    def as_dict(self, human_readable=False):
        agend = {}
        for i in range(0, 7):
            agend[i] = []

        # If temporary list, return empty dict
        if self.blocks == [0]:
            return agend

        # We're going to make a dict with seven entries. Values will be dicts for
        # each day of the week. the subdicts will map start timecodes to tuples
        # with format (start time, end time)
        prev_blk = start_blk = self.blocks[0]
        # for each block in that course
        for n in xrange(1, len(self.blocks) + 1):
            # if block continues from previous, or past last block
            if n == len(self.blocks) or self.blocks[n] != prev_blk + 5:
                # record the previous session
                dow = start_blk / 1000
                if human_readable:
                    start_time = decode_time(start_blk % 1000)
                    end_time = decode_time((prev_blk + 5) % 1000)
                    start_time = (start_blk / 10.0) % 100
                    end_time = ((prev_blk + 5) / 10.0) % 100
                info = (start_time, end_time)

                # and start a new one
                if n != len(self.blocks):
                    start_blk = prev_blk = self.blocks[n]
                prev_blk = self.blocks[n]

        return agend
def agenda(request, student_id):
    selected_student = get_object_or_404(Student, netID=student_id)
    selected_identity = (selected_student.netID, selected_student.first_name, selected_student.last_name)
    user_student = Student.objects.get(netID=request.user)
    user_identity = (user_student.netID, user_student.first_name, user_student.last_name, user_student.pk)
    # Is the user looking at his own agenda?
    own_agenda = (selected_student == user_student)
    ss_courses = selected_student.course_set.all()
#    ss_blocks = selected_student.blocks().sort()
    agend = {}
    for i in range(0, 7):
        agend[i] = {}
    # We're going to make a dict with five entries. Values will be dicts for
    # each day of the week. the subdicts will map start timecodes to tuples
    # with format (Course, start time, end time)
    # for each course the student is taking
    for c in ss_courses:
        prev_blk = 0
        first_blk = c.blocks[0]
        # and for each block in that course
        for blk in c.blocks:
            # see if the block is beginning of the session
            # if not, go to the next block
            if blk == prev_blk + 5:
                prev_blk = blk
            # but if so, record the previous session
            dow = first_blk / 1000
            start_time = decode_time(first_blk % 1000)
            end_time = decode_time((prev_blk+5) % 1000)
            info = (c, start_time, end_time)
            agend[dow][first_blk] = info
            # and start a new one
            first_blk = blk
            prev_blk = blk
        else: # Handle the last session
            dow = int(str(first_blk)[0])
            start_time = decode_time(first_blk % 1000)
            end_time = decode_time((prev_blk+5) % 1000)
            info = (c, start_time, end_time)
            agend[dow][first_blk] = info

    # now order all of the dictionaries
    for i in range(1,6):
        od = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(agend[i].items()))
        agend[i] = od

    dow = {}
    dow[0] = "Sunday"
    dow[1] = "Monday"
    dow[2] = "Tuesday"
    dow[3] = "Wednesday"
    dow[4] = "Thursday"
    dow[5] = "Friday"
    dow[6] = "Saturday"

    # Prepare the privacy option form if user is looking at own agenda
    if own_agenda:
        privacy_form = AgendaPrivacyForm(instance=user_student)
        agenda_visibility = True
        privacy_form = None
        agenda_visibility = selected_student.agenda_visibility

    # Preare the search for friend form
    friend_form = FriendAgendaForm()

    context = {
               'agenda' : agend,
               'dow' : dow,
               'own_agenda' : own_agenda,
               'user_identity' : user_identity,
               'selected_identity' : selected_identity,
               'privacy_form' : privacy_form,
               'agenda_visibility' : agenda_visibility,
               'friend_form' : friend_form,

    if request.method == 'POST' and own_agenda:
        privacy_form = AgendaPrivacyForm(request.POST)
        if privacy_form.is_valid():
            a_v = privacy_form.cleaned_data['agenda_visibility']
            user_student.agenda_visibility = a_v
            # ugly hack to get forms to refresh
            request.method = 'GET'
            return agenda(request, user_student.netID)
            raise RuntimeError("Form was not valid")

    return render(request, 'wintersession/agenda.html', context)
def agenda(request, student_id):
    selected_student = get_object_or_404(Student, netID=student_id)
    selected_identity = (selected_student.netID, selected_student.first_name,
    user_student = Student.objects.get(netID=request.user)
    user_identity = (user_student.netID, user_student.first_name,
                     user_student.last_name, user_student.pk)
    # Is the user looking at his own agenda?
    own_agenda = (selected_student == user_student)
    ss_courses = selected_student.course_set.all()
    #    ss_blocks = selected_student.blocks().sort()
    agend = {}
    for i in range(1, 6):
        agend[i] = {}
    # We're going to make a dict with five entries. Values will be dicts for
    # each day of the week. the subdicts will map start timecodes to tuples
    # with format (Course, start time, end time)
    # for each course the student is taking
    for c in ss_courses:
        prev_blk = 0
        first_blk = c.blocks[0]
        # and for each block in that course
        for blk in c.blocks:
            # see if the block is beginning of the session
            # if not, go to the next block
            if blk == prev_blk + 5:
                prev_blk = blk
            # but if so, record the previous session
            dow = int(str(first_blk)[0])
            start_time = decode_time(first_blk % 1000)
            end_time = decode_time((prev_blk + 5) % 1000)
            info = (c, start_time, end_time)
            agend[dow][first_blk] = info
            # and start a new one
            first_blk = blk
            prev_blk = blk
        else:  # Handle the last session
            dow = int(str(first_blk)[0])
            start_time = decode_time(first_blk % 1000)
            end_time = decode_time((prev_blk + 5) % 1000)
            info = (c, start_time, end_time)
            agend[dow][first_blk] = info

    # now order all of the dictionaries
    for i in range(1, 6):
        od = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(agend[i].items()))
        agend[i] = od

    dow = {}
    dow[1] = "Monday"
    dow[2] = "Tuesday"
    dow[3] = "Wednesday"
    dow[4] = "Thursday"
    dow[5] = "Friday"

    # Prepare the privacy option form if user is looking at own agenda
    if own_agenda:
        privacy_form = AgendaPrivacyForm(instance=user_student)
        agenda_visibility = True
        privacy_form = None
        agenda_visibility = selected_student.agenda_visibility

    # Preare the search for friend form
    friend_form = FriendAgendaForm()

    context = {
        'agenda': agend,
        'dow': dow,
        'own_agenda': own_agenda,
        'user_identity': user_identity,
        'selected_identity': selected_identity,
        'privacy_form': privacy_form,
        'agenda_visibility': agenda_visibility,
        'friend_form': friend_form,

    if request.method == 'POST' and own_agenda:
        privacy_form = AgendaPrivacyForm(request.POST)
        if privacy_form.is_valid():
            a_v = privacy_form.cleaned_data['agenda_visibility']
            user_student.agenda_visibility = a_v
            # ugly hack to get forms to refresh
            request.method = 'GET'
            return agenda(request, user_student.netID)
            raise RuntimeError("Form was not valid")

    return render(request, 'wintersession/agenda.html', context)