def add_revision(self, newrevision, request, article_revision=None, save=True): """ Given a revision to make to the metadata, save it, and create a new article revision so they are in parallel unless one is provided. If an article revision is provided, then link the metadata revision to it; otherwise, initially save metadata_revision.article_revision as null (the signal triggered by the new article revision being saved will lead to this method being called again with the article_revision). """ if article_revision is None: # first save the submitted metadata. article_revision will be null super(Metadata, self).add_revision(newrevision, save=save) # create article revision article_revision = ArticleRevision() article_revision.inherit_predecessor(self.article) article_revision.set_from_request(request) article_revision.automatic_log = newrevision.automatic_log self.article.add_revision(article_revision, save=save) # will trigger the on_article_revision_pre_save signal handler, # which calls this method again, supplying an article_revision else: # update the metadata revision so it is attached to an article_revision newrevision.article = self.article # defined in ArticlePlugin, which SimplePlugin and RevisionPlugin both inherit from newrevision.article_revision = article_revision super(Metadata, self).add_revision(newrevision, save=save)
def save(self, *args, **kwargs): self.instance = self.article.category data = self.cleaned_data oldparent = self.instance.parent newparent = data['parent'] if newparent != oldparent: # parent has changed # make a new revision of the article to record the change revision = ArticleRevision() revision.inherit_predecessor(self.article) revision.set_from_request(self.request) revision.parent = newparent revision.categories = self.article.categories if oldparent: oldparent = revision.automatic_log = f'Parent Category: {oldparent} → { if newparent else "None"} (not revertible)' self.article.add_revision(revision) # reverting to a previous revision from the Changes page currently does not affect the category parent self.instance.parent = newparent super(EditCategoryForm, self).save(*args, **kwargs)