def add_owner(owner): ouser = pmig.sql_x("SELECT user FROM user_relations WHERE user = %s", (owner,)) if ouser: jassigned = pmig.sql_x("SELECT assigned FROM user_relations WHERE user = %s", (owner,)) jflat = tflatten(jassigned) if any(jflat): assigned = json.loads(jassigned[0][0]) else: assigned = [] if bugid not in assigned: log("Assigning %s to %s" % (str(bugid), owner)) assigned.append(bugid) vlog("owner %s" % (str(assigned),)) pmig.sql_x("UPDATE user_relations SET assigned=%s, modified=%s WHERE user = %s", (json.dumps(assigned), now(), owner)) else: vlog('inserting new record') assigned = json.dumps([bugid]) insert_values = (owner, assigned, now(), now()) pmig.sql_x("INSERT INTO user_relations (user, assigned, created, modified) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", insert_values)
def add_comment_ref(owner): """ adds an issue reference to a user or later updating their comments """ ouser = pmig.sql_x("SELECT user FROM user_relations_comments WHERE user = %s", (owner,)) if ouser: jcommed = pmig.sql_x("SELECT issues FROM user_relations_comments WHERE user = %s", (owner,)) if jcommed and any(tflatten(jcommed)): issues = json.loads(jcommed[0][0]) else: issues = [] if bugid not in issues: log("Comment reference %s to %s" % (str(bugid), owner)) issues.append(bugid) pmig.sql_x("UPDATE user_relations_comments SET issues=%s, modified=%s WHERE user = %s", (json.dumps(issues), now(), owner)) else: issues = json.dumps([bugid]) insert_values = (owner, issues, now(), now()) pmig.sql_x("INSERT INTO user_relations_comments (user, issues, created, modified) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", insert_values)
def add_cc(ccuser): eccuser = pmig.sql_x("SELECT user FROM user_relations WHERE user = %s", (ccuser,)) if eccuser: jcc = pmig.sql_x("SELECT cc FROM user_relations WHERE user = %s", (ccuser,)) jflat = tflatten(jcc) if any(jflat): cc = json.loads(jcc[0][0]) else: cc = [] if rtid not in cc: cc.append(rtid) vlog("cc %s" % (str(cc),)) pmig.sql_x("UPDATE user_relations SET cc=%s, modified=%s WHERE user = %s", (json.dumps(cc), now(), ccuser)) else: vlog("inserting new record") cc = json.dumps([rtid]) insert_values = (ccuser, cc, now(), now()) pmig.sql_x( "INSERT INTO user_relations (user, cc, created, modified) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", insert_values )
def add_author(author): euser = pmig.sql_x("SELECT user FROM user_relations WHERE user = %s", (relations["author"],)) if euser: jauthored = pmig.sql_x("SELECT author FROM user_relations WHERE user = %s", (relations["author"],)) jflat = tflatten(jauthored) if any(jflat): authored = json.loads(jauthored[0][0]) else: authored = [] if rtid not in authored: authored.append(rtid) vlog("author %s" % (str(authored),)) pmig.sql_x( "UPDATE user_relations SET author=%s, modified=%s WHERE user = %s", (json.dumps(authored), now(), relations["author"]), ) else: vlog("inserting new record") authored = json.dumps([rtid]) insert_values = (relations["author"], authored, now(), now()) pmig.sql_x( "INSERT INTO user_relations (user, author, created, modified) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", insert_values )