = "-"+isplt[0] vios = float(isplt[0]+"."+isplt[1]) pos4.pop(ind) pos4.insert(ind,vios) # STlist = [[4L,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]] if atlane == '1': leftlane = 'B' rightlane = 'A' if atlane == '2': leftlane = 'D' rightlane = 'C' if atlane == '3': leftlane = 'F' rightlane = 'E' if atlane == '4': leftlane = 'H' rightlane = 'G' # MANUAL CHANGE LOCATION # if loc == "up" or loc == "down": lquery = PaperRoll.objects.filter(id=realtag).values_list('paper_code', 'width', 'wunit', 'initial_weight', 'temp_weight')[0] lqlist = list(lquery) paper_code = lqlist[0] width = lqlist[1] wunit = lqlist[2] initial_weight = lqlist[3] temp_weight = lqlist[4] p = PaperRoll(id=realtag, width=width, wunit=wunit, initial_weight=initial_weight, temp_weight=temp_weight) p.paper_code = paper_code p.width = width p.wunit = wunit p.initial_weight = initial_weight p.temp_weight = temp_weight if loc == 'up': p.lane = leftlane if loc == 'down': p.lane = rightlane p.position = atposition # AUTO CHANGE LOCATION # if clamping == "yes" and changed == "no": ccquery = PaperRoll.objects.filter(id=realtag).values_list('paper_code', 'width', 'wunit', 'initial_weight', 'temp_weight')[0] ccqlist = list(ccquery) paper_code = ccqlist[0] width = ccqlist[1] wunit = ccqlist[2] initial_weight = ccqlist[3] temp_weight = ccqlist[4] p = PaperRoll(id=realtag, width=width, wunit=wunit, initial_weight=initial_weight, temp_weight=temp_weight) p.paper_code = paper_code p.width = width p.wunit = wunit p.initial_weight = initial_weight p.temp_weight = temp_weight p.lane = atlane p.position = atposition except: pass return render_to_response('inventory.html', locals())