def processMessageAcceptGame(dataTable, author):
    log.debug("Processing accept game message")
    if 'opponent' not in dataTable:
        log.warning("Couldn't find opponent in datatable")
        return False, "I couldn't figure out which opponent you were accepting. This shouldn't happen, please let /u/Watchful1 know"

    coachNum, result = utils.verifyCoaches([author, dataTable['opponent']])
    if coachNum != -1:
        log.debug("Coaches not verified, {} : {}".format(coachNum, result))
        return False, "Something went wrong, someone is no longer an acceptable coach. Please try to start the game again"

    homeTeam = wiki.getTeamByCoach(dataTable['opponent'].lower())
    awayTeam = wiki.getTeamByCoach(author.lower())
    for team in [homeTeam, awayTeam]:
        team['yardsPassing'] = 0
        team['yardsRushing'] = 0
        team['yardsTotal'] = 0
        team['turnoverInterceptions'] = 0
        team['turnoverFumble'] = 0
        team['fieldGoalsScored'] = 0
        team['fieldGoalsAttempted'] = 0
        team['posTime'] = 0

    game = utils.newGameObject(homeTeam, awayTeam)

    gameThread = utils.getGameThreadText(game)
    gameTitle = "[GAME THREAD] {} @ {}".format(game['away']['name'],

    threadID = str(
        reddit.submitSelfPost(globals.SUBREDDIT, gameTitle, gameThread))
    game['thread'] = threadID
    log.debug("Game thread created: {}".format(threadID))

    gameID = database.createNewGame(threadID)
    game['dataID'] = gameID
    log.debug("Game database record created: {}".format(gameID))

    for user in game['home']['coaches']:
        database.addCoach(gameID, user, True)
        log.debug("Coach added to home: {}".format(user))
    for user in game['away']['coaches']:
        database.addCoach(gameID, user, False)
        log.debug("Coach added to away: {}".format(user))

    log.debug("Game started, posting coin toss comment")
    message = "The game has started! {}, you're away, call **heads** or **tails** in the air.".format(
        utils.getCoachString(game, 'away'))
    comment = utils.sendGameComment(game, message, {'action': 'coin'})
    game['waitingId'] = comment.fullname
    log.debug("Comment posted, now waiting on: {}".format(game['waitingId']))

    log.debug("Returning game started message")
    return True, "Game started. Find it [here]({}).".format(
文件: utils.py 项目: zenverak/NFLRef
def verifyCoaches(coaches):
    coachSet = set()
    teamSet = set()
    for i, coach in enumerate(coaches):
        if coach in coachSet:
            return i, 'duplicate'

        team = wiki.getTeamByCoach(coach)
        if team is None:
            return i, 'team'
        if team.name in teamSet:
            return i, 'same'

    return -1, None
def verifyCoaches(coaches):
    coachSet = set()
    for i, coach in enumerate(coaches):
        if coach in coachSet:
            return i, 'duplicate'

        team = wiki.getTeamByCoach(coach)
        if team is None:
            return i, 'team'

        game = database.getGameByCoach(coach)
        if game is not None:
            return i, 'game'

    return -1, None
def processMessageNewGame(body, author):
    log.debug("Processing new game message")

    users = re.findall('(?: /u/)([\w-]*)', body)
    if len(users) == 0:
        log.debug("Could not find an opponent in create game message")
        return "Please resend the message and specify an opponent"
    opponent = users[0]
    log.debug("Found opponent in message /u/{}".format(opponent))

    i, result = utils.verifyCoaches([author, opponent])

    if i == 0 and result == 'team':
        log.debug("Author does not have a team")
        return "It looks like you don't have a team, please contact the /r/FakeCollegeFootball moderators"

    if i == 0 and result == 'game':
        log.debug("Author already has a game")
        return "You're already playing a game, you can't challenge anyone else until that game finishes"

    if result == 'duplicate':
        log.debug("{} challenged themselves to a game".format(author))
        return "You can't challenge yourself to a game"

    if i == 1 and result == 'team':
        log.debug("Opponent does not have a team")
        return "It looks like your opponent doesn't have a team, please contact the /r/FakeCollegeFootball moderators"

    if i == 1 and result == 'game':
        log.debug("Opponent already has a game")
        return "/u/{} is already playing a game".format(opponent)

    authorTeam = wiki.getTeamByCoach(author)
    message = "/u/{}'s {} has challenged you to a game! Reply **accept** or **reject**.".format(
        author, authorTeam['name'])
    data = {'action': 'newgame', 'opponent': author}
    embeddedMessage = utils.embedTableInMessage(message, data)
        "Sending message to /u/{} that /u/{} has challenged them to a game".
        format(opponent, author))
    if reddit.sendMessage(opponent, "Game challenge", embeddedMessage):
        return "I've let /u/{} know that you have challenged them to a game. I'll message you again when they accept".format(
        return "Something went wrong, I couldn't find that user"
def startGame(homeCoach,
    log.debug("Creating new game between /u/{} and /u/{}".format(
        homeCoach, awayCoach))

    coachNum, result = verifyCoaches([homeCoach, awayCoach])
    if coachNum != -1:
        log.debug("Coaches not verified, {} : {}".format(coachNum, result))
        return "Something went wrong, someone is no longer an \
						acceptable coach. Please try to start the game again"

    homeTeam = wiki.getTeamByCoach(homeCoach.lower())
    awayTeam = wiki.getTeamByCoach(awayCoach.lower())
    for team in [homeTeam, awayTeam]:
        team['2PtAttempted'] = 0
        team['2PtMade'] = 0
        team['3PtAttempted'] = 0
        team['3PtMade'] = 0
        team['turnovers'] = 0
        team['FTAttempted'] = 0
        team['FTMade'] = 0
        team['posTime'] = 0
        team['record'] = None
        team['playclockPenalties'] = 0
        team['bonus'] = 'N'
        team['offRebound'] = 0
        team['defRebound'] = 0
        team['fouls'] = [0, 0]
        team['steals'] = 0
        team['blocks'] = 0
        team['offDiffs'] = []
        team['defDiffs'] = []
        team['possessions'] = 0

    game = newGameObject(homeTeam, awayTeam)
    if startTime is not None:
        game['startTime'] = startTime
    if location is not None:
        game['location'] = location
    if station is not None:
        game['station'] = station
    if homeRecord is not None:
        homeTeam['record'] = homeRecord
    if awayRecord is not None:
        awayTeam['record'] = awayRecord
    game['neutral'] = neutral

    gameThread = getGameThreadText(game)
    gameTitle = "[GAME THREAD] {}{} @ {}{}".format(
        " {}".format(awayRecord) if awayRecord is not None else "",
        " {}".format(homeRecord) if homeRecord is not None else "")

    threadID = str(
        reddit.submitSelfPost(globals.SUBREDDIT, gameTitle, gameThread))
    game['thread'] = threadID
    log.debug("Game thread created: {}".format(threadID))

    gameID = database.createNewGame(threadID)
    game['dataID'] = gameID
    log.debug("Game database record created: {}".format(gameID))

    for user in game['home']['coaches']:
        database.addCoach(gameID, user, True)
        log.debug("Coach added to home: {}".format(user))
    for user in game['away']['coaches']:
        database.addCoach(gameID, user, False)
        log.debug("Coach added to away: {}".format(user))

    log.debug("Game started, posting tip ball comment")
    message = "The ball is thrown in the air! {},  {}, Respond to the DM message \
				I sent you for a TIP number".format(getCoachString(game, 'home'),
                                        getCoachString(game, 'away'))
    sendGameComment(game, message, {'action': 'tip'})
    log.debug("Comment posted, now waiting on both")
    coaches = [game['home']['coaches'][0], game['away']['coaches'][0]]
    sendTipNumberMessages(game, coaches)
    log.debug("Returning game started message")
    return "Game started. Find it [here]({}).".format(