def parseTeam(team, rvtext, mayGetTemplates):
    players = []
    teamposition = None
    kit = [soccer.Kit(), soccer.Kit()]
    finishedReadingPlayers = False
    lookForSquadTemplate = False

    def teamError(msg):
        print >> Globals.errlog, "Team %s: %s" % (team.encode('utf-8'), msg.encode('utf-8'))

    for line in rvtext.split('\n'):
        lineWithoutSpaces = ''.join(line.split())
        if not finishedReadingPlayers:
            p = playerparser.fetchPlayer(line)
            if p:
                heading = wikiutils.getHeading(line)
                if heading:
                    if mayGetTemplates and 'current squad' in heading.lower() or ('first' in heading.lower() and 'squad' in heading.lower()):
                        lookForSquadTemplate = True
                        lookForSquadTemplate = False
                elif lookForSquadTemplate:
                    t = wikiutils.getTemplate(line)
                    if t:
                        text = wikiutils.getPage('Template:' + t)
                        if text:
                            players = playerparser.fetchPlayers(text)
                            if len(players) > 15:
                                finishedReadingPlayers = True

        if playerparser.endOfPlayerList(line):
            finishedReadingPlayers = True

        if lineWithoutSpaces.startswith("|position="):
            # this seems to usually be either this or last season's position
            if not ('promoted' in lineWithoutSpaces.lower() or 'relegated' in lineWithoutSpaces.lower()):
                tp = wikiutils.getNumberKeyValue(line)
                if tp:
                    teamposition = tp

        kitresults = kitinfo_re.findall(line)
        for kitresult in kitresults:
            columns = [x.strip() for x in line.split('|') if 'body' in x or 'shorts' in x or 'socks' in x or 'pattern_b' in x]
            # apparently, n may be more than 1 if more than one kit part is on a line
            for c in columns:
                    k, v = wikiutils.getKeyValue(c)

                if k.startswith('body'):
                    k = k[4:]
                    if not k: continue
                    n = int(k[0]) - 1
                    if n == 0 or n == 1:
                        kit[n].bodycolor = getColorValue(v)
                elif k.startswith('shorts'):
                    k = k[6:]
                    if not k: continue
                    n = int(k[0]) - 1
                    if n == 0 or n == 1:
                        kit[n].shortscolor = getColorValue(v)
                elif k.startswith('socks'):
                    k = k[5:]
                    if not k: continue
                    n = int(k[0]) - 1
                    if n == 0 or n == 1:
                        kit[n].sockscolor = getColorValue(v)
                elif k.startswith('pattern_b') and k != 'pattern_blue':
                    k = k[9:]
                    if not k: continue
                    n = int(k[0]) - 1
                    # TODO: body type, second color

    if len(players) < 15:
        return None

    if not teamposition:
        teamposition = 0

    return soccer.Team(team, kit, teamposition, players)
def getSeasonTeams(rvtext, leaguedata):
    """Collect all lists that seem to be club lists along with their corresponding headings.
    If one team list with the number of teams as length, we're done.
    If multiple team lists, all with the correct number of teams as length, are found,
    pick the one with the correct heading.
    If multiple team lists are found, all shorter than the correct number of teams,
    and the sum of the lists is the total number of teams, create one group for each list."""
    correctLengthTeamLists = []
    shorterTeamLists = []

    tableStatus = 0
    teamColumn = -1
    thisColumn = -1
    haveTeams = False
    thisTeamHeading = None

    """First collect all team lists."""
    for line in rvtext.split('\n'):
        lineWithoutSpaces = ''.join(line.split())

        ls = line.strip()
        # print "Table status", tableStatus, "line", ls
        hd = wikiutils.getHeading(ls)
        if hd:
            thisTeamHeading = hd

        if table_re.match(ls):
            tableStatus = 1
            teamColumn = -1
            thisteams = []

        elif tableStatus == 1:
            if ls and ls[0] == '!':
                teamColumn += 1
                if 'Team' in ls or 'Club' in ls:
                    tableStatus = 2

        elif tableStatus == 2:
            if ls[0:2] == '|-':
                tableStatus = 3
                thisColumn = -1

        elif tableStatus == 3:
            if ls[0:2] == '|-':
                tableStatus = 2
                thisColumn = -1
            elif len(ls) >= 2 and ls[0] == '|' and ls[1] != '}':
                columns = ls.split('||')
                if len(columns) == 1:
                    ''' Columns divided by line. It looks like this (e.g. Premier League):
                    {| class="wikitable sortable"
                    ! Team
                    ! Location
                    ! Stadium
                    | [[Arsenal]]
                    | [[London]]
                    | [[Emirates Stadium]]
                    thisColumn += 1
                    if thisColumn == teamColumn:
                        teamName = ls.strip('|')
                        tableStatus = 2
                        thisColumn = -1
                    ''' Columns on one line. It looks like this (e.g. Football_League_Championship):
                    {| class="wikitable sortable"
                    ! Team
                    ! Location
                    ! Stadium
                    | {{ fb team Barnsley }} || [[Barnsley]] || [[Oakwell]]
                    columns = [x.strip() for x in ls[1:].split('||')]
                    if len(columns) > teamColumn:
                    tableStatus = 2

        if (tableStatus == 2 or tableStatus == 3) and ls[0:2] == '|}':
            # make sure there are no duplicates in the list - may happen
            # e.g. with historical winners tables (Regionalliga_Süd)
            if len(set(thisteams)) == len(thisteams):
                if len(thisteams) == leaguedata.numteams:
                    addOrUpdateTeamList(correctLengthTeamLists, thisTeamHeading, thisteams)
                elif thisteams and len(thisteams) < leaguedata.numteams:
                    # Only add list if the same team list not already added.
                    addOrUpdateTeamList(shorterTeamLists, thisTeamHeading, thisteams)

            tableStatus = 0
            thisteams = []
            thisTeamHeading = None

    groups = []
    if correctLengthTeamLists and leaguedata.divisions <= 1:
        if len(correctLengthTeamLists) == 1:
            groups = [('', correctLengthTeamLists[0][1])]
            if leaguedata.title:
                for theading, tlist in correctLengthTeamLists:
                    if theading and leaguedata.title in theading:
                        groups = [(theading, tlist)]
            if not groups:
                # if not found, default to the first one (correct in e.g. 2012_Ykkönen)
                groups = [('', correctLengthTeamLists[0][1])]

    elif shorterTeamLists and (leaguedata.divisions == 0 or len(shorterTeamLists) == leaguedata.divisions):
        totalNumTeams = sum([len(l[1]) for l in shorterTeamLists])
        if totalNumTeams == leaguedata.numteams:
            groups = shorterTeamLists

    return groups