def test_bigarray_resize():
    data = zeros(8*PS, dtype=uint32)
    f   = BigFile_Data(data, PS)
    fh  = f.fileh_open()

    # set first part & ensure it is set correctly
    A   = BigArray((10,3), uint32, fh)
    A[:,:] = arange(10*3, dtype=uint32).reshape((10,3))

    a = A[:]
    assert array_equal(a.ravel(), arange(10*3, dtype=uint32))

    # grow array

    # a as already mapped, should stay the same
    assert array_equal(a.ravel(), arange(10*3, dtype=uint32))

    # mapping it once again maps it whole with new size
    b = A[:]
    assert isinstance(b, ndarray)
    assert b.shape  == (11,3)
    assert b.dtype  == dtype(uint32)

    # head data is the same as a
    assert array_equal(a, b[:10,:])

    # tail is zeros
    assert array_equal(b[10,:], zeros(3, dtype=uint32))

    # old mapping stays valid and changes propageate to/from it
    assert a[0,0] == 0
    assert b[0,0] == 0
    a[0,0] = 1
    assert b[0,0] == 1
    b[0,0] = 2
    assert a[0,0] == 2
    a[0,0] = 0
    assert b[0,0] == 0

    assert a[  -1,-1] == 10*3-1
    assert b[10-1,-1] == 10*3-1
    a[  -1,-1] = 1
    assert b[10-1,-1] == 1
    b[10-1,-1] = 2
    assert a[  -1,-1] == 2
    a[  -1,-1] = 10*3-1
    assert b[10-1,-1] == 10*3-1

    # we cannot access old mapping beyond it's end
    assert raises(IndexError, 'a[10,:]')

    # we can change tail
    b[10,:] = arange(10*3, (10+1)*3)

    # map it whole again and ensure we have correct data
    c = A[:]
    assert array_equal(c.ravel(), arange(11*3, dtype=uint32))
 def __init__(self, shape, dtype, order='C', blksize=2*1024*1024):
     # NOTE BigArray is cooperative to us - it names all helping (= not needing
     # to be saved) data members starting with _v_. Were it otherwise, we
     # could not inherit from BigArray and would need to keep its instance
     # in e.g. ._v_array helper and redirect all BigArray method from us to it.
     BigArray._init0(self, shape, dtype, order)
     self.zfile = ZBigFile(blksize)
     self._v_fileh = None
def test_bigarray_append():
    for order in ('C', 'F'):
        data = zeros(8*PS, dtype=uint32)
        f   = BigFile_Data(data, PS)
        fh  = f.fileh_open()

        arange32 = {'C': arange32_c, 'F': arange32_f} [order]

        # first make sure arange32 works correctly
        x = numpy.append( arange32(0,4), arange32(4,7), axis={'C': 0, 'F': 2} [order] )
        #x = numpy.append( arange32(0,4), arange32(4,7), axis=0)
        #x = numpy.append( arange32(0,4), arange32(4,7))
        assert array_equal(x, arange32(0,7))
        assert array_equal(x.ravel(order), arange(7*3*2))

        # init empty BigArray of shape (x,3,2)
        A   = BigArray({'C': (0,3,2), 'F': (2,3,0)} [order], int64, fh, order=order)
        assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,0))

        # append initial data
        assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,2))
        assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,3))

        # append plain list (test for arg conversion)
        A.append({'C': [[[18,19], [20,21], [22,23]]],   \
                  'F': [[[18],[20],[22]], [[19],[21],[23]]]}  [order])
        assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,4))

        # append with incorrect shape - rejected, original stays the same
        assert raises(ValueError, 'A.append(arange(3))')
        assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,4))
        assert raises(ValueError, 'A.append(arange(3*2).reshape(3,2))')
        assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,4))

        # append with correct shape, but incompatible dtype - rejected, original stays the same
        assert raises(ValueError,
                {'C': 'A.append(asarray([[[0,1], [2,3], [4,"abc"]]], dtype=object))',
                 'F': 'A.append(asarray([[[0],[1],[2]], [[3],[4],["abc"]]], dtype=object))'} [order] )
        assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,4))