文件: http.py 项目: TheWaWaR/werkzeug
def dump_cookie(key, value='', max_age=None, expires=None, path='/',
                domain=None, secure=None, httponly=False, sync_expires=True):
    """Creates a new Set-Cookie header without the ``Set-Cookie`` prefix
    The parameters are the same as in the cookie Morsel object in the
    Python standard library but it accepts unicode data, too.

    :param max_age: should be a number of seconds, or `None` (default) if
                    the cookie should last only as long as the client's
                    browser session.  Additionally `timedelta` objects
                    are accepted, too.
    :param expires: should be a `datetime` object or unix timestamp.
    :param path: limits the cookie to a given path, per default it will
                 span the whole domain.
    :param domain: Use this if you want to set a cross-domain cookie. For
                   example, ``domain=".example.com"`` will set a cookie
                   that is readable by the domain ``www.example.com``,
                   ``foo.example.com`` etc. Otherwise, a cookie will only
                   be readable by the domain that set it.
    :param secure: The cookie will only be available via HTTPS
    :param httponly: disallow JavaScript to access the cookie.  This is an
                     extension to the cookie standard and probably not
                     supported by all browsers.
    :param charset: the encoding for unicode values.
    :param sync_expires: automatically set expires if max_age is defined
                         but expires not.
    if not isinstance(key, (bytes, text_type)):
        raise TypeError('invalid key %r' % key)
    if not isinstance(value, (bytes, text_type)):
        raise TypeError('invalid value %r' % value)

    key, value = to_native(key, _cookie_charset), to_native(value, _cookie_charset)

    value = quote_header_value(value)
    morsel = _ExtendedMorsel(key, value)
    if isinstance(max_age, timedelta):
        max_age = (max_age.days * 60 * 60 * 24) + max_age.seconds
    if expires is not None:
        if not isinstance(expires, string_types):
            expires = cookie_date(expires)
        morsel['expires'] = expires
    elif max_age is not None and sync_expires:
        morsel['expires'] = cookie_date(time() + max_age)
    if domain and ':' in domain:
        # The port part of the domain should NOT be used. Strip it
        domain = domain.split(':', 1)[0]
    if domain:
        assert '.' in domain, (
            "Setting \"domain\" for a cookie on a server running localy (ex: "
            "localhost) is not supportted by complying browsers. You should "
            "have something like: \" localhost dev.localhost\" on "
            "your hosts file and then point your server to run on "
            "\"dev.localhost\" and also set \"domain\" for \"dev.localhost\""
    for k, v in (('path', path), ('domain', domain), ('secure', secure),
                 ('max-age', max_age), ('httponly', httponly)):
        if v is not None and v is not False:
            morsel[k] = str(v)
    return to_unicode(morsel.output(header='').lstrip(), _cookie_charset)
    def sourcelines(self):
        """The sourcecode of the file as list of unicode strings."""
        # get sourcecode from loader or file
        source = None
        if self.loader is not None:
                if hasattr(self.loader, 'get_source'):
                    source = self.loader.get_source(self.module)
                elif hasattr(self.loader, 'get_source_by_code'):
                    source = self.loader.get_source_by_code(self.code)
            except Exception:
                # we munch the exception so that we don't cause troubles
                # if the loader is broken.

        if source is None:
                f = open(to_native(self.filename, get_filesystem_encoding()),
            except IOError:
                return []
                source = f.read()

        # already unicode?  return right away
        if isinstance(source, text_type):
            return source.splitlines()

        # yes. it should be ascii, but we don't want to reject too many
        # characters in the debugger if something breaks
        charset = 'utf-8'
        if source.startswith(UTF8_COOKIE):
            source = source[3:]
            for idx, match in enumerate(_line_re.finditer(source)):
                match = _coding_re.search(match.group())
                if match is not None:
                    charset = match.group(1)
                if idx > 1:

        # on broken cookies we fall back to utf-8 too
        charset = to_native(charset)
        except LookupError:
            charset = 'utf-8'

        return source.decode(charset, 'replace').splitlines()
    def sourcelines(self):
        """The sourcecode of the file as list of unicode strings."""
        # get sourcecode from loader or file
        source = None
        if self.loader is not None:
                if hasattr(self.loader, 'get_source'):
                    source = self.loader.get_source(self.module)
                elif hasattr(self.loader, 'get_source_by_code'):
                    source = self.loader.get_source_by_code(self.code)
            except Exception:
                # we munch the exception so that we don't cause troubles
                # if the loader is broken.

        if source is None:
                f = open(to_native(self.filename, get_filesystem_encoding()),
            except IOError:
                return []
                source = f.read()

        # already unicode?  return right away
        if isinstance(source, text_type):
            return source.splitlines()

        # yes. it should be ascii, but we don't want to reject too many
        # characters in the debugger if something breaks
        charset = 'utf-8'
        if source.startswith(UTF8_COOKIE):
            source = source[3:]
            for idx, match in enumerate(_line_re.finditer(source)):
                match = _coding_re.search(match.group())
                if match is not None:
                    charset = match.group(1)
                if idx > 1:

        # on broken cookies we fall back to utf-8 too
        charset = to_native(charset)
        except LookupError:
            charset = 'utf-8'

        return source.decode(charset, 'replace').splitlines()
文件: urls.py 项目: vtemian/werkzeug
def iri_to_uri(iri, charset='utf-8', errors='strict'):
    Converts any unicode based IRI to an acceptable ASCII URI. Werkzeug always
    uses utf-8 URLs internally because this is what browsers and HTTP do as
    well. In some places where it accepts an URL it also accepts a unicode IRI
    and converts it into a URI.

    Examples for IRI versus URI:

    >>> iri_to_uri(u'http://☃.net/')
    >>> iri_to_uri(u'http://üser:pässword@☃.net/påth')
    'http://%C3%BCser:p%C3%[email protected]/p%C3%A5th'

    .. versionadded:: 0.6

    :param iri: The IRI to convert.
    :param charset: The charset for the URI.
    if isinstance(iri, tuple):
        iri = url_unparse(iri)
    iri = url_parse(to_unicode(iri, charset, errors))

    netloc = iri.encode_netloc().decode('ascii')
    path = url_quote(iri.path, charset, errors, '/:~+%')
    query = url_quote(iri.query, charset, errors, '%&[]:;$*()+,!?*/=')
    fragment = url_quote(iri.fragment, charset, errors, '=%&[]:;$()+,!?*/')

    return to_native(url_unparse((iri.scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment)))
文件: urls.py 项目: 08haozi/uliweb
def iri_to_uri(iri, charset='utf-8', errors='strict'):
    Converts any unicode based IRI to an acceptable ASCII URI. Werkzeug always
    uses utf-8 URLs internally because this is what browsers and HTTP do as
    well. In some places where it accepts an URL it also accepts a unicode IRI
    and converts it into a URI.

    Examples for IRI versus URI:

    >>> iri_to_uri(u'http://☃.net/')
    >>> iri_to_uri(u'http://üser:pässword@☃.net/påth')
    'http://%C3%BCser:p%C3%[email protected]/p%C3%A5th'

    .. versionadded:: 0.6

    :param iri: The IRI to convert.
    :param charset: The charset for the URI.
    if isinstance(iri, tuple):
        iri = url_unparse(iri)
    iri = url_parse(to_unicode(iri, charset, errors))

    netloc = iri.encode_netloc().decode('ascii')
    path = url_quote(iri.path, charset, errors, '/:~+%')
    query = url_quote(iri.query, charset, errors, '%&[]:;$*()+,!?*/=')
    fragment = url_quote(iri.fragment, charset, errors, '=%&[]:;$()+,!?*/')

    return to_native(url_unparse((iri.scheme, netloc,
                                  path, query, fragment)))
    def test_shared_data_middleware(self):
        def null_application(environ, start_response):
            start_response('404 NOT FOUND', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
            yield b'NOT FOUND'

        test_dir = get_temporary_directory()
        with open(path.join(test_dir, to_native(u'äöü', 'utf-8')), 'w') as test_file:

        app = wsgi.SharedDataMiddleware(null_application, {
            '/':        path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'res'),
            '/sources': path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'res'),
            '/pkg':     ('werkzeug.debug', 'shared'),
            '/foo':     test_dir

        for p in '/test.txt', '/sources/test.txt', '/foo/äöü':
            app_iter, status, headers = run_wsgi_app(app, create_environ(p))
            self.assert_equal(status, '200 OK')
            with closing(app_iter) as app_iter:
                data = b''.join(app_iter).strip()
            self.assert_equal(data, b'FOUND')

        app_iter, status, headers = run_wsgi_app(
            app, create_environ('/pkg/debugger.js'))
        with closing(app_iter) as app_iter:
            contents = b''.join(app_iter)
        self.assert_in(b'$(function() {', contents)

        app_iter, status, headers = run_wsgi_app(
            app, create_environ('/missing'))
        self.assert_equal(status, '404 NOT FOUND')
        self.assert_equal(b''.join(app_iter).strip(), b'NOT FOUND')
def url_encode(obj,
    """URL encode a dict/`MultiDict`.  If a value is `None` it will not appear
    in the result string.  Per default only values are encoded into the target
    charset strings.  If `encode_keys` is set to ``True`` unicode keys are
    supported too.

    If `sort` is set to `True` the items are sorted by `key` or the default
    sorting algorithm.

    .. versionadded:: 0.5
        `sort`, `key`, and `separator` were added.

    :param obj: the object to encode into a query string.
    :param charset: the charset of the query string.
    :param encode_keys: set to `True` if you have unicode keys. (Ignored on
                        Python 3.x)
    :param sort: set to `True` if you want parameters to be sorted by `key`.
    :param separator: the separator to be used for the pairs.
    :param key: an optional function to be used for sorting.  For more details
                check out the :func:`sorted` documentation.
    separator = to_native(separator, 'ascii')
    return separator.join(
        _url_encode_impl(obj, charset, encode_keys, sort, key))
def parse_multipart_headers(iterable):
    """Parses multipart headers from an iterable that yields lines (including
    the trailing newline symbol).  The iterable has to be newline terminated.

    The iterable will stop at the line where the headers ended so it can be
    further consumed.

    :param iterable: iterable of strings that are newline terminated
    result = []
    for line in iterable:
        line = to_native(line)
        line, line_terminated = _line_parse(line)
        if not line_terminated:
            raise ValueError("unexpected end of line in multipart header")
        if not line:
        elif line[0] in " \t" and result:
            key, value = result[-1]
            result[-1] = (key, value + "\n " + line[1:])
            parts = line.split(":", 1)
            if len(parts) == 2:
                result.append((parts[0].strip(), parts[1].strip()))

    # we link the list to the headers, no need to create a copy, the
    # list was not shared anyways.
    return Headers(result)
def test_shared_data_middleware(tmpdir):
    def null_application(environ, start_response):
        start_response('404 NOT FOUND', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
        yield b'NOT FOUND'

    test_dir = str(tmpdir)
    with open(path.join(test_dir, to_native(u'äöü', 'utf-8')), 'w') as test_file:

    for t in [list, dict]:
        app = wsgi.SharedDataMiddleware(null_application, t([
            ('/',        path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'res')),
            ('/sources', path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'res')),
            ('/pkg',     ('werkzeug.debug', 'shared')),
            ('/foo',     test_dir)

        for p in '/test.txt', '/sources/test.txt', '/foo/äöü':
            app_iter, status, headers = run_wsgi_app(app, create_environ(p))
            assert status == '200 OK'
            with closing(app_iter) as app_iter:
                data = b''.join(app_iter).strip()
            assert data == b'FOUND'

        app_iter, status, headers = run_wsgi_app(
            app, create_environ('/pkg/debugger.js'))
        with closing(app_iter) as app_iter:
            contents = b''.join(app_iter)
        assert b'$(function() {' in contents

        app_iter, status, headers = run_wsgi_app(
            app, create_environ('/missing'))
        assert status == '404 NOT FOUND'
        assert b''.join(app_iter).strip() == b'NOT FOUND'
def parse_multipart_headers(iterable):
    """Parses multipart headers from an iterable that yields lines (including
    the trailing newline symbol).  The iterable has to be newline terminated.

    The iterable will stop at the line where the headers ended so it can be
    further consumed.

    :param iterable: iterable of strings that are newline terminated
    result = []
    for line in iterable:
        line = to_native(line)
        line, line_terminated = _line_parse(line)
        if not line_terminated:
            raise ValueError('unexpected end of line in multipart header')
        if not line:
        elif line[0] in ' \t' and result:
            key, value = result[-1]
            result[-1] = (key, value + '\n ' + line[1:])
            parts = line.split(':', 1)
            if len(parts) == 2:
                result.append((parts[0].strip(), parts[1].strip()))

    # we link the list to the headers, no need to create a copy, the
    # list was not shared anyways.
    return Headers(result)
def url_fix(s, charset='utf-8'):
    r"""Sometimes you get an URL by a user that just isn't a real URL because
    it contains unsafe characters like ' ' and so on. This function can fix
    some of the problems in a similar way browsers handle data entered by the

    >>> url_fix(u'http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elf (Begriffskl\xe4rung)')

    :param s: the string with the URL to fix.
    :param charset: The target charset for the URL if the url was given as
                    unicode string.
    # First step is to switch to unicode processing and to convert
    # backslashes (which are invalid in URLs anyways) to slashes.  This is
    # consistent with what Chrome does.
    s = to_unicode(s, charset, 'replace').replace('\\', '/')

    # For the specific case that we look like a malformed windows URL
    # we want to fix this up manually:
    if s.startswith('file://') and s[7:8].isalpha() and s[8:10] in (':/',
        s = 'file:///' + s[7:]

    url = url_parse(s)
    path = url_quote(url.path, charset, safe='/%+$!*\'(),')
    qs = url_quote_plus(url.query, charset, safe=':&%=+$!*\'(),')
    anchor = url_quote_plus(url.fragment, charset, safe=':&%=+$!*\'(),')
    return to_native(
        url_unparse((url.scheme, url.encode_netloc(), path, qs, anchor)))
def url_fix(s, charset='utf-8'):
    r"""Sometimes you get an URL by a user that just isn't a real URL because
    it contains unsafe characters like ' ' and so on. This function can fix
    some of the problems in a similar way browsers handle data entered by the

    >>> url_fix(u'http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elf (Begriffskl\xe4rung)')

    :param s: the string with the URL to fix.
    :param charset: The target charset for the URL if the url was given as
                    unicode string.
    # First step is to switch to unicode processing and to convert
    # backslashes (which are invalid in URLs anyways) to slashes.  This is
    # consistent with what Chrome does.
    s = to_unicode(s, charset, 'replace').replace('\\', '/')

    # For the specific case that we look like a malformed windows URL
    # we want to fix this up manually:
    if s.startswith('file://') and s[7:8].isalpha() and s[8:10] in (':/', '|/'):
        s = 'file:///' + s[7:]

    url = url_parse(s)
    path = url_quote(url.path, charset, safe='/%+$!*\'(),')
    qs = url_quote_plus(url.query, charset, safe=':&%=+$!*\'(),')
    anchor = url_quote_plus(url.fragment, charset, safe=':&%=+$!*\'(),')
    return to_native(url_unparse((url.scheme, url.encode_netloc(),
                                  path, qs, anchor)))
def test_shared_data_middleware(tmpdir):
    def null_application(environ, start_response):
        start_response("404 NOT FOUND", [("Content-Type", "text/plain")])
        yield b"NOT FOUND"

    test_dir = str(tmpdir)
    with open(path.join(test_dir, to_native(u"äöü", "utf-8")), "w") as test_file:

    app = wsgi.SharedDataMiddleware(
            "/": path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "res"),
            "/sources": path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "res"),
            "/pkg": ("werkzeug.debug", "shared"),
            "/foo": test_dir,

    for p in "/test.txt", "/sources/test.txt", "/foo/äöü":
        app_iter, status, headers = run_wsgi_app(app, create_environ(p))
        assert status == "200 OK"
        with closing(app_iter) as app_iter:
            data = b"".join(app_iter).strip()
        assert data == b"FOUND"

    app_iter, status, headers = run_wsgi_app(app, create_environ("/pkg/debugger.js"))
    with closing(app_iter) as app_iter:
        contents = b"".join(app_iter)
    assert b"$(function() {" in contents

    app_iter, status, headers = run_wsgi_app(app, create_environ("/missing"))
    assert status == "404 NOT FOUND"
    assert b"".join(app_iter).strip() == b"NOT FOUND"
def url_quote(string, charset='utf-8', errors='strict', safe='/:', unsafe=''):
    """URL encode a single string with a given encoding.

    :param s: the string to quote.
    :param charset: the charset to be used.
    :param safe: an optional sequence of safe characters.
    :param unsafe: an optional sequence of unsafe characters.

    .. versionadded:: 0.9.2
       The `unsafe` parameter was added.
    if not isinstance(string, (text_type, bytes, bytearray)):
        string = text_type(string)
    if isinstance(string, text_type):
        string = string.encode(charset, errors)
    if isinstance(safe, text_type):
        safe = safe.encode(charset, errors)
    if isinstance(unsafe, text_type):
        unsafe = unsafe.encode(charset, errors)
    safe = frozenset(bytearray(safe) + _always_safe) - frozenset(bytearray(unsafe))
    rv = bytearray()
    for char in bytearray(string):
        if char in safe:
            rv.extend(('%%%02X' % char).encode('ascii'))
    return to_native(bytes(rv))
def url_encode_stream(obj,
    """Like :meth:`url_encode` but writes the results to a stream
    object.  If the stream is `None` a generator over all encoded
    pairs is returned.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8

    :param obj: the object to encode into a query string.
    :param stream: a stream to write the encoded object into or `None` if
                   an iterator over the encoded pairs should be returned.  In
                   that case the separator argument is ignored.
    :param charset: the charset of the query string.
    :param encode_keys: set to `True` if you have unicode keys. (Ignored on
                        Python 3.x)
    :param sort: set to `True` if you want parameters to be sorted by `key`.
    :param separator: the separator to be used for the pairs.
    :param key: an optional function to be used for sorting.  For more details
                check out the :func:`sorted` documentation.
    separator = to_native(separator, 'ascii')
    gen = _url_encode_impl(obj, charset, encode_keys, sort, key)
    if stream is None:
        return gen
    for idx, chunk in enumerate(gen):
        if idx:
文件: urls.py 项目: 08haozi/uliweb
def url_encode_stream(obj, stream=None, charset='utf-8', encode_keys=False,
                      sort=False, key=None, separator=b'&'):
    """Like :meth:`url_encode` but writes the results to a stream
    object.  If the stream is `None` a generator over all encoded
    pairs is returned.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8

    :param obj: the object to encode into a query string.
    :param stream: a stream to write the encoded object into or `None` if
                   an iterator over the encoded pairs should be returned.  In
                   that case the separator argument is ignored.
    :param charset: the charset of the query string.
    :param encode_keys: set to `True` if you have unicode keys. (Ignored on
                        Python 3.x)
    :param sort: set to `True` if you want parameters to be sorted by `key`.
    :param separator: the separator to be used for the pairs.
    :param key: an optional function to be used for sorting.  For more details
                check out the :func:`sorted` documentation.
    separator = to_native(separator, 'ascii')
    gen = _url_encode_impl(obj, charset, encode_keys, sort, key)
    if stream is None:
        return gen
    for idx, chunk in enumerate(gen):
        if idx:
def test_shared_data_middleware(tmpdir):
    def null_application(environ, start_response):
        start_response('404 NOT FOUND', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
        yield b'NOT FOUND'

    test_dir = str(tmpdir)
    with open(path.join(test_dir, to_native(u'äöü', 'utf-8')),
              'w') as test_file:

    app = wsgi.SharedDataMiddleware(
        null_application, {
            '/': path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'res'),
            '/sources': path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'res'),
            '/pkg': ('werkzeug.debug', 'shared'),
            '/foo': test_dir

    for p in '/test.txt', '/sources/test.txt', '/foo/äöü':
        app_iter, status, headers = run_wsgi_app(app, create_environ(p))
        assert status == '200 OK'
        with closing(app_iter) as app_iter:
            data = b''.join(app_iter).strip()
        assert data == b'FOUND'

    app_iter, status, headers = run_wsgi_app(
        app, create_environ('/pkg/debugger.js'))
    with closing(app_iter) as app_iter:
        contents = b''.join(app_iter)
    assert b'$(function() {' in contents

    app_iter, status, headers = run_wsgi_app(app, create_environ('/missing'))
    assert status == '404 NOT FOUND'
    assert b''.join(app_iter).strip() == b'NOT FOUND'
def url_quote(string, charset='utf-8', errors='strict', safe='/:', unsafe=''):
    """URL encode a single string with a given encoding.

    :param s: the string to quote.
    :param charset: the charset to be used.
    :param safe: an optional sequence of safe characters.
    :param unsafe: an optional sequence of unsafe characters.

    .. versionadded:: 0.9.2
       The `unsafe` parameter was added.
    if not isinstance(string, (text_type, bytes, bytearray)):
        string = text_type(string)
    if isinstance(string, text_type):
        string = string.encode(charset, errors)
    if isinstance(safe, text_type):
        safe = safe.encode(charset, errors)
    if isinstance(unsafe, text_type):
        unsafe = unsafe.encode(charset, errors)
    safe = frozenset(bytearray(safe) + _always_safe) - frozenset(
    rv = bytearray()
    for char in bytearray(string):
        if char in safe:
    return to_native(bytes(rv))
文件: urls.py 项目: 08haozi/uliweb
 def ascii_host(self):
     """Works exactly like :attr:`host` but will return a result that
     is restricted to ASCII.  If it finds a netloc that is not ASCII
     it will attempt to idna decode it.  This is useful for socket
     operations when the URL might include internationalized characters.
     rv = self.host
     if rv is not None and isinstance(rv, text_type):
         rv = _encode_idna(rv)
     return to_native(rv, 'ascii', 'ignore')
文件: urls.py 项目: 08haozi/uliweb
 def port(self):
     """The port in the URL as an integer if it was present, `None`
     otherwise.  This does not fill in default ports.
         rv = int(to_native(self._split_host()[1]))
         if 0 <= rv <= 65535:
             return rv
     except (ValueError, TypeError):
 def port(self):
     """The port in the URL as an integer if it was present, `None`
     otherwise.  This does not fill in default ports.
         rv = int(to_native(self._split_host()[1]))
         if 0 <= rv <= 65535:
             return rv
     except (ValueError, TypeError):
文件: urls.py 项目: vtemian/werkzeug
 def ascii_host(self):
     """Works exactly like :attr:`host` but will return a result that
     is restricted to ASCII.  If it finds a netloc that is not ASCII
     it will attempt to idna decode it.  This is useful for socket
     operations when the URL might include internationalized characters.
     rv = self.host
     if rv is not None and isinstance(rv, text_type):
         rv = _encode_idna(rv)
     return to_native(rv, 'ascii', 'ignore')
    def __repr__(self):
        # make sure the __repr__ even works if the request was created
        # from an invalid WSGI environment.  If we display the request
        # in a debug session we don't want the repr to blow up.
        args = []
            args.append("'%s'" % to_native(self.url, self.url_charset))
            args.append('[%s]' % self.method)
        except Exception:
            args.append('(invalid WSGI environ)')

        return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, ' '.join(args))
    def unserialize(cls, string, secret_key):
        """Load the secure cookie from a serialized string.

        :param string: the cookie value to unserialize.
        :param secret_key: the secret key used to serialize the cookie.
        :return: a new :class:`SecureCookie`.
        if isinstance(string, text_type):
            string = string.encode('utf-8', 'replace')
        if isinstance(secret_key, text_type):
            secret_key = secret_key.encode('utf-8', 'replace')
            base64_hash, data = string.split(b'?', 1)
        except (ValueError, IndexError):
            items = ()
            items = {}
            mac = hmac(secret_key, None, cls.hash_method)
            for item in data.split(b'&'):
                mac.update(b'|' + item)
                if not b'=' in item:
                    items = None
                key, value = item.split(b'=', 1)
                # try to make the key a string
                key = url_unquote_plus(key.decode('ascii'))
                    key = to_native(key)
                except UnicodeError:
                items[key] = value

            # no parsing error and the mac looks okay, we can now
            # sercurely unpickle our cookie.
                client_hash = base64.b64decode(base64_hash)
            except TypeError:
                items = client_hash = None
            if items is not None and safe_str_cmp(client_hash, mac.digest()):
                    for key, value in iteritems(items):
                        items[key] = cls.unquote(value)
                except UnquoteError:
                    items = ()
                    if '_expires' in items:
                        if time() > items['_expires']:
                            items = ()
                            del items['_expires']
                items = ()
        return cls(items, secret_key, False)
def handler(event, context):
    """ Lambda event handler, invokes the WSGI wrapper and handles command invocation
    if "_serverless-wsgi" in event:
        import shlex
        import subprocess
        from werkzeug._compat import StringIO, to_native

        native_stdout = sys.stdout
        native_stderr = sys.stderr
        output_buffer = StringIO()

            sys.stdout = output_buffer
            sys.stderr = output_buffer

            meta = event["_serverless-wsgi"]
            if meta.get("command") == "exec":
                # Evaluate Python code
                exec(meta.get("data", ""))
            elif meta.get("command") == "command":
                # Run shell commands
                result = subprocess.check_output(meta.get("data", ""),
            elif meta.get("command") == "manage":
                # Run Django management commands
                from django.core import management

                management.call_command(*shlex.split(meta.get("data", "")))
            elif meta.get("command") == "flask":
                # Run Flask CLI commands
                from flask.cli import ScriptInfo

                    shlex.split(meta.get("data", "")),
                raise Exception("Unknown command: {}".format(
        except:  # noqa
            return traceback.format_exc()
            sys.stdout = native_stdout
            sys.stderr = native_stderr

        return output_buffer.getvalue()
        return serverless_wsgi.handle_request(wsgi_app, event, context)
    def __init__(self, servers=None, default_timeout=300, key_prefix=None):
        BaseCache.__init__(self, default_timeout)
        if servers is None or isinstance(servers, (list, tuple)):
            if servers is None:
                servers = ['']
            self._client = self.import_preferred_memcache_lib(servers)
            if self._client is None:
                raise RuntimeError('no memcache module found')
            # NOTE: servers is actually an already initialized memcache
            # client.
            self._client = servers

        self.key_prefix = to_native(key_prefix)
文件: cache.py 项目: vipermark7/code
    def __init__(self, servers=None, default_timeout=300, key_prefix=None):
        BaseCache.__init__(self, default_timeout)
        if servers is None or isinstance(servers, (list, tuple)):
            if servers is None:
                servers = ['']
            self._client = self.import_preferred_memcache_lib(servers)
            if self._client is None:
                raise RuntimeError('no memcache module found')
            # NOTE: servers is actually an already initialized memcache
            # client.
            self._client = servers

        self.key_prefix = to_native(key_prefix)
def test_shared_data_middleware(tmpdir):
    def null_application(environ, start_response):
        start_response("404 NOT FOUND", [("Content-Type", "text/plain")])
        yield b"NOT FOUND"

    test_dir = str(tmpdir)

    with open(os.path.join(test_dir, to_native(u"äöü", "utf-8")), "w") as test_file:

    for t in [list, dict]:
        app = SharedDataMiddleware(
                    ("/", os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "res")),
                    ("/sources", os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "res")),
                    ("/pkg", ("werkzeug.debug", "shared")),
                    ("/foo", test_dir),

        for p in "/test.txt", "/sources/test.txt", "/foo/äöü":
            app_iter, status, headers = run_wsgi_app(app, create_environ(p))
            assert status == "200 OK"

            if p.endswith(".txt"):
                content_type = next(v for k, v in headers if k == "Content-Type")
                assert content_type == "text/plain; charset=utf-8"

            with closing(app_iter) as app_iter:
                data = b"".join(app_iter).strip()

            assert data == b"FOUND"

        app_iter, status, headers = run_wsgi_app(
            app, create_environ("/pkg/debugger.js")

        with closing(app_iter) as app_iter:
            contents = b"".join(app_iter)

        assert b"$(function() {" in contents

        for path in ("/missing", "/pkg", "/pkg/", "/pkg/missing.txt"):
            app_iter, status, headers = run_wsgi_app(app, create_environ(path))
            assert status == "404 NOT FOUND"
            assert b"".join(app_iter).strip() == b"NOT FOUND"
 def encode_netloc(self):
     """Encodes the netloc part to an ASCII safe URL as bytes."""
     rv = self.ascii_host or ''
     if ':' in rv:
         rv = '[%s]' % rv
     port = self.port
     if port is not None:
         rv = '%s:%d' % (rv, port)
     auth = ':'.join(filter(None, [
         url_quote(self.raw_username or '', 'utf-8', 'strict', '/:%'),
         url_quote(self.raw_password or '', 'utf-8', 'strict', '/:%'),
     if auth:
         rv = '%s@%s' % (auth, rv)
     return to_native(rv)
 def encode_netloc(self):
     """Encodes the netloc part to an ASCII safe URL as bytes."""
     rv = self.ascii_host or ''
     if ':' in rv:
         rv = '[%s]' % rv
     port = self.port
     if port is not None:
         rv = '%s:%d' % (rv, port)
     auth = ':'.join(filter(None, [
         url_quote(self.raw_username or '', 'utf-8', 'strict', '/:%'),
         url_quote(self.raw_password or '', 'utf-8', 'strict', '/:%'),
     if auth:
         rv = '%s@%s' % (auth, rv)
     return to_native(rv)
def handler(event, context):
    if "Records" in event:
    """Lambda event handler, invokes the WSGI wrapper and handles command invocation"""
    if "_serverless-wsgi" in event:
        import shlex
        import subprocess

        from werkzeug._compat import StringIO, to_native

        native_stdout = sys.stdout
        native_stderr = sys.stderr
        output_buffer = StringIO()

            sys.stdout = output_buffer
            sys.stderr = output_buffer

            meta = event["_serverless-wsgi"]
            if meta.get("command") == "exec":
                # Evaluate Python code
                exec(meta.get("data", ""))
            elif meta.get("command2") == "command":
                # Run shell commands
                result = subprocess.check_output(meta.get("data", ""),
            elif meta.get("command") == "manage":
                # Run Django management commands
                from django.core import management

                management.call_command(*shlex.split(meta.get("data", "")))
                raise Exception("Unknown command: {}".format(
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            return [e.returncode, e.output.decode("utf-8")]
        except:  # noqa
            return [1, traceback.format_exc()]
            sys.stdout = native_stdout
            sys.stderr = native_stderr

        return [0, output_buffer.getvalue()]
        return serverless_wsgi.handle_request(wsgi_app, event, context)
 def __call__(self, *path, **query):
     if path and isinstance(path[-1], dict):
         if query:
             raise TypeError("keyword arguments and query-dicts " "can't be combined")
         query, path = path[-1], path[:-1]
     elif query:
         query = dict([(k.endswith("_") and k[:-1] or k, v) for k, v in query.items()])
     path = "/".join([to_unicode(url_quote(x, self.charset), "ascii") for x in path if x is not None]).lstrip("/")
     rv = self.base
     if path:
         if not rv.endswith("/"):
             rv += "/"
         rv = url_join(rv, "./" + path)
     if query:
         rv += "?" + to_unicode(url_encode(query, self.charset, sort=self.sort, key=self.key), "ascii")
     return to_native(rv)
def pbkdf2_hex(data, salt, iterations=DEFAULT_PBKDF2_ITERATIONS, keylen=None, hashfunc=None):
    """Like :func:`pbkdf2_bin` but returns a hex encoded string.

    .. versionadded:: 0.9

    :param data: the data to derive.
    :param salt: the salt for the derivation.
    :param iterations: the number of iterations.
    :param keylen: the length of the resulting key.  If not provided
                   the digest size will be used.
    :param hashfunc: the hash function to use.  This can either be the
                     string name of a known hash function or a function
                     from the hashlib module.  Defaults to sha1.
    rv = pbkdf2_bin(data, salt, iterations, keylen, hashfunc)
    return to_native(codecs.encode(rv, "hex_codec"))
def url_parse(url, scheme=None, allow_fragments=True):
    """Parses a URL from a string into a :class:`URL` tuple.  If the URL
    is lacking a scheme it can be provided as second argument. Otherwise,
    it is ignored.  Optionally fragments can be stripped from the URL
    by setting `allow_fragments` to `False`.

    The inverse of this function is :func:`url_unparse`.

    :param url: the URL to parse.
    :param scheme: the default schema to use if the URL is schemaless.
    :param allow_fragments: if set to `False` a fragment will be removed
                            from the URL.
    s = make_literal_wrapper(url)
    is_text_based = isinstance(url, text_type)

    if scheme is None:
        scheme = s("")
    netloc = query = fragment = s("")
    i = url.find(s(":"))
    if i > 0 and _scheme_re.match(to_native(url[:i], errors="replace")):
        # make sure "iri" is not actually a port number (in which case
        # "scheme" is really part of the path)
        rest = url[i + 1:]
        if not rest or any(c not in s("0123456789") for c in rest):
            # not a port number
            scheme, url = url[:i].lower(), rest

    if url[:2] == s("//"):
        delim = len(url)
        for c in s("/?#"):
            wdelim = url.find(c, 2)
            if wdelim >= 0:
                delim = min(delim, wdelim)
        netloc, url = url[2:delim], url[delim:]
        if (s("[") in netloc
                and s("]") not in netloc) or (s("]") in netloc
                                              and s("[") not in netloc):
            raise ValueError("Invalid IPv6 URL")

    if allow_fragments and s("#") in url:
        url, fragment = url.split(s("#"), 1)
    if s("?") in url:
        url, query = url.split(s("?"), 1)

    result_type = is_text_based and URL or BytesURL
    return result_type(scheme, netloc, url, query, fragment)
def pbkdf2_hex(data, salt, iterations=DEFAULT_PBKDF2_ITERATIONS,
               keylen=None, hashfunc=None):
    """Like :func:`pbkdf2_bin` but returns a hex encoded string.

    .. versionadded:: 0.9

    :param data: the data to derive.
    :param salt: the salt for the derivation.
    :param iterations: the number of iterations.
    :param keylen: the length of the resulting key.  If not provided
                   the digest size will be used.
    :param hashfunc: the hash function to use.  This can either be the
                     string name of a known hash function or a function
                     from the hashlib module.  Defaults to sha1.
    rv = pbkdf2_bin(data, salt, iterations, keylen, hashfunc)
    return to_native(codecs.encode(rv, 'hex_codec'))
def url_fix(s, charset='utf-8'):
    r"""Sometimes you get an URL by a user that just isn't a real URL because
    it contains unsafe characters like ' ' and so on. This function can fix
    some of the problems in a similar way browsers handle data entered by the

    >>> url_fix(u'http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elf (Begriffskl\xe4rung)')

    :param s: the string with the URL to fix.
    :param charset: The target charset for the URL if the url was given as
                    unicode string.
    scheme, netloc, path, qs, anchor = url_parse(to_unicode(s, charset, 'replace'))
    path = url_quote(path, charset, safe='/%+$!*\'(),')
    qs = url_quote_plus(qs, charset, safe=':&%=+$!*\'(),')
    return to_native(url_unparse((scheme, netloc, path, qs, anchor)))
文件: urls.py 项目: 08haozi/uliweb
def url_fix(s, charset='utf-8'):
    r"""Sometimes you get an URL by a user that just isn't a real URL because
    it contains unsafe characters like ' ' and so on. This function can fix
    some of the problems in a similar way browsers handle data entered by the

    >>> url_fix(u'http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elf (Begriffskl\xe4rung)')

    :param s: the string with the URL to fix.
    :param charset: The target charset for the URL if the url was given as
                    unicode string.
    scheme, netloc, path, qs, anchor = url_parse(to_unicode(s, charset, 'replace'))
    path = url_quote(path, charset, safe='/%+$!*\'(),')
    qs = url_quote_plus(qs, charset, safe=':&%=+$!*\'(),')
    return to_native(url_unparse((scheme, netloc, path, qs, anchor)))
文件: urls.py 项目: 08haozi/uliweb
def url_parse(url, scheme=None, allow_fragments=True):
    """Parses a URL from a string into a :class:`URL` tuple.  If the URL
    is lacking a scheme it can be provided as second argument. Otherwise,
    it is ignored.  Optionally fragments can be stripped from the URL
    by setting `allow_fragments` to `False`.

    The inverse of this function is :func:`url_unparse`.

    :param url: the URL to parse.
    :param scheme: the default schema to use if the URL is schemaless.
    :param allow_fragments: if set to `False` a fragment will be removed
                            from the URL.
    s = make_literal_wrapper(url)
    is_text_based = isinstance(url, text_type)

    if scheme is None:
        scheme = s('')
    netloc = query = fragment = s('')
    i = url.find(s(':'))
    if i > 0 and _scheme_re.match(to_native(url[:i], errors='replace')):
        # make sure "iri" is not actually a port number (in which case
        # "scheme" is really part of the path)
        rest = url[i + 1:]
        if not rest or any(c not in s('0123456789') for c in rest):
            # not a port number
            scheme, url = url[:i].lower(), rest

    if url[:2] == s('//'):
        delim = len(url)
        for c in s('/?#'):
            wdelim = url.find(c, 2)
            if wdelim >= 0:
                delim = min(delim, wdelim)
        netloc, url = url[2:delim], url[delim:]
        if ((s('[') in netloc and s(']') not in netloc) or
            (s(']') in netloc and s('[') not in netloc)):
            raise ValueError('Invalid IPv6 URL')

    if allow_fragments and s('#') in url:
        url, fragment = url.split(s('#'), 1)
    if s('?') in url:
        url, query = url.split(s('?'), 1)

    result_type = is_text_based and URL or BytesURL
    return result_type(scheme, netloc, url, query, fragment)
文件: urls.py 项目: methane/werkzeug
def url_quote(string, charset='utf-8', errors='strict', safe='/:'):
    """URL encode a single string with a given encoding.

    :param s: the string to quote.
    :param charset: the charset to be used.
    :param safe: an optional sequence of safe characters.
    if isinstance(string, text_type):
        string = string.encode(charset, errors)
    if isinstance(safe, text_type):
        safe = safe.encode(charset, errors)
    safe = frozenset(bytearray(safe) + _always_safe)
    rv = bytearray()
    for char in bytearray(string):
        if char in safe:
            rv.extend(('%%%X' % char).encode('ascii'))
    return to_native(bytes(rv))
文件: urls.py 项目: tbrooks8/werkzeug
def url_quote(string, charset='utf-8', errors='strict', safe='/:'):
    """URL encode a single string with a given encoding.

    :param s: the string to quote.
    :param charset: the charset to be used.
    :param safe: an optional sequence of safe characters.
    if isinstance(string, text_type):
        string = string.encode(charset, errors)
    if isinstance(safe, text_type):
        safe = safe.encode(charset, errors)
    safe = frozenset(bytearray(safe) + _always_safe)
    rv = bytearray()
    for char in bytearray(string):
        if char in safe:
            rv.extend(('%%%X' % char).encode('ascii'))
    return to_native(bytes(rv))
文件: urls.py 项目: 08haozi/uliweb
 def __call__(self, *path, **query):
     if path and isinstance(path[-1], dict):
         if query:
             raise TypeError('keyword arguments and query-dicts '
                             'can\'t be combined')
         query, path = path[-1], path[:-1]
     elif query:
         query = dict([(k.endswith('_') and k[:-1] or k, v)
                       for k, v in query.items()])
     path = '/'.join([to_unicode(url_quote(x, self.charset), 'ascii')
                     for x in path if x is not None]).lstrip('/')
     rv = self.base
     if path:
         if not rv.endswith('/'):
             rv += '/'
         rv = url_join(rv, './' + path)
     if query:
         rv += '?' + to_unicode(url_encode(query, self.charset, sort=self.sort,
                                           key=self.key), 'ascii')
     return to_native(rv)
 def __call__(self, *path, **query):
     if path and isinstance(path[-1], dict):
         if query:
             raise TypeError('keyword arguments and query-dicts '
                             'can\'t be combined')
         query, path = path[-1], path[:-1]
     elif query:
         query = dict([(k.endswith('_') and k[:-1] or k, v)
                       for k, v in query.items()])
     path = '/'.join([to_unicode(url_quote(x, self.charset), 'ascii')
                     for x in path if x is not None]).lstrip('/')
     rv = self.base
     if path:
         if not rv.endswith('/'):
             rv += '/'
         rv = url_join(rv, './' + path)
     if query:
         rv += '?' + to_unicode(url_encode(query, self.charset, sort=self.sort,
                                           key=self.key), 'ascii')
     return to_native(rv)
 def encode_netloc(self):
     """Encodes the netloc part to an ASCII safe URL as bytes."""
     rv = self.ascii_host or ""
     if ":" in rv:
         rv = "[%s]" % rv
     port = self.port
     if port is not None:
         rv = "%s:%d" % (rv, port)
     auth = ":".join(
                 url_quote(self.raw_username or "", "utf-8", "strict",
                 url_quote(self.raw_password or "", "utf-8", "strict",
     if auth:
         rv = "%s@%s" % (auth, rv)
     return to_native(rv)
def _url_quote(string, charset='utf-8', errors='strict', safe='/:', unsafe=''):
    """URL encode a single string with a given encoding.

    :param s: the string to quote.
    :param charset: the charset to be used.
    :param safe: an optional sequence of safe characters.
    :param unsafe: an optional sequence of unsafe characters.

    .. versionadded:: 0.9.2
       The `unsafe` parameter was added.
    if not isinstance(string, (text_type, bytes, bytearray)):
        string = text_type(string)
    if isinstance(string, text_type):
        string = string.encode(charset, errors)

    safe = _get_stringy_set_impl(safe, charset, errors)
    unsafe = _get_stringy_set_impl(unsafe, charset, errors)

    safe = frozenset(safe + _always_safe) - frozenset(unsafe)
    rv = _transform_impl(string, safe)
    return to_native(bytes(rv))
def _url_quote(string, charset='utf-8', errors='strict', safe='/:', unsafe=''):
    """URL encode a single string with a given encoding.

    :param s: the string to quote.
    :param charset: the charset to be used.
    :param safe: an optional sequence of safe characters.
    :param unsafe: an optional sequence of unsafe characters.

    .. versionadded:: 0.9.2
       The `unsafe` parameter was added.
    if not isinstance(string, (text_type, bytes, bytearray)):
        string = text_type(string)
    if isinstance(string, text_type):
        string = string.encode(charset, errors)

    safe = _get_stringy_set_impl(safe, charset, errors)
    unsafe = _get_stringy_set_impl(unsafe, charset, errors)

    safe = frozenset(safe + _always_safe) - frozenset(unsafe)
    rv = _transform_impl(string, safe)
    return to_native(bytes(rv))
def url_encode(obj, charset="utf-8", encode_keys=False, sort=False, key=None, separator=b"&"):
    """URL encode a dict/`MultiDict`.  If a value is `None` it will not appear
    in the result string.  Per default only values are encoded into the target
    charset strings.  If `encode_keys` is set to ``True`` unicode keys are
    supported too.

    If `sort` is set to `True` the items are sorted by `key` or the default
    sorting algorithm.

    .. versionadded:: 0.5
        `sort`, `key`, and `separator` were added.

    :param obj: the object to encode into a query string.
    :param charset: the charset of the query string.
    :param encode_keys: set to `True` if you have unicode keys. (Ignored on
                        Python 3.x)
    :param sort: set to `True` if you want parameters to be sorted by `key`.
    :param separator: the separator to be used for the pairs.
    :param key: an optional function to be used for sorting.  For more details
                check out the :func:`sorted` documentation.
    separator = to_native(separator, "ascii")
    return separator.join(_url_encode_impl(obj, charset, encode_keys, sort, key))
 def __call__(self, *path, **query):
     if path and isinstance(path[-1], dict):
         if query:
             raise TypeError("keyword arguments and query-dicts "
                             "can't be combined")
         query, path = path[-1], path[:-1]
     elif query:
         query = dict([(k.endswith("_") and k[:-1] or k, v)
                       for k, v in query.items()])
     path = "/".join([
         to_unicode(url_quote(x, self.charset), "ascii") for x in path
         if x is not None
     rv = self.base
     if path:
         if not rv.endswith("/"):
             rv += "/"
         rv = url_join(rv, "./" + path)
     if query:
         rv += "?" + to_unicode(
             url_encode(query, self.charset, sort=self.sort, key=self.key),
     return to_native(rv)
文件: http.py 项目: TheWaWaR/werkzeug
def parse_cookie(header, errors='replace', cls=None):
    """Parse a cookie.  Either from a string or WSGI environ.

    Per default encoding errors are ignored.  If you want a different behavior
    you can set `errors` to ``'replace'`` or ``'strict'``.  In strict mode a
    :exc:`HTTPUnicodeError` is raised.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.5
       This function now returns a :class:`TypeConversionDict` instead of a
       regular dict.  The `cls` parameter was added.

    :param header: the header to be used to parse the cookie.  Alternatively
                   this can be a WSGI environment.
    :param charset: the charset for the cookie values.
    :param errors: the error behavior for the charset decoding.
    :param cls: an optional dict class to use.  If this is not specified
                       or `None` the default :class:`TypeConversionDict` is
    if isinstance(header, dict):
        header = header.get('HTTP_COOKIE', '')
    header = to_native(header, _cookie_charset)
    if cls is None:
        cls = TypeConversionDict
    cookie = _ExtendedCookie()
    result = {}

    # decode to unicode and skip broken items.  Our extended morsel
    # and extended cookie will catch CookieErrors and convert them to
    # `None` items which we have to skip here.
    for key, value in iteritems(cookie):
        if value.value is not None:
            result[to_unicode(key, _cookie_charset)] = \
                    to_unicode(unquote_header_value(value.value), _cookie_charset)

    return cls(result)
def parse_cookie(header, errors='replace', cls=None):
    """Parse a cookie.  Either from a string or WSGI environ.

    Per default encoding errors are ignored.  If you want a different behavior
    you can set `errors` to ``'replace'`` or ``'strict'``.  In strict mode a
    :exc:`HTTPUnicodeError` is raised.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.5
       This function now returns a :class:`TypeConversionDict` instead of a
       regular dict.  The `cls` parameter was added.

    :param header: the header to be used to parse the cookie.  Alternatively
                   this can be a WSGI environment.
    :param charset: the charset for the cookie values.
    :param errors: the error behavior for the charset decoding.
    :param cls: an optional dict class to use.  If this is not specified
                       or `None` the default :class:`TypeConversionDict` is
    if isinstance(header, dict):
        header = header.get('HTTP_COOKIE', '')
    header = to_native(header, _cookie_charset)
    if cls is None:
        cls = TypeConversionDict
    cookie = _ExtendedCookie()
    result = {}

    # decode to unicode and skip broken items.  Our extended morsel
    # and extended cookie will catch CookieErrors and convert them to
    # `None` items which we have to skip here.
    for key, value in iteritems(cookie):
        if value.value is not None:
            result[to_unicode(key, _cookie_charset)] = \
                    to_unicode(unquote_header_value(value.value), _cookie_charset)

    return cls(result)
 def _normalize_key(self, key):
     key = to_native(key, 'utf-8')
     if self.key_prefix:
         key = self.key_prefix + key
     return key
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(PatchedMemcachedCache, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.key_prefix = to_native(self.key_prefix)
文件: test.py 项目: 0x19/werkzeug
def stream_encode_multipart(values, use_tempfile=True, threshold=1024 * 500,
                            boundary=None, charset='utf-8'):
    """Encode a dict of values (either strings or file descriptors or
    :class:`FileStorage` objects.) into a multipart encoded string stored
    in a file descriptor.
    if boundary is None:
        boundary = '---------------WerkzeugFormPart_%s%s' % (time(), random())
    _closure = [BytesIO(), 0, False]

    if use_tempfile:
        def write_binary(string):
            stream, total_length, on_disk = _closure
            if on_disk:
                length = len(string)
                if length + _closure[1] <= threshold:
                    new_stream = TemporaryFile('wb+')
                    _closure[0] = new_stream
                    _closure[2] = True
                _closure[1] = total_length + length
        write_binary = _closure[0].write

    def write(string):

    if not isinstance(values, MultiDict):
        values = MultiDict(values)

    for key, values in iterlists(values):
        for value in values:
            write('--%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' %
                  (boundary, key))
            reader = getattr(value, 'read', None)
            if reader is not None:
                filename = getattr(value, 'filename',
                                   getattr(value, 'name', None))
                content_type = getattr(value, 'content_type', None)
                if content_type is None:
                    content_type = filename and \
                        mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or \
                if filename is not None:
                    write('; filename="%s"\r\n' % filename)
                write('Content-Type: %s\r\n\r\n' % content_type)
                while 1:
                    chunk = reader(16384)
                    if not chunk:
                if isinstance(value, string_types):
                    value = to_native(value, charset)
                    value = str(value)
                write('\r\n\r\n' + value)
    write('--%s--\r\n' % boundary)

    length = int(_closure[0].tell())
    return _closure[0], length, boundary
 def _normalize_key(self, key):
     key = to_native(key, 'utf-8')
     if self.key_prefix:
         key = self.key_prefix + key
     return key
def iri_to_uri(iri, charset='utf-8', errors='strict', safe_conversion=False):
    Converts any unicode based IRI to an acceptable ASCII URI. Werkzeug always
    uses utf-8 URLs internally because this is what browsers and HTTP do as
    well. In some places where it accepts an URL it also accepts a unicode IRI
    and converts it into a URI.

    Examples for IRI versus URI:

    >>> iri_to_uri(u'http://☃.net/')
    >>> iri_to_uri(u'http://üser:pässword@☃.net/påth')
    'http://%C3%BCser:p%C3%[email protected]/p%C3%A5th'

    There is a general problem with IRI and URI conversion with some
    protocols that appear in the wild that are in violation of the URI
    specification.  In places where Werkzeug goes through a forced IRI to
    URI conversion it will set the `safe_conversion` flag which will
    not perform a conversion if the end result is already ASCII.  This
    can mean that the return value is not an entirely correct URI but
    it will not destroy such invalid URLs in the process.

    As an example consider the following two IRIs::


    The internal representation after parsing of those URLs is the same
    and there is no way to reconstruct the original one.  If safe
    conversion is enabled however this function becomes a noop for both of
    those strings as they both can be considered URIs.

    .. versionadded:: 0.6

    .. versionchanged:: 0.9.6
       The `safe_conversion` parameter was added.

    :param iri: The IRI to convert.
    :param charset: The charset for the URI.
    :param safe_conversion: indicates if a safe conversion should take place.
                            For more information see the explanation above.
    if isinstance(iri, tuple):
        iri = url_unparse(iri)

    if safe_conversion:
            native_iri = to_native(iri)
            ascii_iri = to_native(iri).encode('ascii')
            if ascii_iri.split() == [ascii_iri]:
                return native_iri
        except UnicodeError:

    iri = url_parse(to_unicode(iri, charset, errors))

    netloc = iri.encode_netloc()
    path = url_quote(iri.path, charset, errors, '/:~+%')
    query = url_quote(iri.query, charset, errors, '%&[]:;$*()+,!?*/=')
    fragment = url_quote(iri.fragment, charset, errors, '=%&[]:;$()+,!?*/')

    return to_native(url_unparse((iri.scheme, netloc,
                                  path, query, fragment)))
def dump_cookie(key,
    """Creates a new Set-Cookie header without the ``Set-Cookie`` prefix
    The parameters are the same as in the cookie Morsel object in the
    Python standard library but it accepts unicode data, too.

    :param max_age: should be a number of seconds, or `None` (default) if
                    the cookie should last only as long as the client's
                    browser session.  Additionally `timedelta` objects
                    are accepted, too.
    :param expires: should be a `datetime` object or unix timestamp.
    :param path: limits the cookie to a given path, per default it will
                 span the whole domain.
    :param domain: Use this if you want to set a cross-domain cookie. For
                   example, ``domain=".example.com"`` will set a cookie
                   that is readable by the domain ``www.example.com``,
                   ``foo.example.com`` etc. Otherwise, a cookie will only
                   be readable by the domain that set it.
    :param secure: The cookie will only be available via HTTPS
    :param httponly: disallow JavaScript to access the cookie.  This is an
                     extension to the cookie standard and probably not
                     supported by all browsers.
    :param charset: the encoding for unicode values.
    :param sync_expires: automatically set expires if max_age is defined
                         but expires not.
    if not isinstance(key, (bytes, text_type)):
        raise TypeError('invalid key %r' % key)
    if not isinstance(value, (bytes, text_type)):
        raise TypeError('invalid value %r' % value)

    key, value = to_native(key,
                           _cookie_charset), to_native(value, _cookie_charset)

    value = quote_header_value(value)
    morsel = _ExtendedMorsel(key, value)
    if isinstance(max_age, timedelta):
        max_age = (max_age.days * 60 * 60 * 24) + max_age.seconds
    if expires is not None:
        if not isinstance(expires, string_types):
            expires = cookie_date(expires)
        morsel['expires'] = expires
    elif max_age is not None and sync_expires:
        morsel['expires'] = cookie_date(time() + max_age)
    if domain and ':' in domain:
        # The port part of the domain should NOT be used. Strip it
        domain = domain.split(':', 1)[0]
    if domain:
        assert '.' in domain, (
            "Setting \"domain\" for a cookie on a server running localy (ex: "
            "localhost) is not supportted by complying browsers. You should "
            "have something like: \" localhost dev.localhost\" on "
            "your hosts file and then point your server to run on "
            "\"dev.localhost\" and also set \"domain\" for \"dev.localhost\"")
    for k, v in (('path', path), ('domain', domain), ('secure', secure),
                 ('max-age', max_age), ('httponly', httponly)):
        if v is not None and v is not False:
            morsel[k] = str(v)
    return to_unicode(morsel.output(header='').lstrip(), _cookie_charset)
 def log(self, logfile=None):
     """Log the ASCII traceback into a file object."""
     if logfile is None:
         logfile = sys.stderr
     tb = self.plaintext.rstrip() + u'\n'
     logfile.write(to_native(tb, "utf-8", "replace"))
def stream_encode_multipart(values,
                            threshold=1024 * 500,
    """Encode a dict of values (either strings or file descriptors or
    :class:`FileStorage` objects.) into a multipart encoded string stored
    in a file descriptor.
    if boundary is None:
        boundary = '---------------WerkzeugFormPart_%s%s' % (time(), random())
    _closure = [BytesIO(), 0, False]

    if use_tempfile:

        def write_binary(string):
            stream, total_length, on_disk = _closure
            if on_disk:
                length = len(string)
                if length + _closure[1] <= threshold:
                    new_stream = TemporaryFile('wb+')
                    _closure[0] = new_stream
                    _closure[2] = True
                _closure[1] = total_length + length
        write_binary = _closure[0].write

    def write(string):

    if not isinstance(values, MultiDict):
        values = MultiDict(values)

    for key, values in iterlists(values):
        for value in values:
            write('--%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' %
                  (boundary, key))
            reader = getattr(value, 'read', None)
            if reader is not None:
                filename = getattr(value, 'filename',
                                   getattr(value, 'name', None))
                content_type = getattr(value, 'content_type', None)
                if content_type is None:
                    content_type = filename and \
                        mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or \
                if filename is not None:
                    write('; filename="%s"\r\n' % filename)
                write('Content-Type: %s\r\n\r\n' % content_type)
                while 1:
                    chunk = reader(16384)
                    if not chunk:
                if isinstance(value, string_types):
                    value = to_native(value, charset)
                    value = str(value)
                write('\r\n\r\n' + value)
    write('--%s--\r\n' % boundary)

    length = int(_closure[0].tell())
    return _closure[0], length, boundary
def iri_to_uri(iri, charset='utf-8', errors='strict', safe_conversion=False):
    Converts any unicode based IRI to an acceptable ASCII URI. Werkzeug always
    uses utf-8 URLs internally because this is what browsers and HTTP do as
    well. In some places where it accepts an URL it also accepts a unicode IRI
    and converts it into a URI.

    Examples for IRI versus URI:

    >>> iri_to_uri(u'http://☃.net/')
    >>> iri_to_uri(u'http://üser:pässword@☃.net/påth')
    'http://%C3%BCser:p%C3%[email protected]/p%C3%A5th'

    There is a general problem with IRI and URI conversion with some
    protocols that appear in the wild that are in violation of the URI
    specification.  In places where Werkzeug goes through a forced IRI to
    URI conversion it will set the `safe_conversion` flag which will
    not perform a conversion if the end result is already ASCII.  This
    can mean that the return value is not an entirely correct URI but
    it will not destroy such invalid URLs in the process.

    As an example consider the following two IRIs::


    The internal representation after parsing of those URLs is the same
    and there is no way to reconstruct the original one.  If safe
    conversion is enabled however this function becomes a noop for both of
    those strings as they both can be considered URIs.

    .. versionadded:: 0.6

    .. versionchanged:: 0.9.6
       The `safe_conversion` parameter was added.

    :param iri: The IRI to convert.
    :param charset: The charset for the URI.
    :param safe_conversion: indicates if a safe conversion should take place.
                            For more information see the explanation above.
    if isinstance(iri, tuple):
        iri = url_unparse(iri)

    if safe_conversion:
            native_iri = to_native(iri)
            ascii_iri = to_native(iri).encode('ascii')
            if ascii_iri.split() == [ascii_iri]:
                return native_iri
        except UnicodeError:

    iri = url_parse(to_unicode(iri, charset, errors))

    netloc = iri.encode_netloc()
    path = url_quote(iri.path, charset, errors, '/:~+%')
    query = url_quote(iri.query, charset, errors, '%&[]:;$*()+,!?*/=')
    fragment = url_quote(iri.fragment, charset, errors, '=%&[]:;$()+,!?*/')

    return to_native(url_unparse((iri.scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment)))