def __init__(self, stomach, stale=False): Unauthorized.__init__(self) realm = stomach.realm nonce = stomach.gen_nonce() qop = stomach.qop self.config = (realm, nonce, [qop], None, 'MD5', stale)
def get_response(self, environ=None): response = Unauthorized.get_response(self, environ) # XXX With werkzeug-0.9 a full-featured Response object is # returned: there is no need for this. response = Response.force_type(response) response.www_authenticate.set_basic(config.realm_name) return response
def check_auth(self): request = ctx.request resource = ctx.resource auth = request.authorization if self._fauth is None: import warnings warnings.warn("The HTTP basic auth protector doesn't know how to validate " "credentials. Please supply it with an auth_func parameter. " "See the documentation for " "") if auth and self._fauth(auth.username, auth.password): return auth.username else: realm = self._realm(resource) if isinstance(self._realm, Callable) else self._realm response = Unauthorized().get_response(request) response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = "Basic realm=\"{}\"".format(realm) raise Unauthorized(response=response)
def post(self): args = parser.parse_args(strict=False) token = token_verify_or_raise(token=args["Authorization"], user=args["username"], ip=args["Ipaddress"]) if token["role"] not in [ROLES_REVIEW_MANAGER, ROLES_EMPLOYER]: raise Unauthorized() forms_data = [] parameters = ["FormType", "FormStatus", "Employer", "Member", "SubmittedFrom", "SubmittedTo", "PendingFrom", "FormType"] parameters_dict = {} for arg in parameters: if args[arg] is None: parameters_dict[arg] = "" else: parameters_dict[arg] = args[arg] try: if parameters_dict["SubmittedFrom"] == "": parameters_dict["SubmittedFrom"] = datetime(year=1, month=1, day=1) if parameters_dict["SubmittedTo"] == "": parameters_dict["SubmittedTo"] = datetime(year=9999, month=1, day=1) form_status = parameters_dict["FormStatus"] submitted_from = parameters_dict["SubmittedFrom"] submitted_to = parameters_dict["SubmittedTo"] print(submitted_from) print(parameters_dict) if parameters_dict["FormType"] == TOKEN_FORMTYPE_TERMINATION or parameters_dict["FormType"] == "": termination_form_data = db.session.query(Token, Terminationform).filter( Token.FormID == Terminationform.FormID, Token.FormType == TOKEN_FORMTYPE_TERMINATION, Token.TokenStatus == status.STATUS_ACTIVE, or_( Token.EmployerID.ilike("%" + parameters_dict["Employer"] + "%"), Terminationform.EmployerName.ilike("%" + parameters_dict["Employer"] + "%")), Terminationform.MemberName.ilike("%" + parameters_dict["Member"] + "%"), Terminationform.PendingFrom.ilike("%" + parameters_dict["PendingFrom"] + "%"), Token.FormStatus.ilike("%" + form_status + "%"), Token.FormStatus != status.STATUS_DELETE) if submitted_from == submitted_to: termination_form_data = termination_form_data.filter(Token.InitiatedDate >= submitted_to, Token.InitiatedDate < submitted_to + timedelta( days=1)) else: termination_form_data = termination_form_data.filter(Token.InitiatedDate <= submitted_to, Token.InitiatedDate >= submitted_from) print(str(termination_form_data)) termination_form_data = termination_form_data.order_by(Token.LastModifiedDate.desc()).all() # print(termination_form_data) for tokens_data, terminations in termination_form_data: forms_data.append({ "Token": tokens_data.TokenID, "EmployerID": tokens_data.EmployerID, "EmployerName": terminations.EmployerName, "MemberName": terminations.MemberName, "FormType": tokens_data.FormType, "FormStatus": tokens_data.FormStatus, "LastModifiedDate": tokens_data.LastModifiedDate, "EmailID": terminations.EmailAddress, "PendingFrom": tokens_data.PendingFrom }) print(type(tokens_data.InitiatedDate)) # print(forms_data) if parameters_dict["FormType"] == TOKEN_FORMTYPE_ENROLLMENT or parameters_dict["FormType"] == "": enrollment_form_data = db.session.query(Token, Enrollmentform).filter( Token.FormID == Enrollmentform.FormID, Token.FormType == TOKEN_FORMTYPE_ENROLLMENT, Enrollmentform.PendingFrom.ilike("%" + parameters_dict["PendingFrom"] + "%"), or_(Enrollmentform.FirstName.ilike("%" + parameters_dict["Member"] + "%"), Enrollmentform.LastName.ilike("%" + parameters_dict["Member"] + "%")), or_(Token.EmployerID.ilike("%" + parameters_dict["Employer"] + "%"), Enrollmentform.EmployerName.ilike("%" + parameters_dict["Employer"] + "%")), Token.TokenStatus == status.STATUS_ACTIVE, Token.FormStatus.ilike("%" + form_status + "%"), Token.FormStatus != status.STATUS_DELETE ) if submitted_from == submitted_to: enrollment_form_data = enrollment_form_data.filter(Token.InitiatedDate >= submitted_to, Token.InitiatedDate < submitted_to + timedelta( days=1) ) else: enrollment_form_data = enrollment_form_data.filter(Token.InitiatedDate <= submitted_to, Token.InitiatedDate >= submitted_from) enrollment_form_data = enrollment_form_data.order_by(Token.LastModifiedDate.desc()).all() for tokens_data, enrollments in enrollment_form_data: forms_data.append({ "Token": tokens_data.TokenID, "EmployerID": tokens_data.EmployerID, "EmployerName": enrollments.EmployerName, "MemberName": str( enrollments.FirstName if enrollments.FirstName is not None else "") + " " + str( enrollments.LastName if enrollments.LastName is not None else ""), "FormType": tokens_data.FormType, "FormStatus": tokens_data.FormStatus, "LastModifiedDate": tokens_data.LastModifiedDate, "EmailID": enrollments.EmailAddress, "PendingFrom": tokens_data.PendingFrom }) if token["role"] == ROLES_REVIEW_MANAGER and \ (parameters_dict["FormType"] == TOKEN_FORMTYPE_CONTRIBUTION or parameters_dict["FormType"] == "") \ and (parameters_dict["Member"] is None or parameters_dict["Member"] == ""): contribution_forms = Contributionform.query \ .filter(Contributionform.PendingFrom.ilike("%" + parameters_dict["PendingFrom"] + "%"), Contributionform.Status.ilike("%" + form_status + "%"), or_(Contributionform.EmployerID.ilike("%" + parameters_dict["Employer"] + "%"), Contributionform.EmployerName.ilike("%" + parameters_dict["Employer"] + "%")), Contributionform.Status != status.STATUS_DELETE) if submitted_from == submitted_to: contribution_forms = contribution_forms.filter(Contributionform.Date >= submitted_to, Contributionform.Date < submitted_to + timedelta( days=1) ) else: contribution_forms = contribution_forms.filter(Contributionform.Date <= submitted_to, Contributionform.Date >= submitted_from) contribution_forms = contribution_forms.order_by(Contributionform.LastModifiedDate.desc()).all() for contributions in contribution_forms: forms_data.append({ "FormID": contributions.FormID, "EmployerID": contributions.EmployerID, "EmployerName": contributions.EmployerName, "FormType": "Contribution", "FormStatus": contributions.Status, "PendingFrom": contributions.PendingFrom, "LastModifiedDate": contributions.LastModifiedDate, "FileName": str(contributions.FilePath).replace("/", "\\").split("\\")[ len(str(contributions.FilePath).replace("/", "\\").split( "\\")) - 1] if contributions.FilePath is not None else "" }) return {"forms": forms_data}, 200 except Exception as e: LOG.error("Exception while adding employer to member", e) raise InternalServerError("Search failed")
def patch_request(request_id): """ Modify the given request. :param int request_id: the request ID from the URL :return: a Flask JSON response :rtype: flask.Response :raise NotFound: if the request is not found :raise ValidationError: if the JSON is invalid """ # Convert the allowed users to lower-case since they are stored in the database as lower-case # for consistency allowed_users = [user.lower() for user in flask.current_app.config['CACHITO_WORKER_USERNAMES']] # current_user.is_authenticated is only ever False when auth is disabled if current_user.is_authenticated and current_user.username not in allowed_users: raise Unauthorized('This API endpoint is restricted to Cachito workers') payload = flask.request.get_json() if not isinstance(payload, dict): raise ValidationError('The input data must be a JSON object') if not payload: raise ValidationError('At least one key must be specified to update the request') valid_keys = {'dependencies', 'state', 'state_reason'} invalid_keys = set(payload.keys()) - valid_keys if invalid_keys: raise ValidationError( 'The following keys are not allowed: {}'.format(', '.join(invalid_keys))) for key, value in payload.items(): if key == 'dependencies': if not isinstance(value, list): raise ValidationError('The value for "dependencies" must be an array') for dep in value: Dependency.validate_json(dep) elif not isinstance(value, str): raise ValidationError('The value for "{}" must be a string'.format(key)) if 'state' in payload and 'state_reason' not in payload: raise ValidationError('The "state_reason" key is required when "state" is supplied') elif 'state_reason' in payload and 'state' not in payload: raise ValidationError('The "state" key is required when "state_reason" is supplied') request = Request.query.get_or_404(request_id) if 'state' in payload and 'state_reason' in payload: last_state = request.last_state new_state = payload['state'] new_state_reason = payload['state_reason'] # This is to protect against a Celery task getting executed twice and setting the # state each time if last_state.state_name == new_state and last_state.state_reason == new_state_reason:'Not adding a new state since it matches the last state') else: request.add_state(new_state, new_state_reason) if 'dependencies' in payload: for dep in payload['dependencies']: dep_obj = Dependency.query.filter_by(**dep).first() if not dep_obj: dep_obj = Dependency.from_json(dep) db.session.add(dep_obj) if dep_obj not in request.dependencies: request.dependencies.append(dep_obj) db.session.commit() if current_user.is_authenticated: 'The user %s patched request %d', current_user.username, else:'An anonymous user patched request %d', return flask.jsonify(request.to_json()), 200
def raise_unauthorized_user(): raise Unauthorized()
def require_login_and_ingame(): if not user_session.get("user_id", False): return Unauthorized() if not user_session.get("round_id", False): return Conflict("User is not in a game.")
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): if not session.get('csrf') or session.get('unconfirmed'): raise Unauthorized() return f(*args, **kwargs)
def abort_unauthorized(description): """Raise an Unauthorized exception. """ raise Unauthorized(description=description)
def test_error_401(app): with app.app_context(): result = error_401(Unauthorized()) assert 'error' in result.json assert result.json['error'] == "Unauthorized" assert result == 401
def user_bookings_add(username, page): with open("{}/tokens/token.json".format(root_dir()), "r") as ff: try: token = json.load(ff) except: raise Unauthorized() headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token['access_token']) } auth_check = requests.get("", headers=headers) auth_check = auth_check.json() if auth_check['msg'] != 'OK': raise Unauthorized(auth_check['msg']) headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token['refresh_token']) } if auth_check['msg'] == 'Token has expired': auth_refresh ="", headers=headers) if username not in users: raise NotFound("User '{}' not found.".format(username)) if request.method == 'GET': result = {} try: showtimes = requests.get( "{}".format(page)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: raise ServiceUnavailable("The Showtimes service is unavailable.") showtimes = showtimes.json() for movieid in showtimes: result[movieid] = [] try: movies_resp = requests.get( "{}".format(movieid)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: raise ServiceUnavailable("The Movie service is unavailable.") try: movies_resp = movies_resp.json() except ValueError: raise ServiceUnavailable("Sorry! No movies in this day.") result[movieid].append({ "title": movies_resp["title"], "rating": movies_resp["rating"] }) return nice_json(result) if request.method == 'POST': raw = request.get_json() try: user_resp = requests.get( "{}".format(username)) except: raise ServiceUnavailable( "Sorry, service unavailable at the moment!") try: result = "{}/add".format(username), json={username: raw}) except: raise ServiceUnavailable( "Sorry, service unavailable at the moment!") result = result.json() user_resp = user_resp.json() content = { "id": user_resp["id"], "name": user_resp["name"], "last_active": 0 } content = {username: content} with open("{}/database/users.json".format(root_dir())) as ff: data = json.load(ff) data.update(content) with open("{}/database/users.json".format(root_dir()), "w+") as ff: json.dump(data, ff) users.update(content) return nice_json(result) raise NotImplementedError()
def jwt_expired_token_callback(self): raise Unauthorized("Your auth token has expired")
def jwt_revoked_token_loader_callback(): raise Unauthorized("Token has been revoked")
def jwt_unauthorized_callback(self): raise Unauthorized("Your auth token or CSRF token are missing")
def jwt_invalid_token_loader_callback(self): raise Unauthorized("Your auth token or CSRF token are invalid")
def endpoint(*args, **kwargs): if not g.auth_user: raise Unauthorized('Not authenticated.') return f(*args, **kwargs)
def _get_auth_header(auth_token): if current_app.config['use_caas']: if auth_token: return {"Authorization": str(auth_token)} else: raise Unauthorized('User not authorized to access this resource.')
def authenticate(self, request): valid_user = request.authorization and self.is_valid_user( request.authorization.get('username'), request.authorization.get('password')) if not valid_user: raise Unauthorized()
def test_error_401_custom_description(app): with app.app_context(): result = error_401(Unauthorized("You shall not pass.")) assert 'error' in result.json assert result.json['error'] == "You shall not pass." assert result == 401
def get(self): args = parser.parse_args(strict=False) token = token_verify_or_raise(token=args["Authorization"], user=args["username"], ip=args["Ipaddress"]) offset = args["offset"] if offset is None or str(offset) == "": offset = 0 offset = int(offset) if token["role"] not in [roles.ROLES_HR, roles.ROLES_EMPLOYER, roles.ROLES_REVIEW_MANAGER]: raise Unauthorized() if args["role"] == roles.ROLES_REVIEW_MANAGER: if token["role"] != roles.ROLES_REVIEW_MANAGER: raise Unauthorized() forms_data = [] enrollment_form_data = db.session.query(Token, Enrollmentform).filter( Token.FormID == Enrollmentform.FormID, Token.TokenStatus == status.STATUS_ACTIVE, Token.FormType == TOKEN_FORMTYPE_ENROLLMENT).order_by(Token.LastModifiedDate.desc()) \ .offset(offset) \ .limit(25).all() for tokens_data, enrollments in enrollment_form_data: forms_data.append({ "Token": tokens_data.TokenID, "EmployerID": tokens_data.EmployerID, "MemberName": str(enrollments.FirstName if enrollments.FirstName is not None else "") + " " + str(enrollments.LastName if enrollments.LastName is not None else ""), "FormType": tokens_data.FormType, "EmployerName": enrollments.EmployerName, "FormStatus": tokens_data.FormStatus, "LastModifiedDate": tokens_data.LastModifiedDate, "EmailID": enrollments.EmailAddress, "PendingFrom": tokens_data.PendingFrom }) termination_form_data = db.session.query(Token, Terminationform).filter( Token.FormID == Terminationform.FormID, Token.TokenStatus == status.STATUS_ACTIVE, Token.FormType == TOKEN_FORMTYPE_TERMINATION).order_by(Token.LastModifiedDate.desc()) \ .offset(offset) \ .limit(25).all() for tokens_data, terminations in termination_form_data: forms_data.append({ "Token": tokens_data.TokenID, "EmployerID": tokens_data.EmployerID, "MemberName": terminations.MemberName, "EmployerName": terminations.EmployerName, "FormType": tokens_data.FormType, "FormStatus": tokens_data.FormStatus, "LastModifiedDate": tokens_data.LastModifiedDate, "EmailID": terminations.EmailAddress, "PendingFrom": tokens_data.PendingFrom }) contribution_forms = Contributionform.query.filter(Contributionform.Status != status.STATUS_DELETE)\ .order_by(Contributionform.LastModifiedDate.desc()).all() for contributions in contribution_forms: forms_data.append({ "FormID": contributions.FormID, "EmployerID": contributions.EmployerID, "EmployerName": contributions.EmployerName, "FormType": "Contribution", "FormStatus": contributions.Status, "LastModifiedDate": contributions.LastModifiedDate, "PendingFrom": contributions.PendingFrom, "FileName": str(contributions.FilePath).replace("/", "\\").split("\\")[len(str(contributions.FilePath).replace("/", "\\").split("\\")) - 1] if contributions.FilePath is not None else "" }) # documents = Documents.query.order_by(Documents.Date.desc()).all() # for document in documents: # forms_data.append({ # "FormID": document.FormID, # "EmployerID": document.EmployerID, # "EmployerName": document.EmployerName, # "FormType": "Document", # "FormStatus": document.Status, # "LastModifiedDate": document.LastModifiedDate, # "PendingFrom": document.PendingFrom, # "FileName": str(document.FilePath).replace("/", "\\").split("\\")[len( # str(document.FilePath).replace("/", "\\").split( # "\\")) - 1] if document.FilePath is not None else "" # }) # print("form_data", forms_data) return {"myforms": forms_data}, 200 elif args["role"] == roles.ROLES_EMPLOYER: employer_id = args["user"] offset = args["offset"] if offset is None or str(offset) == "": offset = 0 forms_data = [] enrollment_form_data = db.session.query(Token, Enrollmentform).filter( Token.FormID == Enrollmentform.FormID, Token.TokenStatus == status.STATUS_ACTIVE, Token.EmployerID == employer_id, Token.FormType == TOKEN_FORMTYPE_ENROLLMENT).order_by(Token.LastModifiedDate.desc()) \ .offset(offset) \ .limit(25).all() for tokens_data, enrollments in enrollment_form_data: forms_data.append({ "Token": tokens_data.TokenID, "EmployerID": tokens_data.EmployerID, "MemberName": str(enrollments.FirstName if enrollments.FirstName is not None else "") + " " + str(enrollments.LastName if enrollments.LastName is not None else ""), "FormType": tokens_data.FormType, "EmployerName": enrollments.EmployerName, "FormStatus": tokens_data.FormStatus, "LastModifiedDate": tokens_data.LastModifiedDate, "EmailID": enrollments.EmailAddress, "PendingFrom": tokens_data.PendingFrom }) termination_form_data = db.session.query(Token, Terminationform).filter( Token.FormID == Terminationform.FormID, Token.TokenStatus == status.STATUS_ACTIVE, Token.EmployerID == employer_id, Token.FormType == TOKEN_FORMTYPE_TERMINATION).order_by(Token.LastModifiedDate.desc()) \ .offset(offset) \ .limit(25).all() for tokens_data, terminations in termination_form_data: forms_data.append({ "Token": tokens_data.TokenID, "EmployerID": tokens_data.EmployerID, "MemberName": terminations.MemberName, "EmployerName": terminations.EmployerName, "FormType": tokens_data.FormType, "FormStatus": tokens_data.FormStatus, "LastModifiedDate": tokens_data.LastModifiedDate, "EmailID": terminations.EmailAddress, "PendingFrom": tokens_data.PendingFrom }) # contribution_forms = Contributionform.query.order_by(Contributionform.LastModifiedDate.desc()).all() # for contributions in contribution_forms: # forms_data.append({ # "FormID": contributions.FormID, # "EmployerID": contributions.EmployerID, # "FormType": "Contribution", # "FormStatus": contributions.Status, # "LastModifiedDate": contributions.LastModifiedDate, # "FilePath": contributions.FilePath # }) return {"myforms": forms_data}, 200
def side_effect_function(*args, **kwargs): raise Unauthorized("Unable to get valid credentials")
def write(self): """Initial writes allowed, and updates if same patient""" if not self._kc_ident_in_resource(): raise Unauthorized("authorized identifier not found") return True
def reset_password(): """ Reset a user's password using their secret answers. :rtype: flask.Response """ req_json = request.get_json(force=True) _validate_api_input(req_json, 'answers', list) _validate_api_input(req_json, 'new_password', string_types) _validate_api_input(req_json, 'username', string_types) answers = req_json['answers'] new_password = req_json['new_password'] username = req_json['username'] not_setup_msg = ( 'You must have configured at least {0} secret answers before resetting your ' 'password').format(current_app.config['REQUIRED_ANSWERS']) # Verify the user exists in the database ad = ad.service_account_login() user_id = User.get_id_from_ad_username(username, ad) if not user_id: msg = 'The user attempted a password reset but does not exist in the database' log.debug({'message': msg, 'user': username}) raise ValidationError(not_setup_msg) # Make sure the user isn't locked out if User.is_user_locked_out(user_id): msg = 'The user attempted a password reset but their account is locked in ADReset'{'message': msg, 'user': username}) raise Unauthorized('Your account is locked. Please try again later.') db_answers = Answer.query.filter_by(user_id=user_id).all() # Create a dictionary of question_id to answer from entries in the database. This will avoid # the need to continuously loop through these answers looking for specific answers later on. q_id_to_answer_db = {} for answer in db_answers: q_id_to_answer_db[answer.question_id] = answer.answer # Make sure the user has all their answers configured if len(q_id_to_answer_db.keys()) != current_app.config['REQUIRED_ANSWERS']: msg = ( 'The user did not have their secret answers configured and attempted to reset their ' 'password') log.debug({'message': msg, 'user': username}) raise ValidationError(not_setup_msg) seen_question_ids = set() for answer in answers: if not isinstance( answer, dict) or 'question_id' not in answer or 'answer' not in answer: raise ValidationError( 'The answers must be an object with the keys "question_id" and "answer"' ) _validate_api_input(answer, 'question_id', int) _validate_api_input(answer, 'answer', string_types) if answer['question_id'] not in q_id_to_answer_db: msg = ( 'The user answered a question they did not previously configure while ' 'attempting to reset their password'){'message': msg, 'user': username}) raise ValidationError( 'One of the answers was to a question that wasn\'t previously configured' ) # Don't allow an attacker to enter in the same question and answer combination more than # once if answer['question_id'] in seen_question_ids: msg = ( 'The user answered the same question multiple times while attempting to reset ' 'their password'){'message': msg, 'user': username}) raise ValidationError( 'You must answer {0} different questions'.format( current_app.config['REQUIRED_ANSWERS'])) seen_question_ids.add(answer['question_id']) # Only check if the answers are correct after knowing the input is valid as to not give away # any hints as to which answer is incorrect for an attacker for answer in answers: if current_app.config['CASE_SENSITIVE_ANSWERS'] is True: input_answer = answer['answer'] else: input_answer = answer['answer'].lower() is_correct_answer = Answer.verify_answer( input_answer, q_id_to_answer_db[answer['question_id']]) if is_correct_answer is not True:{ 'message': 'The user entered an incorrect answer', 'user': username }) failed_attempt = FailedAttempt(user_id=user_id, time=datetime.utcnow()) db.session.add(failed_attempt) db.session.commit() if User.is_user_locked_out(user_id): msg = 'The user failed too many password reset attempts. They are now locked out.'{'message': msg, 'user': username}) raise Unauthorized( 'You have answered incorrectly too many times. Your account is ' 'now locked. Please try again later.') raise Unauthorized( 'One or more answers were incorrect. Please try again.') log.debug({ 'message': 'The user successfully answered their questions', 'user': username }) ad.reset_password(username, new_password){ 'message': 'The user successfully reset their password', 'user': username }) return jsonify({}), 204
def unauth_read(self): """Override for unauthenticated reads (i.e. no token)""" raise Unauthorized( f"Unauthorized; can't view {self.resource['resourceType']}")
def raise_invalid_credentials(): raise Unauthorized(description="Invalid email or password.")
def write(self): """Default case, no FHIR objects writeable""" raise Unauthorized(f"can't write {self.resource['resourceType']}")
def authenticate(self, token: str, *args, **kw) -> User: try: return User.query.filter_by(token=token).one() except (ResourceNotFound, DataError): raise Unauthorized('Provide a suitable token.')
def unauth_read(self): """Only allow if no patient is set in CarePlan""" if self.resource.get('subject'): raise Unauthorized( "Unauthorized can't view CarePlan with well defined 'subject'") return True
def __before__(self, **params): """ __before__ is called before every action This is the authentication to self service. If you want to do ANYTHING with the selfservice, you need to be authenticated. The _before_ is executed before any other function in this controller. :param params: list of named arguments :return: -nothing- or in case of an error a Response created by sendError with the context info 'before' """ action = request_context["action"] try: c.version = get_version() c.licenseinfo = get_copyright_info() c.version_ref = base64.encodebytes(c.version.encode())[:6] g.audit["success"] = False self.client = get_client(request) g.audit["client"] = self.client # -------------------------------------------------------------- -- # handle requests which dont require authetication if action in ["logout", "custom_style"]: return # -------------------------------------------------------------- -- # get the authenticated user auth_type, auth_user, auth_state = get_auth_user(request) # -------------------------------------------------------------- -- # handle not authenticated requests if not auth_user or auth_type not in ["user_selfservice"]: if action in ["login"]: return if action in ["index"]: return redirect(url_for(".login")) else: raise Unauthorized("No valid session") # -------------------------------------------------------------- -- # handle authenticated requests # there is only one special case, which is the login that # could be forwarded to the index page if action in ["login"]: if auth_state != "authenticated": return return redirect(url_for(".index")) # -------------------------------------------------------------- -- # in case of user_selfservice, an unauthenticated request should # always go to login if ( auth_user and auth_type == "user_selfservice" and auth_state != "authenticated" ): return redirect(url_for(".login")) # futher processing with the authenticated user if auth_state != "authenticated": raise Unauthorized("No valid session") c.user = auth_user.login c.realm = auth_user.realm self.authUser = auth_user # -------------------------------------------------------------- -- # authenticated session verification if auth_type == "user_selfservice": # checking the session only for not_form_access actions if action not in self.form_access_methods: valid_session = check_session( request, auth_user, self.client ) if not valid_session: g.audit["action"] = request.path[1:] g.audit["info"] = "session expired" current_app.audit_obj.log(g.audit) raise Unauthorized("No valid session") # -------------------------------------------------------------- -- c.imprint = get_imprint(c.realm) c.tokenArray = [] c.user = self.authUser.login c.realm = self.authUser.realm # only the defined actions should be displayed # - remark: the generic actions like enrollTT are allready approved # to have a rendering section and included actions = get_selfservice_actions(self.authUser) c.actions = actions for action_name, action_value in actions.items(): if action_value is True: c.__setattr__(action_name, -1) continue c.__setattr__(action_name, action_value) c.dynamic_actions = add_dynamic_selfservice_enrollment( config, c.actions ) # we require to establish all token local defined # policies to be initialiezd additional_policies = add_dynamic_selfservice_policies( config, actions ) for policy in additional_policies: c.__setattr__(policy, -1) c.otplen = -1 c.totp_len = -1 c.pin_policy = _get_auth_PinPolicy(user=self.authUser) except (flap.HTTPUnauthorized, flap.HTTPForbidden) as acc: # the exception, when an abort() is called if forwarded"[__before__::%r] webob.exception %r", action, acc) db.session.rollback() raise acc except Exception as exx: log.error("[__before__] failed with error: %r", exx) db.session.rollback() return sendError(response, exx, context="before")
def write(self): """Initial writes allowed, and updates if same patient""" if not self.user.patient_id(): return True if not self.owned: raise Unauthorized("Write CarePlan failed; mismatched owner")
RESOURCE = "test-resource" EMAIL = "*****@*****.**" PUBLIC_KEY = {"kid": 1, "foo": "bar"} JWKS = {"keys": [PUBLIC_KEY, {"kid": 2, "baz": "buz"}]} HEADER = {"kid": 1} PAYLOAD = {"email": EMAIL} def make_raiser(exception): def raise_e(*args, **kwargs): raise exception return raise_e throw_auth_error = make_raiser(Unauthorized("foo")) @pytest.fixture def bearer_auth(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr("config.secrets.CloudStorageSecretManager", MagicMock) return BearerAuth() def test_check_auth_smoketest(monkeypatch, app, bearer_auth): """Check that authentication succeeds if no errors are thrown""" # No authentication errors monkeypatch.setattr(bearer_auth, "token_auth", lambda _: PAYLOAD) # No authorization errors def fake_role_auth(*args): = Users(email=EMAIL)
def test_handle_error_401_no_challenge_by_default(self, api): resp = api.handle_error(Unauthorized()) assert resp.status_code == 401 assert 'WWW-Autheneticate' not in resp.headers
def test_handle_error_401_sends_challege_configured_realm(self, api): resp = api.handle_error(Unauthorized()) assert resp.status_code == 401 assert resp.headers['WWW-Authenticate'] == 'Basic realm="test-realm"'
def get_response(self, environ=None): response = Unauthorized.get_response(self, environ) response.www_authenticate.set_digest(*self.config) return response