    def do_plot(self, simOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile,
                validationDataFile, metadata):
        if not os.path.isdir(simOutDir):
            raise Exception, "simOutDir does not currently exist as a directory"

        if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

        ribosomeData = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "RibosomeData"))

        initialTime = TableReader(os.path.join(
            simOutDir, "Main")).readAttribute("initialTime")
        time = TableReader(os.path.join(
            simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("time") - initialTime
        fractionStalled = ribosomeData.readColumn("fractionStalled")


        plt.figure(figsize=(8.5, 11))
        plt.plot(time / 60, fractionStalled)

        plt.xlabel("Time (min)")
        plt.ylabel("Fraction of ribosomes stalled")

        plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5, wspace=0.5)

        exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, metadata)
    def do_plot(self, simOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile,
                validationDataFile, metadata):
        if not os.path.isdir(simOutDir):
            raise Exception, "simOutDir does not currently exist as a directory"

        if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

        bulkMolecules = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "BulkMolecules"))

        moleculeIds = bulkMolecules.readAttribute("objectNames")

        waterIndex = np.array(moleculeIds.index('WATER[c]'), np.int)

        waterCount = bulkMolecules.readColumn("counts")[:, waterIndex]
        initialTime = TableReader(os.path.join(
            simOutDir, "Main")).readAttribute("initialTime")
        time = TableReader(os.path.join(
            simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("time") - initialTime


        plt.figure(figsize=(8.5, 11))

        plt.plot(time / 60., waterCount, linewidth=2)
        plt.xlabel("Time (min)")
        plt.ylabel("WATER[c] counts")
        plt.title("Counts of water")

        exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, metadata)
    def do_plot(self, simOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile,
                validationDataFile, metadata):
        if not os.path.isdir(simOutDir):
            raise Exception, "simOutDir does not currently exist as a directory"

        if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

        # Get time
        time = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("time")

        # Get tRNA IDs and counts
        sim_data = cPickle.load(open(simDataFile, "rb"))
        isTRna = sim_data.process.transcription.rnaData["isTRna"]
        rnaIds = sim_data.process.transcription.rnaData["id"][isTRna]
        bulkMolecules = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "BulkMolecules"))
        moleculeIds = bulkMolecules.readAttribute("objectNames")
        rnaIndexes = np.array(
            [moleculeIds.index(moleculeId) for moleculeId in rnaIds], np.int)
        rnaCountsBulk = bulkMolecules.readColumn("counts")[:, rnaIndexes]

        # Plot
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.5, 11))
        ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
        ax.plot(time, rnaCountsBulk)
        ax.set_xlim([time[0], time[-1]])
        ax.set_xlabel("Time (s)")
        ax.set_ylabel("Counts of tRNAs")
        ax.tick_params(right="off", top="off", which="both", direction="out")

        exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, metadata)
def mp_worker(sim_dir):
    sim_out_dir = os.path.join(sim_dir, 'simOut')
    rnap_count_avg_cell = None

        bulk_molecule_reader = TableReader(
            os.path.join(sim_out_dir, 'BulkMolecules'))
        index_rnap = bulk_molecule_reader.readAttribute('objectNames').index(
        rnap_count = bulk_molecule_reader.readColumn('counts',

        unique_molecule_reader = TableReader(
            os.path.join(sim_out_dir, 'UniqueMoleculeCounts'))
        unique_molecule_ids = unique_molecule_reader.readAttribute(
        unique_molecule_counts = unique_molecule_reader.readColumn(

        index_rnap = unique_molecule_ids.index('activeRnaPoly')
        rnap_active_count = unique_molecule_counts[:, index_rnap]

        index_average_cell = int(len(rnap_active_count) * CELL_CYCLE_FRACTION)
        rnap_count_avg_cell = rnap_count[
            index_average_cell] + rnap_active_count[index_average_cell]

    except Exception as e:
        print('Excluded from analysis due to broken files: {}'.format(

    return rnap_count_avg_cell
    def do_plot(self, seedOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile,
                validationDataFile, metadata):
        if not os.path.isdir(seedOutDir):
            raise Exception, "seedOutDir does not currently exist as a directory"

        if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

        ap = AnalysisPaths(seedOutDir, multi_gen_plot=True)

        # Get all cells
        allDir = ap.get_cells()

        cellCycleLengths = []
        generations = []
        for idx, simDir in enumerate(allDir):
            simOutDir = os.path.join(simDir, "simOut")
            initialTime = TableReader(os.path.join(
                simOutDir, "Main")).readAttribute("initialTime")
            time = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir,

            cellCycleLengths.append((time[-1] - time[0]) / 60. / 60.)

        plt.scatter(generations, cellCycleLengths)
        plt.ylabel('Time (hr)')
        plt.title('Cell cycle lengths')

        exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, metadata)

    def do_plot(self, simOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile,
                validationDataFile, metadata):
        if not os.path.isdir(simOutDir):
            raise Exception, "simOutDir does not currently exist as a directory"

        if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

        bulkMolecules = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "BulkMolecules"))

        rnaIds = [
        names = [
            "ptsI - PTS enzyme I",
            "talB - Transaldolase",
            "secG - SecG",
            "thiS - ThiS protein",
            "flgD - Flagellar biosynthesis",
            "serA - (S)-2-hydroxyglutarate reductase",
            "gatY - GatY",
            "gdhA - Glutamate dehydrogenase",
            "atpG - ATP synthase F1 complex - gamma subunit",
            "livJ - Branched chain amino acid ABC transporter - periplasmic binding protein",

        moleculeIds = bulkMolecules.readAttribute("objectNames")
        rnaIndexes = np.array([moleculeIds.index(x) for x in rnaIds], np.int)
        rnaCounts = bulkMolecules.readColumn("counts")[:, rnaIndexes]


        initialTime = TableReader(os.path.join(
            simOutDir, "Main")).readAttribute("initialTime")
        time = TableReader(os.path.join(
            simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("time") - initialTime

        plt.figure(figsize=(8.5, 11))

        for subplotIdx in xrange(1, 10):

            plt.subplot(3, 3, subplotIdx)

            plt.plot(time / 60., rnaCounts[:, subplotIdx])
            plt.xlabel("Time (min)")
            plt.ylabel("mRNA counts")
            plt.title(names[subplotIdx].split(" - ")[0])

        plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5, top=0.95, bottom=0.05)
        exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, metadata)
def setDaughterInitialConditions(sim, sim_data):
    assert sim._inheritedStatePath != None
    isDead = cPickle.load(
        open(os.path.join(sim._inheritedStatePath, "IsDead.cPickle"), "rb"))
    sim._isDead = isDead

    elngRate = cPickle.load(
        open(os.path.join(sim._inheritedStatePath, "ElngRate.cPickle"), "rb"))
    elng_rate_factor = cPickle.load(
        open(os.path.join(sim._inheritedStatePath, "elng_rate_factor.cPickle"),
    if sim._growthRateNoise:
        sim.processes["PolypeptideElongation"].setElngRate = elngRate
            "PolypeptideElongation"].elngRateFactor = elng_rate_factor

    bulk_table_reader = TableReader(
        os.path.join(sim._inheritedStatePath, "BulkMolecules"))
    sim.internal_states["BulkMolecules"].tableLoad(bulk_table_reader, 0)

    unique_table_reader = TableReader(
        os.path.join(sim._inheritedStatePath, "UniqueMolecules"))
    sim.internal_states["UniqueMolecules"].tableLoad(unique_table_reader, 0)

    time_table_reader = TableReader(
        os.path.join(sim._inheritedStatePath, "Time"))
    initialTime = TableReader(os.path.join(
        sim._inheritedStatePath, "Time")).readAttribute("initialTime")
    sim._initialTime = initialTime
    def do_plot(self, simOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile,
                validationDataFile, metadata):
        if not os.path.isdir(simOutDir):
            raise Exception, "simOutDir does not currently exist as a directory"

        if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

        bulkMolecules = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "BulkMolecules"))

        rnaIds = [
        names = [
            "ypjD - Predicted inner membrane protein",
            "intA - CP4-57 prophage; integrase",
            "yrfG - Purine nucleotidase",
            "ylaC - Predicted inner membrane protein",
            "nagA - N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase",
            "yigZ - Predicted elongation factor",
            "lptG - LptG (part of LPS transport system)",
            "mnmE - GTPase, involved in modification of U34 in tRNA",
            "pspE - Thiosulfate sulfurtransferase",
            "ushA - UDP-sugar hydrolase / 5'-ribonucleotidase / 5'-deoxyribonucleotidase",

        moleculeIds = bulkMolecules.readAttribute("objectNames")
        rnaIndexes = np.array([moleculeIds.index(x) for x in rnaIds], np.int)
        rnaCounts = bulkMolecules.readColumn("counts")[:, rnaIndexes]


        initialTime = TableReader(os.path.join(
            simOutDir, "Main")).readAttribute("initialTime")
        time = TableReader(os.path.join(
            simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("time") - initialTime

        plt.figure(figsize=(8.5, 11))

        for subplotIdx in xrange(1, 10):

            plt.subplot(3, 3, subplotIdx)

            plt.plot(time / 60., rnaCounts[:, subplotIdx])
            plt.xlabel("Time (min)")
            plt.ylabel("mRNA counts")
            plt.title(names[subplotIdx].split(" - ")[0])

        plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5, top=0.95, bottom=0.05)
        exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, metadata)
    def do_plot(self, simOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile,
                validationDataFile, metadata):
        if not os.path.isdir(simOutDir):
            raise Exception, "simOutDir does not currently exist as a directory"

        if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

        bulkMolecules = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "BulkMolecules"))

        rnaIds = [
        names = [
            "gapA - Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase",
            "tufA - Elongation factor Tu",
            "rpmA - 50S Ribosomal subunit protein L27",
            "ompF - Outer membrane protein F",
            "acpP - Apo-[acyl carrier protein]",
            "ompA - Outer membrane protein A",
            "rplL - 50S Ribosomal subunit protein L7/L12 dimer",
            "cspE - Transcription antiterminator and regulator of RNA stability",
            "fliC - Flagellin",
            "lpp - Murein lipoprotein",

        moleculeIds = bulkMolecules.readAttribute("objectNames")
        rnaIndexes = np.array([moleculeIds.index(x) for x in rnaIds], np.int)
        rnaCounts = bulkMolecules.readColumn("counts")[:, rnaIndexes]


        initialTime = TableReader(os.path.join(
            simOutDir, "Main")).readAttribute("initialTime")
        time = TableReader(os.path.join(
            simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("time") - initialTime

        plt.figure(figsize=(8.5, 11))

        for subplotIdx in xrange(1, 10):

            plt.subplot(3, 3, subplotIdx)

            plt.plot(time / 60., rnaCounts[:, subplotIdx])
            plt.xlabel("Time (min)")
            plt.ylabel("mRNA counts")
            plt.title(names[subplotIdx].split(" - ")[0])

        plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5, top=0.95, bottom=0.05)
        exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, metadata)
	def do_plot(self, seedOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile, validationDataFile, metadata):
		if not os.path.isdir(seedOutDir):
			raise Exception, "seedOutDir does not currently exist as a directory"

		if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

		ap = AnalysisPaths(seedOutDir, multi_gen_plot = True)

		# TODO: Declutter Y-axis

		# Get first cell from each generation
		firstCellLineage = []
		for gen_idx in range(ap.n_generation):
			firstCellLineage.append(ap.get_cells(generation = [gen_idx])[0])

		massNames = [

		cleanNames = [
					"Protein\nmass frac.",
					"tRNA\nmass frac.",
					"rRNA\nmass frac.",
					"mRNA\nmass frac.",
					"DNA\nmass frac."

		fig, axesList = plt.subplots(len(massNames), sharex = True)

		for simDir in firstCellLineage:
			simOutDir = os.path.join(simDir, "simOut")
			time = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("time")
			mass = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Mass"))

			massData = np.zeros((len(massNames),time.size))

			for idx, massType in enumerate(massNames):
				massData[idx,:] = mass.readColumn(massNames[idx])

			massData = massData / massData.sum(axis = 0)

			for idx, massType in enumerate(massNames):
				axesList[idx].plot(time / 60, massData[idx,:])

		for axes in axesList:

		axesList[-1].set_xlabel('Time (min)')

		exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName,metadata)
    def do_plot(self, variantDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile,
                validationDataFile, metadata):
        if not os.path.isdir(variantDir):
            raise Exception, "variantDir does not currently exist as a directory"

        if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

        # Get all cells in each seed
        ap = AnalysisPaths(variantDir, cohort_plot=True)

        max_cells_in_gen = 0
        for genIdx in range(ap.n_generation):
            n_cells = len(ap.get_cells(generation=[genIdx]))
            if n_cells > max_cells_in_gen:
                max_cells_in_gen = n_cells

        fig, axesList = plt.subplots(ap.n_generation, sharex=True)

        doubling_time = np.zeros((max_cells_in_gen, ap.n_generation))

        for genIdx in range(ap.n_generation):
            gen_cells = ap.get_cells(generation=[genIdx])
            for simDir in gen_cells:
                simOutDir = os.path.join(simDir, "simOut")
                time = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir,
                initialTime = TableReader(os.path.join(
                    simOutDir, "Main")).readAttribute("initialTime")

                doubling_time[np.where(simDir == gen_cells)[0],
                              genIdx] = (time.max() - initialTime) / 60.

        # Plot initial vs final masses
        if ap.n_generation == 1:
            axesList = [axesList]

        for idx, axes in enumerate(axesList):
            if max_cells_in_gen > 1:
                axes.hist(doubling_time[:, idx].flatten(),
                          int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(doubling_time[:, idx].size))))
                axes.plot(doubling_time[:, idx], 1, 'x')
                axes.set_ylim([0, 2])
            axes.axvline(doubling_time[:, idx].mean(),
                doubling_time[:, idx].mean(), 1, "Mean: %.3f Var: %.3f" %
                (doubling_time[:, idx].mean(), doubling_time[:, idx].var()))

        axesList[-1].set_xlabel("Doubling time (min))")
        axesList[ap.n_generation / 2].set_ylabel("Frequency")

        plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.2, wspace=0.5)

        exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, metadata)
def getMaxTime(allCells):
	maxTime = 0
	for simDir in allCells:
		simOutDir = os.path.join(simDir, "simOut")
		initialTime = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readAttribute("initialTime")
		time = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("time") - initialTime
		maxTime = np.max([maxTime, time.size])
	return maxTime
	def do_plot(self, simOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile, validationDataFile, metadata):
		if not os.path.isdir(simOutDir):
			raise Exception, "simOutDir does not currently exist as a directory"

		if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

		sim_data = cPickle.load(open(simDataFile))

		# Get exchange flux data
		fbaResults = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "FBAResults"))
		initialTime = units.s * TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readAttribute("initialTime")
		time = units.s * TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("time") - initialTime
		externalExchangeFluxes = fbaResults.readColumn("externalExchangeFluxes")
		externalMoleculeIDs = np.array(fbaResults.readAttribute("externalMoleculeIDs"))

		massExchange = sim_data.getter.getMass(externalMoleculeIDs).asNumber(units.g / units.mmol) * externalExchangeFluxes # g / gDCW-hr

		# Get growth rate data
		growthRateData = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Mass"))
		growthRate = ((1 / units.s) * growthRateData.readColumn("instantaniousGrowthRate")).asUnit(1 / units.h) # g / gDCW-hr
		doublingTime = (1 / growthRate) * np.log(2)

		# Plot stuff
		fig = plt.figure()

		ax1 = plt.subplot(3,1,1)
		ax1.plot(time.asNumber(units.min), doublingTime.asNumber(units.min))
		ax1.plot(time.asNumber(units.min), sim_data.doubling_time.asNumber(units.min) * np.ones(time.asNumber().size), linestyle='--')
		medianDoublingTime = np.median(doublingTime.asNumber(units.min)[1:])
		ax1.set_ylim([medianDoublingTime - 2*medianDoublingTime, medianDoublingTime + 2*medianDoublingTime])
		ax1.set_ylabel("Doubling\ntime (min)")

		ax2 = plt.subplot(3,1,2)
		ax2.plot(time.asNumber(units.min), massExchange)
		maxMassExchange = massExchange[100:].max()
		minMassExchange = massExchange[100:].min()
		ax2.set_ylim([minMassExchange, maxMassExchange])
		ax2.set_ylabel("Mass exchange\n(g / gDCW-hr)")

		ax3 = plt.subplot(3,1,3)
		water = massExchange[:, np.where(externalMoleculeIDs == "WATER[p]")[0][0]].copy()
		waterAll = massExchange[:, np.where(externalMoleculeIDs == "WATER[p]")[0][0]].copy()
		water[doublingTime.asNumber() > 0.] = np.nan
		ax3.plot(time.asNumber(units.min), waterAll, 'k.')
		ax3.plot(time.asNumber(units.min), water, 'b.')
		maxMassExchange = massExchange[100:].max()
		minMassExchange = massExchange[100:].min()
		ax3.set_ylim([minMassExchange, maxMassExchange])
		ax3.set_ylabel("Water exchange\nwhen doubling time < 0")

		exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, metadata)
	def do_plot(self, simOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile, validationDataFile, metadata):
		if not os.path.isdir(simOutDir):
			raise Exception, "simOutDir does not currently exist as a directory"

		if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

		sim_data = cPickle.load(open(simDataFile, "r"))
		trpIdx = sim_data.moleculeGroups.aaIDs.index("TRP[c]")

		growthLimits = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "GrowthLimits"))

		trpRequests = growthLimits.readColumn("aaRequestSize")[BURN_IN:, trpIdx]


		bulkMolecules = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "BulkMolecules"))

		moleculeIds = bulkMolecules.readAttribute("objectNames")

		trpSynIdx = moleculeIds.index("TRYPSYN[c]")

		trpSynCounts = bulkMolecules.readColumn("counts")[BURN_IN:, trpSynIdx]


		trpSynKcat = 2**( (37. - 25.) / 10.) * 4.1 # From PMID 6402362 (kcat of 4.1/s measured at 25 C)

		initialTime = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readAttribute("initialTime")
		time = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("time")[BURN_IN:] - initialTime
		timeStep = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("timeStepSec")[BURN_IN:]

		trpSynMaxCapacity = trpSynKcat * trpSynCounts * timeStep

		plt.figure(figsize = (8.5, 11))

		plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)

		plt.plot(time / 60., trpSynMaxCapacity, linewidth = 2)
		plt.ylabel("Tryptophan Synthase Max Capacity")

		plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)

		plt.plot(time / 60., trpRequests, linewidth = 2)
		plt.ylabel("TRP requested by translation")

		plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)

		plt.plot(time / 60., trpSynMaxCapacity / trpRequests, linewidth = 2)
		plt.xlabel("Time (min)")
		plt.ylabel("(Max capacity) / (Request)")

		exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, metadata)
	def do_plot(self, seedOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile, validationDataFile, metadata):
		if not os.path.isdir(seedOutDir):
			raise Exception, "seedOutDir does not currently exist as a directory"

		if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

		ap = AnalysisPaths(seedOutDir, multi_gen_plot = True)

		# Get all cells
		allDir = ap.get_cells()

		massNames = [

		cleanNames = [

		fig, axesList = plt.subplots(len(massNames), sharex = True)

		for simDir in allDir:
			simOutDir = os.path.join(simDir, "simOut")
			time = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("time")
			mass = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Mass"))

			for idx, massType in enumerate(massNames):
				massToPlot = mass.readColumn(massNames[idx])
				axesList[idx].plot(time / 60. / 60., massToPlot, linewidth = 2)

				axesList[idx].set_ylabel(cleanNames[idx] + " (fg)")

		for axes in axesList:

		axesList[0].set_title("Cell mass fractions")
		axesList[len(massNames) - 1].set_xlabel("Time (hr)")

		plt.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.2, wspace = 0.5)
		exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName,metadata)
	def do_plot(self, simOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile, validationDataFile, metadata):
		if not os.path.isdir(simOutDir):
			raise Exception, "simOutDir does not currently exist as a directory"

		if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

		bulkMolecules = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "BulkMolecules"))
		bulkMoleculeCounts = bulkMolecules.readColumn("counts")

		moleculeIds = bulkMolecules.readAttribute("objectNames")
		rnapId = "APORNAP-CPLX[c]"
		rnapIndex = moleculeIds.index(rnapId)
		rnapCountsBulk = bulkMoleculeCounts[:, rnapIndex]

		RNAP_RNA_IDS = ["EG10893_RNA[c]", "EG10894_RNA[c]", "EG10895_RNA[c]", "EG10896_RNA[c]"]
		rnapRnaIndexes = np.array([moleculeIds.index(rnapRnaId) for rnapRnaId in RNAP_RNA_IDS], np.int)
		rnapRnaCounts = bulkMoleculeCounts[:, rnapRnaIndexes]


		uniqueMoleculeCounts = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "UniqueMoleculeCounts"))

		rnapIndex = uniqueMoleculeCounts.readAttribute("uniqueMoleculeIds").index("activeRnaPoly")
		initialTime = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readAttribute("initialTime")
		time = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("time") - initialTime
		nActive = uniqueMoleculeCounts.readColumn("uniqueMoleculeCounts")[:, rnapIndex]


		plt.figure(figsize = (8.5, 11))

		plt.subplot(5, 1, 1)

		plt.plot(time / 60., nActive + rnapCountsBulk)
		plt.xlabel("Time (min)")
		plt.ylabel("Protein Counts")
		plt.title("RNA Polymerase")

		for subplotIdx in xrange(2, 6):
			rnapRnaCountsIdx = subplotIdx - 2

			plt.subplot(5, 1, subplotIdx)

			plt.plot(time / 60., rnapRnaCounts[:, rnapRnaCountsIdx])
			plt.xlabel("Time (min)")
			plt.ylabel("mRNA counts")

		plt.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.5, top = 0.95, bottom = 0.05)
		exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, metadata)
def getMassData(simDir, massNames):
    simOutDir = os.path.join(simDir, "simOut")
    time = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("time")
    mass = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Mass"))

    massFractionData = np.zeros((len(massNames), time.size))

    for idx, massType in enumerate(massNames):
        massFractionData[idx, :] = mass.readColumn(massNames[idx])

    if len(massNames) == 1:
        massFractionData = massFractionData.reshape(-1)

    return time, massFractionData
    def do_plot(self, seedOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile,
                validationDataFile, metadata):
        if not os.path.isdir(seedOutDir):
            raise Exception, "seedOutDir does not currently exist as a directory"

        if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

        if DISABLED:
            print "Currently disabled because it requires too much memory."

        ap = AnalysisPaths(seedOutDir, multi_gen_plot=True)

        # Get all cells
        allDir = ap.get_cells()

        for simDir in allDir:
            simOutDir = os.path.join(simDir, "simOut")

            time = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir,
            counts = TableReader(os.path.join(
                simOutDir, "BulkMolecules")).readColumn("counts")
            countsToMolar = TableReader(
            allNames = TableReader(os.path.join(
                simOutDir, "BulkMolecules")).readAttribute('objectNames')

            compoundNames = []
            nonZeroCounts = counts.T[np.any(counts.T, axis=1)]
            for idx, counts in enumerate(nonZeroCounts):
                if (counts[BURN_IN_SECONDS:] > 0).sum() > 100:
                    compartment = allNames[idx][-3:]
                    concentrations = (counts * countsToMolar)
                    if time[0] < 1:
                        concentrations[:BURN_IN_SECONDS] = np.mean(
                    plt.plot(time / 60.,
                             concentrations / np.mean(concentrations))

            # plt.legend(compoundNames, fontsize=5)
            plt.title("Protein Concentrations")
            plt.xlabel("Time (min)")
            plt.ylabel("Mean-normalized concentration")

        exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, metadata)
	def do_plot(self, simOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile, validationDataFile, metadata):
		if not os.path.isdir(simOutDir):
			raise Exception, "simOutDir does not currently exist as a directory"

		if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

		# Exchange flux
		initialTime = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readAttribute("initialTime")
		time = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("time") - initialTime

		fba_results = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "FBAResults"))
		exFlux = fba_results.readColumn("externalExchangeFluxes")
		exMolec = fba_results.readAttribute("externalMoleculeIDs")
		moleculeIDs = ["GLC[p]", "OXYGEN-MOLECULE[p]"]

		# Plot
		fig = plt.figure(figsize = (8, 11.5))
		rows = len(moleculeIDs)
		cols = 1

		for index, molecule in enumerate(["GLC[p]", "OXYGEN-MOLECULE[p]"]):
			if molecule not in exMolec:
			moleculeFlux = -1. * exFlux[:, exMolec.index(molecule)]
			ax = plt.subplot(rows, cols, index + 1)
			ax.plot(time / 60. / 60., moleculeFlux)

			averageFlux = np.average(moleculeFlux)
			yRange = np.min([np.abs(np.max(moleculeFlux) - averageFlux), np.abs(np.min(moleculeFlux) - averageFlux)])
			ymin = np.round(averageFlux - yRange)
			ymax = np.round(averageFlux + yRange)
			ax.set_ylim([ymin, ymax])

			abs_max = np.max(moleculeFlux)
			abs_min = np.min(moleculeFlux)

			plt.figtext(0.7, 1. / float(rows) * 0.7 + (rows - 1 - index) / float(rows),
				"Max: %s\nMin: %s" % (abs_max, abs_min), fontsize = 8)

			ax.set_ylabel("External %s\n(mmol/gDCW/hr)" % molecule, fontsize = 8)
			ax.set_xlabel("Time (hr)", fontsize = 8)
			ax.set_title("%s" % molecule, fontsize = 10, y = 1.1)
			ax.tick_params(labelsize = 8, which = "both", direction = "out")

		plt.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.5, wspace = 1)

		exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, metadata)
def getDivisionTime((variant, ap)):
        simDir = ap.get_cells(variant=[variant])[0]

        simOutDir = os.path.join(simDir, "simOut")

        time_column = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir,
        initialTime = TableReader(os.path.join(
            simOutDir, "Main")).readAttribute("initialTime")

        return (time_column.max() - initialTime) / 60.
    except Exception as e:
        print e
        return np.nan
def mp_worker(sim_dir):
	sim_out_dir = os.path.join(sim_dir, 'simOut')
	ribosome_count_avg_cell = None

		(ribosome_30s_count, ribosome_50s_count) = read_bulk_molecule_counts(
			sim_out_dir, (

		unique_molecule_reader = TableReader(os.path.join(sim_out_dir, 'UniqueMoleculeCounts'))
		unique_molecule_ids = unique_molecule_reader.readAttribute('uniqueMoleculeIds')
		unique_molecule_counts = unique_molecule_reader.readColumn('uniqueMoleculeCounts')

		index_ribosome = unique_molecule_ids.index('activeRibosome')
		ribosome_active_count = unique_molecule_counts[:, index_ribosome]

		index_average_cell = int(len(ribosome_active_count) * CELL_CYCLE_FRACTION)
		ribosome_count_avg_cell = ribosome_active_count[index_average_cell] + min(

	except Exception as e:
		print('Excluded from analysis due to broken files: {}'.format(sim_out_dir))

	return ribosome_count_avg_cell
    def do_plot(self, seedOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile,
                validationDataFile, metadata):
        if not os.path.isdir(seedOutDir):
            raise Exception, 'seedOutDir does not currently exist as a directory'


        with open(simDataFile, 'rb') as f:
            sim_data = cPickle.load(f)
        with open(validationDataFile, 'rb') as f:
            validation_data = cPickle.load(f)

        ap = AnalysisPaths(seedOutDir, multi_gen_plot=True)

        for sim_dir in ap.get_cells():
            simOutDir = os.path.join(sim_dir, 'simOut')

            # Listeners used
            main_reader = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, 'Main'))

            # Load data
            time = main_reader.readColumn('time')


        ### Create Plot ###

        exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, metadata)
    def do_plot(self, seedOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile,
                validationDataFile, metadata):
        if not os.path.isdir(seedOutDir):
            raise Exception, "seedOutDir does not currently exist as a directory"

        if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

        ap = AnalysisPaths(seedOutDir, multi_gen_plot=True)

        # TODO: Declutter Y-axis

        # Get all cells
        allDir = ap.get_cells().tolist()

        massNames = [

        cleanNames = [

        for simDir in allDir:
            simOutDir = os.path.join(simDir, "simOut")
            initialTime = TableReader(os.path.join(
                simOutDir, "Main")).readAttribute("initialTime")
            time = TableReader(os.path.join(
                simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("time") - initialTime
            mass = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Mass"))

            for idx, massType in enumerate(massNames):
                massToPlot = mass.readColumn(massNames[idx])

                f = plt.figure(figsize=(1.25, 0.8), frameon=False)

                ax = f.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1])

                ax.plot(time, massToPlot, linewidth=2)
                ax.set_ylim([massToPlot.min(), massToPlot.max()])
                ax.set_xlim([time.min(), time.max()])

                    plt, plotOutDir,
                    "r01_{}_gen{}".format(massType, allDir.index(simDir)))
def read_bulk_molecule_counts(sim_out_dir, mol_names):
	Reads a subset of molecule counts from BulkMolecules using the indexing method
	of readColumn. Should only be called once per simulation being analyzed with
	all molecules of interest.

		sim_out_dir (str): path to the directory with simulation output data
		mol_names (list-like or tuple of list-like): lists of strings containing
			names of molecules to read the counts for. A single array will be
			converted to a tuple for processing.

		generator of ndarray: int counts with all time points on the first dimension
		and each molecule of interest on the second dimension. The number of
		generated arrays will be separated based on the input dimensions of mol_names
		(ie if mol_names is a tuple of two arrays, two arrays will be generated).

	Example use cases:
		names1 = ['ATP[c]', 'AMP[c]']
		names2 = ['WATER[c]']

		# Read one set of molecules
		(counts1,) = read_bulk_molecule_counts(sim_out_dir, names1)

		# Read two or more sets of molecules
		(counts1, counts2) = read_bulk_molecule_counts(sim_out_dir, (names1, names2))

	TODO: generalize to any TableReader, not just BulkMolecules, if readColumn method
	is used for those tables.

    # Convert an array to tuple to ensure correct dimensions
    if not isinstance(mol_names, tuple):
        mol_names = (mol_names, )

    # Check for string instead of array since it will cause mol_indices lookup to fail
    for names in mol_names:
        if isinstance(names, basestring):
            raise Exception(
                'mol_names must be a tuple of arrays not strings like {}'.

    bulk_reader = TableReader(os.path.join(sim_out_dir, 'BulkMolecules'))

    bulk_molecule_names = bulk_reader.readAttribute("objectNames")
    mol_indices = {mol: i for i, mol in enumerate(bulk_molecule_names)}

    lengths = [len(names) for names in mol_names]
    indices = np.hstack([[mol_indices[mol] for mol in names]
                         for names in mol_names])
    bulk_counts = bulk_reader.readColumn('counts', indices)

    start_slice = 0
    for length in lengths:
        counts = bulk_counts[:, start_slice:start_slice + length].squeeze()
        start_slice += length
        yield counts
	def do_plot(self, simOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile, validationDataFile, metadata):
		if not os.path.isdir(simOutDir):
			raise Exception, "simOutDir does not currently exist as a directory"

		if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

		bulkMolecules = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "BulkMolecules"))
		processNames = bulkMolecules.readAttribute("processNames")

		atpAllocatedInitial = bulkMolecules.readColumn("atpAllocatedInitial")
		atpRequested = bulkMolecules.readColumn("atpRequested")

		initialTime = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readAttribute("initialTime")
		time = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("time") - initialTime


		# Plot
		plt.figure(figsize = (8.5, 11))
		rows = 7
		cols = 2

		for processIndex in np.arange(len(processNames)):
			ax = plt.subplot(rows, cols, processIndex + 1)
			ax.plot(time / 60., atpAllocatedInitial[:, processIndex])
			ax.plot(time / 60., atpRequested[:, processIndex])
			ax.set_title(str(processNames[processIndex]), fontsize = 8, y = 0.85)

			ymin = np.amin([atpAllocatedInitial[:, processIndex], atpRequested[:, processIndex]])
			ymax = np.amax([atpAllocatedInitial[:, processIndex], atpRequested[:, processIndex]])
			ax.set_ylim([ymin, ymax])
			ax.set_yticks([ymin, ymax])
			ax.set_yticklabels(["%0.2e" % ymin, "%0.2e" % ymax])
			ax.tick_params(which = 'both', direction = 'out', labelsize = 6)
			# ax.set_xticks([])

		exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, metadata)

		plt.subplots_adjust(hspace = 2.0, wspace = 2.0)
def getSingleValue(allCells, tableName, colName, maxTime):
	allCellsData = np.ones((allCells.size, maxTime), np.float64) * np.nan

	for idx, simDir in enumerate(allCells):
		simOutDir = os.path.join(simDir, "simOut")
		value = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, tableName)).readColumn(colName)
		allCellsData[idx, :value.size] = value

	return allCellsData
	def do_plot(self, simOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile, validationDataFile, metadata):
		if not os.path.isdir(simOutDir):
			raise Exception, "simOutDir does not currently exist as a directory"

		if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

		initialTime = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readAttribute("initialTime")
		time = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("time") - initialTime
		timeStepSec = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("timeStepSec")

		fba_results = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "FBAResults"))
		exFlux = fba_results.readColumn("externalExchangeFluxes")
		exMolec = fba_results.readAttribute("externalMoleculeIDs")

		mass = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Mass"))
		processMassDifferences = mass.readColumn("processMassDifferences")
		cellMass = mass.readColumn("dryMass")

		exchangeMasses = {} # some duplicates in exMolec like CO2 and water so create dict to avoid double counting
		raw_data = KnowledgeBaseEcoli()
		for metabolite in raw_data.metabolites:
			for molecID in exMolec:
				if molecID.split("[")[0] == "WATER":
					exchangeMasses[molecID] = 18.015 * exFlux[:,exMolec.index(molecID)] * 10**-3 * cellMass * timeStepSec / 60 / 60
				if molecID.split("[")[0] == metabolite["id"]:
					exchangeMasses[molecID] = metabolite["mw7.2"] * exFlux[:,exMolec.index(molecID)] * 10**-3 * cellMass * timeStepSec / 60 / 60

		massInflux = 0
		for molecID in exchangeMasses.keys():
			massInflux += exchangeMasses[molecID]

		massProduced = processMassDifferences[:,0]	# in metabolism
		massDiff = massInflux + massProduced

		plt.plot(time / 60. / 60., -massDiff)
		plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10)
		plt.ylabel("Mass Accumulation per time step (fg)")
		plt.title("Mass imported - mass created in metabolism process")

		exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, metadata)
	def do_plot(self, simOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile, validationDataFile, metadata):
		if not os.path.isdir(simOutDir):
			raise Exception, "simOutDir does not currently exist as a directory"

		if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

		sim_data = cPickle.load(open(simDataFile, "rb"))
		isMRna = sim_data.process.transcription.rnaData["isMRna"]
		isRRna = sim_data.process.transcription.rnaData["isRRna"]
		isTRna = sim_data.process.transcription.rnaData["isTRna"]

		rnaSynthProbListener = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "RnaSynthProb"))
		rnaIds = rnaSynthProbListener.readAttribute('rnaIds')
		rnaSynthProb = rnaSynthProbListener.readColumn('rnaSynthProb')
		time = rnaSynthProbListener.readColumn('time')

		mRnaSynthProb = rnaSynthProb[:, isMRna].sum(axis = 1)
		rRnaSynthProb = rnaSynthProb[:, isRRna].sum(axis = 1)
		tRnaSynthProb = rnaSynthProb[:, isTRna].sum(axis = 1)

		# Plot
		rows = 3
		cols = 1
		fig = plt.figure(figsize = (11, 8.5))
		plt.figtext(0.4, 0.96, "RNA synthesis probabilities over time", fontsize = 12)
		nMRnas = np.sum(isMRna)
		nRRnas = np.sum(isRRna)
		nTRnas = np.sum(isTRna)
		subplotOrder = [mRnaSynthProb, rRnaSynthProb, tRnaSynthProb]
		subplotTitles = ["mRNA\n(sum of %s mRNAs)" % nMRnas, "rRNA\n(sum of %s rRNAs)" % nRRnas, "tRNA\n(sum of %s tRNAs)" % nTRnas]

		for index, rnaSynthProb in enumerate(subplotOrder):
			ax = plt.subplot(rows, cols, index + 1)
			ax.plot(time, rnaSynthProb)

			ax.set_title(subplotTitles[index], fontsize = 10)
			ymin = np.min(rnaSynthProb)
			ymax = np.max(rnaSynthProb)
			yaxisBuffer = np.around(1.2*(ymax - ymin), 3)
			ax.set_ylim([ymin, yaxisBuffer])
			ax.set_yticks([ymin, ymax, yaxisBuffer])
			ax.set_yticklabels([ymin, np.around(ymax, 3), yaxisBuffer], fontsize = 10)
			ax.set_xlim([time[0], time[-1]])
			ax.tick_params(axis = "x", labelsize = 10)

		plt.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.5, )
		exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, metadata)

	def do_plot(self, simOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile, validationDataFile, metadata):
		if not os.path.isdir(simOutDir):
			raise Exception, "simOutDir does not currently exist as a directory"

		if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

		sim_data = cPickle.load(open(simDataFile, "rb"))

		fbaResults = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "FBAResults"))
		externalExchangeFluxes = fbaResults.readColumn("externalExchangeFluxes")
		initialTime = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readAttribute("initialTime")
		time = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("time") - initialTime
		timeStepSec = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Main")).readColumn("timeStepSec")
		externalMoleculeIDs = np.array(fbaResults.readAttribute("externalMoleculeIDs"))

		if GLUCOSE_ID not in externalMoleculeIDs:
			print "This plot only runs when glucose is the carbon source."

		glucoseIdx = np.where(externalMoleculeIDs == GLUCOSE_ID)[0][0]
		glucoseFlux = FLUX_UNITS * externalExchangeFluxes[:, glucoseIdx]

		mass = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "Mass"))
		cellMass = MASS_UNITS * mass.readColumn("cellMass")
		cellDryMass = MASS_UNITS * mass.readColumn("dryMass")
		growth = GROWTH_UNITS * mass.readColumn("growth") / timeStepSec

		glucoseMW = sim_data.getter.getMass([GLUCOSE_ID])[0]

		glucoseMassFlux = glucoseFlux * glucoseMW * cellDryMass

		glucoseMassYield = growth / -glucoseMassFlux

		fig = plt.figure(figsize = (8.5, 11))
		plt.plot(time, glucoseMassYield)
		plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
		plt.ylabel("g cell / g glucose")

		exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, metadata)
    def do_plot(self, simOutDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile,
                validationDataFile, metadata):
        if not os.path.isdir(simOutDir):
            raise Exception, "simOutDir does not currently exist as a directory"

        if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir):

        # Get the names of rnas from the KB

        sim_data = cPickle.load(open(simDataFile, "rb"))

        rnaIds = sim_data.process.transcription.rnaData["id"][

        proteinIds = sim_data.process.translation.monomerData["id"]

        bulkMolecules = TableReader(os.path.join(simOutDir, "BulkMolecules"))
        bulkMoleculeCounts = bulkMolecules.readColumn("counts")

        moleculeIds = bulkMolecules.readAttribute("objectNames")

        rnaIndexes = np.array(
            [moleculeIds.index(moleculeId) for moleculeId in rnaIds], np.int)

        rnaCountsBulk = bulkMoleculeCounts[:, rnaIndexes]

        proteinIndexes = np.array(
            [moleculeIds.index(moleculeId) for moleculeId in proteinIds],

        proteinCountsBulk = bulkMoleculeCounts[:, proteinIndexes]


        relativeMRnaCounts = rnaCountsBulk[
            -1, :]  #/ rnaCountsBulk[-1, :].sum()
        relativeProteinCounts = proteinCountsBulk[
            -1, :]  #/ proteinCountsBulk[-1, :].sum()

        plt.figure(figsize=(8.5, 11))


        plt.xlabel("RNA count (at final time step)")
        plt.ylabel("Protein count (at final time step)")

        # plt.show()

        exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, metadata)