def bulk_annotate(request,cid,sid=None): '''bulk annotate will allow a user to apply annotations, in masse, to a collection or set :param cid: the collection id to use :param sid: the report set id, if a subset of reports is being used ''' if sid !=None: report_set = get_report_set(sid) collection = report_set.collection reports = report_set.reports.all() else: collection = get_report_collection(cid) reports = collection.report_set.all() if has_collection_edit_permission(request,collection): # POST indicates creating a bulk annotation if request.method == "POST": # Does the user want to bulk annotate only unlabeled sets? unlabeled_only = request.POST.get('unlabeled_only',None) # What annotations does the user want to do in bulk? selection_keys = [x for x in request.POST.keys() if"^whatisit[||]", x)] selections = [] seen_annotations = [] for selection_key in selection_keys: name = selection_key.replace("whatisit||","") label = request.POST.get(selection_key,"") if label != "": allowed_annotation = AllowedAnnotation.objects.get(name=name, label=label) # If the user doesn't want to include already labeled reports, exclude if unlabeled_only != None: reports = reports.exclude(reports_annotated__annotator=request.user).distinct() for report in reports: # Update user annotation sent to celery to run async update_user_annotation.apply_async(kwargs={'user', 'allowed_annotation', 'report'}),"Annotation %s:%s task running for %s reports" %(name,label,reports.count())) return view_report_collection(request,cid) # Otherwise just render the form else: allowed_annotations = get_allowed_annotations(collection,return_objects=False) context = {"collection": collection, "allowed_annotations": allowed_annotations} if sid != None: context['sid'] = sid return render(request, "annotate/bulk_annotate.html", context) return HttpResponseRedirect(collection.get_absolute_url())
def download_annotation_set(request, sid, uid, return_json=False): '''download annotation set will download annotations for a particular user and report set. Default returns a text/csv file, if return_json is true, returns json file :param sid: the report set id :param uid: the user id to download :param return_json: return a Json response instead (default is False) ''' report_set = get_report_set(sid) collection = report_set.collection # Does the user have permission to edit? requester = request.user if requester == collection.owner or requester in collection.contributors.all( ): user = User.objects.get(id=uid) df = get_reportset_annotations(report_set, user) if not return_json: response = HttpResponse(df.to_csv(sep="\t"), content_type='text/csv') export_name = "%s_%s_annotations.tsv" % (, user.username) response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % ( export_name) return response return JsonResponse(df.to_json(orient="records")), "You do not have permission to perform this action.") return redirect('report_collection_details',
def new_set_annotator(request,sid): '''creates a new Credential for a user and a particular collection, with default state TESTING to ensure tests first. :param sid: the report_set id ''' report_set = get_report_set(sid) collection = report_set.collection if has_collection_edit_permission(request,collection): if request.method == "POST": user_id = request.POST.get('user',None) if user_id: user = get_user(request,user_id) credential = Credential.objects.create(user=user, report_set=report_set) messages.success(request, 'Credential for user %s added, user will need to test before annotating.' %(user)) return redirect('edit_set_annotators',
def edit_set_annotators(request,sid): '''edit_set_annotators allows a collection owner to add/remove users to an annotation set this means that the user has asked for and been given permission to annotate the collection. :param sid: the report set id ''' report_set = get_report_set(sid) collection = report_set.collection if has_collection_edit_permission(request,collection): # Get list of allowed annotators for set, not in set (to add) has_credential = has_credentials(report_set,status="PASSED") denied_credential = has_credentials(report_set,status="DENIED") testing_credential = has_credentials(report_set,status="TESTING") # Get credentials for allowed annotators credentials = get_credentials(has_credential,report_set) users_with_credentials = [x.user for x in credentials] # Get list of allowed annotators for set, allowed in set (if want to remove) contenders = get_credential_contenders(report_set) # Get list of failed annotators for set (if want to retest) failures = get_credentials(denied_credential, report_set, status="DENIED") # Get list of testing annotators for set (if want to pass without testing) testing = get_credentials(testing_credential, report_set, status="TESTING") # Remove contenders that are allowed annotation contenders = [x for x in contenders if x not in users_with_credentials] context = {'annotators':credentials, 'collection':collection, 'testing':testing, 'contenders':contenders, 'report_set':report_set, 'failures':failures} return render(request, 'reports/report_collection_annotators.html', context) # Does not have permission, return to collection, "You do not have permission to edit annotators for this collection.") return view_report_collection(request,cid)
def remove_set_annotator(request,sid,uid): '''completely remove a user from an annotation set. :param sid: the report_set id :param uid: the user id ''' report_set = get_report_set(sid) collection = report_set.collection if has_collection_edit_permission(request,collection): annotator = get_user(request,uid) credential = Credential.objects.get(user=annotator, report_set=report_set) credential.delete(), "User %s has been removed from set annotators." %(annotator)) return render(request, 'reports/report_collection_annotators.html', context) # Does not have permission, return to collection, "You do not have permission to edit annotators for this collection.") return view_report_collection(request,cid)
def annotate_set(request,sid,show_count=True): '''annotate_set will allow the user to annotate a custom selected set ''' report_set = get_report_set(sid) collection = report_set.collection user = request.user # Only continue annotation if the user is approved (and not expired) user_status = get_annotation_status(report_set=report_set, user=user) # No credential exists, for user (this should not happen) if user_status == None:,"You must ask for permission to annotate a collection first.") return HttpResponseRedirect(collection.get_absolute_url()) # Approved means we continue if user_status == "PASSED": if has_collection_annotate_permission(request,collection): # If the user has un-annotated reports, return those first reports = report_set.reports.all().exclude(reports_annotated__annotator=user).distinct() if len(reports) == 0: reports = report_set.reports.all() return annotate_random(request,, sid=sid, reports=reports) elif user_status == "TESTING": # Send the user to the testing view, will grant permission/deny after test return test_annotator(request=request, else: #denied or other,"You are not allowed to perform this action.") return HttpResponseRedirect(collection.get_absolute_url())
def download_reports(request, cid, sid=None, return_json=False): '''download reports returns a tsv download for an entire collection of reports (not recommended) or for reports within a collection (recommended) :param cid: the collection id :param sid: the report set if, if provided use that report set. :param return_json: return a Json response instead (default is False) ''' if sid != None: report_set = get_report_set(sid) collection = report_set.collection reports = report_set.reports.all() export_name = "%s_reports_set.tsv" % ( else: collection = get_report_collection(cid) reports = collection.report_set.all() export_name = "%s_reports.tsv" % ( # Does the user have permission to edit? requester = request.user if requester == collection.owner or requester in collection.contributors.all( ): df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=["report_id", "report_text"]) df["report_id"] = [r.report_id for r in reports] df["report_text"] = [r.report_text for r in reports] if not return_json: response = HttpResponse(df.to_csv(sep="\t"), content_type='text/csv') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % ( export_name) return response else: return JsonResponse(df.to_json(orient="records")), "You do not have permission to perform this action.") return redirect('report_collection_details',
def change_set_annotator(request,sid,uid,status): '''change the status of a set annotator to one of PASSED,DENIED,TESTING :param sid: the report_set id :param uid: the user id ''' report_set = get_report_set(sid) collection = report_set.collection if has_collection_edit_permission(request,collection): annotator = get_user(request,uid) credential = Credential.objects.get(user=annotator, report_set=report_set) credential.status = status,"User %s status changed to %s" %(annotator,status.lower())) # If the user is passed, add to annotators if status == "PASSED": report_set.annotators.add(annotator) elif status in ["DENIED","TESTING"]: report_set.annotators.remove(annotator) # Alert the user of the status change message = """Your request to annotate set %s for collection %s has updated status %s""" %(,, status.lower()) notify.send(collection.owner, recipient=annotator, verb=message) return redirect('edit_set_annotators', # Does not have permission, return to collection, "You do not have permission to edit annotators for this collection.") return view_report_collection(request,cid)
def test_annotator(request, sid, rid=None): '''test_annotator will ask an annotator to answer the specified number of questions to be granted access to annotate a collection. The data is stored in a session, and the session expires (and is reset) when the user has viewed the total number of required questions :param sid: the id of the report set :param rid: the report id that was tested ''' from whatisit.apps.wordfish.views import (annotate_report_testing, annotate_set, get_permissions, view_report_collection) from whatisit.apps.users.models import Credential if rid != None: # scoring is needed completed_report = get_report(rid) user = request.user report_set = get_report_set(sid) context = {'collection': report_set.collection} permissions = get_permissions(request, context) # Double check that user has permission to annotate if permissions["annotate_permission"] == True: # Also check that user hasn't previously failed. credential = Credential.objects.get(user=user, report_set=report_set) # Double check user status user_status = get_annotation_status(report_set=report_set, user=user) # Only continue if user_status is TESTING if user_status == "TESTING": # Get session variable session = get_testing_session(user=user, report_set=report_set) session_key = 'reports_testing_%s' % ( # testing set is stored in request.session with corresponding id testing_set = request.session.get(session_key, None) testing_report = None testing_correct = session.correct testing_incorrect = session.incorrect # Total reports required for taking, and for passing N = report_set.number_tests N_pass = report_set.passing_tests ########################################################### # NEW TESTING SESSION ########################################################### if testing_set == None: request, '''This is the start of the test. You will be asked to annotate %s reports. You should click on the correct label below, and then you can use your right arrow key (or the arrow at the bottom) to submit your answer. ''' % (N)) # Randomly select N reports from the set testing_reports = select_random_reports( reports=report_set.reports.all(), N=N) testing_reports = list(testing_reports) # Remove the first for testing testing_report = testing_reports.pop(0) request.session[session_key] = testing_reports ########################################################### # RESUME TESTING SESSION ########################################################### else: # If the testing set session is not empty, get any updated answers if request.method == "POST": # Get the correct annotations from the database correct_annotations = get_annotations( user=report_set.gold_standard, report=completed_report) answers = summarize_annotations( correct_annotations)['labels'] post_keys = list(request.POST.keys()) for post_key in post_keys: # The annotation labels have a '||' if'[||]', post_key): new_annotation = request.POST[post_key] user_selected = False if new_annotation == "on": selected_name, selected_label = post_key.split( '||') user_selected = True # If we have an answer option_chosen = '' if selected_name in answers: correct_answer = answers[selected_name] # The user selected the right answer if user_selected and correct_answer == selected_label: testing_correct += 1 # The user selected, but not right answer elif user_selected and correct_answer != selected_label: testing_incorrect += 1 # The user didn't select, is right answer elif not user_selected and correct_answer == selected_label: testing_incorrect += 1 # The user didn't select, is not right answer elif not user_selected and correct_answer != selected_label: continue # If the total number tests (correct and incorrect) if len(testing_set) == 0: # Did the user pass? if testing_correct >= N_pass: user_status = credential.status = "PASSED" else: user_status = credential.status = "DENIED" # Update the counts session.correct = testing_correct session.incorrect = testing_incorrect # If user status is (still) TESTING, start or continue if user_status == "TESTING": # If we didn't select a testing report if testing_report == None: testing_report = testing_set.pop(0) request.session[session_key] = testing_set # Update the user with remaining reports remaining_tests = N - (testing_correct + testing_incorrect) request, 'You have %s reports remaining in this session' % (remaining_tests)) # Get allowed annotations for set testing_annotations = get_testing_annotations(report_set) # Start testing the user return annotate_report_testing( request=request,,, report=testing_report, allowed_annotations=testing_annotations) # If the user status was approved, either previously or aboved, move on to annotation elif user_status == "PASSED": request, "Congratulations, you have passed the testing! You are now annotating the collection set." ) request = delete_testing_session( request, session) # deletes session, sets reports to None # Add the user to the set if request.user not in report_set.annotators.all(): report_set.annotators.add(request.user) return annotate_set(request, elif user_status == "DENIED":, "You are not qualified to annotate this set.") session = get_testing_session(user=user, report_set=report_set) request = delete_testing_session( request, session) # deletes session, sets reports to None return view_report_collection(request, # User does not have permission to annotate, return to collection view else: request, "You do not have permissions to perform this operation.") # Denied, or not annotate permission returns to see collection return view_report_collection(request,