def test_wikipedia_definition_text_french():
    assert word_count("Un texte est une série orale ou écrite de mots perçus comme constituant " \
                      "un ensemble cohérent, porteur de sens et utilizant les structures", 'french') == [('texte', 1),
                                                                                                         ('série', 1),
                                                                                                         ('orale', 1),
                                                                                                         ('écrite', 1),
                                                                                                         ('mots', 1),
                                                                                                         ('perçus', 1),
                                                                                                         ('comme', 1), (
                                                                                                             1), (
                                                                                                         ('porteur', 1),
                                                                                                         ('sens', 1),
                                                                                                         ('les', 1), (
def test_stop_words_apostophe_english():
    assert word_count("You're amazing", "english") == [("amazing", 1)]
def test_words_upper_case_lower_case_italian():
    assert word_count("DONNA donna DOnna DOnNA doNNA",
                      "italian") == [("donna", 5)]
def test_two_words_italian():
    assert word_count("ciao ciao", "italian") == [("ciao", 2)]
def test_use_stopwords_german():
    assert word_count(
        "hallo vom hallo von vor hallo wann warum hallo was weiter hallo weitere hallo",
        "german") == [("hallo", 6), ("wann", 1), ("warum", 1), ("weitere", 1)]
def test_words_upper_case_lower_case_german():
    assert word_count("schwule ScHWule SCHWULE SchWUle SCHWule",
                      "german") == [("schwule", 5)]
def test_two_words_german():
    assert word_count("hallo hallo", "german") == [("hallo", 2)]
def test_param_none():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_words_upper_case_lower_case_french():
    assert word_count('sAlut Salut SALUT sAlUt saluT',
                      'french') == [('salut', 5)]
def test_three_word_french():
    assert word_count('salut adieu salut', 'french') == [('salut', 2),
                                                         ('adieu', 1)]
def test_two_word_french():
    assert word_count('salut salut', 'french') == [('salut', 2)]
def test_with_exclamations_and_interrogations_english():
    assert word_count("today!!!!! is a great day???????") == [("today", 1),
                                                              ("great", 1),
                                                              ("day", 1)]
def test_only_stop_words_english():
    assert word_count("how are you", "english") == []
def test_text_with_more_than_one_space_english():
    assert word_count("hello   buddy") == [("hello", 1), ("buddy", 1)]
def test_stop_words_apostophe_and_puntuation_english():
    assert word_count("you're,,,,,,, amazing.....",
                      "english") == [("amazing", 1)]
def test_param_bool():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_two_words():
    assert word_count('hola hola', 'spanish') == [('hola', 2)]
def test_with_commas_french():
    assert word_count(
        "Bonjour, je m'appelle Juan, revi de vous rencontrer, je suis Juan",
        'french') == [('juan', 2), ('bonjour', 1), ("m'appelle", 1),
                      ('revi', 1), ('rencontrer', 1)]
def test_with_more_than_one_space():
    assert word_count("hola              hola        hola") == [("hola", 3)]
def test_two_same_words_one_word_different():
    assert word_count("hola adios hola", "spanish") == [("hola", 2),
                                                        ("adios", 1)]
def test_three_words_german():
    assert word_count("schwule hallo schwule", "german") == [("schwule", 2),
                                                             ("hallo", 1)]
def test_punctuation_signs():
    assert word_count('¿¿¿¿????? ¡¡¡¡ ???? !!!!! ... ,,,,') == []
def test_with_commas_german():
    assert word_count(
        "Hallo, ich bin Raul und freue mich, Sie kennenzulernen. Ich bin Raul",
        "german") == [("raul", 2), ("hallo", 1), ("freue", 1),
                      ("kennenzulernen", 1)]
def test_empty_list():
    Encontrado el fallo por el usuario de github
    assert word_count('') == []
def test_three_same_words():
    assert word_count("hola hola hola", "spanish") == [("hola", 3)]
def test_param_integer():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_three_words_italian():
    assert word_count("ciao ciao donna", "italian") == [("ciao", 2),
                                                        ("donna", 1)]
def test_param_float():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_with_commas_italian():
    assert word_count("Ciao, mi chiamo Raul, piacere di conoscerti, sono Raul",
                      "italian") == [("raul", 2), ("ciao", 1), ("chiamo", 1),
                                     ("piacere", 1), ("conoscerti", 1)]
def test_example_english():
    assert word_count("Hello, my name is Juan. Nice to meet you. i'm juan",
                      "english") == [("juan", 2), ("hello", 1), ("name", 1),
                                     ("nice", 1), ("meet", 1), ("i'm", 1)]