 def flatten(self, list):
     return wordnet.flatten(list)
def is_emotion(word, shallow=False, pos=None, boolean=True):
    """ Guesses whether the word expresses an emotion.
    Returns True when the word is an emotion.
    When the boolean parameter is set to False,
    returns either None or a string hinting at the
    emotion the word expresses.
    For example:
    print is_emotion("blub", pos=wordnet.VERBS, boolean=False)
    >>> weep
    Preferably the return value would be an is_basic_emotion().
    def _return(value):
        if boolean and value != None:
            return True
        elif boolean:
            return False
            return value

    if pos == None \
    or pos == wordnet.NOUNS:
        ekman = ["anger", "disgust", "fear", "joy", "sadness", "surprise"]
        other = ["emotion", "feeling", "expression"]
    if pos == wordnet.VERBS:
        ekman = ["anger", "disgust", "fear", "enjoy", "sadden", "surprise"]
        other = ["empathize", "feel", "express emotion", "express"]
    if pos == wordnet.ADJECTIVES \
    or pos == wordnet.ADVERBS:
        ekman = ["angry", "disgusted", "fearful", "happy", "sad", "surprised"]
        other = ["emotional"]

    word = word.lower().strip()

    # Check the naive lists first.
    for i in range(len(commonsense_naive_ekman)):
        if word in commonsense_naive_ekman[i]:
            return _return(commonsense_ekman[i])

    # Fair competition:
    # if we shuffle the list we have an equal speed
    # for each Ekman emotion to scan.
    from random import shuffle
    indices = range(len(ekman))

    # For each Ekman emotion,
    # take all of its senses,
    # and check the hyponyms of that sense.
    for i in indices:
        emotion = ekman[i]
        s = wordnet.senses(emotion, pos)
        for j in range(len(s)):
            if word in s[j]:
                return _return(commonsense_ekman[i])
            h = wordnet.hyponyms(emotion, j, pos)
            h = wordnet.flatten(h)
            if word in h:
                return _return(commonsense_ekman[i])

    # Maybe we get lucky and WordNet has tagged
    # the word as a feeling.
    if shallow and wordnet.lexname(word, 0, pos) == "feeling":
        return _return("feeling")

    # Take a generalised word like "emotion"
    # and traverse its hyponyms.
    # When performing a deep search,
    # traverse the hyponyms of those hyponyms as well.
    # Example: "yearning" -> "desire" -> "feeling"
    for emotion in other:
        for w in wordnet.flatten(wordnet.hyponyms(emotion, 0, pos)):
            if word == w:
                return _return(emotion)
            if not shallow:
                if word in wordnet.flatten(wordnet.hyponym(w, 0, pos)):
                    return _return(w)

    return _return(None)
def is_emotion(word, shallow=False, pos=None, boolean=True):
    """ Guesses whether the word expresses an emotion.
    Returns True when the word is an emotion.
    When the boolean parameter is set to False,
    returns either None or a string hinting at the
    emotion the word expresses.
    For example:
    print is_emotion("blub", pos=wordnet.VERBS, boolean=False)
    >>> weep
    Preferably the return value would be an is_basic_emotion().
    def _return(value):
        if boolean and value != None: 
            return True
        elif boolean: 
            return False
            return value
    if pos == None \
    or pos == wordnet.NOUNS:
        ekman = ["anger", "disgust", "fear", "joy", "sadness", "surprise"]
        other = ["emotion", "feeling", "expression"]
    if pos == wordnet.VERBS:
        ekman = ["anger", "disgust", "fear", "enjoy", "sadden", "surprise"]
        other = ["empathize", "feel", "express emotion", "express"]       
    if pos == wordnet.ADJECTIVES \
    or pos == wordnet.ADVERBS:
        ekman = ["angry", "disgusted", "fearful", "happy", "sad", "surprised"]
        other = ["emotional"]
    word = word.lower().strip()
    # Check the naive lists first.
    for i in range(len(commonsense_naive_ekman)):
        if word in commonsense_naive_ekman[i]:
            return _return(commonsense_ekman[i])

    # Fair competition:
    # if we shuffle the list we have an equal speed
    # for each Ekman emotion to scan.
    from random import shuffle
    indices = range(len(ekman))
    # For each Ekman emotion,
    # take all of its senses,
    # and check the hyponyms of that sense.
    for i in indices:
        emotion = ekman[i]
        s = wordnet.senses(emotion, pos)
        for j in range(len(s)):
            if word in s[j]:
                return _return(commonsense_ekman[i])
            h = wordnet.hyponyms(emotion, j, pos)
            h = wordnet.flatten(h)
            if word in h:
                return _return(commonsense_ekman[i])
    # Maybe we get lucky and WordNet has tagged
    # the word as a feeling.
    if shallow and wordnet.lexname(word, 0, pos) == "feeling":
        return _return("feeling")
    # Take a generalised word like "emotion"
    # and traverse its hyponyms.
    # When performing a deep search,
    # traverse the hyponyms of those hyponyms as well.
    # Example: "yearning" -> "desire" -> "feeling"
    for emotion in other:
        for w in wordnet.flatten(wordnet.hyponyms(emotion, 0, pos)):
            if word == w:
                return _return(emotion)
            if not shallow:
                if word in wordnet.flatten(wordnet.hyponym(w, 0, pos)):
                    return _return(w)
    return _return(None)