def Morison_added_mass(w, draft, radius, Cm=2.0):
    """Calculate added mass and damping from Morison strip model of
    uniform cylinder"""
    from whales.viscous_drag import ViscousDragModel
    Morison_model = ViscousDragModel({
        'inertia coefficient':
        'members': [{
            'end1': [0, 0, 0],
            'end2': [0, 0, -draft],
            'diameter': 2 * radius,
            'strip width': 1.0,
    A1 = Morison_model.Morison_added_mass()
    A = np.tile(A1, (len(w), 1, 1))
    return LinearSystem(A, zeros_like(A), zeros_like(A))
def added_mass(w, z1, z2, diameter, Cm=2):
    """Calculate the added mass/damping. Specific for now to vertical
    cylinders of varying diameter.

    ``z1``, ``z2``: coordinates of ends of element
    ``diameter``: array (2 x Npoints) diameter at each z value

    config = {
        'end1': [0, 0, z1],
        'end2': [0, 0, z2],
        'diameter': diameter,
        'strip width': 1.0,
    Morison_model = ViscousDragModel({
        'inertia coefficient': Cm,
        'members': [config],
    A1 = Morison_model.Morison_added_mass()
    A = np.tile(A1, (len(w), 1, 1))
    return LinearSystem(A, zeros_like(A), zeros_like(A))
class CylinderTestCase(MyTestCase):
    """Test simple model with vertical cylinder"""

    def setUp(self):
        config = {
            'drag coefficient': 0.7,
            'inertia coefficient': 2.0,
            'members': [{
                'end1': [0, 0, 0],
                'end2': [0, 0, -10],
                'diameter': 2.3,
                'strip width': 1,
        self.model = ViscousDragModel(config)

    def test_model_elements(self):
        """Check element strips setup correctly"""
        m = self.model
        self.assertArraysEqual(m.element_lengths, np.ones(10))

        # Centres of strips
        centres = np.zeros((10, 3))
        centres[:,2] = -np.arange(0.5, 10, 1)
        self.assertArraysEqual(m.element_centres, centres)

        # Element diameters
        self.assertArraysEqual(m.element_diameters, 2.3)

        # Element axes
        self.assertArraysEqual(m.element_axes, np.array([np.eye(3)] * 10))

    def test_wave_velocity_transfer_func(self):
        """Test wave velocity transfer function"""
        w = np.array([1,2]) # frequencies to test
        H_uf = self.model.wave_velocity_transfer_function(w)

        # With waves in x-direction, sideways velocity should be zero
        self.assertArraysEqual(H_uf[:,:,1], 0)

        # Check variation in depth: exp(kz)
        iz1 = 3
        iz2 = 8
        z = self.model.element_centres[:,2]
        for i in range(2):
            assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(H_uf[i,iz1,:] / np.exp(w[i]**2/9.81*z[iz1]),
                                           H_uf[i,iz2,:] / np.exp(w[i]**2/9.81*z[iz2]))

        # Check all x velocities are in-phase and real, all z are imaginary
        self.assertTrue(np.isreal(     H_uf[:,:,0]).all())
        self.assertTrue(np.isreal(1j * H_uf[:,:,2]).all())

    def test_structural_velocity_transfer_func(self):
        """Test structural velocity with special cases"""
        w = np.array([1,2]) # frequencies to test

        # Case 1: pure surge motion
        H1 = np.zeros((2, 6)) # shape (freq, xyzXYZ)
        H1[:,0] = 1 # maximum surge at maximum datum wave height
        H_us = self.model.structural_velocity_transfer_function(w, H1)
        # all elements should have same surge velocity; all other velocities zero
        # at t=0, velocity is zero and becoming negative 90 deg later
        self.assertArraysEqual(H_us[1,:,0], 2j)
        self.assertArraysEqual(H_us[0,:,0], 1j)
        self.assertArraysEqual(H_us[:,:,1:], 0)

        # Case 2: pure roll motion
        H2 = np.zeros((2, 6)) # shape (freq, xyzXYZ)
        H2[:,3] = 1 # maximum roll at maximum datum wave height
        H_us = self.model.structural_velocity_transfer_function(w, H2)
        # x & z velocity should be zero
        self.assertArraysEqual(H_us[:,:,[0,2]], 0)
        # y velocity corresponding to rotation about origin (check bottom)
        # at t=0, ang. velocity is zero and becoming negative 90 deg later
        # Velocity of bottom element = 9.5 * ang vel
        self.assertArraysEqual(H_us[0,-1,1], 9.5 * 1j)
        self.assertArraysEqual(H_us[1,-1,1], 9.5 * 2j)

    def test_added_mass(self):
        """Test added mass calculation from Morison elements"""

        A = self.model.Morison_added_mass()

        # Expected surge added mass: (Cm-1) * rho * V
        self.assertEqual(A[0,0], 1 * 1025 * 10 * np.pi * 2.3**2 / 4)