def ytsearch(bot, trigger): """ .youtube <query> - Search YouTube """ if not return uri = '' + 2) raw = web.get(uri + '&key=' + vid = json.loads(raw)['items'][0]['id']['videoId'] uri = '' + vid + '&part=contentDetails,snippet,statistics' video_info = ytget(bot, trigger, uri) if video_info is None: return message = ( '[YT Search]' + ' Title: ' + video_info['snippet']['title'] + ' | Uploader: ' + video_info['snippet']['channelTitle'] + ' | Uploaded: ' + video_info['snippet']['publishedAt'] + ' | Duration: ' + video_info['contentDetails']['duration'] + ' | Views: ' + video_info['statistics']['viewCount'] + ' | Comments: ' + video_info['statistics']['commentCount'] + ' | ' + color(video_info['statistics']['likeCount'] + '+', colors.GREEN) + ' | ' + color(video_info['statistics']['dislikeCount'] + '-', colors.RED) + ' | Link:' + video_info['id']) bot.say(message)
def ytsearch(bot, trigger): """ .youtube <query> - Search YouTube """ if not return uri = '' + raw = web.get(uri + '&key=' + vid = json.loads(raw)['items'][0]['id']['videoId'] uri = '' + vid + '&part=contentDetails,snippet,statistics' video_info = ytget(bot, trigger, uri) if video_info is None: return message = ('[YT Search]' + ' Title: ' + video_info['snippet']['title'] + ' | Uploader: ' + video_info['snippet']['channelTitle'] + ' | Uploaded: ' + video_info['snippet']['publishedAt'] + ' | Duration: ' + video_info['contentDetails']['duration'] + ' | Views: ' + video_info['statistics']['viewCount'] + ' | Comments: ' + video_info['statistics']['commentCount'] + ' | ' + color(video_info['statistics']['likeCount'] + '+', colors.GREEN) + ' | ' + color(video_info['statistics']['dislikeCount'] + '-', colors.RED) + ' | Link:' + video_info['id']) bot.say(message)
def default_mask(trigger): welcome = formatting.color('Welcome to:', formatting.colors.PURPLE) chan = formatting.color(trigger.sender, formatting.colors.TEAL) topic_ = formatting.bold('Topic:') topic_ = formatting.color('| ' + topic_, formatting.colors.PURPLE) arg = formatting.color('{}', formatting.colors.GREEN) return '{} {} {} {}'.format(welcome, chan, topic_, arg)
def ytinfo(bot, trigger, found_match=None): """ Get information about the given youtube video """ match = found_match or trigger uri = '' + 2) + '&part=contentDetails,snippet,statistics' video_info = ytget(bot, trigger, uri) if video_info is None: return message = ( '[You' + color('Tube', colors.WHITE, colors.RED) + ']' + ' Title: ' + video_info['snippet']['title'] + ' | Uploader: ' + video_info['snippet']['channelTitle'] + ' | Uploaded: ' + video_info['snippet']['publishedAt'] + ' | Duration: ' + video_info['contentDetails']['duration'] + ' | Views: ' + video_info['statistics']['viewCount'] + ' | Comments: ' + video_info['statistics']['commentCount'] + ' | ' + color(video_info['statistics']['likeCount'] + '+', colors.GREEN) + ' | ' + color(video_info['statistics']['dislikeCount'] + '-', colors.RED)) bot.say(message)
def osu_user(bot, trigger): """ .osu [user] - Show information on an osu! user """ data = '?k=%s&u=%s' % (bot.config.osu.api_key, str( #bot.say(url) raw = web.get('' + data) response = json.loads(raw) if not response: bot.say('[' + color('osu!', u'13') + '] ' + 'Invalid user') return if not response[0]: bot.say('[' + color('osu!', u'13') + '] ' + 'Invalid user') return user = response[0] level = 0 accuracy = 0 try: level = int(float(user['level'])) accuracy = int(float(user['accuracy'])) except: pass output = [ '[', color('osu!', u'13'), '] ', str(user['username']), ' | Level ', str(level), ' | Rank ', str(user['pp_rank']), ' | Play Count ', str(user['playcount']), ' | Ranked Score ', str(user['ranked_score']), ' | Total Score ', str(user['total_score']), ' | Accuracy ~', str(accuracy), '%' ] bot.say(''.join(output))
def osu_beatmap(bot, trigger): data = '?k=%s&%s=%s' % (bot.config.osu.api_key, str(, str( #bot.say(url) raw = web.get('' + data) topscore = None if == 'b': rawscore = web.get('' + data) topscore = json.loads(rawscore)[0] response = json.loads(raw) if not response[0]: bot.say('[' + color('osu!', u'13') + '] ' + ' Invalid link') return beatmap = response[0] m, s = divmod(int(beatmap['total_length']), 60) output = [ '[', color('osu!', u'13'), '] ', beatmap['artist'], ' - ', beatmap['title'], ' (Mapped by ', beatmap['creator'], ') | ', str(m), 'm, ', str(s), 's', ' | ', beatmap['version'], ' | Difficulty: ', beatmap['difficultyrating'], ' | ', beatmap['bpm'], ' BPM' ] if topscore: output += (' | High Score: ' + topscore['score'] + ' (' + topscore['rank'] + ') - ' + topscore['username']) bot.say(''.join(output))
def speakthetruth(bot, trigger, found_match=None): n = random.randint(0, 1) if n == 0: s = [] s.append("it's pretty obvious the answer is no") s.append("negative") s.append("NO") s.append("obviously not") s.append("shake my head to be honest fam") s.append("my sources say no") msg = color(random.choice(s), '04') else: s = [] s.append("that's certainly so") s.append("i have no doubt in my mind") s.append("YES") s.append("of course") s.append("it is certain") s.append("one would be wise to think so") msg = color(random.choice(s), '03') bot.action('shakes the magic 8 ball... ' + msg)
def default_mask(trigger): welcome = formatting.color('Benvenuto su:', formatting.colors.PURPLE) chan = formatting.color(trigger.sender, formatting.colors.TEAL) topic_ = formatting.bold('Topic:') topic_ = formatting.color('| ' + topic_, formatting.colors.PURPLE) arg = formatting.color('{}', formatting.colors.GREEN) return '{} {} {} {}'.format(welcome, chan, topic_, arg)
def get_data(bot, trigger, URL): URL = URL.split('#')[0] try: raw = fetch_api_endpoint(bot, URL) rawLang = fetch_api_endpoint(bot, URL + '/languages') except HTTPError: bot.say('[Github] API returned an error.') return NOLIMIT data = json.loads(raw) langData = json.loads(rawLang).items() langData = sorted(langData, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) if 'message' in data: return bot.say('[Github] %s' % data['message']) langColors = deque(['12', '08', '09', '13']) max = sum([pair[1] for pair in langData]) data['language'] = '' for (key, val) in langData[:3]: data['language'] = data['language'] + color(str("{0:.1f}".format(float(val) / max * 100)) + '% ' + key, langColors[0]) + ' ' langColors.rotate() if len(langData) > 3: remainder = sum([pair[1] for pair in langData[3:]]) data['language'] = data['language'] + color(str("{0:.1f}".format(float(remainder) / max * 100)) + '% Other', langColors[0]) + ' ' timezone = get_timezone(bot.db, bot.config, None, trigger.nick) if not timezone: timezone = 'UTC' data['pushed_at'] = format_time(bot.db, bot.config, timezone, trigger.nick, trigger.sender, from_utc(data['pushed_at'])) return data
def ud_search(bot, trigger): query = url = '' %(query.encode('utf-8')) #bot.say(url) try: response = web.get_urllib_object(url, 20) except UnicodeError: bot.say('[UrbanDictionary] ENGLISH M**********R, DO YOU SPEAK IT?') return else: data = json.loads( #bot.say(str(data)) try: definition = data['list'][0]['definition'].replace('\n', ' ') except KeyError: bot.say('[UrbanDictionary] Something went wrong bruh') except IndexError: bot.say('[UrbanDictionary] No results, do you even spell bruh?') else: thumbsup = color(str(data['list'][0]['thumbs_up'])+'+', u'03') thumbsdown = color(str(data['list'][0]['thumbs_down'])+'-', u'04') permalink = data['list'][0]['permalink'] length = len(thumbsup)+len(thumbsdown)+len(permalink)+35 ellipsies = '' if (len(definition)+length) > 445: ellipsies = '...' udoutput = "[UrbanDictionary] %s; %.*s%s | %s >> %s %s" % (query, 445-length, definition, ellipsies, permalink, thumbsup, thumbsdown) if not "spam spam" in udoutput: bot.say(udoutput) else: bot.say('[UrbanDictionary] Negative ghostrider')
def osu_beatmap(bot, trigger): data = '?k=%s&%s=%s' % (bot.config.osu.api_key, str(, str( #bot.say(url) raw = web.get('' + data) topscore = None if == 'b': rawscore = web.get('' + data) topscore = json.loads(rawscore)[0] response = json.loads(raw) if not response[0]: bot.say('[' + color('osu!', u'13') + '] ' + ' Invalid link') return beatmap = response[0] m, s = divmod(int(beatmap['total_length']), 60) output = [ '[', color('osu!', u'13'), '] ', beatmap['artist'], ' - ', beatmap['title'], ' (Mapped by ', beatmap['creator'], ') | ', str(m), 'm, ', str(s), 's', ' | ', beatmap['version'], ' | Difficulty: ', beatmap['difficultyrating'], ' | ', beatmap['bpm'], ' BPM' ] if topscore: output += (' | High Score: ' + topscore['score'] + ' (' + topscore['rank'] + ') - ' + topscore['username']) bot.say(''.join(output))
def osu_user(bot, trigger): """ .osu [user] - Show information on an osu! user """ data = '?k=%s&u=%s' % (bot.config.osu.api_key, str( #bot.say(url) raw = web.get(''+data) response = json.loads(raw) if not response[0]: bot.say('['+color('osu!', u'13')+'] '+'Invalid user') return user = response[0] output = [ '[', color('osu!', u'13'), '] ', user['username'], ' | Level ', str(int(float(user['level']))), ' | Rank ', user['pp_rank'], ' | Play Count ', user['playcount'], ' | Ranked Score ', user['ranked_score'], ' | Total Score ', user['total_score'], ' | Accuracy ~', str(int(float(user['accuracy']))), '%' ] bot.say(''.join(output))
def get_page_info(bot, trigger): requested = get_info( if requested is None: bot.say('{} Error: Mod does not exist.'.format(get_prefix())) message = '{} {} - {} {} Latest: {}'.format( get_prefix(), color(requested['mod']['name'], 'red'), requested['mod']['tagline'], color('|', 'red'), requested['current_version']['name']) bot.say(message)
def rip(bot, trigger, found_match=None): arg = " ".join(trigger[4:50].split()).strip() if arg == "": return bot.say( color(u"✞" + " " + u"✞" + " " u"✞" + " " u"✞" + " ", "04", "00") + color(" " + arg.upper() + " ", "00", "04") + color(" " + u"✞" + " " + u"✞" + " " u"✞" + " " u"✞", "04", "00") )
def rpost_info(bot, trigger, match=None): r = praw.Reddit(user_agent=USER_AGENT) match = match or trigger s = r.get_submission( message = ('[REDDIT] {title} {link}{nsfw} | {points} points ({percent}) | ' '{comments} comments | Posted by {author} | ' 'Created at {created}') if s.is_self: link = '(self.{})'.format(s.subreddit.display_name) else: link = '({}) to r/{}'.format(s.url, s.subreddit.display_name) if s.over_18: nsfw = bold(color(' [NSFW]', colors.RED)) sfw = bot.db.get_channel_value(trigger.sender, 'sfw') if sfw: link = '(link hidden)' bot.write([ 'KICK', trigger.sender, trigger.nick, 'Linking to NSFW content in a SFW channel.' ]) else: nsfw = '' if author = else: author = '[deleted]' tz = time.get_timezone(bot.db, bot.config, None, trigger.nick, trigger.sender) time_created = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(s.created_utc) created = time.format_time(bot.db, bot.config, tz, trigger.nick, trigger.sender, time_created) if s.score > 0: point_color = colors.GREEN else: point_color = colors.RED percent = color(unicode(s.upvote_ratio * 100) + '%', point_color) h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() message = message.format(title=h.unescape(s.title), link=link, nsfw=nsfw, points=s.score, percent=percent, comments=s.num_comments, author=author, created=created) bot.say(message)
def rpost_info(bot, trigger, match=None): r = praw.Reddit(user_agent=USER_AGENT) match = match or trigger s = r.get_submission( message = ( "[REDDIT] {title} {link}{nsfw} | {points} points ({percent}) | " "{comments} comments | Posted by {author} | " "Created at {created}" ) if s.is_self: link = "(self.{})".format(s.subreddit.display_name) else: link = "({}) to r/{}".format(s.url, s.subreddit.display_name) if s.over_18: nsfw = bold(color(" [NSFW]", colors.RED)) sfw = bot.db.get_channel_value(trigger.sender, "sfw") if sfw: link = "(link hidden)" bot.write(["KICK", trigger.sender, trigger.nick, "Linking to NSFW content in a SFW channel."]) else: nsfw = "" if author = else: author = "[deleted]" tz = time.get_timezone(bot.db, bot.config, None, trigger.nick, trigger.sender) time_created = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(s.created_utc) created = time.format_time(bot.db, bot.config, tz, trigger.nick, trigger.sender, time_created) if s.score > 0: point_color = colors.GREEN else: point_color = colors.RED percent = color(unicode(s.upvote_ratio * 100) + "%", point_color) h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() message = message.format( title=h.unescape(s.title), link=link, nsfw=nsfw, points=s.score, percent=percent, comments=s.num_comments, author=author, created=created, ) bot.say(message)
def rpost_info(bot, trigger, match=None): r = praw.Reddit(user_agent=USER_AGENT) match = match or trigger s = r.get_submission( if (comment_regex.match( return rcomment_info(bot, trigger, s) message = ('[REDDIT] {title} {link}{nsfw} | {points} points ({percent}) | ' '{comments} comments | Posted by {author} | ' 'Created at {created}') if s.is_self: link = '(self.{})'.format(s.subreddit.display_name) else: link = '({}) to /r/{}'.format(s.url, s.subreddit.display_name) if s.over_18: nsfw = bold(color(' [NSFW]', colors.RED)) sfw = bot.db.get_channel_value(trigger.sender, 'sfw') if sfw: link = '(link hidden)' bot.write(['KICK', trigger.sender, trigger.nick, 'Linking to NSFW content in a SFW channel.']) else: nsfw = '' if author = else: author = '[deleted]' tz = time.get_timezone(bot.db, bot.config, None, trigger.nick, trigger.sender) time_created = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(s.created_utc) created = time.format_time(bot.db, bot.config, tz, trigger.nick, trigger.sender, time_created) if s.score > 0: point_color = colors.GREEN else: point_color = colors.RED percent = color(unicode(s.upvote_ratio * 100) + '%', point_color) h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() message = message.format( title=h.unescape(s.title), link=link, nsfw=nsfw, points=s.score, percent=percent, comments=s.num_comments, author=author, created=created) bot.say(message)
def niniit(bot, trigger, found_match=None): gn = "Good night everyone! " msgs = [] msgs.append("May you dream of lolis!") msgs.append("Let tomorrow be a great day!") msgs.append("Good luck!") msgs.append("Sleep tight puppers!") msgs.append("Please don't die!") msgs.append("I'll be back!") msgs.append("It's being fun!") msg = gn + random.choice(msgs) bot.say(color(u"🌙 ", '06', '00') + color(msg, '06', '00') + color(u" 🌙", '06', '00'))
def trump(bot, trigger, found_match=None): arg = if arg: thing = arg.upper() else: thing = 'AMERICA' msg = ' MAKE ' + thing + ' GREAT AGAIN! T R U M P 2 0 1 6 ' msg = u'\x02' + color(msg, '04', '00') + u'\x02' bot.say(msg)
def announce(type, o, repo): name = {'commits': 'Commit', 'issues': 'Bug-Report', 'pull': 'Pull-Request'} if "pull_request" in o: type = "pull" msg = "Neuer " + name[type] + " in " + repo + " von " msg += (o.get("user", {}).get("login", None) or o.get("commit", {}).get("author", {}).get("name", None) or "???") msg += ": " + formatting.color((o.get("title", None) or o.get("commit", {}).get("message", None) or "?"), "white", "black") msg += "( " + o["html_url"] + " )" return msg
def ud_search(bot, trigger): query = url = '' % ( query.encode('utf-8')) #bot.say(url) try: response = web.get_urllib_object(url, 20) except UnicodeError: bot.say('[UrbanDictionary] ENGLISH M**********R, DO YOU SPEAK IT?') return else: data = json.loads( #bot.say(str(data)) try: definition = data['list'][0]['definition'].replace('\n', ' ') except KeyError: bot.say('[UrbanDictionary] Something went wrong bruh') except IndexError: bot.say('[UrbanDictionary] No results, do you even spell bruh?') else: thumbsup = color(str(data['list'][0]['thumbs_up']) + '+', u'03') thumbsdown = color(str(data['list'][0]['thumbs_down']) + '-', u'04') permalink = data['list'][0]['permalink'] length = len(thumbsup) + len(thumbsdown) + len(permalink) + 35 ellipsies = '' if (len(definition) + length) > 445: ellipsies = '...' udoutput = "[UrbanDictionary] %s; %.*s%s | %s >> %s %s" % ( query, 445 - length, definition, ellipsies, permalink, thumbsup, thumbsdown) if not "spam spam" in udoutput: if not trigger.sender.is_nick() and bot.privileges[trigger.sender][ trigger.nick] < VOICE: bot.notice(udoutput, recipient=trigger.nick) else: bot.say(udoutput) else: if not trigger.sender.is_nick() and bot.privileges[trigger.sender][ trigger.nick] < VOICE: bot.notice('[UrbanDictionary] Negative ghostrider', recipient=trigger.nick) else: bot.say('[UrbanDictionary] Negative ghostrider')
def start(bot, trigger): """ Put a bomb in the specified user's pants. They will be kicked if they don't guess the right wire fast enough. """ if not bot.say("Who do you want to bomb?") return NOLIMIT if bot.db.get_channel_value(trigger.sender, 'bombs_disabled'): bot.notice("An admin has disabled bombing in %s." % trigger.sender, trigger.nick) return NOLIMIT since_last = time_since_bomb(bot, trigger.nick) if since_last < TIMEOUT and not trigger.admin: bot.notice("You must wait %.0f seconds before you can bomb someone again." % (TIMEOUT - since_last), trigger.nick) return global BOMBS target = Identifier( target_unbombable = bot.db.get_nick_value(target, 'unbombable') if target == bot.nick: bot.say("You thought you could trick me into bombing myself?!") return NOLIMIT if target == trigger.nick: bot.say("%s pls. Bomb a friend if you have to!" % trigger.nick) return NOLIMIT if target.lower() not in bot.privileges[trigger.sender.lower()]: bot.say("You can't bomb imaginary people!") return NOLIMIT if target_unbombable and not trigger.admin: bot.say("I'm not allowed to bomb %s, sorry." % target) return NOLIMIT if bot.db.get_nick_value(trigger.nick, 'unbombable'): bot.say("Try again when you're bombable yourself, %s." % trigger.nick) return NOLIMIT with lock: if target.lower() in BOMBS: bot.say("I can't fit another bomb in %s's pants!" % target) return NOLIMIT wires = [COLORS[i] for i in sorted(sample(xrange(len(COLORS)), randrange(3, 5)))] num_wires = len(wires) wires_list = [formatting.color(str(wire), str(wire)) for wire in wires] wires_list = ", ".join(wires_list[:-2] + [" and ".join(wires_list[-2:])]).replace('Light_', '') wires = [wire.replace('Light_', '') for wire in wires] color = choice(wires) bot.say("Hey, %s! I think there's a bomb in your pants. %s timer, %d wires: %s. " "Which wire would you like to cut? (respond with %scutwire color)" % (target, FUSE_TEXT, num_wires, wires_list, bot.config.core.help_prefix or '.')) bot.notice("Hey, don't tell %s, but it's the %s wire." % (target, color), trigger.nick) if target_unbombable: bot.notice("Just so you know, %s is marked as unbombable." % target, trigger.nick) timer = Timer(FUSE, explode, (bot, trigger)) BOMBS[target.lower()] = (wires, color, timer, target) timer.start() bombs_planted = bot.db.get_nick_value(trigger.nick, 'bombs_planted') or 0 bot.db.set_nick_value(trigger.nick, 'bombs_planted', bombs_planted + 1) bot.db.set_nick_value(trigger.nick, 'bomb_last_planted', time.time())
def rainbow(bot, trigger): text = if not text: text = 'rainbow' rainbow = [4, 7, 8, 3, 12, 2, 6] out = '' for c in text: out += color(c, rainbow[0]) rainbow = rotate(rainbow, 1) bot.say(out)
def error(bot, msg): print("{}: {}".format(str(, msg)) if "initialized" in bot.memory: if "last_error_msg" not in bot.memory["ff"] or bot.memory["ff"]["last_error_msg"] != msg: bot.memory["ff"]["last_error_msg"] = msg bot.msg( bot.config.freifunk.change_announce_target, formatting.color("{}: {}".format(formatting.bold("[ERROR]"), msg), formatting.colors.RED), )
def get_data(bot, trigger, URL): URL = URL.split("#")[0] try: raw = fetch_api_endpoint(bot, URL) rawLang = fetch_api_endpoint(bot, URL + "/languages") except HTTPError: bot.say("[Github] API returned an error.") return NOLIMIT data = json.loads(raw) langData = json.loads(rawLang).items() langData = sorted(langData, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) if "message" in data: return bot.say("[Github] %s" % data["message"]) langColors = deque(["12", "08", "09", "13"]) max = sum([pair[1] for pair in langData]) data["language"] = "" for (key, val) in langData[:3]: data["language"] = ( data["language"] + color(str("{0:.1f}".format(float(val) / max * 100)) + "% " + key, langColors[0]) + " " ) langColors.rotate() if len(langData) > 3: remainder = sum([pair[1] for pair in langData[3:]]) data["language"] = ( data["language"] + color(str("{0:.1f}".format(float(remainder) / max * 100)) + "% Other", langColors[0]) + " " ) timezone = get_timezone(bot.db, bot.config, None, trigger.nick) if not timezone: timezone = "UTC" data["pushed_at"] = format_time( bot.db, bot.config, timezone, trigger.nick, trigger.sender, from_utc(data["pushed_at"]) ) return data
def rpost_info(bot, trigger, match=None): r = praw.Reddit(user_agent=USER_AGENT) match = match or trigger s = r.get_submission( message = ('[REDDIT] {title} {link}{nsfw} | {points} points ({percent}) | ' '{comments} comments | Posted by {author}') if s.is_self: link = '(self.{})'.format(s.subreddit.display_name) else: link = '({}) to r/{}'.format(s.url, s.subreddit.display_name) if s.over_18: nsfw = bold(color(' [NSFW]', colors.RED)) #TODO implement per-channel settings db, and make this able to kick else: nsfw = '' if author = else: author = '[deleted]' #TODO add creation time with s.created if s.score > 0: point_color = colors.GREEN else: point_color = colors.RED percent = color(unicode(s.upvote_ratio * 100) + '%', point_color) message = message.format(title=s.title, link=link, nsfw=nsfw, points=s.score, percent=percent, comments=s.num_comments, author=author) bot.say(message)
def get_data(bot, trigger, URL): URL = URL.split('#')[0] try: raw = fetch_api_endpoint(bot, URL) rawLang = fetch_api_endpoint(bot, URL + '/languages') except HTTPError: bot.say('[Github] API returned an error.') return NOLIMIT data = json.loads(raw) langData = json.loads(rawLang).items() langData = sorted(langData, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) if 'message' in data: return bot.say('[Github] %s' % data['message']) langColors = deque(['12', '08', '09', '13']) max = sum([pair[1] for pair in langData]) data['language'] = '' for (key, val) in langData[:3]: data['language'] = data['language'] + color( str("{0:.1f}".format(float(val) / max * 100)) + '% ' + key, langColors[0]) + ' ' langColors.rotate() if len(langData) > 3: remainder = sum([pair[1] for pair in langData[3:]]) data['language'] = data['language'] + color( str("{0:.1f}".format(float(remainder) / max * 100)) + '% Other', langColors[0]) + ' ' timezone = get_timezone(bot.db, bot.config, None, trigger.nick) if not timezone: timezone = 'UTC' data['pushed_at'] = format_time(bot.db, bot.config, timezone, trigger.nick, trigger.sender, from_utc(data['pushed_at'])) return data
def ytinfo(bot, trigger, found_match=None): """ Get information about the given youtube video """ match = found_match or trigger uri = '' + + '&part=contentDetails,snippet,statistics' video_info = ytget(bot, trigger, uri) if video_info is None: return message = ('[You' + color('Tube', colors.WHITE, colors.RED) + ']' + ' Title: ' + video_info['snippet']['title'] + ' | Uploader: ' + video_info['snippet']['channelTitle'] + ' | Uploaded: ' + video_info['snippet']['publishedAt'] + ' | Duration: ' + video_info['contentDetails']['duration'] + ' | Views: ' + video_info['statistics']['viewCount'] + ' | Comments: ' + video_info['statistics']['commentCount'] + ' | ' + color(video_info['statistics']['likeCount'] + '+', colors.GREEN) + ' | ' + color(video_info['statistics']['dislikeCount'] + '-', colors.RED)) bot.say(message)
def rainbow(bot, trigger): text = if not text: text = 'rainbow' num = 2 out = '' for c in text: out += color(c, num) if num < 15: num += 1 else: num = 2 bot.say(out)
def __str__(self): global config out = [] if self.hostname: out.append(formatting.color(self.hostname, formatting.colors.RED)) else: out.append(ormatting.color(self.node_id, formatting.colors.RED)) if self.hardware: out.append(formatting.color(self.hardware, formatting.colors.GREEN)) if self.firmware_base and self.firmware_release: out.append( formatting.color( "{0:s}/{1:s}".format(self.firmware_base, self.firmware_release), formatting.colors.PURPLE ) ) if and self.lon: out.append(config.meshviewer_uri.format(id=self.node_id)) return ", ".join(out)
def get_page_info(bot, trigger): requested = None try: requested = get_info( except: return if requested is None: bot.say('{} Error: Mod does not exist.'.format(get_prefix())) try: message = '{} {} - {} downloads {} Latest: {}'.format(get_prefix(), color(requested['title'], 'lime'), requested['downloads']['total'], color('|', 'yellow'), requested['download']['name']) bot.say(message) except: return
def rpost_info(bot, trigger, match=None): r = praw.Reddit(user_agent=USER_AGENT) match = match or trigger s = r.get_submission( message = ( "[REDDIT] {title} {link}{nsfw} | {points} points ({percent}) | " "{comments} comments | Posted by {author}" ) if s.is_self: link = "(self.{})".format(s.subreddit.display_name) else: link = "({}) to r/{}".format(s.url, s.subreddit.display_name) if s.over_18: nsfw = bold(color(" [NSFW]", colors.RED)) # TODO implement per-channel settings db, and make this able to kick else: nsfw = "" if author = else: author = "[deleted]" # TODO add creation time with s.created if s.score > 0: point_color = colors.GREEN else: point_color = colors.RED percent = color(unicode(s.upvote_ratio * 100) + "%", point_color) message = message.format( title=s.title, link=link, nsfw=nsfw, points=s.score, percent=percent, comments=s.num_comments, author=author ) bot.say(message)
def rpost_info(bot, trigger, match=None): r = praw.Reddit(user_agent=USER_AGENT) match = match or trigger s = r.get_submission( message = ('[REDDIT] {title} {link}{nsfw} | {points} points ({percent}) | ' '{comments} comments | Posted by {author} {ago}') if s.is_self: link = '(self.{})'.format(s.subreddit.display_name) else: link = '({}) to r/{}'.format(s.url, s.subreddit.display_name) if s.over_18: nsfw = bold(color(' [NSFW]', colors.RED)) #TODO implement per-channel settings db, and make this able to kick else: nsfw = '' if author = else: author = '[deleted]' if s.score > 0: point_color = colors.GREEN else: point_color = colors.RED percent = color(unicode(s.upvote_ratio * 100) + '%', point_color) posted_ago = human(datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(s.created_utc))) message = message.format( title=s.title, link=link, nsfw=nsfw, points=s.score, percent=percent, comments=s.num_comments, author=author, ago=posted_ago) bot.say(message)
def ytinfo(bot, trigger, found_match=None): """ Get information about the latest video uploaded by the channel provided. """ match = found_match or trigger #Grab info from YT API uri = '' + + '?v=2&alt=json' video_info = ytget(bot, trigger, uri) if video_info is 'err': return #combine variables and print message = '[You' + color('Tube', colors.WHITE, colors.RED) + ']' + \ ' Title: ' + video_info['title'] + \ ' | Uploader: ' + video_info['uploader'] + \ ' | Uploaded: ' + video_info['uploaded'] + \ ' | Duration: ' + video_info['length'] + \ ' | Views: ' + video_info['views'] + \ ' | Comments: ' + video_info['comments'] + \ ' | ' + color(video_info['likes'] + '+',colors.GREEN) + \ ' | ' + color(video_info['dislikes'] + '-',colors.RED) bot.say(HTMLParser().unescape(message))
def rpost_info(bot, trigger, match=None): r = praw.Reddit(user_agent='Willie IRC bot - see for more') match = match or trigger s = r.get_submission( message = ('[REDDIT] {title} {link}{nsfw} | {points} points ({percent}) | ' '{comments} comments | Posted by {author}') if s.is_self: link = '(self.{})'.format(s.subreddit.display_name) else: link = '({}) to r/{}'.format(s.url, s.subreddit.display_name) if s.over_18: nsfw = bold(color(' [NSFW]', colors.RED)) #TODO implement per-channel settings db, and make this able to kick else: nsfw = '' if author = else: author = '[deleted]' #TODO add creation time with s.created if s.score > 0: point_color = colors.GREEN else: point_color = colors.RED percent = color(unicode(s.upvote_ratio * 100) + '%', point_color) message = message.format( title=s.title, link=link, nsfw=nsfw, points=s.score, percent=percent, comments=s.num_comments, author=author) bot.say(message)
def botnet(bot, trigger, found_match=None): text = trigger[8:] result = '' for c in text: if c == ' ': result += c else: result += color(c, get_color()) bot.say(result) global pos pos = 0
def printNodeinfo(bot, recp, node): bot.msg( recp, "{} ist {}".format( formatting.color(node.hostname, formatting.colors.WHITE), "online ({} Clients)".format(node.clientcount) if else "offline", ), ) bot.msg(recp, "Hardware: {}".format(node.hardware)) bot.msg(recp, "Firmware: {}/{}".format(node.firmware_base, node.firmware_release)) bot.msg(recp, "Autoupdater: {}".format("on (" + str(node.branch) + ")" if node.autoupdate else "off")) if bot.msg(recp, "Contact: {}".format(str( if node.lastseen: bot.msg(recp, "Lastseen: {}".format(node.lastseen.strftime("%d.%m.%y %H:%M"))) if and node.lon: bot.msg(recp, "Map: {}".format(bot.config.freifunk.meshviewer_uri.format(id=node.node_id))) bot.msg( recp, "Graphana:{}".format(re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]", "", node.mac.replace(":", ""))) )
def rcomment_info(bot, trigger, s): message = ('[REDDIT] Comment on {link}{nsfw} | {created} | {points} points | ' '{author}: {message}') if (s.comments[0] == None): return c = s.comments[0] if s.is_self: link = '(self.{})'.format(s.subreddit.display_name) else: link = '({}) to /r/{}'.format(s.url, s.subreddit.display_name) if s.over_18: nsfw = bold(color(' [NSFW]', colors.RED)) sfw = bot.db.get_channel_value(trigger.sender, 'sfw') if sfw: link = '(link hidden)' bot.write(['KICK', trigger.sender, trigger.nick, 'Linking to NSFW content in a SFW channel.']) else: nsfw = '' if author = else: author = '[deleted]' tz = time.get_timezone(bot.db, bot.config, None, trigger.nick, trigger.sender) time_created = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(c.created_utc) created = time.format_time(bot.db, bot.config, tz, trigger.nick, trigger.sender, time_created) h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() message = message.format( title=h.unescape(s.title), link=s.short_link, nsfw=nsfw, points=c.score, author=author, created=created, message=c) bot.say(message)
def kernel(bot, trigger): """ .kernel [branch] - Show the latest linux kernel """ contents = web.get('') parsed = json.loads(contents) versions = [] regex = False if regex = re.compile(r'^.*' + re.escape( + r'.*$', re.I) for branch in parsed['releases']: if regex: if not regex.match(branch['moniker']) and not regex.match(branch['version']): continue versions.append(u'{} ({}|{})'.format(color(branch['version'], 3), branch['moniker'], branch['released']['isodate'])) message = "Linux kernel versions: " message += ", ".join(versions) bot.say(message)
def colorize(self,mesg): cols = [formatting.colors.BLUE, formatting.colors.BROWN, formatting.colors.CYAN, formatting.colors.FUCHSIA, formatting.colors.GREEN, formatting.colors.GREY, formatting.colors.LIGHT_BLUE, formatting.colors.LIGHT_CYAN, formatting.colors.LIGHT_GREEN, formatting.colors.LIGHT_GREY, formatting.colors.LIGHT_PURPLE, formatting.colors.ORANGE, formatting.colors.PURPLE, formatting.colors.RED, formatting.colors.TEAL, formatting.colors.WHITE, formatting.colors.YELLOW]; l = [] for c in mesg: col = random.choice(cols) l.append(formatting.color(c,col)) return ''.join(l)
def url_handler(bot, trigger): """ Check for malicious URLs """ check = True # Enable URL checking strict = False # Strict mode: kick on malicious URL positives = 0 # Number of engines saying it's malicious total = 0 # Number of total engines use_vt = True # Use VirusTotal if bot.config.has_section('safety'): check = if check is None: # If not set, assume default check = True else: check = bool(check) # DB overrides config: setting = bot.db.get_channel_value(trigger.sender, 'safety') if setting is not None: if setting == 'off': return # Not checking elif setting in ['on', 'strict', 'local', 'local strict']: check = True if setting == 'strict' or setting == 'local strict': strict = True if setting == 'local' or setting == 'local strict': use_vt = False if not check: return # Not overriden by DB, configured default off netloc = urlparse(trigger).netloc if any( for regex in known_good): return # Whitelisted apikey = try: if apikey is not None and use_vt: payload = { 'resource': unicode(trigger), 'apikey': apikey, 'scan': '1' } if trigger not in bot.memory['safety_cache']: result = + 'report', payload) if sys.version_info.major > 2: result = result.decode('utf-8') result = json.loads(result) age = time.time() data = { 'positives': result['positives'], 'total': result['total'], 'age': age } bot.memory['safety_cache'][trigger] = data if len(bot.memory['safety_cache']) > 1024: _clean_cache(bot) else: print('using cache') result = bot.memory['safety_cache'][trigger] positives = result['positives'] total = result['total'] except Exception as e: LOGGER.debug('Error from checking URL with VT.', exc_info=True) pass # Ignoring exceptions with VT so MalwareDomains will always work if unicode(netloc).lower() in malware_domains: # malwaredomains is more trustworthy than some VT engines # therefor it gets a weight of 10 engines when calculating confidence positives += 10 total += 10 if positives > 1: # Possibly malicious URL detected! confidence = '{}%'.format(round((positives / total) * 100)) msg = 'link posted by %s is possibliy malicious ' % bold(trigger.nick) msg += '(confidence %s - %s/%s)' % (confidence, positives, total) bot.say('[' + bold(color('WARNING', 'red')) + '] ' + msg) if strict: bot.write([ 'KICK', trigger.sender, trigger.nick, 'Posted a malicious link' ])
def get_prefix(): prefix = color('[', 'grey') + 'deviant' + bold('art') + color(']', 'grey') return prefix
def fmt_branch(s, row=None): if not row: row = current_row return color(s, fg=row[8])
def get_prefix(): prefix = color('[', 'grey') + 'mods' + color('.io', 'red') + color( ']', 'grey') return prefix
def format_status(status): return status.replace('red', color(u'\u2718', 'red')).replace( 'green', color(u'\u2713', 'green')).replace('yellow', color(u'~', 'yellow'))
def fmt_hash(s, row=None): if not row: row = current_row return color(s, fg=row[7])
def fmt_name(s, row=None): if not row: row = current_row return color(s, fg=row[6])
def fmt_url(s, row=None): if not row: row = current_row return color(s, fg=row[3])
def get_prefix(): prefix = color('[', 'grey') + bold(color('Curse', 'yellow')) + color(']', 'grey') return prefix
def fmt_repo(s, row=None): if not row: row = current_row return color(s, fg=row[5])
def fmt_tag(s, row=None): if not row: row = current_row return color(s, fg=row[4])