def seach_one_koi(KOI): # Check if vetting file exists already figure_out_path = '_FAIL0-5d_' + str(KOI) figure_out_path2 = 'GOOD0-5d_' + str(KOI) if figure_out_path in " ".join( glob.glob("*.png")) or figure_out_path2 in " ".join( glob.glob("*.png")): print('Vetting sheet for this KOI exists already, skipping KOI', KOI) else: print('Working on file', KOI) time, flux = loadkoi(str(KOI)) row = numpy.argmax(catalog["KOI"].astype(int) == int(float(KOI))) KIC = catalog["KIC"][row] print('row', row) print('KIC', KIC) max_t14 = T14(R_s=catalog["R_star"][row], M_s=catalog["mass"][row], P=period_max) window = 3 * max_t14 print('R_star, mass, max_t14, window', catalog["R_star"][row], catalog["mass"][row], max_t14, window) if time is not None: # Remove known planets periods, t0s, tdurs = get_planets(KIC) print('periods', periods) for no in range(len(periods)): print('Removing planet', no + 1, periods[no], t0s[no], tdurs[no]) intransit = transit_mask(time, periods[no], 2 * tdurs[no], t0s[no]) flux = flux[~intransit] time = time[~intransit] time, flux = cleaned_array(time, flux) print('Next planet is number', no + 2) # Detrend data and remove high outliers print('Detrending with window...', window) #print(time) #print(flux) trend1 = trend(time, flux, window=window, c=5) #plt.scatter(time, flux, s=1, color='black') #plt.plot(time, trend1, color='red') #trend = scipy.signal.medfilt(flux, 31) #trend = scipy.signal.savgol_filter(trend, 25, 2) rawflux = flux.copy() rawtime = time.copy() y_filt = flux / trend1 y_filt = sigma_clip(y_filt, sigma_upper=3, sigma_lower=1e10) time, y_filt = cleaned_array(time, y_filt) #plt.close() #plt.scatter(time, y_filt, s=1, color='black') a = catalog["ld1"][row] b = catalog["ld2"][row] print('LD ab = ', a, b) try: model = transitleastsquares(time, y_filt) results = model.power( #n_transits_min=1, u=(a, b), R_star=catalog["R_star"][row], R_star_max=catalog["R_star"][row] + 2 * catalog["rad_up"][row], # sign is OK, is negative in catalog: R_star_min=catalog["R_star"][row] + 2 * catalog["rad_down"][row], M_star=catalog["mass"][row], M_star_max=catalog["mass"][row] + 2 * catalog["mass_up"][row], M_star_min=catalog["mass"][row] + 2 * catalog["mass_down"][row], oversampling_factor=5, duration_grid_step=1.05, use_threads=1, period_min=period_min, period_max=period_max, show_progress_bar=False, T0_fit_margin=0.1) tls_worked = True #except ValueError: # tls_worked = False valid = True if tls_worked: # Check if phase space has gaps bins = numpy.linspace(0, 1, 100) digitized = numpy.digitize(results.folded_phase, bins) bin_means = [ results.folded_phase[digitized == i].mean() for i in range(1, len(bins)) ] #print('bin_means', bin_means) if numpy.isnan(bin_means).any(): print('Vetting fail! Phase bins contain NaNs') valid = False if results.distinct_transit_count == 1 and results.transit_count >= 2: valid = False print( 'Vetting fail! results.distinct_transit_count==1 and results.transit_count == 2' ) if results.distinct_transit_count == 2 and results.transit_count >= 3: valid = False print( 'Vetting fail! results.distinct_transit_count==2 and results.transit_count == 3' ) if results.SDE < 8: valid = False print('Vetting fail! results.SDE < 8', results.SDE) if results.snr < 7: valid = False print('Vetting fail! results.snr < 7', results.snr) upper_transit_depths = results.transit_depths + results.transit_depths_uncertainties if results.transit_count == 2 and max( upper_transit_depths) > 1: valid = False print('Vetting fail! 2 transits, only 1 significant') upper_transit_depths = results.transit_depths + results.transit_depths_uncertainties if results.transit_count == 3 and max( upper_transit_depths) > 1: valid = False print( 'Vetting fail! 3 transits, not all 3 significant') upper_transit_depths = results.transit_depths + results.transit_depths_uncertainties if results.transit_count == 4 and max( upper_transit_depths) > 1: valid = False print( 'Vetting fail! 4 transits, not all 4 significant') if results.depth < 0.95: valid = False print('Vetting fail! Transit depth < 0.95', results.depth) print('Signal detection efficiency (SDE):', format(results.SDE, '.1f')) print('SNR:', format(results.snr, '.1f')) print('Search completed') #if valid: print('Attempting figure...') make_figure(KOI=str(KOI), planet_number=no + 2, results=results, t=time, y=flux, y_filt=y_filt, trend=trend1, rawtime=rawtime, rawflux=rawflux, catalog=catalog, row=row, valid=valid) #else: # print('No figure made, vetting failed!') else: print('TLS failed') process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) ram_mb = process.memory_info().rss / 2**20 print('RAM (MB)', ram_mb) if ram_mb > 25000: sys.exit() except: pass
def seach_one_koi(KOI): print('Working on file', KOI) time, flux = loadkoi(str(KOI)) #KOI = 1206.01 #print(catalog["KOI"]) #catalog_KOIs = #catalog_KOIs = round(catalog_KOIs, 0) #print(catalog_KOIs) #print(int(float(KOI))) #print(catalog["KOI"].astype(int)[:20]) row = numpy.argmax(catalog["KOI"].astype(int) == int(float(KOI))) KIC = catalog["KIC"][row] print('row', row) print('KIC', KIC) max_t14 = T14(R_s=catalog["R_star"][row], M_s=catalog["mass"][row], P=period_max) window = 3 * max_t14 print('R_star, mass, max_t14, window', catalog["R_star"][row], catalog["mass"][row], max_t14, window) #"KIC","KOI","KepName","Period","T0","T14","ld1","ld2","R_star","rad_up","rad_down","mass","mass_up","mass_down" #10337517,1165.01,,7.053934488,136.357253,0.07185,0.1959,0.5086,0.863,0.073,-0.065,0.854,0.054,-0.045 #plt.scatter(time, flux, s=1) #print(time) #print(flux) if time is not None: # Remove known planets periods, t0s, tdurs = get_planets(KIC) print('periods', periods) for no in range(len(periods)): print('Removing planet', no + 1, periods[no], t0s[no], tdurs[no]) intransit = transit_mask(time, periods[no], 2 * tdurs[no], t0s[no]) flux = flux[~intransit] time = time[~intransit] time, flux = cleaned_array(time, flux) print('Next planet is number', no + 2) # Detrend data and remove high outliers print('Detrending...') #print(time) #print(flux) trend1 = trend(time, flux, window=window, c=5) #plt.scatter(time, flux, s=1, color='black') #plt.plot(time, trend1, color='red') #trend = scipy.signal.medfilt(flux, 31) #trend = scipy.signal.savgol_filter(trend, 25, 2) rawflux = flux.copy() rawtime = time.copy() y_filt = flux / trend1 y_filt = sigma_clip(y_filt, sigma_upper=3, sigma_lower=1e10) time, y_filt = cleaned_array(time, y_filt) #plt.close() #plt.scatter(time, y_filt, s=1, color='black') a = catalog["ld1"][row] b = catalog["ld2"][row] print('LD ab = ', a, b) model = transitleastsquares(time, y_filt) results = model.power( #n_transits_min=1, u=(a, b), R_star=catalog["R_star"][row], R_star_max=catalog["R_star"][row] + 2 * catalog["rad_up"][row], # sign is OK, is negative in catalog: R_star_min=catalog["R_star"][row] + 2 * catalog["rad_down"][row], M_star=catalog["mass"][row], M_star_max=catalog["mass"][row] + 2 * catalog["mass_up"][row], M_star_min=catalog["mass"][row] + 2 * catalog["mass_down"][row], oversampling_factor=5, duration_grid_step=1.05, use_threads=1, #period_min=4.9, #period_max=5.0, show_progress_bar=False, period_max=period_max, T0_fit_margin=0.1) tls_worked = True #except ValueError: # tls_worked = False valid = True if tls_worked: # Check if phase space has gaps bins = numpy.linspace(0, 1, 100) digitized = numpy.digitize(results.folded_phase, bins) bin_means = [ results.folded_phase[digitized == i].mean() for i in range(1, len(bins)) ] #print('bin_means', bin_means) if numpy.isnan(bin_means).any(): print('Vetting fail! Phase bins contain NaNs') valid = False if results.distinct_transit_count == 1 and results.transit_count >= 2: valid = False print( 'Vetting fail! results.distinct_transit_count==1 and results.transit_count == 2' ) if results.distinct_transit_count == 2 and results.transit_count >= 3: valid = False print( 'Vetting fail! results.distinct_transit_count==2 and results.transit_count == 3' ) if results.SDE < 8: valid = False print('Vetting fail! results.SDE < 8', results.SDE) if results.snr < 7: valid = False print('Vetting fail! results.snr < 7', results.snr) upper_transit_depths = results.transit_depths + results.transit_depths_uncertainties if results.transit_count == 2 and max(upper_transit_depths) > 1: valid = False print('Vetting fail! 2 transits, only 1 significant') upper_transit_depths = results.transit_depths + results.transit_depths_uncertainties if results.transit_count == 3 and max(upper_transit_depths) > 1: valid = False print('Vetting fail! 3 transits, not all 3 significant') upper_transit_depths = results.transit_depths + results.transit_depths_uncertainties if results.transit_count == 4 and max(upper_transit_depths) > 1: valid = False print('Vetting fail! 4 transits, not all 4 significant') if results.depth < 0.95: valid = False print('Vetting fail! Transit depth < 0.95', results.depth) #if results.SDE > 9: # 9 print('Signal detection efficiency (SDE):', format(results.SDE, '.1f')) print('SNR:', format(results.snr, '.1f')) print('Search completed') # Make figure #ttime.sleep(1) #valid = True if valid: print('Valid result, attempting figure...') make_figure(KOI=str(KOI), planet_number=no + 2, results=results, t=time, y=flux, y_filt=y_filt, trend=trend1, rawtime=rawtime, rawflux=rawflux) #ttime.sleep(1) #print('Figure made') else: print('No figure made, vetting failed!') else: print('TLS failed') process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) ram_mb = process.memory_info().rss / 2**20 print('RAM (MB)', ram_mb) if ram_mb > 25000: sys.exit()