    def get_vm_from_ip(self, ip):
        """ Gets the name of a vm from its IP.

            ip: The ip address of the vm.
        Returns: The vm name for the corresponding IP."""
        vms = self.content.searchIndex.FindAllByIp(ip=ip, vmSearch=True)
        # As vsphere remembers the last IP a vm had, when we search we get all
        # of them. Consequently we need to store them all in a dict and then sort
        # them to find out which one has the latest boot time. I am going out on
        # a limb and saying that searching for several vms and querying each object
        # is quicker than finding all machines and recording the bootTime and ip address
        # of each, before iterating through all of them to weed out the ones we care
        # about, but I could be wrong.
        boot_times = {}
        for vm in vms:
            if vm.name not in boot_times:
                boot_times[vm.name] = datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
                    boot_times[vm.name] = vm.summary.runtime.bootTime
                except Exception:
        if boot_times:
            newest_boot_time = sorted(boot_times.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1),
            newest_vm = newest_boot_time[0]
            return VMWareVirtualMachine(system=self, name=newest_vm.name, raw=newest_vm)
            raise VMNotFoundViaIP('The requested IP is not known as a VM')
    def get_vm_from_ip(self, ip):
        Gets a vm from its IP.

            ip: The ip address of the vm.

        Returns: wrapanapi.systems.rhevm.RHEVMVirtualMachine object
        vms = self.list_vms()
        for vm in vms:
            if ip in vm.all_ips:
                return vm
        raise VMNotFoundViaIP("IP '{}' is not known as a VM".format(ip))