    def __init__(self, n, init_pdf, p_bt_btp, kalman_args, kalman_class = KalmanFilter):
        r"""Initialise marginalized particle filter.

        :param int n: number of particles
        :param init_pdf: probability density which initial particles are sampled from. (both
           :math:`a_t` and :math:`b_t` parts)
        :type init_pdf: :class:`~pybayes.pdfs.Pdf`
        :param p_bt_btp: :math:`p(b_t|b_{t-1})` cpdf of the (b part of the) state in *t* given
           state in *t-1*
        :type p_bt_btp: :class:`~pybayes.pdfs.CPdf`
        :param dict kalman_args: arguments for the Kalman filter, passed as dictionary; *state_pdf*
           key should not be speficied as it is supplied by the marginalized particle filter
        :param class kalman_class: class of the filter used for the :math:`a_t` part of the system;
            defaults to :class:`KalmanFilter`
        if not isinstance(n, int) or n < 1:
            raise TypeError("n must be a positive integer")
        if not isinstance(init_pdf, Pdf) or not isinstance(p_bt_btp, CPdf):
            raise TypeError("init_pdf must be a Pdf and p_bt_btp must be a CPdf")
        if not issubclass(kalman_class, KalmanFilter):
            raise TypeError("kalman_class must be a subclass (not an instance) of KalmanFilter")
        b_shape = p_bt_btp.shape()
        if p_bt_btp.cond_shape() != b_shape:
            raise ValueError("p_bt_btp's shape ({0}) and cond shape ({1}) must both be {2}".format(
                             p_bt_btp.shape(), p_bt_btp.cond_shape(), b_shape))
        self.p_bt_btp = p_bt_btp
        a_shape = init_pdf.shape() - b_shape

        # this will be removed when hardcoding Q,R into kalman filter will be removed
        kalman_args['Q'] = np.array([[-123.]])
        kalman_args['R'] = np.array([[-494658.]])

        # generate both initial parts of particles
        init_particles = init_pdf.samples(n)

        # create all Kalman filters first
        self.kalmans = np.empty(n, dtype=KalmanFilter) # array of references to Kalman filters
        gausses = np.empty(n, dtype=GaussPdf) # array of Kalman filter state pdfs
        for i in range(n):
            gausses[i] = GaussPdf(init_particles[i,0:a_shape], np.array([[1.]]))
            kalman_args['state_pdf'] = gausses[i]
            self.kalmans[i] = kalman_class(**kalman_args)
        # construct apost pdf. Important: reference to ith GaussPdf is shared between ith Kalman
        # filter's state_pdf and ith memp't gauss
        self.memp = MarginalizedEmpPdf(gausses, init_particles[:,a_shape:])
    def __init__(self, A, B = None, C = None, D = None, Q = None, R = None, state_pdf = None):
        r"""Initialise Kalman filter.

        :param A: process model matrix :math:`A_t` from :class:`class description <KalmanFilter>`
        :type A: 2D :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        :param B: process control model matrix :math:`B_t` from :class:`class description
           <KalmanFilter>`; may be None or unspecified for control-less systems
        :type B: 2D :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        :param C: observation model matrix :math:`C_t` from :class:`class description
           <KalmanFilter>`; must be full-ranked
        :type C: 2D :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        :param D: observation control model matrix :math:`D_t` from :class:`class description
           <KalmanFilter>`; may be None or unspecified for control-less systems
        :type D: 2D :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        :param Q: process noise covariance matrix :math:`Q_t` from :class:`class description
           <KalmanFilter>`; must be positive definite
        :type Q: 2D :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        :param R: observation noise covariance matrix :math:`R_t` from :class:`class description
           <KalmanFilter>`; must be positive definite
        :type R: 2D :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        :param state_pdf: initial state pdf; this object is referenced and used throughout whole
           life of KalmanFilter, so it is not safe to reuse state pdf for other purposes
        :type state_pdf: :class:`~pybayes.pdfs.GaussPdf`

        All matrices can be time-varying - you can modify or replace all above stated matrices
        providing that you don't change their shape and all constraints still hold. On the other
        hand, you **should not modify state_pdf** unless you really know what you are doing.

        >>> # initialise control-less Kalman filter:
        >>> kf = pb.KalmanFilter(A=np.array([[1.]]),
                                 Q=np.array([[0.7]]), R=np.array([[0.3]]),

        # check type of pdf
        if not isinstance(state_pdf, GaussPdf):
            raise TypeError("state_pdf must be (a subclass of) GaussPdf")

        # check type of input arrays
        matrices = {"A":A, "B":B, "C":C, "D":D, "Q":Q, "R":R}
        for name in matrices:
            matrix = matrices[name]
            if name == 'B' and matrix is None:  # we allow B to be unspecified
                matrices['B'] = matrix = B = np.empty((A.shape[0], 0))
            if name == 'D' and matrix is None:  # we allow D to be unspecified
                matrices['D'] = matrix = D = np.empty((C.shape[0], 0))

            if not isinstance(matrix, np.ndarray):
                raise TypeError("{0} must be numpy.ndarray, {1} given".format(name, type(matrix)))
            if matrix.ndim != 2:
                raise ValueError("{0} must have 2 dimensions (forming a matrix) {1} given".format(
                                 name, matrix.ndim))

        # remember vector shapes
        self.n = state_pdf.shape()  # dimension of state vector
        self.k = B.shape[1]  # dimension of control vector
        self.j = C.shape[0]  # dimension of observation vector

        # dict of required matrice shapes (sizes)
        shapes = {
            "A":(self.n, self.n),
            "B":(self.n, self.k),
            "C":(self.j, self.n),
            "D":(self.j, self.k),
            "Q":(self.n, self.n),
            "R":(self.j, self.j)
        # check input matrix sizes
        for name in matrices:
            matrix = matrices[name]
            if matrix.shape != shapes[name]:
                raise ValueError("Given shapes of state_pdf, B and C, matrix " + name +
                                 " must have shape " + str(shapes[name]) + ", " +
                                 str(matrix.shape) + " given")

        self.A, self.B, self.C, self.D, self.Q, self.R = A, B, C, D, Q, R

        self.P = state_pdf
        self.S = GaussPdf(np.array([0.]), np.array([[1.]]))  # observation probability density function