# Create an empty string
title_combined = ''
# Loop through all the headlines and add them to 'text_combined'
for i in response_json['articles']:
    title_combined += i[
        'title'] + ' '  # add a space after every headline, so the first and last words are not glued together
# Print the first 300 characters to screen for inspection

# In[217]:

titles = title_combined.replace('\s+', ' ').replace(',', ' ').replace('.', ' ')
words_t = titles.split()
result = [
    word for word in words_t
    if (word.lower() not in bad_words and len(word) > 3)
result = ' '.join(result)

wordcount = {}
for word in result.split():
    if word not in wordcount:
        wordcount[word] = 1
        wordcount[word] += 1

for k, v, in sorted(wordcount.items(),
                    key=lambda words: words[1],
    print(k, v)